Moving to England - You NEED this Information! (Living in England Book 1)
Make sure you have some cash for public transport or to purchase an Oyster card, see Getting around the UK. Avoid phone contracts if possible and opt for pre-pay calling.
New arrivals - Cost of Living in the UK, Cost of living London, Cost of living England
Be sure to put aside some cash to buy pre-paid top-ups; not being able to call back a potential employer because you have no credit is not a good look! You'll probably be using the internet for job hunting, searching for accommodation and making phone calls for staying in touch with family and friends back home. If you have your own laptop, many coffee shops and pubs also have free wifi. But, if sneakers won out over suits, make sure you have some pounds in your budget for interview and work-wear.
Your first few weeks are sure to be a blur of eating, drinking and socialising. There are of course ways of saving your hard earned pounds as a working traveller you say frugal, we say sensible!
Moving to the UK
Here are some cost-saving strategies:. You can of course save even more money by living outside of London , as the cost of accommodation and day to day living expenses are significantly lower than the capital.

Keep in mind though that your UK earnings may be lower or higher depending on your line of work and some people may find the lifestyle and travel options can be less vibrant and varied than central London. Purchasing Power Parities PPPs are basically a rate of currency conversion that equalise the purchasing power of different currencies by eliminating the differences in price levels between countries.
The cost of living in UK varies depending on what part of the country you live in.
View our disclaimer and privacy policy. Apart from getting a Job in the UK it is helpful to prepare yourself and save accordingly for the following costs while in London: Generally you should budget for the following: Here are some cost-saving strategies: Utilise your student or youth travel card: You are entitled to many discounts if you have a student or International youth travel card. This includes discounted entry to museums, cinemas and clubs.
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There are also special deals and discounts associated with Oyster cards see Getting around the UK , so keep it handy at all times. Remember, a pound saved on a movie ticket is a pound towards another pint! Buy from Charity Shops: Make these your first port of call for any crockery, utensils or home wares for your pad. I waited until the last minute to book a flight my last trip to London, and found myself getting up at 4: If you have someone waiting for you on the other end and can help you to the taxi or manage the Tube, then go crazy and pack two bags.
Otherwise, you may want to purchase new furniture in the U. Ask your carrier if your phone is set up for international calling while in the U. If you want to cancel your U. How did I come across this fun fact? I actually ended up asking a stranger to borrow their phone. So, after all of that, the next time I traveled to London I ordered a phone while still in the U. It only lasted a week or so before completely dying, but it got me through those early days. Mail Any big move requires you notifying the post office of a change of address.
You can opt for a third party organization like U. Global Mail or Mailbox Forwarding to handle your leftover bits and pieces arriving to your former address. She moved to the U.
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