More Than You Wanted to Know About Beths Life
More Than You Know
If you were ever tempted to look at your significant others cell phone, you will know exactly why I was laughing. This story will keep you guessing, at the edge of your seat…Marvelous Story!! Sep 06, Bookread2day rated it it was amazing. I just could not put this novel down. What it is very clear to me is that Beth Thomas writes with great focus and with excellent plot ideas.
Grace's life is just like any other woman's she is married to a good looking charming man who she loves very much with all of her heart.
Adam and Grace have been married for just one year. But what is extraordinary is that Grace has no details of Adam Review by www. But what is extraordinary is that Grace has no details of Adams past life. One evening while Adam out getting a curry for them he disappears. There is simmering of tension surrounding Adam's disappearance. The police find it hard to track down where Adam has disappeared to. Adams parents think something nasty has happened to him and that he is dead somewhere but just not been found. Grace doesn't seem to think her husband is dead.
His Other Life wraps us so thoroughly through both of Grace's and Adam's life to the extent of Grace finding out through a safe of secrets there is horror and total betrayal in store for her about Adams past life. Was marrying Adam the biggest mistake Grace has made? His Other Life is not to be missed it is cleverly plotted.
A suspense-filled woman's fiction page-turner. His Other Life started off extremely well - I was hooked. I was really confused what genre I was reading, because it was a mixture of crime and chick-lit, which I really liked. When Adam disappears, we're mislead that he has a secret life and that he's cheating Grace, but as we keep reading, everything is not what it seems.
I was really curious to find out what was happening and that kept me until the end, but there were some little problems that I couldn't overlook: First of all, her husband disa His Other Life started off extremely well - I was hooked. First of all, her husband disappears and might have been murdered and she seems perfectly calm. She even says that "he's been missing four days, not a month" and she acts as though she doesn't care.
She goes for drinks and flirts and generally her behavior is unatural. The second half of the book is disappointing and the end is cheap. I didn't like it at all. These problems kept me from enjoying the book as much as I wanted. Well where do I start?
Boring, didn't do anything for me at all. I found it hard to pick my kindle up just to trudge through this book. It promised so much - we'd find out about Adams life, as it was the major secret in this book. Why had he disappeared? And what would Grace do to find him?
Oh yes, she hit google Well apart from the obvious thing that she really needed to google to start making headway. Her best friends older brothe Well where do I start? Her best friends older brother, Matt, helps her on her search for Adam. He is a police officer. As she reveals to him about her breakthrough - why does he insist on going places with her, or helping her, why not inform his superiors? Why does he seem to forget he is a police officer?
Attachments Reader’s Guide
It's all she does and I found her mundane. Sorry,but I wouldn't recommend this. Mar 15, Kim rated it it was amazing Shelves: Kate and Adam have been married a year when a mystery call from someone called Leon is recorded on their answer phone. After deciding to go and fetch a curry, Adam just fails to come home. Initially worried she reports it to the police. They start an investigation and his car is found in another part of the country, without the curry. Where is he, is he safe and was it the call from Leon that spooked him?
The book follows her dealing with the aftermath of him disappearing and unravelling certain Kate and Adam have been married a year when a mystery call from someone called Leon is recorded on their answer phone. The book follows her dealing with the aftermath of him disappearing and unravelling certain things about their relationship. I loved the characters in the book- her friend worked in a fancy dress shop and that added some amusing anecdotes. With many thanks to the publisher and Net Galley for a copy of this book to review. Feb 09, sue rated it liked it Shelves: Going by the blurb it sounded exciting and a wife who was suddenly missing a husband, he had vanished and she wanted to find him.
Upon her search she comes upon secrets That's what I was thinking I would be reading. This plot was moving so slow I was kinda wanting to 'hurry it up' and I will admit to doing something that I NEVER do, and that's skim pages to see if it will pick up again. I was disappointed in this, I did stick to it until the end.
Jun 25, Megan Jones rated it really liked it. Grace's new husband Adam seems like the perfect package. When Adam suddenly disappears, Grace is heartbroken and bewildered. As she desperately tries to find Adam, Grace realises he was not the man she thought and his secrets come spilling out. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel and found it devastating whilst still remaining hilarious. Thomas very quickly has Adam disappear and fills in his and Grace's backstory as the plot progresses, this is the best way of doing it and means we quickly get a thi Grace's new husband Adam seems like the perfect package.
