Matter and Energy (SCIENTIFIC MAGIC SERIES Book 1)
This new experiment simply collides photons together.
No matter is necessary after the photons have been created. This is a great field of study indeed! But to be complete one should also mention some recent highlights for these two-photon processes. An indirect search for such interaction has indeed already been performed at lepton and hadron colliders such as the HERA electron-proton or the widely-known LHC proton-proton. Just to flash some results, in the latter part the two-photon production of muon http: This technique was furthermore exploited to produce heavier objects, such as W boson pairs namely, the weak interaction force carriers: This is a nice way to probe with a very high precision the actual theoretical framework for particles physics, the Standard Model of particles and interactions.
If you want to use it in everyday conversations you can use it to refer to someone's brain. Alternatively you can use Hoglraumversiegelung All you have to do is to trap a coherent light-wave within a cavity with perfectly-reflecting walls. The stationary trapped wave then has no dynamic EM-energy: Only stationary EM energy, which is the same as rest mass: For example, the stationary wave within a laser cavity is a matter-wave. Also the stationary-waves within a black-body cavity are matter-waves. Light waves are all moving with a speed c and therefore have only dynamic mass energy; no rest-mass energy.
Therefore a light-wave cannot be weighed. But they can be weighed when trapped to form a stationary-wave which is a matter-wave since all its energy is then rest-mass energy. Dr Keshe wrote the books 'The structure of the light' and 'the universal order of the creation of matters'. It's been in university libraries for quite a while with these 'new discoveries' clearly mentioned and detailed - he doesn't even claim to own them or discover them - just share them.
He graduated from Queen Mary College, London in and has been on youtube recently demonstrating these 'discoveries'. This is a false claim or originality and Mehran Tavakoli Keshe is lightyears ahead of the 'current science'. Check him out on wikipedia or visit his free school where you can stay for free in Italy!
Mehran Tavakoli Keshe studied at this university, wrote a book, published articles and talked on too many places about HIS discovery - life work. Now some scientists are stealing from him and claiming themselves as authors. Shame on Imperial College allowing such disgrace! Ah - so it was keshe who invented the hohlraum I was trying to locate the source of this word.
So from another thread about waste heat from a Dyson sphere Turning IR radiation into matter might be a way of disguising its presence yes? And non-compsites too for that matter, "empty room" would be "leeres Zimmer" Apart from a gold sheet, this sounds pretty much the same You are writing a sci-fi novel? SLAC has also done this. See link at www. If colliding photons can produce "new" matter, wouldn't this be happening all the time? And especially close to energetic photon sources like stars?
It may be simple-minded on my part, but it seems that this could be a new explanation for the red-shift of a strong photon source at a distance. As some of the higher energy photons turn into matter, wouldn't this produce a red-shift that would increase with distance? I dont have anything to contribute but wonder about why we see the same discovery over and over again? The globular clusters are far more interesting; centers collapse but don't? What is holding off the collapse? AKatedsisco, collapse of stellar objects is often prohibited at varying stages of collapse by the Pauli exclusion principle.
Only in extreme cases does can this principle be overcome yielding exotic states of matter, such as Neutron stars, black holes etc. Read up on Quantum Mechanics for further info. As for other posts, remember that the new thing here, is an actual experiment that verifies an 80 year old theory!! That is science, when observation an experiment verifies a theory.
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The problem in the past has been to establish an adequate experiment that matches how the theory says it works. The work done here is the first experiment to suggest a physical mechanism to be performed in the lab, which will allow the theory to be tested and verified. This makes me wonder if waves are a fifth state of matter in addition to solid, liquid, gas and plasma. I mean, if no other component gets in or out, then the resulting particles must still be the same original 'material' - just in a different state, no? Is the photon a 'suitcase' Photons do not decay. What is that 'carrier' or 'suitcase'?
Is a photon a fundamental building block? On with the experiment experimentalists! Interesting points made from the posters above me. At times, I like to think of electrons and positrons as "solidified" light. Kind of like a trash compactor only not really so much.
The "suitcase" IS a single variable charge. It is the interchange particle for the EM force. As such it is considered one of the fundamental particles there are others for the other forces. Pretty much the reverse of what you get when you annihilate an electron with a positron you get two gammas.
The photon itself has no charge. Hence the created matter must also be charge neutral in sum. If it had no energy charge it would not be able to affect anything else, would it? IE heat, gamma , etc Not calling you on it, AA. Just asking a question It's an EM oscillation. So the net charge of a photon is zero. A photon does have energy.
