Offensive and Defensive Security: Concepts, Planning, Operations, and Management
On the other hand, the concept that Japan will not become a military power that might pose a threat to other countries means that Japan will not possess and maintain a military capability strong enough to pose a threat to other countries, beyond the minimum necessary for self-defense. The Three Non-Nuclear Principles are those of not possessing nuclear weapons, not producing them and not allowing them to be brought into Japan. Japan firmly maintains the principles as the fixed line of national policy.
In addition, provisions in the Atomic Energy Law also prohibit Japan from manufacturing and possessing nuclear weapons.
NATO Needs an Offensive Cybersecurity Policy
Furthermore, under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons NPT , Japan has an obligation, as a non-nuclear weapons state, not to manufacture and acquire nuclear weapons. Civilian control refers to the priority of politics to the military or democratically political control of military strength in a democratic state. Japan has, by giving serious reflection to the regrettable state of affairs that happened until the end of World War II, adopted the system of strict civilian control entirely different from one conducted under the former Constitution, in order to ensure that the SDF should be built up and operated at the will of the people.
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Offense-defense theory assumes that both parties in conflict will use those weapons that suit their strategy and goals. Second, whether both states involved in the conflict have some common weapons between them is the wrong question to ask in seeking to understand the offense-defense balance.
Instead, critics should focus on the influence or net effect of weapons used in the conflict.
- Offensive and Defensive Security : Concepts, Planning, Operations, and Management!
- Offensive and Defensive Security - Concepts, Planning, Operations, and Management (Hardcover)?
- Fundamental Concepts of National Defense;
- Up Close.
According to Glaser, "Distinguishability should be defined by comparative net assessment" or the comparison of the balance of offense-defense when both sides use weapons versus when neither side is using weapons. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Part of a series on War History. Prehistoric Ancient Post-classical Early modern Late modern industrial fourth-gen. Blitzkrieg Deep operation Maneuver Operational manoeuvre group. Military recruitment Conscription Recruit training Military specialism Women in the military Children in the military Transgender people and military service Sexual harassment in the military Conscientious objection Counter recruitment.
Arms industry Materiel Supply chain management. Idealism Democratic peace theory Republican liberalism Institutionalism Neoliberalism Interdependence liberalism Sociological liberalism Institutional liberalism.

Modern constructivism Post-modern constructivism Feminist constructivism. Neo-Gramscianism Critical security studies Critical theory World-systems theory. International ethics Historical sociology Regime theory State cartel theory Geopolitics. Idealist Internationalism and the Security Dilemma. Princeton University Press, , pp. The Intrastate Security Dilemma: Ethnic Conflict as a 'Tragedy'?
Journal of Peace Research vol. The Globalization of World Politics: An Introduction to International Relations. Oxford University Press, , 3rd ed.
Frontiers of Knowledge Spring , pp. Oxford University Press 3rd ed. The Tragedy of Great Power Politics. Pashakhanlou, Arash Heydarian Gauging Capabilities and Intentions".
Security dilemma
Retrieved from " https: International security International relations theory Political realism Security studies Dilemmas National security Defense. Views Read Edit View history. This page was last edited on 17 October , at By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Operational Blitzkrieg Deep operation Maneuver Operational manoeuvre group.