April 27, 2011, The Day My Life Changed:A True Testimony from Being a Victim to Being a Survivor
I was in the hospital for like two months. The physical therapy is helping a lot. A lot of the exercises are like the things you do before a soccer game. The goal is just to be able to move my entire body normally. I want people to remember what happened as a miracle, from God. Sarah Salazar Shot at age 16 by a classmate carrying a shotgun and a.
That first day in the hospital, I think there were three surgeries. I was not conscious for a few days. Several days later, I got my jaw wired shut. I had that for four weeks or so. Then they loosened it for my shoulder replacement.
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That would have been the fifth surgery. And then when the wires were finally taken out, that was the last. Those days are kind of a blur, but I know I was in the hospital for over a month. Even before this happened, I wanted to be an anesthesiologist. I was back to school the first day. It was not normal, but also normal. There were metal detectors. The old dance room was now the wellness center.
The shooting definitely will shape my life because of the possibility that I might not be able to lift my arm. Rome Schubert Shot at age It turned into total survival mode. I had no idea that I had even been shot yet. Outside, I started running. And all in one motion, I got up and over the wall. You have a bullet hole in your neck. After a few weeks, everything returned to normal.
It kind of amazed me. Ashrah Felix Shot at age The girl who fired the gun [that hit my wrist] was my friend. She said she had brought something to school. Before, she had brought a pocket knife. They have no idea what happened. Sherry Zelsdorf Injured at age 33 when a year-old student came to school with a handgun. It was my first year teaching in Los Angeles. I handed a boy a word-search at his desk. He was the only six-foot-tall seventh-grader at the school. And then I felt something smack into my forehead. One student was shot in the wrist.
From what I hear, the bullet is still stuck around his jaw. She [the shooter] was my student. But I was never made aware of any motive. I came back to work on the 14th of February. The same day as the shooting in Florida. I remember kids were afraid to sit in certain seating arrangements. So it was really stressful: Nolan Brandy Shot at age 9 by a man with a. What do you remember about that morning? My mom took me to school.
We went to the car wash. It was a nice, warm, sunny day. Nolan said he wanted to stay home. Do you remember when the man walked into your classroom? I take that as a yes. I remember I heard it on the news. The injured student was 9 years old and in fourth grade. Nolan, do you remember being in the ambulance? Were you with him? While I was waiting, they said every parent whose child had been injured had already been notified.
So I felt like the pressure was off. But then the officer said we have to hurry to the hospital. I thought, My son is dying. He broke two ribs and the bullet grazed his lung, kidney, and bowel, but he did not have to have surgery.
Prosecuting sexual assault: 'Raped all over again'
We came back to see the school because he did miss his friends. But he was afraid to come in. He is back at that school now. Not every day is a great day, but I felt that going back to where it happened, he could face it better. Nick Walczak Shot at age 17 by a fellow classmate using a. I was voted Captain of Crazy at school, which is like class clown. I was really loud and outgoing. He must have shot me three times. And then he chased me down the hall — and that was the bullet that paralyzed me. It really bugs me when people say anything about bullying. He probably was a bully.
None of my friends were, especially to this kid. I knew him from childhood. I was driving my car on a back road. He was walking by himself, and it was hot. You need a ride? My grandma lives right down there. Chance Jackson Shot at age 15 by a classmate. He and I had been friends. Next thing I know, he had a big problem with me. Allegedly, I was running my mouth. I was shot once in the abdomen, and then I was shot again. It felt like I just gently went down, but according to the video, I smacked the wall and slid straight down.
They had to piece my stomach and intestines back together. They had to contact doctors in Texas to figure it out. They left me open for the first 24 hours for the swelling to go down and to figure out how they were going to save my life. I did not want to go back to school ever again. They let me do all my work at home. I would stay up all night until I fell asleep. I would get up every time I saw a branch move. I own some firearms. Well, I own one. I owned seven at one point. Patrick Korellis Shot at age 22 by a shooter carrying multiple weapons. What got to me later was Sandy Hook.
I contacted my senator, Dick Durbin. They were trying to expand background checks for all gun sales. Sometimes it can help. I met him again after Orlando, after Vegas, after Parkland. When I joined, there were only a couple hundred. Colin Goddard Shot at age 21 by a student carrying two semi-automatic pistols. There were 17 people in that room with me. Eventually, I was able to play sports again and return to my same physical state, which helped my mental state. Sure enough, I had significantly elevated levels of lead in my blood.
