Verbessert Pay for Performance für Hochschullehrer die Leistungen an Hochschulen? (German Edition)
Bitte stellen Sie sicher, dass beide Sichtweisen deutlich werden. Die Reise- und ggf. Bis Juli nahmen mehr als September selbst ausprobieren. The summary report for the 3rd German Future Earth Summit February is available for download now on our site. Included are all outcomes and results of discussed topics such as: Acquiring a better understanding of designing and implementing long-term pathways towards sustainable development in cities, on land and in the ocean, organising, collaborating and sharing knowledge and activities in order to provide solution-oriented insights regarding the urgent need to achieve the SDGs by , as well as working across academic disciplines and collaborating with relevant societal leaders to uncover the huge potential for new, promising, societally relevant pathways to global sustainability.
The contemporary challenges facing planet Earth and its people are vast and complex. They can only be addressed by harnessing available knowledge that is more than the sum of its parts. To this end, science and society need to collaborate.
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The Future Earth Global Summit convenes all Future Earth entities to sharpen the outputs that can be expected of Future Earth activities in the coming three years. The Summit will especially build on the experiences of the existing research networks encased by Future Earth to prioritize future cross-cutting initiatives. Valuing an internationally coordinated approach to studying the complexity of global challenges and strong science-society interactions, the speakers emphasize the importance of the Summit and its ambition to contribute to the achievement of the SDGs.
The internal Future Earth meeting invites approximately 70 representatives of 27 thematic networks, the Global Research Projects and Knowledge-Action Networks, plus regional and national chapters as well as the Governing Council, the Advisory Council and the Secretariat of Future Earth. Auf drei real existierende Modelle konzentriert sich die Gruppe von Forscherinnen und Forschern in diesem Projekt, um zu untersuchen, wie sich an Nachhaltigkeit orientierte Gemeinschaften ausbilden und wirken.
Dilemmata der Nachhaltigkeit zwischen Evaluation und Reflexion. Das Projekt soll insgesamt bei der wissenschaftlichen und gesellschaftlichen Verortung des Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurses helfen. Inter and transdisciplinary research is proving to be one of the most important aspects in the journey towards a more sustainable future, but also one of the aspects which brings up new challenges.
The DLR has released a brief adressing virtual collaboration for inter- and transdisciplinary research in support of international environmental policy that puts people at the focus. And lists the aims of the virtual collaboration platform for inter- and transdisciplinary research, such as:.
In addition to that, it poses some initial research questions for transdisciplinary research, including:. How can cities sustain and improve livelihoods and human wellbeing for all sections of society, and at the same time reduce negative impacts on their biophysical environment? How can cities reduce their carbon foot print and other pollution and ensure access to basic services e. Die Deutsche Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie wurde zwar erst Anfang beschlossen. Im Mittelpunkt steht die Erarbeitung neuer Zukunftsthemen. September in Kassel fortgesetz t.
17 Nachhaltigkeitsziele - 17 Figuren: Die Taube steht für das Ziel "Frieden"
Der Sieger wird am 7. Dezember im Rahmen des Die neue Regierung hat sich vorgenommen, die Kohleverstromung schrittweise zu reduzieren und beenden. It can only be achieved through a comprehensive interdisciplinary research program, combined with a transdisciplinary approach that involves relevant stakeholders. The increase in global population and rapid change in human diets are putting enormous pressure on agricultural production, which already has a limited expansion capacity.
By outlining possibilities for the sustainable intensification of agriculture, the research community can make a valuable contribution to alleviating some of these environmental effects and their social ramifications. The new approach, suggested by the working group in their new working paper, should be based on:. This approach differs from classical verification in that it combines implementation support with verification at all spatial levels. The establishment of this global, but at the same time site- and region-specific, implementation and verification system for Sustainable Intensification poses a massive transdisciplinary research challenge.
It will require research agendas that includes a multidisciplinary, multi-scale research approach to sustainable intensificati on that is embedd ed in a well-structured process of continuous stakeholder engagement at all relevant levels of decision-making. More information working groups.
Zur Vorbereitung der anstehenden 3. Aber auch wir haben allen Grund, wachsam zu sein und Fehlentwicklungen rechtzeitig entgegenzutreten: Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft sind aufeinander angewiesen. Auch in Deutschland wird es am April zahlreiche Veranstaltungen geben. Was sind unsere Visionen? Am Nachmittag runden interaktive Zukunftsforen das Kongressprogramm ab. The initiative focuses on joint, integrative research approaches in the social sciences and the engineering sciences. The aim is to enable novel project constellations and interdisciplinary cooperations in a scientific and socially highly topical area through a shift in thinking towards new perspectives and solutions.
