The Compass (The Skye Chronicles Book 1)
The Wearle Escape from Mr. A Novel Exploring the Solar System: A Decade of Darkness, a Life Reclaimed: The Illuminated Adventures Florence Nightingale: A Prequel to Pride and Prejudice Food: The Path to Happiness Forgotten Bones: Free Verse Freedom Over Me: Judy, Prisoner of War G. A novel The Girls of Atomic City: Cinderella Stays Late Grimmtastic Girls 2: The Overlord Protocol H.
A Novel Hamster Princess: A Novel Horses of the Dawn Book 1: The Escape Horten's Incredible Illusions: Memory Maze The Hypnotists: A Novel Incarceron Inconceivable: The Institute Series The Institution: Libris The Island of Dr. Curse of the Broomstaff Janitors: Heroes of the Dustbin Janitors: Secrets of New Forest Academy Janitors: The Mysterious Moonstone Key Hunters: Hope Springs Look at You Now: The Angel Experiment Maximum Ride: School's Out-Forever May B.
Rise of the Elgen Michael Vey: The Final Empire Mister Max: A Novel Motorcycles I've Loved: Embers of Destruction Mysteries of Cove: Fires of Invention Mysteries of Cove: A Novel Pip and the Twilight Seekers: A Spindlewood Tale Bk. Inspiring Women in Sports Rising Strong: A Billy Sook S Sabotage: A Touch of Flame. The Devil You Know. True to the Law.
A Place Called Home. This Gun for Hire. In Want of a Wife. The Price of Desire.
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The Compass - The Skye Chronicles (Hardcover)
Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! With an uncertain future ahead of him, Colin makes seafaring his life until the inexorable pull of revenge draws him back to London. The debt owed to him by the Earl of Weybourne will be paid. Weybourne Park has been Mercedes Leydon's home her entire life.
Now serving as the estate's manager and caretaker of her uncle's two children, Mercedes knows the earl's frequent absences are what make Weybourne Park a home. But the earl's gaming has taken its toll and she and her young cousins are faced with losing everything to a devil-of-a-stranger calling in a debt that can't be paid. Casting caution aside, Mercedes will make a new bargain with this devil.
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If it's her soul he wants—or her body—she will give it to him and stake her own claim on his steadfast heart. Goodman gets better and better.
- Children's Compass Chronicle: January .
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In this series Book 2. Ratings and Reviews 4 79 star ratings 4 reviews. Yes No Thanks for your feedback! I cannot say enough good things about this captivating romance novel. I wanted to try a new author and as I started reading this book, I was not able to put it down. At every turn it kept me guessing as to what will happen next. I could not figure out what the hero and heroine's true feelings really were, and that is what made the story so much more interesting.
Intrigue, mystery, and passion are part of this heartwarming tale that will touch your heart and make you fall in love with this fascinating story! A great read just when you think you have grasped the story line there comes another surprise. Creative writing at its best Couldn't leave it alone … Show more Show less.

I really enjoyed this book it was skilfully written with rounded charact and a script that kept you engrossed to the end.