Thousands of people get shot in this country every year. People are kind of shocked to hear that I will shoot guns, but I understand the desire. I understand the culture here in America. Shooting has also solidified in me the need for change because of how incredibly powerful these weapons are. Fragments of bullets are still getting pulled out of my body. They are given to the police immediately as evidence. I want to see it. I want to touch it. Everyone was trying to flee for their lives. And then another one in my shoulder blade. Me being a three-sport athlete — playing basketball, football, running track, used to being able to do whatever I want with my body.
Young Charlie, from Bury, Lancashire, woke with a high temperature, but mum Rose thought he was just suffering from a bug that was working its way round the family. However, he had contracted meningitis, as mum Rose recounts here. Dedicated supporter Bobby Joseph has been busy spreading awareness about the disease and drumming up support for the vaccine petition. Alison, from Newport in Gwent, shares the story of how her son, Jacob, became ill with MenB and septicaemia and the after-effects with which he is now learning to live. Following the recent petition to increase the use of the MenB vaccine, Lynn wanted to share her story with you to offer support to others.
Apryl-Louise Middleton, of Gloucester, was celebrating Halloween with friends when she first noticed onset symptoms of meningitis. When seven-year-old Isabelle, of Derby, came home from school feeling under the weather, her parents thought she was suffering from a stomach bug. Olivia had a rare type of meningitis and they could no longer help her at that hospital but needed a professional who dealt with these cases.
Meningitis Now supported me emotionally to get over the trauma and devastation of having to deal with a baby with meningitis in the fresh moments after. I would urge all parents to be mindful of the symptoms of meningitis and be assertive.
Sarah Jayne Kinsey, of Liverpool, rushed her daughter, Sofia, straight to hospital when she discovered a rash when changing her nappy in December last year. All Poppy wanted was to be a big sister to her baby brother Noah, but shortly after her dream came true she was struck down with meningitis. With the second of the two evidence sessions on extending the meningococcal group B Men B vaccination taking place tomorrow, at which Meningitis Now will present its case, we are still hearing distressing stories where any change of heart by Government.
Little Kaylan, from Currie in Midlothian, developed a burning temperature and was referred to hospital because he was so young. Seventeen-month-old Isacc was lethargic with a very high temperature so his mum, Charli Napier, of Rochester, sought medical help.
Finn was two-and-a-half years old when he contracted meningococcal septicaemia in June Alfie fell ill with sickness and stomach pains and was initially diagnosed with a minor throat infection. But the youngster had contracted the far more serious Meningitis B. An unusual cry alerted Gillian Marshall that something was not quite right with her day-old baby girl. Bella had been suffering cold like symptoms but on the 28 December her condition deteriorated as she began vomiting, developing a fever and rapid breathing.
In June , year-old Michaela set off for what she thought would be the summer of a lifetime, working on the little island of Zakynthos Zante in Greece. At first, Lauren thought her eight-year-old daughter Georgia, from Livingston in West Lothian, was coming down with conjunctivitis. Trembling, a temperature, cold hands and feet and vomiting first alerted Gemma Lessells, of Fife, that there was something very wrong with her little boy, Matthew.
One month before her first birthday Matilda had a high temperature, was off her food and seemed out of character. It took three visits to hospital before month-old Isla was diagnosed with meningococcal group B meningitis and septicaemia. Heartbroken mum, Lora Allonby, of Cumbria, lost her baby daughter to meningococcal group B meningitis and septicaemia when she was just five days old.
A rash was one of the last signs that eight-year-old Mia had contracted meningococcal group B meningitis and encephalitis in January last year. Lise, originally from Bexhill-on-Sea but now living in France, found our website a lifeline as she struggled to come to terms with meningitis and its aftermath. A high temperature, lethargy and a grumpy mood alerted mum, Kathleen Burn, of Northumberland, that there was something wrong with her little boy, Stanley. Lisa Johnson, 42, first contracted meningitis in , and as well as suffering from its after-effects, the disease has re-occurred three more times.
Beren, 6, from Pontypridd, was usually full of energy, but after going swimming he became lethargic and complained of a headache. Parents, Rickie and Carly Hicks, of Hertfordshire, were enjoying valuable family time when their six-month-old daughter, Lily, suddenly became ill with fever-like symptoms and breathing with a moan.