An essential challenge and at the same time a special opportunity for the participating disciplines lies in the joint development of a specific topic and the associated research issues as well as in the necessary expansion of the respective range of methods. The funding initiative is aimed primarily at postdoctoral researchers and professors at all career levels in the social and engineering sciences who devote themselves to the challenges of artificial intelligence and society in interdisciplinary research constellations.
The integration of the humanities is welcome. In addition to a substantial, longer-term project funding, one-year planning grants can be applied for upfront. Ein fundamentaler Wandel unserer Wertesysteme und Lebensstile ist notwendig. German Committee Future Earth, together with its partners, organised several events that outlined the contributions of science to climate and sustainability policy.
International platforms such as Future Earth or WCRP can help to identify pathways towards sustainability by consolidating different strands of academic knowledge. Ultimately, Martin Visbeck highlighted, this is a responsibility of science: They play a particularly important role in ensuring that the implementation of the different political aims incorporated in the Agenda does not conflict.
During the German Science Hour, experts highlighted that carbon pricing could also help to overcome the cooperation problem at the global level. At the same time, concerns about effectiveness, persistently low prices, interactions with other instruments and distributional effects were raised by participants.
The session gave an interdisciplinary perspective on the strength and limits of carbon pricing in the pursuit of a low-carbon and inclusive future. Last but not least, the German Committee Future Earth invited the public to learn from local government officials and researchers about the contributions of cities to the Paris Agreement and to the Sustainable Development Goals. One of several measures that made this possible is the cooperation with schools: Cities are accepted as global actors in order to realise sustainable development.
Among others, cities require science to create the scientific base for climate protection measures. These discussions provided a stimulating prelude for the expert workshop that followed and had been organised by the Co-Design Project Group. In this workshop urban planning officials and scientists started to discuss a possible coordinated approach for research priorities on the implementation of SDGs in cities in Germany.
Both meetings demonstrated that cities have the power to contribute to the implementation of the SDGs if they have the support of global and national institutions as well as of science. The mobility program offers the opportunity of a research stay abroad to academics at all levels, from students to leading scientists, as well as to university administrators, engaging people from across university strata in dialogue about sustainable development.
A Sustainability Volunteer Swap is also offered for exchange between student-led initiatives. Wissenschaftlich besonders ausgewiesene Gruppen werden dazu aufgerufen, sich im Wettbewerb um die Einrichtung einer Forschergruppe zu bewerben. Mit dieser Ausschreibung werden daher Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler insbesondere folgender Bereiche angesprochen: Berlin, 8 th of February For the third time, the German research community and international partners are convening to discuss prospects of research on global sustainability.
Organised by the German Committee Future Earth, the Summit features discussions that explore what science can contribute to a policy-making process that succeeds in achieving global sustainability. International coordination is thus of high importance for the development of more sustainable pathways. International coordination supports synthesis, increases efficiency, as well as the possible impact of scientific results on decision-making.
These fields integrate knowledge domains and actors both horizontally and vertically. They range from topics such as new economic systems and nexus thinking, to climate, ecosystems, labour and lifestyles. The potential of partnerships with societal stakeholders will be an additional aspect of the discussion at the 3 rd German Future Earth Summit held between practitioners. The expectations that surround these interactions are high and require reflection. Given the tight schedule of existing political frameworks such as the Agenda and the Paris Agreement, it is timely that researcher 1 assess and communicate science generated over the past 20 years, 2 identify and close knowledge gaps, and 3 generate knowledge together with relevant societal actors.
For more information, please visit our conference website dknsummit Deadline for German partners to register! Collaborations of research teams from these countries are invited to submit bilateral or trilateral proposals with at least one partner in Germany and one partner in Mozambique or Zambia respectively.
Februar findet das Klimaforum NRW statt. Alle, die mitdiskutieren wollen, sind herzlich eingeladen. Nordrhein-Westfalen ist ein gelebtes Beispiel des Strukturwandels. Ambitionierter Klimaschutz und Wohlstandserhalt sollten kein Gegensatz sein. Dirk Messner — auch in der Debatte mit Ihnen.
The final program for the 3 rd German Future Earth Summit is now out! In addition to information on what to expect, you can find details on the KAN sessions and roundtables, as well as information for Early Career Scientists. Moreover, you get the chance to read the various research blog posts we have been sent. Alexander Scharf: Books, Biography, Blogs, Audiobooks, Kindle
Last but not least, there are several extras to discover: Februar mit dem Zukunftsforum im Wizemann in Stuttgart. Dazu sucht das netzwerk n Mit Beschluss der Visit our conference website for registration and more information on. Verena Metze-Mangold, am November in Berlin aus. Die Ausgezeichneten tragen dazu bei, Nachhaltigkeit besser in der deutschen Bildungslandschaft zu verankern. Akteure aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Wirtschaft und Zivilgesellschaft treffen sich, um gemeinsam die Umsetzung des am Die Amtszeit kann zwei oder vier Jahre betragen.
