Guide to Owning a Bengal Cat
The Bengal breed i s fully domesticated, although it was originally bred from a cross between an Asian Leopard Cat a small, wild cat that lives in forests and a "regular" domestic cat breed such as Abyssinian, American Shorthair, or Burmese. Now, only its markings are wild-looking. Despite their name, Bengal cats are not related to Bengal Tigers. They are not unusually large, wild or dangerous. Heritage is one aspect of Bengal cats. Not only do they generally have beautiful, velvet-soft coats, but they are more active, affectionate and engaged than other domesticated cats.
Compared with ordinary domestic cats, Bengal cats differ in the following ways, which means that you must approach caring for this breed in a unique manner:. Bengal cats are "made" differently than their other domestic cat cousins. The shape of their face and their ears have an exotic appearance. They are generally stronger and more athletic than other cat breeds, too. A cat that loves to play in water or even swim? Yet, Bengal cats are renowned for their love of the water.
They may even jump into the bathtub or shower with you! These cats are high energy! Plus they are extremely bright and engaging. Forget what you might think about lazy cats, lounging around all day. If you are thinking about getting a Bengal cat, be sure to plan to engage them so they do not get bored and potentially destructive! This is my favorite trait of the Bengal cat. They are very affectionate, friendly and loyal.
Not your typical affective pet. A Bengal will greet you and interact with you much like a dog. Bengals are very trainable because they are smart, agile and loyal. Just watch the first video above. Can you believe a cat that can be trained to roll over, walk on hind legs and heel next to its owner? One look at a Bengal and you know you are seeing an exotic cat breed. Their amazingly soft coat is adorned with "wild markings" such as rosettes, sots and stripes.
You are probably familiar with the different needs of various breeds of dogs. For example, Labs need to run, Terriers are excitable and like to bark and dig, Beagles tend to howl and may be neurotic. Now, apply that thinking to various breeds of cats. Granted, there is not quite as pronounced a difference among domestic cat breeds. Yet, with a cat as unique as a Bengal, you will want to consider the following tips when integrating them into your home:. Sign in or sign up and post using a HubPages Network account.
Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites. I have a Bengal who is not a full year yet and would love to train her is it possible or did I wait to long she was born last April? My Bengal listens better than my dog. She rides well in the car, comes w me on vacation, comes when I call, even taught her to run the bases on a baseball field. My son has one. He is a wonderful pet. My son has to be away for 12 weeks so I will be bringing him to my home. I know he is high energy and we are preparing for lots of fun with him as he loves to play.
Guide to Owning a Bengal Cat
I just got a Bengal cat kitten and they are like dogs on the inside. It is also the only cat that my dad is not allergic to because this type of cat is the only hypo-allergenic type of cat. Hypo-allergenic means that it doesn't shed meaning it doesn't have any dander that a lot of people are allergic to. I don't support exotic breeding or even breeding of pets, but my mom had a Bengal for a few years and my aunt is rehoming her second Bengal to me since her first and him don't get along. This breed is certainly different from house cats and need a totally different touch but they are incredibly affectionate if raised with compassion and patience.
We started our cat out with frequent car rides as soon as we adopted her and she does great. I also work with other Veterans with PTSD and so I would have my Bengal at work as well requiring a car ride to work which I am not sure will fare well. I would imagine yes, but the ease of training may not be as high as with a dog.
Let me see if I can find an answer to that question.

I have bengal cats and I love them all. It's a domestic cat and I think it's easy to take care depend on how we understand to treat them. Thanks for giving more insight through this article, very helpful! Yes, Bengals are very unique, beautiful and different from other domesticated cats. Definitely make sure your child is responsible before getting them a pet. All the best, Steph. Your cat is adorable. My kid has been pestering me for a pet, but this will be on the bottom list once he is more responsible ;.
Hi innerspin - that video is unbelievable, isn't it? Love to share experience and tips on caring for a Bengal cat. Hi Wordscribe, I understand that they are a better fit for families with allergies. You should look into a Bengal rescue! Good look - thanks, Steph. What a wonderful video of Moogly. I've never seen a cat behave like that before. Bengals are beautiful, I didn't know a lot of the information you provided, so thanks for that. I soooo want a Bengal, but they're a bit pricey, right?
Aren't they fairly hypoallergenic, too? I seem to remember my sister looking into getting one since her husband and son have major allergy issues. Anyway, they are just gorgeous cats, in my opinion. Being a cat liker, didn't know much about Bengali cats. Heard, but thought they were just super tame versions and "genetically modified" Bengali tigers! They are a beautiful cat but there is no way we are getting another cat LOL Good job Steph! Have a great week. Other product and company names shown may be trademarks of their respective owners.
HubPages and Hubbers authors may earn revenue on this page based on affiliate relationships and advertisements with partners including Amazon, Google, and others. To provide a better website experience, pethelpful. Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so. For more information on managing or withdrawing consents and how we handle data, visit our Privacy Policy at: Make Sure you Get a Bengal Cat from a Reputable Breeder Bengal cats have such unique characteristics, both with regard to appearance and behavior, that you will want to ensure you get a Bengal from a reputable breeder.