It can be polarized in various ways, but the net charge is still zero. That's basically the nature of all fundamental force carriers: They can't have the property they exchange. Otherwise you'd need yet another particle that could mediate between two force carrier particles ofthe same sort But that begs the next question - how are they going to smash "superposing" photons together to create matter? I am curious about your further 'take' on those two aspects in your answer to Whyde. And is it the same 'material' that makes up pre-existing e-m field? What would be new is the creation of matter "from light", not "from energy".
States of Matter | Chemistry | Visionlearning
Other methods have been proposed to create matter without the need of more particles, just by separating virtual particles using a lot of energy in the process. Interestingly, at least one of them uses "light" for it: Actually, RC, that wasn't a half bad set of questions Saying "Convert energy into matter" has not the same meaning as "Convert light into matter". In another example, the LHC converts kinetic "Energy" into matter, but it does not convert "light" into matter. Since it procedure creates an electron -- can this be used to create more efficient photovoltaic cells?
To people however it might be that, when the Sun is down -the source of their fire magic- it can't help them much, or the Moon, the Sun's adversary, blocks their fire magic - in the snow, the Sun is shining and is an adversary to cold, so it grants them its aid - Rubies are the Sun's stone so of course it helps with fire magic etc.
The difference in effectiveness would be similar to breaking a rock with a heavy hammer and causing the rock to undergo fission by causing a chain reaction at the atomic level. While fission in real life is usually achieved through rather brute-force means, magic could be the application of such techniques in a highly efficient and deliberate way.

Concentration of energy is also critical. Focus fusion, which uses electrical discharges to generate heat for the process, works with this principle. The plasmoid is tiny, but its energy concentration is astronomical. This approach is much more efficient and this is what I'm suggesting magic is, in a fantasy setting. The wizard themselves need not understand how this works in detail. To them it's just a skill they picked up or discovered. All the literature and tradition on how magic works can be elaborate theories, theological mumbo jumbo or whatever you want - it has to only make sense to the people but it doesn't have to be what's actually happening.
Technique and the development of it can exist and do the "right thing" without magic users understanding how it really works - they just figure out some things work better than others and put effort in improving their technique in a way that increases the effects. After they're skilled enough, most of what they do would be subconscious rather than conscious. And yes, some of what they do as magic will just be clever stuff that isn't really all that magical - they might chant over a uranium ore to make it slowly kill someone, but no matter how much they chant, it'll be just as harmful depending on the concentration; but to them thats magic.
So you want a scientific approach to magic? I am going to answer this as directly and clearly as I can. The definition of magic is as follows: Back in primitive times wasn't the basic concept of fire magic to us? Our science has constantly progressed through time and so now we can explain the why and how to fire, therefore it is no longer mysterious to us as a whole. Fire is explained by consistent findings Grossly oversimplified.
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The phrase "Having it down to a science" is often used to describe mastering something, so if you mastered something unknown wouldn't it become science? If you are mastering something wouldn't you be consistent with it? You would not truly be a master of something if it had unexpected results. We normally no longer use the excuse "magic" is involved if we don't understand it, we declare that it can be scientifically proven and attempt to answer the question using what we know to be possible.
The reason I wrote this was to say that science was a concept to prove magic. If you create something to explain a "magician" controlling fire then it could become scientific. Ah but philosophers way back when believed that air, fire, water, and earth where the only elements and were oblivious to oxygen, hydrogen, and other basic elements that school kids now know today.
So as examples go, "scientifically" you could leave out the finite details of how certain things are in the atmosphere we haven't found. Even better you could be on a planet or plane of existence where the energy needed to ignite wood is floating around. Even adding that the magician doesn't control the fire, only aim and create its initial intensity could possibly create a slightly more scientific approach due to it explaining that he technically controls nothing but a way of channeling something already there.
He could also control it using specific instruments that mold the energy around him instead of him personally being able to manipulate the energy. I'm not trying to say make the wizards power come from something implausible just because it is undiscovered or "mysterious" as I've emphasized, it should be something that you can explain in your own way based upon the consistent science and physics of the world you are either making or using. Undiscovered does not by any means include how you can fly or create fire by simply saying, "hocus pocus" and random energy gives you power.
I'll end this with a quote from a sci-fi writer and a futurist. Isaac Asimov I think it was wrote a sci fi book in which there was a "leak" between two different universes which affected the physical constants the two universes had different laws of physics. One universe was using it to power their civilization. Essentially they thought they'd discovered some almost magical source of power. And by creating a small tear between them you can change the physical laws nearby.