Wenn Sie Interesse haben, wenden Sie sich bitte bis zum Der Preis kann sowohl an einzelne Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler als auch an eine Gruppe von Forschern verliehen werden. The period from the 6th to the 17th of November will be one of ambitious negotiations that encourages all sectors of society and the economy to align their action with the Paris Agreement and in particular to invest in the transition to low carbon societies and a more sustainable economy.
The negotiations will be complemented by a series of events where international climate players from governments, society and science have the opportunity to discuss activities and ideas. The German Committee Future Earth is delighted to organise together with Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, and many other partners, three events that share the importance of scientific knowledge in support of the implementation of the Paris Agreement and the Agenda.
In this side event we will focus on the interconnections between sustainable development and a low-carbon, climate resilient futures. The panellists will particularly examine the contribution of research to better understand these interactions and their trade-offs on-the-ground, that is at the implementation level especially in developing countries. System-thinking and partnerships with decision-makers will be central to this endeavour. Making polluters pay or selling out our future?
The Science Hour will shed light on the potential and limits of carbon taxes and of cap and trade schemes. Whether carbon pricing can and should become a pillar of climate policy around the world will be discussed by Karen Pittel ifo and Grischa Perino University of Hamburg. They will give an interdisciplinary perspective on the strength and limits of carbon pricing in the pursuit of a low-carbon and inclusive future.
This dialogue session will discuss the challenges and advances of cities regarding the SDGs and the Paris Agreement. The event will address also how science can support cities in their efforts to become more sustainable. The keynote speaker Maria Alexandra Kurth Cities Alliance Brussels will provide a global perspective on urban sustainability.
The mayor of the city of Bonn Ashok Sridharan is one of the participants of the discussion panel. We are happy to announce that German Committee Future Earth together with Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft will organise several events together with numerous partners. Wie kaum eine andere Disziplin stehen die Wirtschaftswissenschaften in der Kritik. Die Begutachtung erfolgt an zwei Sitzungsterminen pro Jahr. City developers in Germany and the USA can now exchange experiences, knowledge and ideas more quickly than ever before to develop innovations for the cities of the future.
An excellently connected group of experts for sustainable city development has now launched its web-based social platform www. The online platform offers an easy, fast and uncomplicated way to pool ideas, people and projects from Germany and the USA. The aim of this accelerated in-depth exchange is to enable mutual learning from successful case studies, but also learning from mistakes, in order to find the right path for a sustainable development of the cities of the future as quickly as possible. City developers in Germany and the USA can now benefit from this successful experience and expertise of transatlantic, interdisciplinary and integrative planning, relating to all topics and challenges of the cities of the future.
Zum nunmehr vierten Mal findet ab dem Thematischer Schwerpunkt der kommenden sechs Abende ist die Agenda New submission deadline for sessions, round tables and research posts! At the 3rd German Future Earth Summit 8. Click here to submit your proposal! Go to call for papers. Landscapes worldwide are increasingly shaped through global trade, market development, resource exploitation and climate change. This leads to a situation in which agriculture, forestry, biodiversity conservation, mining, housing and other land uses are increasingly competing for space.
This conflict hampers the achievement of the sustainable development goals and the only way to strike a balance, is addressing it from an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary landscape perspective. A landscape perspective considers the multi-functionality of landscapes, while understanding their complementarity and potential options for integration. The landscape level is increasingly recognised as the appropriate level to negotiate land use options with multiple stakeholders and to mediate conflicts and promote collaboration between them.
During this course, we will think landscape from a biophysical perspective, taking into account ecological and hydrographical processes defining the biophysical potential of a landscape. But we will also look at landscapes from an economic and a governance perspective. If you are an experienced professional with several years of working experience in the fields of natural resources management, forestry, agriculture, rural development, rural livelihoods, sustainable development, spatial planning, governance, and other related areas, you are warmly welcome.
Especially invited are graduate students, who want to learn how to position their research into the world of policy and practice. Die Agenda wurde auf einem Gipfel der Vereinten Nationen von allen Mitgliedsstaaten, auch Deutschland, verabschiedet. Join the free and open online course on climate change and learn with renowned climate scientists. Climate change is one of the major challenges for the international community. However, there is no intuitive approach to the problem. Rather, it can only be grasped through scientific knowledge. This is why the Climate Course explains the scientific basis of climate change, the impacts on nature and society, and identifies potential solutions — so that fact-based knowledge is available for everyone and can guide the transformation process towards a sustainable future.
Renowned climate scientists from institutions all over Germany give lectures about climate change, risks and challenges. As climate research is a broad and interdisciplinary field they come from many disciplines to take all the facets of the earth system into consideration.
