The Immortality of Childhood: Adventures of a Boy Called James
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Return to Book Page. The Immortality of Childhood: Adventures of A Boy Called James" deals with the wondrous and unique tale of James Wilkinson, a normal 12 year old boy, who embarks on a series of adventures that transform even the most ordinary of days into ones that will live in his memory forever.

Join him as he encounters the King of All Birds, attends a bizarre lecture from a crackpot Professor, gets tried for his life in an underground seaside court, visits the rebellious and riot-prone Railway Club, trespasses on a country manor house with the 1st Battalion… and a whole lot more besides, as the book progresses towards its epic finale Delighting readers of all ages, this must-read of a book is a timeless piece of adventure, excitement and friendship that is destined to join the ranks of the most famous ever written.
Your imagination will thank you forever.
James Hong
Kindle Edition , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Immortality of Childhood , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about The Immortality of Childhood. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Nancy rated it it was amazing Oct 17, Campbell marked it as to-read May 29, Jessica marked it as to-read Jul 15, Axel Foley, while investigating a car theft ring, comes across something much bigger than that: Jack Cates once again enlists the aid of ex-con Reggie Hammond--this time, to take down The Iceman, a ruthless drug lord operating in the San Francisco bay area.
An extremely pampered African Prince travels to Queens, New York, and goes undercover to find a wife who he can respect for her intelligence and will. In the conniving world of politics, even a professional shyster like Thomas Jefferson Johnson Eddie Murphy can find himself outmatched. After using name recognition to get elected, A snobbish investor and a wily street con artist find their positions reversed as part of a bet by two callous millionaires.
Grossly overweight yet good-hearted professor Sherman Klump takes a special chemical that turns him into the slim but obnoxious Buddy Love. During the s, a New York City illegal gambling house owner and his associates must deal with strong competition, gangsters, and corrupt cops in order to stay in business.
James Coburn - Wikipedia
A successful executive and womanizer finds his lifestyle choices have turned back on him when his new female boss turns out to be an even bigger deviant than he is. Eddie Murphy plays a detective with a speciality of finding lost children. He is told he is the 'Chosen one' who will find and protect the Golden Child, a Bhuddist mystic who was kidnapped by an evil sorcerer. Murphy disbelieves the mysticism but finds more and more evidence of demon worship as he investigates. Why hardly anybody seems to appreciate this film anymore is without doubt one of the greatest mysteries of our time.
Without doubt it's one of Eddie Murphy's finer films; it's impossible to not have a good time while watching this movie Visually, its cinematography is executed very well, the special effects are fantastic except in one poorly executed shot where Charles Dance turns into a rat and the theme tune has a strange kind of catchiness to it.
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- The Golden Child () - IMDb.
- He Gave Me Comfort.
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- James P. Hogan (writer).
- The Immortality of Childhood: Adventures of a Boy Called James.
Don't be prejudiced against this movie, just because everybody else is. Four stars out of four. Long live 80s movies! Start your free trial. Find showtimes, watch trailers, browse photos, track your Watchlist and rate your favorite movies and TV shows on your phone or tablet!
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Keep track of everything you watch; tell your friends. Full Cast and Crew.
A private detective specializing in missing children is charged with the task of finding a special child who dark forces want to eliminate. Eddie Murphy , J. Wait, Is Mary Poppins a Witch? Comedy Titles to Discover on Amazon Video. Top 50 Highest-Grossing s Horror Films. December TV and Movie Anniversaries.
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