The Art of Star Trek
I bought this book due to your review so thanks Parka. Lately i have had a real interest in Art Books and i have just received the amazing Art of District 9 from Weta.
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Your site is often linked over at wetacollectors in the Art section so feel free to say hello. This is good but not great book. I wish there was more about the actual making of the film. Obviously that's why Cinefex magazine exists. But for any fan of this latest installment of Trek, I recommend it wholeheartedly.
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Personally, I wish there was more about how the designers redesigned the starship Enterprise, especially which versions they ended up not using. Since there were no physical miniatures of the ships made for the movie, there is very coverage of the other Federation starships that are glimpsed briefly in the film.

But overall a keeper to add to my Star Trek collection. Stay informed on our latest news! Check your email and spam folder to confirm your subscription. Skip to main content. Thanks for this great site and keep up the good work. E-mail The content of this field is kept private and will not be shown publicly. For any fan its a must read for the casual reader its interesting but you have to over look some of the dated ideas and props. Jan 11, Melinda rated it really liked it Shelves: This was a fantastic Christmas gift that matched perfectly my recent reading of "The Fifty-Year Mission: The First 25 years" of Star Trek.
This book provides background on costumes, set designs, ship designs Really so much fun to read thru and see the old and familiar when they were new and shocking! Aug 20, Mrklingon rated it really liked it Shelves: A fun review though not current of the artwork behind Star Trek - up through Voyager. I love these sorts of books because they give an interesting perspective on all that goes into making elements of a franchise like Star Trek.
The Art of Star Trek | Memory Alpha | FANDOM powered by Wikia
Feb 28, Derrith rated it really liked it. This book is not one I would ordinarily choose. It was left on a table in the library by one of my students who had been pretending to read it. It piqued my curiosity, so I opened it. I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, what one would call a Trekkie.
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- STAR TREK: ART OF JOHN EAVES Book Finally Announced | TrekCore Blog;
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I am not even a true fan, really, of Star Trek, though I have watched and enjoyed it on occasion. I can, however, appreciate the art of it. The creativity of the concept and the imagination of its creators is really qui This book is not one I would ordinarily choose. The creativity of the concept and the imagination of its creators is really quite amazing. The contributions of sketches, photos, cartoons, posters, etc.
May 14, Eugene Caputi rated it liked it.
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Kinda thin especially when one compares it to coffee table books like The Art of Star Wars. Some interesting design stuff that hadn't been seen before but mainly more of all the stills we've been seeing since day 1.
I'd say the most interesting things for me were the sketches of the Young Captain Kirk and young Spock characters from the animated series. As in, they were going to make Kirk and Spock teenagers, an idea so bad that it was immediately scuttled but sort of resurfaced in the rebo Kinda thin especially when one compares it to coffee table books like The Art of Star Wars. As in, they were going to make Kirk and Spock teenagers, an idea so bad that it was immediately scuttled but sort of resurfaced in the reboot. Jul 20, Daniel Kukwa rated it it was ok Shelves: It's a pretty decent coffee-table book updated to early DS9 and Voyager , but there are many more detailed and fascinating art-based explorations of the Star Trek universe available.
STAR TREK: ART OF JOHN EAVES Book Finally Announced
This is a glorified teasing sampler, with a few fascinating early sketches thrown in for good measure. Contents [ show ].
These Are the Voyages; Star Trek: The Original Series Chapter Three: Take Two; Star Trek: The Animated Series Chapter Four: Phase II Capter Five: Lightning in a Bottle; Star Trek: The Next Generation Chapter Six: