2012, Les gardiens du temps (Hors collection) (French Edition)
The book will also be available to buy in PDF and ePub formats on the websites of our partner bookstores. If a print edition of the book is available, links to bookstores will be displayed on this page. The artisans themselves, and their local institutions, see cultural tourism as a way of further improving the fortunes of the craft village communities and bringing their heritage to wider attention. The history and skills they harbour have been inaccessible to all but a few specialists. Few of the villages are signposted, yet between them they are home to three quarters of the architectural, religious and craft heritage of the upper delta.
This book is about the true lives and enduring skills of the nameless artisans who made them. She studies the urbanisation process of the countryside in densely populated deltas the Red River, the Nile, the Niger, etc.
- Ancient craft amid by village cultural heritage.
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Book Corner 2018
OpenEdition is a web platform for electronic publishing and academic communication in the humanities and social sciences. Desktop version Mobile version. Results per book Results per chapter. Search inside the book. Translated by Nicholas Stedman. Hors collection Place of publication: Marseille Year of publication: Attention au bouffon vert! La Proie du chasseur tome 6. L'Attaque extraterrestre tome 2. Le Prisonnier tome 3.
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Discovering Craft Villages in Vietnam - IRD Éditions
Every summer thousands of Brits and other Europeans head to the south west of France for bliss, beauty and freedom. His project was doomed apparently — he was constantly told by industry sages that nothing goes on there out of season. But he soon discovered that the strange characters, ambitious local politicians, vain sportsmen and yes, badly-behaving foreigners provided more than enough material to keep newsrooms happy.
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Et comment une telle violence a-t-elle pu surgir dans une ville si paisible? Reading and writing Listening pistes audio disponibles dur le site editions-larousse. Incertitudes et controverses entourent les origines du tricolore et de ses composantes.