Circle of Lies
In exchange for an honest review I received a review copy from the publisher. Jun 28, Lab rated it it was amazing. Sadly there is no third book as of June Oct 17, Samantha D rated it it was amazing. I'm so so so very sad there is not a 3rd book! Jul 15, Sarah rated it it was amazing. This series is up with my favorites!
The Circle of Lies
You have to read this series!!!! Mar 31, Leah rated it really liked it Shelves: This series is so much fun, and I love the expansion in the second book. The girls are traveling, facing new challenges—villains are popping up everywhere! When is the next one coming out? Dec 28, Safia rated it it was amazing. I love all the characters and think they are very supportive. Feb 04, Cindy rated it liked it. The second book was as good as the first. Number three here I come as there is a cliffhanger at the end of Circle of Lies. Ana's uncle is found but her aunt is still missing.
Now Lin's mother has been kidnapped. So the four girls are faced with more problems. Jan 04, Sarah Sammis rated it it was amazing Shelves: Shawn Chuang rated it really liked it May 22, Poornima rated it really liked it Dec 26, Ariadne rated it liked it Jun 08, Donna rated it it was amazing Aug 30, Elena rated it really liked it Oct 17, Murugakannan rated it it was amazing Aug 21, David Alechenu rated it really liked it Aug 23, Jeshurun rated it it was amazing Aug 02, Alexandra rated it liked it Mar 02, Catherine rated it it was amazing Sep 27, Laurie rated it really liked it May 01, Grace rated it liked it Jun 26, Xylia rated it really liked it Nov 29, Srimoyee Mallik rated it really liked it Jul 12, Miriam rated it really liked it Oct 16, Mary J rated it really liked it Aug 13, Heather rated it it was amazing Oct 28, Rachel rated it it was amazing Jul 06, Gianna rated it really liked it Jun 22, Elaine rated it really liked it Jan 18, There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
Other books in the series.
Circle of Lies breaks the mould for Oz films
Hunters of Chaos 2 books. Trivia About The Circle of Lie No trivia or quizzes yet. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Nothing had changed—except that the day before, my whole world had fallen apart. Thankfully, I had three friends who were doing their best to help me put it back together: Then I met them, and everything changed.
Benitez, we found out that we have one huge thing in common: We are the direct descendants of ancient shape-shifting warriors—Wildcats—who were destined to fight the forces of evil. I know, that sounds crazy. But after we battled the ancient Egyptian god Anubis and the Chaos Spirits he released, there was no denying the truth. I was starting to suspect that something terrible had happened to her and Uncle Mec, and all I wanted was my family back. She was looking at me with wide, serious brown eyes, and I realized that I must have looked totally shaken. I took a deep breath.
That I should grow up and look after myself. The words were so upsetting, so unlike my loving aunt, it was still hard to repeat them without crying. My only hope was that someone, or something, had forced her to say it—though the thought of my family in danger scared me even more. A collaboration between different ancient civilizations, the Brotherhood had one goal: Our role as Wildcats was to defeat him. Unfortunately, he was a very powerful enemy.
Shani pulled out her phone and started typing and clicking. About a third of the way down were two very familiar names: Mecatl and Tepin Navarro. I gasped and reached for the phone, as if just holding something with their names on it would bring them closer to me. But too soon my excitement faded and gave way to a cold fear that seemed to coat my skin like frost.
Yes, they had definitely been on the plane, but why? I knew they would never get on a flight without telling me. It touched me that Shani, who always tried to play it cool when it came to emotional stuff, cared enough about me to take such a huge risk. Shani hugged me back for a moment and then shook me off. No need to get mushy.
Rádios que tocam There for Tomorrow
If their disappearance has anything to do with the Brotherhood of Chaos, then that affects all of us. I knew it was on their minds too. I turned around to see Coach Lawson approaching, staring down at the smartphone she was holding. Just as she was about to pass us, she glanced up and made eye contact with Shani.
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- More books in this series: Hunters of Chaos.
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Would you like to see? What the heck is going on here?
The assembly will be starting soon. A few seconds later Coach Lawson cried out. My phone just went black. Try turning it off and on again! When she had gone, Doli crossed her arms and raised one eyebrow at Shani.

But we all knew her too well for that now. Yes, but she deserved it.
Since when do you even play tennis? I just figured it would be an easy PE credit. For that, Coach Lawson must pay. Annoying, but not exactly techno-cide. She tried to bore me to death with pictures of that baby. Even when Shani was being downright wicked, she still cracked me up. I knew my friends would do everything in their power—including use their magic—to help me find my family.
But for now we had to get through the school day and pretend that we were just normal kids, without a care in the world. As soon as we settled into our seats, I groaned. Nicole sat at the center of a fawning group of girls. She was twisting a strand of her golden blond hair around her finger and laughing at something Tammy Winston had said. But her eyes were empty, and the rehearsed way she tilted her head back and pumped her shoulders told me that her laugh was just for show. Now that I knew Nicole was actually half-demon, the sound sent chills along my spine.
Urban Cinefile CIRCLE OF LIES
Everyone had thought that the temple on the far side of the campus that had been revealed after the earthquake was a Native American structure, a relic of the anicent pueblo peoples. It had become the site of our first battle when a Chaos Spirit in the form of a giant bat had attacked us and brought to life the nightmarish paintings on the temple walls. Whereas we were girls who could turn into Wildcats, Nicole was more hyena than girl. But the thing about hyenas was that they hunted in packs.
Or so The Lion King had taught me. And besides, no one had ever accused Nicole of being smart. Usually she would say something like, You can do better than that and make us say it again. But today she looked distracted. It seems that over the weekend there was some sort of.
See a Problem?
She looked at it and shook her head sadly as if the paper itself had broken her heart. Jessica, who had a not-so-secret crush on Dr. Logan in his true half-man, half-jackal form, his perfect white teeth and neat hair replaced by jagged fangs and matted fur. Principal Ferris folded the note and slipped it back into her pocket.
This means that the plans to relocate Temple Academy have also been canceled. No one had wanted the school to move—not the teachers and not the students—so this was great news for them.