If there is a remaining balance after this time, the amount becomes your responsibility. Balances 90 days past due are subject to collection agency action unless prior arrangements are made.
If you decide to stay, the additional time you spend with us may become your financial responsibility. In situations like this, one of our patient advisors can help you make the best decision for your health and financial situation. You can also reach out to one of our continued care planners at for more advice, or call Mercy Health Shared Services Customer Service at or Toll Free at All of our patients are treated with respect and dignity at all phases of their health care with us, including the payment process.
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If you are unable to pay your bill, you may be eligible for financial assistance. To request itemized statements or your payment history, or to request a call back from a representative about a billing question, simply fill out our online form using the secure link below and one of our team members will process your request.
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Northern Light Mercy Hospital Northern Light Mercy Hospital carries out the healing work of Christ by providing clinically excellent, compassionate health care for all, with special concern for the poor and disadvantaged. Cancer Care Read More.
Northern Light Mercy Hospital
Performing acts of mercy as a component of religious beliefs is also emphasized through actions such as the giving of alms, and care for the sick and Works of Mercy. In the social and legal context, mercy may refer both to compassionate behavior on the part of those in power e. In a judicial context mercy is often termed "clemency". It is a sovereign prerogative that resides in the executive and is entirely discretionary.
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John Locke defined it as "the power to act according to discretion, for the public good, without the prescription of the Law, and sometimes even against it. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit explained that "The very nature of clemency is that it is grounded solely in the will of the dispenser of clemency. He need give no reasons for granting it or for denying it. Grace is the favor of God, a divine assistance. Grace is what one receives that they do not deserve while mercy is what one receives when they do not get that which they deserve.
Psalm calls upon all nations to praise the Lord, and that on account of his "merciful kindness".
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This is quoted by the Apostle Paul in Romans Thus St Peter writes in 1 Peter 2: This devotional element of mercy as part of the Christian tradition was echoed by Saint Augustine who called mercy "ever ancient, ever new". The figure of the father is analogous to God as Father, who goes beyond the requirements of justice to welcome his son with compassion.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church emphasizes the importance of the Works of Mercy item and in Roman Catholic teachings, the mercy of God flows through the work of the Holy Spirit. Lord have mercy, Christ have mercy. Mercy has also been an important subject of Christian iconography.