While on her travels in China, year-old Georgia, of Hertfordshire, began suffering with on-going headaches, dizziness and a general feeling of 'un-wellness'. When Ashleigh Browes, 21 of Lincolnshire, was suffering with intense facial pain, discomfort and tiredness, she went to bed with the intention of visiting her doctor the next day. Dean Lahan, 18, of Stockport, lost his right leg and most of his fingers when he contracted meningococcal meningitis in , aged just 18 months old. Faye, of Newcastle upon Tyne, fell ill with meningitis as a four-month-old.
Laura urges everyone to learn the signs and symptoms in memory of her sister. Lethargy, aversion to daylight, screaming when laying flat, a temperature and a pale complexion alerted mum Jenna that her five-week-old son was extremely unwell. In June , six-month-old Jude spent week in intensive care after he contracted meningococcal septicaemia. Melanie believed her one-year-old daughter, Demi-Lee, had caught flu when she began to develop a temperature and she seemed sleepy, however, during the night, Demi-Lee began to develop a rash. But, 17 years later, the Bristol youngster is proving doctors wrong and is an inspiration to his family.
Jacob became ill with meningitis at just three months, but the plucky youngster has bounced back, earning the nickname Mr Muscle from the nurses who have treated him since. He was rushed straight to hospital where he was diagnosed with Group B strep. Twenty-year-old Karina, from London contracted bacterial meningitis in October this year, suffering from severe headaches and high fevers. She was initially diagnosed with a viral infection and is still recovering from the after-effects of her illness.
Thirty-six-year-old Tracy, from Tipton in the West Midlands, collapsed with viral meningitis in January Now, 12 months on, she is still battling to come to terms with the impact it is having. He had developed Group B Strep and was put on a cocktail of antibiotics. Muriel recounts their experience. Mum Kat, from Lincoln, recounts their sad story.
Thirty-five-year-old Lyndsay, from Selby in North Yorkshire, had no idea that adults could get meningitis, until she contracted the disease herself. Fortunately she has made a good recovery. When she took him to the local walk-in centre she noticed a pinprick rash developing in front of her eyes.
Thankfully her action meant Jack received prompt treatment and he has recovered well from bacterial meningitis. Originally misdiagnosed with a virus she was later found to have Meningitis B and septicaemia. Fortunately, the cheeky youngster has bounced back. Natalie tells their story. Devastated mum Jade, 21, of Witham in Essex, held the hand of her precious angel Amelia as she died from meningitis. She tells their sad story here. She was rushed to hospital, where a viral infection was diagnosed. This later changed to meningococcal septicaemia.
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Fortunately Evie-Mae pulled through with no serious lasting damage, but it was a scary time for the family. Claire tells their story. Anita, of Swindon, saw her worst nightmare become reality when her month old son, Samuel, contracted meningitis in January this year. Young Kassius avoided the flu that affected his family, but little did any of them guess he was about to be hit with something even worse. Sixteen-year-old Mollie, from Holmfirth in West Yorkshire, felt under the weather on 20 October , but not too ill to go to college.
Steve McCourt made the hardest decision of his life when wife, Joanne, 53, was put on life support after contracting bacterial meningitis on 27th January When 17 year old Shelby from Bolton, went to babysit her brother, nothing could have prepared her for the devastating events that would follow. Little Mia, from Louth in Lincolnshire, was just three-weeks-old when she came down with Strep B meningitis.
On July 30th month-old Leighton, from Kirkby in Liverpool, was struck down with meningitis and septicaemia. In October , year-old Nathaniel Gate, of Reading, was sent home from school with a high temperature and later began vomiting violently, his parents contacted the out of hours GP. When he received a phone call that his son had been rushed to hospital, Pastor Phillip Omodeni immediately returned from a holiday in Nigeria to be by his side. Zara Alam was a happy and active month-old when she was cruelly taken from her loving parents within 24 hours of contracting meningitis.
In February , Charlotte Hannibal, now 19, had just returned to university after visiting her family when she suffered a number of flu-like symptoms. But despite a difficult start in life and to date 12 brain operations, she has grown into a brave and strong six-year-old little girl, thriving at mainstream school. Anna Bradshaw, of Coalville, came face-to-face with death when she contracted meningococcal septicaemia and stopped breathing three times while in intensive care.