You could also have a small amount of magic with a lot of mysticism theatrics which would be very interesting. That leaves room for people who disbelieve in magic, etc. Similar to how some races viewed the Jedi they disappeared in Ep IV- VI , where it was considered a dead "religion" i. I'm going to try and approach this from the most scientific position I can, so no alternate universes, no mystical crystals, no nothing besides thermodynamics.
You said not to worry about how the wizard controls the energy, right? Good, because I'm not even going to try to figure that one out. For now, it's magic. We know we can neither create nor destroy energy-mass, correct? Well, it's got to come from somewhere. Let's start with thermal energy. If I screw up the thermodynamics, it's cause I'm not a chem major Luckily for our wizard, there is a fortunate lack of stuff at 0K on planets, particularly habitual planets, which is where I assume our wizard would be operating.
So, why don't we just drop something to 0K and use the energy from that? If we dropped one cubic meter of atmosphere at 20C, at sea level, to absolute zero, our wizard would have kilojoules of energy to play with. This is a rough estimation, things get weird around 0K, models stop being linear, we get phase changes, bluh bluh bluh.
This is really really rough, actually. Data pulled from here. That's about 83 food Calories. Also, we run into another problem, the reason why nobody ever gets to 0K. Energy won't really move unless it's to a place with less energy. This pretty much rules out freezing type of things, and getting fire type spell from the energy gotten from said freezing type spells.
However, we don't know the range within which the wizard can transfer energy back and forth. If it's practically unlimited, why couldn't they draw energy directly from the sun or transfer it to Pluto? It'd give an interesting thing as well, you'd probably get "Sun Wizards" and "Moon Wizards", who use those bodies to manipulate the temperature. But let's try something else. Good old chemical energy - the most commonly used method of storage and manipulation of energy by spongy organic creatures. Say our wizard is a morbidly obese wizard with kg of fat on him.
Assuming he doesn't suffer heart failure, if he goes on a magical diet, that fat will give him 11,,kJ [source] , much much better when trying to cast super-powerful science spells. Of course, this assumes there's a McWizards devoted to getting wizards the raw magical energy they need to preform their wondrous acts. Nuclear, like chemical, relies on extracting the energy that's stored in bonds, except nuclear bonds are strong force bonds, not electromagnetic. However, mass won't just spontaneously flip to energy, you need antimatter and matter to annihilate for that to happen.
Of course, if you could do that, you'd have stupid amounts of energy to play with. This all assumes that the wizard can safely manage this much energy, which I assume they can, given that they will be using it for spells and such. The issue I see as the largest, aside from however the heck you're going to manipulate this energy, is somehow storing it for use. I mean, there's energy everywhere, that's no big issue. But what if you don't want to have to open a portal to the sun every time you want to light a match with your finger?
What if the wizard wants to collect their energy and use it slowly, over time. This question is really linked to whatever the mechanism is for using the energy, something I'm going to have to avoid completely due to it being magical. Chemical storage makes the most sense, and it's rather humorous to imagine a wizard putting on hundreds of pounds before a battle.
Antimatter is also an effective storage. Special electrically charged crystals or totems, held in "magical" airtight, magnetic containers, paired with another one, seem like effective and classic-ish ways to do that. Something else to realize is that if there's any wizard capable of containing the energy that would be released by a goddammned annihilation would be more than capable enough of absorbing whatever explosions or weapons somebody else could dish out, and then fire that back at them.
If you don't like explanations that sound like ghost stories, and you do like explanations that sound like science, then magical fires could be powered by quantum particles. According to some loose and hazy notion of quantum mechanics, there are virtual particles popping into and out of existence. A black hole radiates energy because two virtual particles, e. The electron falls into the black hole,the positron is outside the event horizon and thus radiates.
Magical fires happen when the thoughts in a magician's brain imbalance the quantum particles and cause some kind of energetic particles to pop into existence. Magical clairvoyance works because information is nonlocal and all information everywhere is holistically contained in any information anywhere. There are on the real world only one concept of Energy and four forces that can "affect" it: If you rule that there are five forces instead, the fifth being "magic" and that force being sensible to some materials, in the same way than electromagnetism is affected by some materials and not by others, you have done it.
Electromagnetism can be affected by magnetite crystals, which are diminute imans, and these imans in turn can be affected by electromagnetism. Pigeons have magnetite crystals on a specific zone of their brains, and so they are able to orientate over wide extensions and find the way home. In the same way, magicians can have "magictite" crystals on their brains and use them to affect energy through the force of "magic".
