
Gone (The Destroyed Trilogy)

Rey is a great character, so is Finn. But the movies, the story archs, the rules are all over the place. Its like watching a game of football and 1 dude decided to take a gun and shoots the other team and its valid just no one thought about doing that before And this constant spamm of new movies are going down in quality. Feels like videogame made into movie dont worry no need to make something good ppl will go watch it coz its a popular game. This is a bit late, but what happened with the new Star Wars films wasn't just a matter of not writing good material.

It was the "liberal nudge" that's been going on in America, and intensified toward the end of the Obama administration. Right now you're reading this and saying "c'mon guy". Marvel Comics killing off Thor, replacing him with Jane. They killed Han, so the stupid millennials had someone more identifiable sorry, but I just can't see a lot of young people who aren't fans giving two hoots about Harrison Ford, especially with their degrading class and intelligence, and poor taste in entertainment, i. Fast and the Furious. And lets face it, it doesn't matter how loyal the following, if tickets aren't being sold, studios are no better than politicians.

Just don't kill off my child hood to fulfill a political agenda. We go to the movies, read novels, and buy comic books to have reprieve from all that chaos, to take a break and have fun. You're right Disney is going to murder our childhood. I can't even finish The Last Jedi. Doesn't feel like Star Wars.

Just wrong in so many ways. I was an OG fan, as well as a multi-generational fan my father loved the OT, and my kids do too. I will always be a fan of George Lucas' universe, but my fandom ends there and I will never show the new trilogy films to my kids. Without early exposure, I doubt my children will like anything but the OT later in life.

Dude, you're succeeding in parenting. Think about it, if you hadn't interfered your kid could be one of those 12 year olds that make 1k words long essays on tumblr defending Rey and how Luke's no better. Even worse, one of those with the bad grammar Reylo shippers who believe that mary sues are 'strong female characters'.

Disney has killed SW. Only what happened before Lucas sold it exists for me. At least he loved his creation and let people play in his sandbox. George Lucas pissed me off on some of his decisions with SW. I had hoped Disney would do as well with SW as they have with Marvel. But now, SW is dead. Only what was done before Lucas sold it exists for me. At least he loved his creation and let fans play in his sandbox. Don't be fooled by those who say that only a small group disliked The Last Jedi.

Millions of people found that movie disrespectful of the Star Wars universe and the original characters. They will not be seeing Episode 9. Disney really ruined SW. For me SW is only original trilogy and prequels. Yes i vehementky agree with you it was bought for a huge sum so huge it has to be shoved down every once throats every few months to break even old it's boring and trite shoved diwn our throats by those that already control all of the media and want to eventually control all money thoughts and freedoms.. They use marketing to evoke nostalgia from the original movies and characters Luke Skywalker , and then serve up a heaping pile of garbage new characters and poorly edited scenes with no emotional resonance whatsoever.

The original Star Wars had diversity without forcing poor characters and misguided casting. Disney killed Star Wars forever and has become the joke. It's these lefty virgin directors that Disney hires to ruin the franchise and try to emulate George Lucas's work but instead rehashing everything. They don't know Star Wars like George Lucas. It's a money grab.

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They should stick to Cartoons and running Disney World. Wished other companies that knows Star Wars and doesn't try to politicize it could own up to it.

Lucas is a democrat, and quite possibly liberal. Idiot's like either are too stupid to understand this, just like you don't understand that the drafters of the Constitution were leftist Atheists, or you lie about it. I'm going with the former. The original movies by Lucas were political statements.

Again, you're too dumb to grasp this simple concept. Bad guys vs Good guys? The OT is clearly a hero's journey centered around Luke. I won't debate the politics of Lucas, but this continued rewriting of history to cover for the fact that TLJ really over-pushed current trends in identity politics is VERY hollow.

It was "New Ghostbusters" worthy over the top. I'm not sure why studios keep making this same mistake. I guess they get in their echo chamber and it seems like a good idea. So far the general public rejects it over and over. Disney has taken the soul from Star Wars and drained it for cash. Also, they need to stop shoving political agendas down the publics throats. I'd like to see more alien diversity: Its space in a galaxy far farrrr away. More amphibious slime and robots The only thing I disagree-with was the poor rating of ep. Weaker plots but they really learned a thing or two about fight coreography, cgi, and awesome evil characters!