Within hours of wakening up, nine-month-old Finn Shillaker was lying lifeless on a hospital bed after contracting pneumococcal meningitis. Despite her concerns, worried mother Lesley Swift, 26, was unable to get a doctor to visit her seven-year-old daughter, Lauren. Teygan Sugrue was embarking on a new adventure; making new friends and studying his favourite language, when he was cruelly struck down by meningitis. Kayleigh Duncan, 23, of Essex, was celebrating the birth of her baby sister, Rihanna, a time which should have bought joy and celebration to all her family.
Baby Harrison Whiteman was just four days old when he contracted a life-threatening illness, spending the first three weeks of his life in intensive care. Brave mum, Kirrily Jones, 24 of Chesterfield, saw her worst nightmare become a reality when her baby boy, Louie, contracted meningitis B and septicaemia in July this year. Nurse Elizabeth had what she thought was a bad migraine. Father Mike tells her sad story. When Katie Schmidt, 26, Bognor Regis, was told her daughter had contracted strep B meningitis in May she was heartbroken.
Jemma, from Eastleigh in Hampshire, was a year-old student building her future when she was laid low by the Y strain of meningitis. Tanya Buin, 21 of Manchester, found it hard to cope when she heard the shocking news that her baby sister, Danni, had contracted meningococcal septicaemia in April Vicky Ross, 32 of Renfrewshire, suffered many symptoms, including a high temperature, extreme dehydration, aching muscles and extreme fatigue, when she contracted viral meningitis in November Kathryn, of Gateshead, was told her son, Kieron, aged 17 months, had bronchitis in January this year, but before long he was fighting for his life with meningitis.
Shaney Gardner, of Canvey Island, Essex, was 20 in October when she developed an extremely painful headache and chronic sickness. She had come down with viral meningitis. Sophie had never been to hospital and thought she was invincible, until meningitis laid her low last December. Quick-thinking and intuition by new mum, Lyndsey Huntley of Essex, proves that trusting your instincts can save lives. Devastated mother, Hayley Smith of Coventry, lost hear beautiful daughter, Ava, just days after she contracted bacterial meningitis in Eva contracted meningitis on the 24 January when she was 22 days old, and sadly passed away six days later on 31 January A high pitched cry alerted mother, Claire Fisk, of Prescot, that something was not right with her eight-month-old son, Harry.
Concerned mother, Natalie Hall, of Essex, immediately took her son, Sam, to see the out-of-hours GP when she noticed a rash on his skin. When her baby girl came down with a soaring temperature, quick-thinking mother, Becky Preece of Shrewsbury, trusted her instincts and phoned for help. Danny, of Houghton Le Spring in Tyne and Wear, is now months-old and the glue of family life, but the brave youngster has had a difficult time of it during his young life so far. Mother Shelby tells his story here. Heather Douglas, from Dromore in County Down, thought her month-old daughter Poppy had the symptoms of a cold, but an alert GP spotted something more serious and sent the youngster straight to hospital.
Flu-like symptoms were the first sign that one-year-old Chantelle was unwell. He showed no signs of illness during the day but that night his mother noticed a rash on his body. Baby Rubie Fisher was just six weeks old when bacterial meningitis stole her short life. Just days before contracting a disease that would rapidly take his life, three-year-old Joshua Bromwich was running around with his friends as normal.
Nine-year-old Aysha Riley-Marsh arrived home from school on 10 February with a headache and fever. In the summer of , Mark Cranston was diagnosed with meningococcal meningitis. Brave youngster Shae, aged 3, lost his battle to meningitis B and septicaemia just hours after he was rushed to hospital. Maison Farmer, Swindon, battles everyday with the severe after-effects bacterial meningitis can cause.
He contracted the disease in March , just twelve weeks after he was born. It was the morning of 26 August and baby Harley Jones drank his milk as normal, but, he soon became floppy and grey, with a bulging fontanelle and was staring with sunken eyes. Initially he had a headache, joint pain, a high temperature and was very sleepy.
When baby Joel began to run a temperature on 16 December , concerned mother, Kirbbi Bucknall, took him to see her midwife. When nine-day-old Charlie became irritable and unsettled, new mother Leah Cormack trusted her instincts and called for help. Little did she know that he was suffering from a life-threatening disease. On 25th March , Evan from Plymouth, contracted Meningitis B and Septicaemia and sadly passed away just hours later. Following an emotional week commemorating the birthday of her late husband, year-old Adrienne Quinnear feared for her life when she contracted bacterial meningitis and septicaemia.