Thomas very quickly has Adam disappear and fills in his and Grace's backstory as the plot progresses, this is the best way of doing it and means we quickly get a thick atmosphere. The investigation that Grace undertakes is well written and Thomas does not drag anything out. Once the big reveal has happened it was easy to see what had happened to Adam.
I was not disappointed as it was an exciting secret and meant big consequences for everyone involved. Grace as a character was likeable but naive, as she recounts her relationship with Adam, I found some of the things she overlooked hard to believe. The light relief and hilarity comes in the form of Grace's friendship with her best friend, Ginge. The novel is well written and Thomas captures the emotion and recovery of Grace well.
Mar 11, Fabulous Book Fiend rated it it was amazing. From the cover this looks like a kind of typical women's fiction novel but it is something so much darker and more mysterious than that with the wonderful romance of a women's fiction novel at its heart! The storyline overall was fast-paced, twisty and packs a real punch. There is a definite element of mystery there which normally I'm not a massive fan of but because I felt so invested in the characters, I really enjoyed!
The ups and downs Review: The ups and downs were really quite unexpected and the amount that happens over such a short time frame is seriously impressive! The characters themselves are interesting. Grace, our lovely female protagonist is a naive kind of person with plenty of redeeming qualities but I did sometimes want to grab her and shake her for naivety and I did find it a little unbelievable that she really did know so little about the world.
She seems to have buried her head in the sand for several years though because of the circumstances she is in and so she can definitely be forgiven that! I have to say, I loved Grace's best friend, Ginger. She was a real treat to read and so unpredictable, you never knew what she was going to say or do next.
Adam is definitely the villain of the story and I hated him from the word go,. He is someone that it is entertaining to hate through and I really wanted to shout at him as well as Grace for being so controlling and manipulative. Without all of that though, the story wouldn't have been what it is, it is very much a character driven novel! Its pretty hard to write any concluding remarks about the book without giving any spoilers.
I really liked the ending and the loved the romance thread running through the novel the whole time so so much. Some of the twists and turns were slightly unbelievable but I really felt like I was going through this ordeal the whole time with Grace and so therefore I was truly invested in the story. Because of the fast-paced thriller aspect of this novel I found it really hard to put down and I think this would be a great introduction to the world of suspense or thriller novels for those among us who are usually women's fiction fans in the first instance!
Mar 24, Jody rated it really liked it. Review first posted on my blog: He's good-looking, charming, has a good job… What more could a girl wish for, right? But then Adam suddenly disappears from Grace's life when he is supposed to get some Indian takeaway, but never returns home.
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Grace is left behind heartbroken and doesn't know what to do, besides Review first posted on my blog: Grace is left behind heartbroken and doesn't know what to do, besides try and find Adam. Did someone do this to Adam or was it free will?
Attachments by Rainbow Rowell - Reading Guide - Books
The questions keep on coming, and Grace has no idea what to think or to believe. While the cover has an almost magical touch to it, the plot also has elements of chick lit and crime, so I had no idea what to expect exactly. However, whatever genre the book fits into, Beth Thomas once again engaged me with her addictive, funny and comfortable-to-read writing style and I ended up really enjoying this read.
She really has a great narrative voice and managed to hold my attention from the first chapter until the last. Her character really develops throughout the novel, which is not that strange considering everything she goes through after her husband suddenly disappears. Jun 25, Lainy rated it it was ok.
However terrible it may be.. My Review I loved the blurb for this, it sounded like a great mystery and martial secrets. Grace and Adam seem to have everything on the surface, beautiful, job security and everyone likes them. But Adam disappears after a strange call and Grace is left wondering where Adam has gone, is he safe and who is Leon? The story starts off good and draws you in, I know I really wanted to know what happened to Adam and who was the mysterious Leon. However, as the story goes on, the police become involved and we start to see exactly what Grace and Adams relationship was like I got really frustrated.
Grace's character is so naive, irritating and innocent for being a married woman although we find out as the tale goes on how young she is. Some of the way the characters converse with each other irritated me, the best friend Ginger is so inappropriate and annoying considering what Grace is going through.
I think the problem for me was a lot of the actions and narrative grated on me or I had to suspend belief because I couldn't imagine adults behaving like that or talking the way they did considering the circumstances. An example of this would be jocular chat between two characters calling each other dog breath and slug head.
Apr 03, Vicki rated it liked it Shelves: I had no idea what to expect from this book before I started it. The cover screams chick lit while the blurb hints at something more sinister. After finishing it, I'd say it definitely edges on the side of chick lit. But good chick lit, with a fresh and original slant, a mystery to solve and laugh out loud humour by the bucketful.