Guest contributions from international experts are included. The course itself will start on October 1st After that, all time enrolment is possible. Societal resilience and climate extremes Sprecher: Forscher, die zusammen mehr erreichen wollen. Der Stunden Workshop vom Germany and France are jointly supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. Both countries are leading the way with their coordinated German-French Fellowship Programme to promote research in the areas of climate, energy and Earth system science.
Under the French "Make our planet great again" initiative, Germany and France are inviting researchers from all over the world to cooperate with German and French partners to advance sustainability research in the following fields:. Research on climate change 2. Research for the energy transition 3. Research to understand the Earth system.
Fellows of the programme will be given the opportunity to set up their own research group at a German university or research institution for a period of four years. Both junior and senior researchers of all nationalities who have not resided in Germany in the last two years can apply.
Sie ist Hauptautorin im 5. Seit vielen Jahren leitet Daniela Jacob Forschungsprojekte zur regionalen Klimamodellierung auf nationaler z. REMO und internationaler Ebene z. Freshwaters are fundamental for life on Earth, and yet freshwater biodiversity remains poorly documented, understood, and protected.
With a global initiative, scientists from the IGB Resarch Domain Aquatic Biodiversity want to strengthen the perception and importance of freshwaters in science, publics, politics and nature conservation. What efforts must be made to achieve this goal? People around the globe who are interested or working in the research and protection of freshwater biodiversity are invited to participate.
The project STRIVE Sustainable Trade and Innovation Transfer in the Bioeconomy integrates multiple research disciplines to improve the knowledge base for the design of sustainable policies and investments in the Bioeconomy. Bioeconomy is the part of the economy that relies on biological resources, products, and principles.
Please support the project by providing approximately 5 minutes of your time to help obtain a representative overview of how experts around the world expect key dimensions of the Bioeconomy to affect selected SDG dimensions. Eine nachhaltige, gesellschaftliche Transformation kann nicht ohne die Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten erreicht werden. The German Future Earth Summit provides an opportunity to stimulate discussions, and serves to promote the development of integrative research activities. The report on the outcomes of the Planetary Boundaries Conference is out now.
The main aim of the conference was to bring together two groups of individuals: From that encounter, new ideas, agendas and networks were to be formed. The conference achieved these goals in a number of ways. Several entry points were identified in terms of political strategies and action plans at the national and regional level, to which planetary boundaries could add a global environmental perspective.
Several follow-up activities are now underway that draw on the ideas and momentum generated at the conference. The Paris Agreement on Climate Change poses unique challenges for science as the Parties recognized ''the need for an effective and progressive response to the urgent threat of climate change on the basis of the best available scientific knowledge''.
Germany and France are jointly supporting the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Both countries are leading the way with their coordinated fellowship programme to promote research in the areas of climate, energy and the Earth system. Under the French initiative "Make our planet great again", Germany and France are inviting researchers from all over the world to cooperate with German and French partners in advancing research in the following fields of sustainability science:.
The programme also aims to network researchers. Germany and France will organize joint networking activities for the laureates in order to encourage networking between the laureates and with other international researchers in their discipline. The French call has already been published. The German announcement of funding regulations will be published soon. The Agenda emphasizes that the interlinkages and integrated nature of the SDGs are crucial for their realization.
As countries are gearing up to design and implement policies to attain the SDGs, they need to deal with possible trade-offs and try to achieve synergies. Sufficient and coordinated action requires adequate assessment, monitoring, and evaluation procedures. Comprehensive research is necessary to guide policy and facilitate civil society as well as business engagement. Invited are disciplinary in particular from the field of economics and political science and interdisciplinary research articles and commentaries to address these needs by focusing on:.
Furthermore, contributions with focus on SDG 17 Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable development which address the role of finance, technology, capacity building, trade or achieving sustainable development are particularly invited. The annual report shows how leaders can deliver on their promise and it urges countries not to lose the momentum for important reforms.
In order to achieve the ambitious goals, immediate and comprehensive action is needed. Deadline for manuscript submissions! Agricultural land is a widespread land-cover type globally, however agricultural land-use pressure on pristine areas will most likely increase in future due to growing food demands. Land remaining idle and suitable for cultivation is becoming a rare commodity. At the same time, agricultural land abandonment is also a widespread land-use change phenomenon.
You are invited to submit manuscripts about your recent research, as well as review papers, in line with, but not restricted to, the following topics not limited: In Deutschland gewinnt die Versorgungsforschung wissenschaftlich und gesundheitspolitisch immer mehr an Bedeutung, jedoch hat sie im internationalen Vergleich noch Nachholbedarf. Ziel der Nachwuchsakademie ist auch die Netzwerkbildung inner-halb der eigenen Community und mit etablierten Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern.