Emma, 35, from Luton was returning from a family break in Blackpool when she began to feel ill. Initially flu was suspected, but as a rash developed Emma realised she needed to get to hospital. Mother and nurse, Leah Pope, knew there was a problem when newborn son Ben was suffering from an unusually high temperature, on 2 September he was diagnosed with E. Madison Coates fell ill with viral meningitis less than a year after launching her own business.
The year-old from Hemel Hempstead, who supported our Viral Meningitis Week this year, tells her story here. His mother, Gemma Muckle, recalls the moment her son was diagnosed with bacterial meningococcal septicaemia. Sophie, from Aberdeen, was a normal, fit and healthy year-old. It was a day no different to any other, but little did Sophie know when she woke up that day that things would never be the same again.
Twenty-four hours after giving birth to a beautiful baby boy, Ruth Edwards, 28, noticed that her perfect little package had a bit of a temperature. Patricia Connolly, of Glenavy in Northern Ireland, saw viral meningitis take the life of her year-old daughter Caitriona 10 years ago. Sixteen-year-old Emily, from Exmouth in Devon, contracted a severe case of viral meningitis in February Sophie, 23, from Reigate in Surrey, counts herself as fortunate to be alive after contracting meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia.
When Sophia Avery, from Maldon in Essex, gave birth to her second child Taylor in he was left fighting for his life with meningitis. The first time Matt Barrow, from Perranporth in Cornwall, contracted meningitis he thought his symptoms were caused by the painkillers he was taking following dental treatment. Two-year-old Bella, from Alfreton in Derbyshire, went to hospital five times before her meningitis was diagnosed.
But it was the best Christmas present the family could have wished for when she finally responded to treatment. Lillie Mai, of Maryport in Cumbria, was a healthy and happy week-old when she developed a runny nose and got the shivers. It was a normal day in August and Keeley, then aged 24, had woken up feeling great. But, just hours later, she developed a severe headache and then collapsed. It was the start of a meningitis battle that continues to this day.
Top dancer Sean McCarthy, 30, from Tamworth in Warwickshire, was diagnosed with flu but got progressively worse, eventually ending up in hospital. Teenager Jade, from Sandhurst in Berkshire, had a horrible time with meningococcal meningitis, with the police being called when she was violent, even though she was unconscious. Paul and Nicola, from Keighley in West Yorkshire, had just arrived on holiday in Portugal with their month-old son Oliver when he became ill. Fortunately they had a doctor who spoke good English and they received fantastic health care and quick treatme.
Five-year-old Bradley contracted meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia six months ago. But the plucky youngster, from Plymouth, has bounced back with no long-term after-effects. Tamily Butterton dismissed her severe headache, putting it down to too much sleep. But, in the middle of the night, her headache worsened and following advice from the out of hours doctor, Tamily called an ambulance.
Twenty-month-old Daniel, from Newton Abbot in Devon, woke at 6am with a high temperature. He was sleepy and moaning when he saw his GP later that day, who immediately gave him antibiotics and called an ambulance. In November Trevor Newsome, from Leeds, was 61 when he began suffering with what he thought was a migraine.
When his symptoms got worse, he was admitted to hospital and diagnosed with viral meningitis. Emma Cowey's son Jamie woke up feeling fine but died within 24 hours of meningitis. Here she tells how her darling baby boy fell victim to the killer disease. Kelly Crisp and Warren Morgan, from Hertfordhire, have been dedicated to fundraising after the devastating brain bug killed their two-year-old daughter Jessica in George Lane from Huddersfield is determined he won't live in fear of the potentially deadly brain bug meningitis which has attacked his body four times.
Kerry MacKinnon thought she was getting a migraine, but as her headache became worse it became clear that she was seriously ill.
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Here she explains how she survived meningitis. Popular teenager Chris died within 24 hours of showing any sign of being ill. His sudden death sent shockwaves through the close-knit community of Wotton-under-Edge in Gloucestershire. Bereaved Hull mum Claire Newman has been campaigning tirelessly since Liam was struck down by meningitis aged six. Here Holly tells how both she and her daughter Brooke battled meningitis. It was just an ordinary November day with a four-week-old baby for Lily and her mother Billie, but all that was to change dramatically and very quickly when Lily was rushed to hospital with an unusual cry and a burning temperature.