About the Bengal Cat Breed In a related hub, I set forth the following information about the Bengal Cat Breed, which has been recognized as a registered breed since If you want the ease of cat ownership with the companionship of a dog, consider this breed. Have fun with your Bengal! Playing with your cat can provide hours of entertainment for you, and your Bengal. These cats love attention, so the more, the merrier!
Guide to Owning a Bengal Cat by Jean S. Mill
They also love to sleep with their "parents" so, let 'em snuggle up to you at night! Bengals only live years average, so make the most out of each day with your cat. Play time with kitties is always important!
Cats love anything moving. Get a feather on a string, and move it slowly on the ground. This will make your Bengal think it is alive. Move it slowly, shaking it a little back in forth, until your Bengal pounces. Help the Bengal to bond with all members of the household. Bengals have a tendency to become one-person cats and ignore everyone else. To avoid this, when you get the Bengal kitten, make sure all members of the house spend equal time playing with, feeding, and grooming the kitten.
This will help the cat become equally familiar with everyone.
Consider giving your Bengal cat a friend to play with. Bengals have play fights in the middle of night, so if you don't want a cat to bother you all night, get another cat. The second cat doesn't have to be a Bengal. It can just be a stray, cat from the pound, or a cat you already own.
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As a rule Bengal cats are confident, outgoing animals, and if any cat is going to cope with being with dogs it is this breed. However, all cats are individuals so whilst the odds are in your favor, it will also depend on the cat having escape routes so she doesn't feel trapped, and how friendly the dogs are. Not Helpful 0 Helpful The Bengal has a reputation for being a large cat, with the males being bigger than the females.
The Guide to Owning a Bengal Cat: History, Character, Breeding, Showing, Health
A typical male may weight between lbs , whilst the female is slightly smaller at around 7 - 10 pounds. Not Helpful 3 Helpful 4. Bengal cats have a high metabolism rate. They are very active and need more energy then other domesticated cat breeds. As such, they will consume more food. Not Helpful 1 Helpful Bengal cats are especially sensitive to overstimulation. Use cat toys and not your hands when you play with your Bengal because rubbing his belly and tail will cause overstimulation quickly and result in an attack.
Not Helpful 2 Helpful My bengal cat vomits her undigested food about once a week, could she have a food allergy? Bengals tend to have sensitive stomachs. Consider putting your cat on a grain-free diet. Also, it might be a good idea to take your cat to the vet, as the vomiting could be an indicator of something more serious. My Bengal loved the outside but then some kids scared him. He won't go out now on a leash. It's up to you to help him work through this stress.
You may have to accompany him for a while on his trips outside. Keep them short and uneventful, to build his trust of the outdoors again. If he is treat or food motivated, try and coax him outdoors, and reward him every time he moves a little further from the door, or serve his dinner outside and sit with him while he eats. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 6. Every time your cat looks as if it's going to pee, pick it up really fast and place it in its litter box. Keep doing this until it knows to go to the litter tray on its own.
Not Helpful 1 Helpful 5. Would a Bengal and Savannah get along in general, seeing as they both come from different wild breeds? If raised together from kittens, absolutely! Just remember to treat them like you would any other cat. Not Helpful 0 Helpful 2. They're easy for a cat to throw around as a toy, and some cats just like to chew stuff up. You shouldn't let her eat them, though, as this can cause fatal intestinal problems.
Why does my Bengal cat scratch at the areas around her food before and after eating? She does not like the food. They can be fussy. Offer different flavors and textures to see which she prefers. Not Helpful 6 Helpful 8. Are Bengal cats allowed in Kerala, India?
Breed Characteristics
Answer this question Flag as Would a kitten figure out the boundaries with an older female cat in the area? Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Tips Bengal cats like to drink from a faucet, they are born out in the wild and usually would drink from rivers or streams.
Always turn the faucet on if your cat needs a drink! Make them feel at home! Get your Bengals spayed or neutered! Unless you are a breeder or want 50 more kittens, get them spayed or neutered. Warnings Make sure that Bengal Cats are legal in your area before getting one! If they aren't and you got one, they would be euthanized.
You do NOT want that to happen to any kind of cat. Key points for veterinary practitioners. Today's Vet Pract 3. Cattori, Tandon et al. Made Recently View more 56 total. Add a photo Upload error. Tell us more about it? Click here to share your story. Bengal Cats In other languages: Did this article help you? Cookies make wikiHow better. By continuing to use our site, you agree to our cookie policy. BF Barbara Fenn Aug 5, My kitten is not pure, but has all the attributes of a purebred.
I plan on starting her with regular "play" baths in the next few weeks. She is only about 7 weeks old now, and she has 7 playmates. A Anonymous Jul 11, I just wanted to find out as much information as possible while I am making my decision. Your information was very helpful. A Anonymous Nov 2, You are my first go to, on everything! For the Bengal page, all the points were helpful, especially the climbing need. JC Jim Castle Jun 6,