Night of the Comanche Moon (Five Star Westerns)
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Items in search results. Magazine Back Issues 1. Non-Sport Trading Cards 4. Field of Honor by D. Best Western Nonfiction — Historical: Fire In The Hole! A Lakota Story written and illustrated by S. Plain Language by Barbara Wright Touchstone. On A Silver Desert: University of Oklahoma Press.
One Vast Winter Count: Calloway University of Nebraska Press. In The Eye of the Storm: Cody Kimmel Harper Collins. Blood of the Prophets: Sam Houston By James L. Best Western Short Nonfiction: The Magazine of Western History. Best Western Juvenile Fiction: Best Western Juvenile Nonfiction: Raising La Belle by Mark G.
Boggs, Forge Books Short Nonfiction: Knopf Best Original Paperback: Bound for the Promise Land by Troy D.

A River Running West: The Life of John Wesley Powell. Paige Best Western Juvenile Fiction: Kimball The Storyteller Award: Masterson by Richard S. Wheeler Forge Books Novel of the West: Carlos Eduardo Castaneda, by Felix D. Journey of the Dead by Loren D. Estleman Forge Books Novel of the West: Cowboy With a Camera: Bristow Acorn Short Nonfiction: Big Trouble by J. Sierra by Richard S. Wheeler Forge Books Paperback Original: Dark Angel of Texas by Leon C.
Comanche Moon
Metz Mangan Books Juvenile Fiction: Estleman Durkin Hayes Publishing, Ltd. Erisman South Dakota History Storyteller: The Dark Island by Robert J. Conley Bantam Novel of the West: Thunder in the Valley by Jim R. Vallejo and the Advent of the Americans: Hero of Beecher Island: Productions Medicine Pipe Bearer Award: Friends by Charles Hackenberry M. Evans Novel of the West: The Lance and the Shield by Robert M. Nickajack by Robert J. Conley Doubleday Novel of the West: The Golden Chance by T.
Olsen Fawcett Gold Medal Nonfiction: Crutchfield Blackpowder Annual Cover Art: Sanctuary by Gary Svee Novel of the West: Home Mountain by Jeanne Williams St. Helen Hunt Jackson by Valerie S. Woodsong by Gary Paulsen Short Fiction: Among the Eagles by C. Clifton Wisler Fawcett Nonfiction: Walker True West Cover Art: Roman by Douglas C.
Porter U of Oklahoma Press Juvenile: Estleman Doubleday Short Nonfiction: Gone the Dreams and Dancing by Douglas C. Walker Medicine Pipe Bearer Award: Ride the Wind by Lucia St. Clair Robson Ballantine Nonfiction: Carry the Wind by Terry C. Aces and Eights by Loren D. Bill Bragg Short Subject Nonfiction: Colonel Green and the Copper Skyrocket by C. Sonnichsen U of Arizona Juvenile: A Killing in Kiowa by Lewis B. Chiricahua by Will Henry Lippincott Nonfiction: Rifles and Warbonnets by Marion T. Place Ives Washburn Short Material: My Brother John by Herbert R.
Purdum Doubleday Historical Novel: Josephy Yale University Press Juvenile: Indian Fighter by F. Field Notes of Capt. William Clark by E. Osgood Yale University Press Juvenile: The Bonanza West by William S. Greever U of Oklahoma Press Juvenile: Fleischman Little, Brown Short Story: Great Surveys of the American West by R. Bartlett U of Oklahoma Press Juvenile: The Nameless Breed by Will C. Brown Macmillan Historical Novel: South Pass , ed. Homsher U of Nebraska Press Juvenile: This is the West, ed.
Somewhere They Die by L. Holmes Little, Brown Nonfiction: Shoot-Up Country by Paul F. The Violent Land by Wayne D. Overholser Macmillan Historical Novel: Sagebrush Sorrel by Frank C. Robertson Thomas Nelson Short Story: Hoffman Birney New York Times. Best Western Historical Novel A Novel of the American West.
The Southwest and the Nation in the Twentieth Century. A Sean Stranahan Mystery. A Life on the Frontier of a New America. William Wells and the Struggle for the Old Northwest. Ladies of the Canyons: The Size of the Risk: Histories of Multiple Use in the Great Basin. Rawhide Robinson Rides the Tabby Trail: Recalling the Exxon Valdez Disaster. Last Survivor of the Little Bighorn.
A Dave Robicheaux Novel. Tourism and Environment in the Colorado High Country.
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Trails to the Mining West, Soldiers on the Upper Missouri, Kevin Strauss, illustrated by David Harrington. Last Train from Cuernavaca. A Congregation of Jackals. The Lives of Jack London. Wild Horse Annie and the Last of the Mustangs. The Life and Times of Tiburcio Vasquez. The Killing of Crazy Horse. So Rugged and Mountainous. Southern California and the Shaping of Modern America. Goodbye Wives and Daughters. Last Summer of the Death Warriors. Shooting Star of the Shawnee. A Night on the Range. Aaron Frisch, author—Chris Sheban, illustrator. Charlie Russell, Tale-Telling Artist.
Secret of Two Hawks. Stranger in Thunder Basin. A Cold Place in Hell.
The Pioneer Life of Granville Stuart. A Scottish Immigrant in the American West. The Early Years, Crossing the Plains with Custer. Mexican Revolutionary Intrigue, Teddy Roosevelt and the Fire that Saved America. With One Sky Above Us. Bad News for Outlaws. Where a Good Wind Blows.
Dreams Beneath Your Feet. Wolves At Our Door. The Long Knives are Crying. Trouble at the Redstone.