Liam was a fit and healthy footballer, who fell ill with swine flu shortly after his 13th birthday.
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It is thought the virus weakened his immune system and meant he was unable to battle the meningitis bug. Elliott fell ill at just seven weeks old, when a rash covered his body in just four minutes. The drama unfolded on the day of his mum Louisa's work Christmas party. She believes that had she not checked on him after the party then he might have been dead. Some people are lucky enough to survive meningitis, but even then the effects can be long-lasting, for both the patient and their family and friends.
Philipa Coughlan knows all too well the horror of this disease. Helen fell desperately ill with the brain bug and it initially left her unable to walk and facing a long recovery period. But the youngster has battled her way back to full health. She developed a feeling of unease down the centre of her chest and stomach. When Pauline Egan's son fell ill with meningitis his condition deteriorated fast. He suffered headaches, sickness and flu-like symptoms and was taken to the doctor.
Little Ruby Burrell was just months-old when she was struck down by meningitis and died within hours of showing any symptoms. When Steve Drew started suffering from an intense headache his doctor thought he was concussed after picking up a knock playing rugby. But Steve had contracted pneumococcal meningitis. Jaimie was studying Sports and Recreation when she fell ill at university. Had her flatmate not been so vigilant then she may not have been treated in time and made such a good recovery. Little Owain was just months-old when he fell ill, a "horrific" experience which has prompted his family to fundraise for Meningitis Now.
Linda Richardson had been out Christmas shopping with her daughter Lisa. The next day the teenager fell ill with meningitis. Manchester Evening News columnist Ray King described his own family's anguish when his granddaughter Isabelle fell ill with one of the deadliest strains of meningitis. Sophia contracted meningococcal septicaemia. She went to bed as normal but woke that night at 4am screaming. Mother Sophie takes up the story.
In January last year Jean-Paul, 20, of Carmarthenshire, started feeling ill with a blinding headache, this developed into an aversion to bright lights, followed by vomiting and seizures. Little Harmonie-Rose , from Bath, has captured the heart of everyone she meets as she battles back from meningitis. Her parents, Freya and Ross, tell her story. Eighteen-year-old student Harriet had been feeling ill for a while but when she collapsed whilst going for a drink of water it was time to call an ambulance.
Leo was born six weeks early. He became ill on Christmas Eve and needed surgery for a strangulated hernia. He returned home and all seemed well but, at the end of January when he was weeks-old, he was grizzly and had a high temperature. Grace, seven, became ill after an exciting and busy day spending her Christmas money in the sales. She was vomiting, had a high temperature, was lethargic and had a grey complexion.
His worried mother Vicky, from Eccles in Greater Manchester, phoned her health visitor, who advised her to rush Oscar str. It was just after New Year when three-year-old Luka became ill. It started with irritability and a high temperature but quickly progressed from there.
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Mum Paula, from Richmond in Yorkshire, picks up their story. A year ago three-week-old Addison became very poorly, he had a temperature and a rash, he was rushed to hospital. When twenty-year-old University of Nottingham fresher Matthew, an international student from the Bahamas, woke up shivering in November, he assumed it was just the cold. But when he passed out he knew there was something more serious wrong.
The out of hours doctor put the symptoms down to teething but 12 hours later mum Caitriona noticed a rash But when they noticed a rash they called an ambulance and he was rushed to hospital. Community Ambassador Jodie lost her daughter Mariah from meningococcal meningitis when she was just 13 months old. Jackie Hill's day started like any other but when her daughter Corrine fell ill she had no idea how it would affect her, Corrine's sister Jodee and the rest of the family. Matthew, from Cornwall, was just five and a half months old when he came down with meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia in April Louie was just five months old when he contracted meningococcal meningitis and septicaemia in January He lost both legs as a result, and recently took his first steps in prosthetic limbs.
Oscar was ill and doctors failed to initially diagnose him with meningitis. He tragically passed away.

Oscar's mum Amy tells her story and wants people to trust their instincts if they suspect meningitis. Lyndon is a Young Ambassador for Meningitis Now. He lost his legs, part of his right arm and the tips of the fingers on his other hand when he contracted meningitis and meningococcal septicaemia when eight and a half months old. When she was six-weeks-old Lauren had meningitis, which left her with brain damage, hearing loss in one ear and cerebral palsy, affecting her left arm and leg, and creating balance difficulties.