Bewerberinnen und Bewerber aus den oben genannten Fachgebieten sollten kurz vor der Promotion stehen oder ihre Promotion in den vergangenen sechs Jahren abgeschlossen haben. Oktober zum ersten Mal an der Hochschule Fresenius statt. Die Tagung steht unter dem Generalthema: Unternehmen sind ebenso als zentrale Akteure der modernen Gesellschaft gefragt wie Politik, Zivilgesellschaft und Verbraucher. Besonders hervorgehoben wird dabei unter anderem seine Leistung in der Kommunikation von Forschungsergebnissen an die Politik.
Alexander Scharf
Sie waren der Einladung der Bundesregierung zum ersten "Forum Nachhaltigkeit" gefolgt. Das Forum Nachhaltigkeit wurde mit der Deutschen Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie neu eingerichtet. Januar beschlossen worden war. Die Teilnehmenden kritisierten aber auch, dass einige Ziele der Strategie noch nicht ehrgeizig genug seien.
One Planet - One Ocean: From Science to Solutions is a ten-week course presenting the challenges and opportunities facing oceans today. Each weekly module includes video lectures, readings, interactive components and quizzes, and periodic Google Hangouts will be scheduled throughout the course. Bitte beachten Sie hierzu die Einsendefristen sowie unsere Rahmenbedingungen zur Einrichtung befristeter Arbeitgruppen.
Die Graduiertenkollegs bieten Doktorandinnen und Doktoranden die Chance, in einem strukturierten Forschungs- und Qualifizierungsprogramm auf hohem fachlichem Niveau zu promovieren. In order to strengthen international cooperation in the field of social sciences, wishing to fund high quality scientific research within their own countries, and aware that some of the best research can be delivered by working with the best researchers internationally, ANR, DFG, ESRC and NWO are launching a fifth common call for proposals in order to fund the best joint research projects in the social sciences.
The scheme will provide funding for integrated projects by researchers coming from at least two of the four participating countries, in any combination of two to four countries excluding bilateral applications from French-German teams. The partner organisations will conduct a coordinated peer review and a single common selection process.

Funding will be distributed among the partners according to the place of work of the researchers, and generally according to the funding rules of each individual agency. It will be decided in cities whether the transformation towards sustainability succeeds worldwide or not. Together with the issue of climate change, the transformation of cities towards sustainability should be right at the top of the agendas at the United Nations, the G7, the G20, the development banks, in bilateral cooperation as well as in national, regional and local politics.
If this does not happen, it will be impossible to meet the global sustainability goals. Starting from a global perspective on urbanization the WBGU conference will discuss specific issues from a multi-sector systemic and transdisciplinary approach. A specific focus will be given to the issues of real estate markets in urban development and the rise of the digitalization of cities. Due to a limited number of participants an early registration is recommended.
Im Rahmen des Der Lenkungskreis der Wissenschaftsplattform, der sich am 8. Die Wissenschaftsplattform Nachhaltigkeit ist systematisch in die Umsetzung der Nachhaltigkeitsstrategie eingebunden. A historical perspective on climate modelling". In her lecture, she will zoom into the German climatological community and discuss these cultural shifts and challenges within the field between the s and s. The historical perspective reveals how climate knowledge production was shaped by the broader socio-political context, how epistemic authority was negotiated in the field, and how the changes in climate research went hand in hand with a changing understanding of climate.
Bis zum Ablauf des 3. Auf dieser Grundlage entscheidet am Die Unterzeichner appellieren an den grundgesetzlichen Auftrag und die Verpflichtung der Parteien, an der politischen Willensbildung des Volkes mitzuwirken. Forschungseinrichtungen tragen nicht nur durch ihre wissenschaftlichen Ergebnisse zu einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung bei. Die webbasierte Handreichung LeNa Leitfaden Nachhaltigkeit erleichtert den Einstieg in ein forschungsspezifisches Nachhaltigkeitsmanagement.
The award, under the patronage of Minister Professor Johanna Wanka, honours young researchers each year. The winners come from numerous countries and scientific disciplines and are recognised for their outstanding achievements in making our societies more sustainable. Are you an up-and-coming scientist with innovative ideas and a strong focus on sustainable development?
Does your research have the potential to change the world? Then become one of the 25 Green Talents ! The award is open to all disciplines as long as it is related to sustainable development. Projects will be funded for up to two years, starting no later than November 1, The Cluster's mission is to use the results of multidisciplinary research to predict the future of the Earth's marine environment and to engage in developing solutions in support of sustainable ocean development.