These can be used to manipulate magic and to sense it. The effects would be those you want for your world. Assuming that access to few more dimension though limited can allow access to power fields and other energy sources, this makes magic quite credible in many sci-fi stories.
Or, in a fantasy setting, it could be just some mystical "astral plane" - or it may have some scientific explanation, but magicians still think of it as "astral plane". Or the energy could be taken from the magician himself. This way only small effects are possible and the wizards must "recharge" somehow, or damage themselves. Eating a lot might suffice, or some special drugs might be needed. Or there may be some "magical potential" in the matter and the wizard just rouses it. This is bit further from the physics we know, but might be possible with some special magical materials.
And if the physics is completely different, such as the world really consist of four elements fire, air, water, earth , then a potent water wizard just needs to unleash the power stored in a lake to destroy a city on its shore. All ways may be combined. For example, my world consists of "atoms" of four elements, which are usually bound together.
Also, there is "astral plane" built from the fifth element "void". Void is least stable of elements, so its "atoms" can be broken, releasing a lot of energy into our world. This energy links to ordinary matter and increases "magical potential", which can be released by magi, who need just a little of their mental energy for this task they get tired quickly this way, but most of energy goes from the environment.
States of Matter
Depending on how your magic system works, there are more than enough potential energy sources to start a fire. In the Inheritance Cycle, magicians can pull energy from their own bodies or the world around them. In the Kingkiller Chronicles a magician can create a link between a heat source and the magic they want to perform very simplified. This typically uses fire but can also pull heat and energy directly from the body.
Either way, a magician needs a source of energy to perform any magic. Something like this is plausible explanation for the energy source. There is tons of energy in the world, in our cells, the chemical make up of the world, gravity, light, and on and on. Give a magician any means of harnessing this energy, and starting a fire will be simple. In fact, since a fire generates more energy than it takes to start, if a magician can draw energy from the fire started, you can snowball in available power quite quickly.
As long as you give magic the necessary tools to channel existing sources of power, there is plenty of energy to go around. Should preface that this really isn't going to give you a traditional 'energy' explanation of magic here There's enough energy in a square inch of 'air' to destroy most of the solar system, and that's only really using the matter to energy relation that we know of, even completely empty space is never really empty. But on to the quantum attempt at explaining magic. It is exceedingly abstract, but works fantastic for explaining things such as magic At the core of Quantum Physics is the understanding that the observed and observer cannot be separated If a tree falls in the forest and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound?
No, if nobody was there to observe it falling, it was never there to fall in the first place and existed in a superposition of both standing and laying down until someone is there to collapse both possibilities into one reality If you prefer the Schrodingers cat explanation.. In this case the wood exists as both on fire and not on fire and many other possibilities , but it is currently being collapsed by observers into the one possibility of 'not on fire' The power source of the Sun was "magic" until it was found.
Ideas using known materials and known mechanisms did not work out. Yet, the thing, when it was found, fit with the expectations of our universe, such as concervation of energy and features analagous with other forces, while being novel in other ways and different enough to be outside our experience. On that scale of energy release, you can perceive the equivalence of mass-energy. But that's beside the point; the real point being that a force is in play. It affects everything but it was outside of experience to take elements apart hence their name. Normally taking-apart costs more energy, but as with chemestry the existance of more tightly bound forms allows a net gain.
Taking apart and putting together trades kenetic and potential energy in a concerved total. A stone can be lifted out of its niche a local minimum and allowed to drop to a lower valley. Electron bonds can be broken so the reactive pieces can find a more stable configuration. Quarks and leptons can rearrange to form a tightly bound alpha particle. But if it's accessible why doesn't it become mixed up with chemestry? With fusion, it's a different energy scale. So, a much lower energy scale allows the energy to be accessed but only purposfully by large beings.
Other animals may still figure it out and use it in metabolic processes. So just what thing holds power? Since magical tropes require teleological rules, let's look into dualism. If the spirit realm is where the mind or soul exists, an analogy with gravity or chemestry could be very precise. The "chemestry" of the stuff where the mind exists, what the thinking part of an intelligent being is made of and implemented with, could produce energy.
Since the mind strattles both worlds, there is clearly some way for cause and effect to go between the two. The two regimes have their own rules but are similar in underlying nature of forces and concervation laws. But they can interact, so the combined concervation is the real rule.
Extracting power via magic will have an effect and change the state of the astrial realm. It will use up resources, which could become noticable depending on details. They controlled rocks in our realm and lived on hot moons, but I can't find it now. That's the general idea behind making dualism work. Without going into details any interaction between two universes or realms could plausibility give an energy release.