When Dave Hancock woke at 5am with a splitting headache he knew it was more than just a migraine. Taking a couple of painkillers he went back to bed and hoped the pain would stop. Lennon had already had various medical problems from the age of six months. Then, in July when he was three years old, he was diagnosed with viral meningitis.
In December , Bahman Jamalaldini thought he was coming down with a cold. On December 21 he went to bed early and in the early hours of the morning he was vomiting, had diarrhoea, he felt cold and had muscle and joint pain. Tureja Bibi was a busy mum-of-two, who worked at a private day nursery and enjoyed going out with her friends.
Then in , when she was just 28, Tureja contracted bacterial meningitis. Riley, now six, contracted meningitis and septicaemia aged one, which left him with multiple amputations and scarring. Here his mum, Bev, tells his story. Mattia's mum Aurelie retells of the day her baby was struck down and how much she thanks the quick-thinking doctors for saving her boy's life.
In August , Laura was unable to wake her week-old daughter Jessica for her morning feed. Sensing something was seriously wrong; Laura acted quickly and took her to see a doctor straight away. Jessica was later diagnosed with bacterial meningitis. Promising rugby player Mathew Johnstone is learning how to walk again after the brain bug nearly killed him just days after his 17th birthday.
When student Saleem Akintoye spent the day in bed with a hangover, no one suspected he was about to die from meningitis.
Prosecuting sexual assault: 'Raped all over again' | Society | The Guardian
Steve Dayman can still remember the moment his wife rang him to say their infant son Spencer was ill. She recalls the day in her book You Can't Hide , published earlier this year, which details the childhood abuse and her decision later to train as a lawyer and take her stepfather to court. Part of her case rested on her testimony that she told her mother about the abuse when she was 14, but her mother chose to ignore her. The defence lawyer, Mr Brown, "went straight for the jugular", she writes.
It was really tough, but I knew I had to continue to deny that I was lying and to continue being as truthful as I was. They were constantly trying to catch me out. They would go over things, over and over again, trying to trip me up," she says. There were a couple of times when I got so upset I couldn't breathe, and the judge called for an adjournment. The process of telling a crowded court what had happened to her was profoundly upsetting, even without the attempts of the defence barrister to undermine her.
You don't have to bring back the memories — they don't go away — but it is difficult to talk about them because of the shame you feel as a victim. Renton still has nightmares about her time in the witness box. Despite the best efforts of the defence team, the jury believed her. Her stepfather, David Moore, was found guilty of six counts of indecent assault, three counts of committing gross indecency with a child and three counts of rape. In July he was sentenced to 14 years. However traumatic her court experience, Renton considers herself very fortunate that the process resulted in a conviction.
I am one of the lucky ones. The system did not fail me; it protected me. My story shouldn't be so unique, but the statistics are awful. However, this figure is controversial, and seen as unnecessarily discouraging for victims who might be thinking about coming forward. More recent analysis of the figures, based on a more usual definition of conviction rate the proportion of cases prosecuted in the courts , suggests that Kate Smith whose real name cannot be revealed for legal reasons was extremely disturbed by similarities between the way Andrade was treated and her own experience, when she pressed charges against someone she claimed had abused her dozens of times as a child.
The defendant was found not guilty, so it is difficult to publish many details of Smith's allegations, but she, too, says she was repeatedly told in court that she was not telling the truth. Even if there had been a guilty verdict, she says, she would still have found the cross-examination humiliating and needlessly gruelling. She was so angry that she wrote to May, calling on her to review the way that women who report rape and sexual assault are treated, "to ensure that the victims are not subjected to this tirade of abuse throughout the trials. Without the support of my fantastic partner, friends… I, too, could have been another Frances Andrade, taking my own life.
Victims should not be broken in order to get a conviction or even a not guilty verdict… You leave a piece of you behind in the courtroom. Part of the problem was that the abuse had begun when she was very young, and since two decades had passed, she was unable to remember a number of dates and details. She felt she was being asked the wrong questions and, when she tried to stop to explain things better, she was told she couldn't deviate from the question.
You are trying to contain yourself, talking about some of the worst times of your life. It is hard not to come across as being really hard-faced, because keeping yourself together in court is really difficult. Her diary was read out in court; family photos were handed around.