Proponents must have completed their doctorate before July The project must be conducted at a host institution in Kiel. In her public lecture, Kathryn Bowen is going to discuss the importance of understanding the health impacts arising from global environmental change particularly climate change , provide a global overview of current and future action to respond to these changes, and outline the importance of understanding governance and decision-making processes in order to influence policy and programs. Her current research focuses on the nexus of global environmental change, global health and governance issues.
The events series takes place from 06 April to 13 July in Bonn. The event series brings together a wide range of stakeholders, decision makers from administration and government, rural agricultural service providers, civil society, NGOs, development organizations, and scientific institutions. This exchange forms the basis for developing ideas, options, recommendations to improve the current policies on drought resilience and identifying options to bridge research needs with practical demands.
Zusammen mit der Bertelsmann-Stiftung und dem studentischen Netzwerk sneep e. Leisinger zum Thema Agenda April um Wie kann ich als Wissenschaftler meine Themen und Ergebnisse in die Medien bringen? Die Welt wird nachhaltig. Immer mehr Unternehmen, Verwaltungen und zivilgesellschaftliche Organisationen streben Nachhaltigkeit an. Mai auf dem Oktober wird das Ausstellungsschiff unterwegs sein. Under a new Memorandum of Understanding, WMO will support GCF accredited entities to maximize the benefits of their investments in hydrological and meteorological systems and associated climate information services.
It seeks to provide pragmatic ways to bring the best available science into climate finance at a time when climate finance opportunities and climate risks are both increasing. Problem-oriented Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research TDR is expected to contribute not only to scientific progress but also to provide robust knowledge, which stimulates, accompanies and reflects societal transformation processes.
The debate about the effects of this research mode is intensifying: What is the benefit of problem-oriented, integrative and context-related approaches in TDR? Which effects does TDR show and how do they relate to the often context-specific research processes, their results and products, or to efforts of generalization and transfer of knowledge? Empirical research concerning these questions is still limited.
This special issue wants to enhance the debate on these issues and address its gaps. It focuses on policy relevant sustainability research. Works that addresses one or more of the following questions through either new conceptual formulations or empirical studies meta-analyses of several transdisciplinary projects or transdisciplinary case studies are of particular interest. Which methodological elements can be included in transdisciplinary research processes to strengthen their potential for societal effects? Universities and Climate Change: Understanding and managing the extreme impacts of climate change, Warsaw, Poland 4th - 5th July Many universities across the world perform state- of-the art research on matters related to climate change, both in respect of mitigation, and adaptation.
Yet, as shown by the latest Conferences of the Parties of the UN Convention on Climate Change COP 21 , there is much room for improvements in the role played by universities in the negotiations and in influencing decision-making on a matter of such a global importance. There are unfortunately relatively few events where a multidisciplinary overview of university-based research efforts and projects on climate change can be show cased, and where researchers from across the spectrum of the natural and social sciences have had the opportunity to come together to discuss research methods, the results of empirical research or exchange ideas about on-going and future research initiatives focusing on climate change mitigation and adaptation.
It will involve researchers in the field of climate change in the widest sense, not only from traditional climate science, but also from the fields of environment, human geography, business and economics, arts, administration and media studies. A total of 14 funders from 12 countries have committed in total over 18 million dollars of cash and in-kind resources for this call: Citizen science is a growing world-wide phenomenon. The participation of the public in scientific research is rapidly expanding field in open science and open innovation.
The scope of this volume is geared towards identifying solutions and lessons to be applied across science, practice and policy. The chapters are built around considering the role of citizen science in the context of the wider agenda of open science and open innovation. Furthermore, the progress towards two of the most critical aspects of science today - responsible research and innovation is part of the central discussion. The book includes contributions on citizen science from authors across 16 countries and was published by UCL Press.
Current JSC members who have been re-appointed for a further 2-year term to 31 Dec are:. WCRP would like to thank everyone who applied for these roles and notes that the expertise of all applicants was outstanding.
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As the Aichi targets come to an end in , we are left with CBD's vision: Future Earth and the CBD recently joined forces in that regard. Answers may be submitted in French or English. You may also submit answers as an individual or an organisation. For more information contact: Following the reception of your written contributions and the two webinars, responses and webinar discussion points will be collected and submitted as a service to the CBD Secretariat by 15 December Concerning COP14, Future Earth would like to gather all information needed to effectively coordinate between the various events in which the Future Earth community may be involved to help maximise their impact, including communications efforts.
If you or any of your colleagues associated with Future Earth are planning on participating in or have submitted a proposal for activities at COP14, take a moment to fill out this quick form to help map out potential events. To complete the survey, please click here. All positions are voluntary. Working groups, to be structured along with the establishment of DT, will be a core element of the Risk KAN allowing demand-driven, flexible, challenge-based networking to support and help shape the agenda of the Risk KAN.