Grace is endearingly scatty, frustratingly so at times, but I warmed to her. I loved the chatty style Beth Thomas wrote this novel in and it's almost like a running co I had no idea what to expect from this book before I started it. I loved the chatty style Beth Thomas wrote this novel in and it's almost like a running commentary of Grace's thought process. The secondary characters are equally as fun to read and I enjoyed the few hours I spent in their company. I laughed out loud on more than one occasion!
The 'mystery' angle is interesting, especially given the popularity of psychological thrillers right now. If you're expecting this kind of book though, you may be disappointed. His Other Life refuses to take itself seriously. The search for Grace's missing husband verges on the ridiculous at times, and is definitely more parody than chilling' who dunnit'. That said, I was quite surprised at a more serious tone towards the end. His Other Life isn't going to appeal to everyone.
Personally, I liked it. It was fun, it made me smile and I enjoyed Beth Thomas's easy writing style. This book is perfect comfort reading, ideal for holidays and lazy weekends.
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If you love a romantic comedy with a bit of a different spin, then I think His Other Life would be a good bet. Mar 01, Adele rated it it was amazing Shelves: Firstly, I loved the cover of the book. Pop culture is shared culture, so if I say that someone is more of a Star Wars geek than a Star Trek geek, you probably know what I mean. The trick in Attachments was finding nineties references that would still have meaning today. I like to experience a story in context.
A few of my favorite artists are really good at this — using pop culture references to help tell a story. So much of the book consists of the email repartee between Beth and Jennifer. How did you go about crafting these exchanges? What was most important to you in creating the specific voices of these characters? Well, it started as a cheat for me. This is my first novel, and I was really anxious about writing the third—person narrative. But I was much more confident about writing dialogue, and email is really just dialogue. I wanted their friendship to be a major part of the book — and I wanted to write about how female friendships have moved from the telephone to the computer.
I knew that it could get confusing, the switching back and forth between their two voices, so I tried to make them pretty distinct. Beth is more self confident, and — in part because of her job — more laid—back. How much of Nebraska and the Midwest do you see in this book and how would a different setting have changed the story and characters? Well, I wanted to set the book in Omaha because people in Omaha almost never get to see our hometown in books or TV or movies — and we get so excited when it happens.
I do think of the characters as very Midwestern.
The way that Doris talks to everybody who comes into the break room and learns their names. The way that everyone is always offering each other food. The gorgeous cheap apartments. The characters in this book deal with significant loss and loneliness, but find powerful moments of love as well. What themes or topics do you want your readers to walk away with? For you, which character best speaks to the message of the novel and why?
Lincoln is the heart of the book for me. I knew when I started the book that I wanted Lincoln to be a truly good guy. I reject that entire idea. I wanted Lincoln to be like the guys in my life — sensitive, kind, idealistic, feminist, smart. The summer she met Conary Crocker, the wild boy she fell in love with.
It's also the story of what began to happened with the Haskell family who lived in isolation on an island off the mainland of Dundee, Maine back in the late s. It's part love story, part ghost story. And the two stories eventually collide I thought this was very well done. The characters were realistic, and well developed and I found it to be an easy and satisfying read.
I will look for more books written by Beth Gutcheon. Oct 18, Antonella Albano rated it liked it. Intriguing plot and beautiful narrative style. I did, however, felt that the book lacked something. The mirroring of the two stories the contemporary character being haunted by events and characters of the past , each told in alternating chapters, seems somehow disconnected.
There was no closure, no reconciling for what really happened. Sep 23, Emily rated it it was ok. This is a pretty clumsy book There's little consistency with the narrative voice, there are problems with referring multiple houses that come into play as "the house" at various points, literary devices like themes, motifs, etc. But what can I say?
See a Problem?
I'm a sucker for teenage angst, ghost stories and Maine, so I zipped right through this and enjoyed myself most of the time. Mar 22, Jessica rated it it was amazing. I read this a few years ago because my local library was reading it for their bookclub. Too bad I ended up missing the meeting because I deperately wanted to talk about it. It's part journey story and part ghost story, which at first was distracting as it moved back and forth between the two.
But as one does when watching a movie with subtitles, I adjusted and soon became caught up in the story, especially as the two stories began to merge. This is one I really want to read again. Dec 04, Kelly rated it really liked it. I thought it would be hard to get into a book after finally finishing the Twilight series. Cole brought this book home for me and it is GOOD! It's a love story and a ghost story intertwined.