All prospective DT members should consider availability for approximately one day a month, at least. With clear benefits to people and natural ecosystems, limiting global warming to 1. The Special Report on Global Warming of 1. It will be a key scientific input into the Katowice Climate Change Conference in Poland in December, when governments review the Paris Agreement to tackle climate change. Information on the report in German can be found here. But just as today science is often simply equated with natural science, many people think only of the natural sciences when it comes to sustainability science.
Undoubtedly, natural scientific and technical knowledge of problem relationships in dealing with nature, resources and climate is important. However, technical change does not happen on its own. In addition, the ecological challenges are simply too great not to aim for a behavioural change as well as technology.
This is the starting point of this series of publications. Some questions are, for example, the conditions for individual and social change, the means or governance instruments and normative ethical and legal issues about the ultimate goals to be pursued. Transdisciplinary approaches should play a special role, i. With this series, editors Prof.
Susanne Stoll-Kleemann chair of Sustainability Science and Applied Geography at the University of Greifswald , want to put an emphasis on pluralism and expressly give room to uncomfortable, unexpected and heterodox views and methods. In times in which sustainability research in particular also is increasingly influenced by the interests of clients, such openness seems necessary in the interest of truly finding knowledge. The SSG currently comprises 12 researchers from around the world with a wide range of expertise in atmospheric dynamics and chemistry. The nominations can be submitted online including the upload of a publications list.
It is possible to nominate a candidate or nominate yourself. Scientific expertise, career stage as well as gender and geographical balance are taken into account. The initial term of service is for four years January — December , with a possible extension of two years. Prospective host institutions and sponsoring organizations are invited to download the full call for hosting the CliC IPO. Letters of intent should be sent to Dr Mike Sparrow msparrow wmo.
General enquiries are welcome under the same email address. The CliC International Project Office can act as a focus for cryosphere research in its host institution and country and through its network, infrastructure and expertise, can facilitate international research collaboration. The WCRP Strategic Plan outlines the strategic direction of WCRP in the next decade, guaranteeing that fundamental research is supported and that the climate information required by society to make decisions when planning for and responding to climate variability and change is available and accessible to all. The Implementation Plan, which is currently in preparation, will outline how the Strategic Plan will be achieved - a road map for the transition to a Programme that is equipped to meet the ongoing challenges of the future.
In this Open Issue, COSUST invites abstracts discussing the emergence of collaborative research-practice networks and how they help the advancement of understanding and finding solutions to complex sustainability problems. Wie kann der Wissenstransfer in Climate Services optimiert und Wissenschaft und Praxis besser integriert werden?
The ocean is facing multiple challenges from climate change. Overfishing, acidification, de-oxygenation and pollution among others, need to be reduced in order to ensure a healthy ocean, the importance of which is stressed in several of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals SDGs. Ocean Sustainability is an open call for research projects with a focus on synthesis research for ocean sustainability. Additionally, one postdoctoral fellow will be supported to engage with selected research teams. Creating sustainable ocean pathways that account for and minimize the negative impacts of global change on the oceans, and determining system limits beyond which further global change will create large scale, negative, and potentially irreversible shifts in ocean systems.
Predicting, mitigating, and responding to ocean disasters to reduce risk. Assessing governance and policy for ocean sustainability. Researchers and practitioners of any nationality affiliated with an academic, governmental agency, multilateral or non-profit institution may submit a PEGASuS proposal.
Independently operating individuals are welcome to apply as well. THE GLP working group on co-production invites you to their first webinar, an introductory session for anyone interested in co-production in the field of land-system science. The webinar, which is open to newcomers and people already engaged in co-production, will set the stage and:.
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It was established by the United Nations Environment Programme UN Environment and the World Meteorological Organization WMO in to provide policymakers with regular scientific assessments concerning climate change, its implications and potential future risks, as well as to put forward adaptation and mitigation strategies.
Experts from around the world will offer comments and suggestions to the author teams. The report authors address every comment received when they prepare the next draft, and the review process aims to include the broadest possible scientific perspective. All IPCC reports go through multiple stages of formal review.
This first review will be followed by a second review when governments will also be invited to provide feedback. Expert Reviewers are welcome to register with a self-declaration of expertise. All Expert Reviewers will be acknowledged in the final report, due to be finalized in September Proposals are expected to mostly be of small to medium size 0.
Biodiversity is one important measure of the state of natural ecosystems that is lacking in sustainable urban design and planning efforts, even though it plays an integral role in human well-being and contributes greatly to the sustainability of cities. Urban areas continue to grow at an unprecedented rate. In honor of World Biodiversity Day, the Urban Knowledge-Action Network encourages to join this 60 minute webinar to learn about this important topic from experts and innovators within the community, and share your experiences.
The University Alliance for Sustainability UAS is looking for motivated and skilled candidates who are interested in studying and researching sustainability related topics while getting to know a new culture. The goal of the program is to encourage students, professors and senior management professionals to develop and implement their own research projects on sustainability related topics while broadening their horizon in a new cultural environment. Self- nominations from highly enthusiastic and dedicated experts are welcome for a four-year term from January to December The nominations should be submitted via the corresponding online nomination form by May 30 th Among all applications received, the currently serving co-chairs of each group will propose new members for final approval by the Joint Scientific Committee JSC of WCRP later this year in the summer.
The membership of those groups aim to include a balanced representation of relevant expertise with due consideration of geographical and gender balance. IPBES would like to invite all governments and stakeholders to provide written comments regarding the strategic framework, in particular, on how to further strengthen and integrate the functions of the Platform and the institutional arrangements established to implement these functions.
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Comments received will inform the development of the draft strategic framework of the future IPBES work programme up to , and, in particular discussions on this issue at the national focal points meeting June, Bonn, Germany and at the 11th MEP and Bureau meetings June, Bonn, Germany. The ERA-NET Consortium AXIS Assessment of Cross X -sectoral climate Impacts and pathways for Sustainable transformation was created to promote cross-boundary, cross-community research with the overall goal to improve coherence, integration and robustness of climate impact research and connect it to societal needs.
AXIS aims to overcome boundaries between science communities through promoting inter- or transdisciplinary research projects. AXIS will be supported by at least 10 funding organisations from 9 European countries and co-funded by the European Commission. The call will have an indicative budget of 15 — 17 Mio.
Tropentag is an annual, international conference on food security, natural resource management and rural development in the tropics.
Tropentag is a development-oriented and interdisciplinary conference. It addresses issues of resource management, environment, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, food, nutrition and related sciences in the context of rural development, sustainable resource use and poverty alleviation worldwide. It will be part of a worldwide network of over UNESCO chairs to support the teaching and research goals of the world cultural organization.
Over the next four years, the new Chair will primarily support greater involvement of social sciences and humanities in sustainability research. Chair holder Benno Werlen has experience in this area. As initiator and director of the International Year of Global Understanding IYGU in , he led an international campaign for greater engagement of social and human sciences SHS and societies with the global challenges of our times. Werlen views the growing interactions between research and society as a huge opportunity to establish sustainability as a fundamental criterion for political decisions — and to align it with the respective culture all over the world.
Therefore, as Chair holder, he wants to support and implement research projects as well as educational campaigns in the respective regions, thereby also aiming to intensify intercultural cooperation between individual centres. This means to ensure that the established governance structures are spatially and temporally well-aligned to the ecosystems and ecosystem services they are meant to govern.
Thereby, we define collaborative governance as partnerships between multiple actors from the public, private, and civil society sphere of society. This webinar aims to provide insights regarding the specific features through which the collaborative governance approaches could successfully address and mitigate issues of institutional misfit in landscape management.
Additionally it aims to introduce aspects of the importance of Science-Policy-Society interface regarding biodiversity and ecosystems services. The webinar is addressed to everyone interested in the topic, which includes students and researchers from the social and natural sciences, practitioners like administrative staff from protected areas, farmers or other land users and managers, as well as decision makes in environmental and agricultural policy.
For the upcoming membership term, from January to December , self- nominations are sought from the global climate research community. JSC members are to be selected for their scientific knowledge, capability and breadth of vision. The JSC aims to be an inclusive source of leadership for international climate research and seeks nominations of mid- to senior-career researchers from around the globe. The membership of the JSC shall aim to include a balanced representation of relevant disciplines in atmospheric, oceanic, hydrological and polar sciences.
Applications are being accepted from 22 February to 30 April. Spearheaded by the United Nations Climate Change Secretariat, Momentum for Change shines a light on the most innovative, scalable and replicable examples of what people around the world are doing to tackle climate change.
If your project is selected as a winning activity, you will receive a wide range of benefits, including fully covered attendance to the UN Climate Change Conference in Katowice, Poland; access to policy makers and potential funders during the conference; public recognition by the UN Climate Change secretariat; public relations support and media training; marketing materials, including promotional videos, a dedicated page about your project on our website and professional photography. Applicants must choose one of the following four focus areas where their activity is making a difference:.
Organizations, communities, cities, businesses, governments and others that are taking concrete action on climate change can apply to have their projects recognized as a Lighthouse Activity. The Special Issue will include papers that focus on the technical issues associated with measurement and monitoring as well as social and institutional issues associated with governance, benefits sharing, community-based carbon management and other related aspects.
Papers related to capacity building are also encouraged. Reducing emissions from deforestation, reducing emissions from forest degradation, conservation of forest carbon stocks, sustainable forest management, and enhancement of carbon stocks. Each of these scope areas present opportunities for submissions. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers.
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