So far, I'm really enjoying it The book turned out to be kind of creepy and sad but wasn't depressing, strangely enough I really liked it. It made me want to regress to a seventeen-year-old and spend a summer in a Maine fishing village falling in love with a boy named Conary Crocker. Sep 13, Jennifer McCarthy rated it it was amazing Shelves: Part ghost story and part love story.
Beautifully written with nostalgia, a love of family, history, and a great cast of characters. Gave me great shivers and couldn't put it down. Aug 29, Meg rated it liked it. I couldn't read this all the way through I live by myself and have an overactive imagination, so I don't read ghost stories anymore. Oct 10, Mike rated it liked it Shelves: One summer while on the coast of Maine, a young woman falls in love but soon finds herself haunted by a mysterious tragedy that occurred a century earlier. Nov 24, Lisa rated it really liked it. But by the end I felt sorrow for its younger characters, those who were teenagers in the 30s and being haunted by ghosts from the previous century.
Two teenagers find each other in the midst of a summer that is turmoil for both. They share experiences of dealing with the same ghost separately and then together twice. Jul 03, Mimi rated it liked it Shelves: I'm not sure how this hit my radar as I am traditionally not a ghost story reader. I enjoyed the two stories and the way that Gutcheon tied them together.
I am a wuss and thankful that it wasn't too creepy, more sad. Hannah Gray is now an old woman, reliving the summer when she was seventeen and in love. She's revisiting her grandparents' house on the coast of Maine and re-reading her journal from that summer. She was fighting with her stepmother, her father was back home in Boston, and the house they had rented was haunted but Hannah was the only one who could see that.
She eventually stumbles on the tale of a gruesome murder with ties to the house when it was located on an island out on the bay. In a dual Hannah Gray is now an old woman, reliving the summer when she was seventeen and in love. In a dual narrative, the book contains Hannah's journal and relates the events surrounding the murder. I really just grabbed this out of a box of books that I borrowed from my aunt a long time ago and haven't finished reading. I glanced at the back and saw something about Maine and decided that sounded good to me.
I was surprised to get a murder and a ghost! Don't get the idea that this is a horror novel. There's a lot more going on here than that. The ghost seems to serve more as an illustration of the ways we hurt each other in countless ways, both big and small, and the way that bitterness and anger cause effects that ripple out from us and down through generations. I liked Hannah and thought her parts captured that feeling of being young and in love and knowing that the world is too small to contain everything you feel. She just wants to do what she wants but she has her stepmother constantly trying to clip her wings.
And Conary, the boy she loves--he's fabulous. I got the feeling that he could be a heart breaker but he's tender and caring and charming and almost perfect with Hannah. The story about the Haskells and their miserable lives together is horrifying. They just about hate each other. Well, they really do hate each other.
Claris and Danial are married in spite of her parents' misgivings. They see Danial more truly than Claris although she'd never admit it. Claris thinks his quiet demeanor hides a deep soul when really it hides a man who just wants to work and be hateful and not much else. The two warp their children and even drag a schoolteacher who is boarding with them down into their spite and hate. They're one of those couples that seems happiest when they're tearing each other apart.
The harsh Maine landscape of the early twentieth century plays a part here too. A visit to Maine is definitely on my bucket list and the descriptions in this book only added to my desire to go. But the tough climate shaped a tough, proud bunch of people and that's reflected here. This is one of those books that just wouldn't be the same if it was set anywhere else.
I haven't read The Woman in Black but, based on the movie, I get the feeling that readers who enjoyed that would enjoy this book and vice versa. When you're in the mood to explore the darker side of human nature, give this one a try. It's a quick, atmospheric read that won't disappoint. Oct 02, Lynda rated it really liked it Shelves: This is a ghost story and love story all rolled into one. A tale about life coming full circle on itself. The history starts in the early s when Claris Osgood is 10 years old and already feels completely different than her close, loving family members.
She meets a boy named Danial Haskell and they fall in love. They question how well Danial will treat her.

He is cold and heartless. Claris loses her first two daughters in a miscarriage and when she finally has a son, Amos, he is her pride and joy. Danial never cared much for Amos mostly because he reminded Danial of the Osgoods. He was musically talented, but Danial would have no music in the house. A few years later, Claris has another child, a girl named Sallie. Hannah Gray tells the story of one summer spent in the small town in Maine where Claris once lived. Hannah begins to see a ghost in her summer home. She spends the summer investigating the origin of her house, which used to be the schoolhouse on the island.
On her journey, she comes across a young man named Conary Crocker.