Are you the same idiot who posted the comment above this? Lucas is a lefty. Get an education, you ignorant hick. Lucas had politics in the original movies, but he integrated them thoughtfully into the story. Not so with the Disney movies. As with all movies being made these days, the politics trump everything else including the story. Nasty, rude people like you help keep it that way.

You are the only ignorant person that has posted on here so far. Disney ruined Star Wars. Kathleen Kennedy and Rian Johnson are arrogant and tone deaf - reaping profits based on the Star Wars franchise legacy original trilogy not the garbage, vapid movies they are producing now.

The magic is gone, and they missed a huge opportunity with Hamill, Fisher and Ford that will never be able to happen again. New cast and characters and lifeless and dull What a waste of the full original cast on the first movie. Then even more in the trash with the second. No way to salvage it now. I never thought id wish they'd never been made. Sickening that they ruined it for the heroes. Such high hopes with Disney's huge budgets. They tried to get us to care about the new trio but they completely missed the mark. No need to see the next one. I absolutely agree with this article, you are not alone at all my friend!

I was 3 when Star Wars opened in theaters, it's been a part of my life since forever! I was on the fence about The Force Awakens but ultimately gave that movie a chance and thought we were on the road to something amazing, then the last jedi happened! To all the goons involved with approving and allowing such garbage on the big screen, shame on you!

You've effectively destroyed everything SW ever was or could be. No money will come from me or my family to support such useless crap! Good riddance and the SW Boycott no solo or episode 9 is in full effect! You guys are despicable and worthless Clowns! Because you definitely stole it from us!

Won't happen again, can promise you that! This Last Jedi installment definitely is the last for me. I grew up on Star Wars, being seven when a New Hope came out, and felt like i was watching a family member die all the while having a narrator tell me through crappy story telling and obvious symbolism that they were never coming back.

Im ashamed that I supported this travesty by buying tickets to both movies. Rest assured there will not be a third time. I agree with you people. Disney really ruined Star Wars. I feel like someone Disney just kill my childhood. SW was special with whole that story, characters Original trilogy was perfect.

And prequel trilogy was also good too, with all that jedi masters, Anakin's fall Spinoffs like Rogue One and Solo were never needed, Rian Johnson is making his own trilogy based on other characters, this article was written before this announcement the Game Of Thrones writers are now making another trilogy based on other characters.

Disney is just making Star Wars into a profitable business really, waste of time. Disney needs to stop. What ruined star wars is a new producer more focused on making an anti-male social statement than continuing the strength of Lucas' storytelling. I think Star Wars would have been better had they followed the original books, take the Thrawn trilogy if you don't know what it is you don't know Star Wars , but no we had to make easier to exploit and market on. Johnson with little man disease and a desire to please his fans ruin the whole franchise.

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Never spending another dime on this now awful franchise. What I find astounding is that of the zillions of SW novels and fan fiction available, no one could come up with a decent story line? You're article could not be more on point. Such a disappointment and slap in the gave to the true Star Wars community. Star Wars is dead to me. Yes they wrecked it after the movie my wife saw the expression on the kids faces and smiled I will never have to see another Star Wars movie or buy and Star Wars gifts again for her it was a great day I guess were going to Hawaii.

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I totally agree, for all of the reasons stated in this article, and so many more. Disney has not only cheapened Star Wars' legacy by turning it into nothing but a merchandise gimmick, but they're actually sacrificing on the alter of social engineering. They know that no matter how much damage they do to the characters and stories everyone love, the movies will continue to make money.

Star Wars has been hijacked by the ultra left and is being used to effect societal change. Though I've loved everything done with the MCU, and am excited about its future, I would gladly forgo it all to watch Disney and everything about them fall into ruin. After that there was only recycling of old themes or like in infamous number 8: I mean come on: How worse could the Star Wars film idea be abused?

Well, you could also see "The last Jedi" as an extraordinary collection of bad taste, blatant ignorance of the essence of Star Wars and the unmet challenge to create a smart and yet visionary future for a true icon in film history. I am a woman and I am also a vegetarian.

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  • That makes me a perfect match to commenting on the absurdities of ultra trends regarding diet style or the out of balance feminist dogma. The prequels are better than this garbage. But relatively speaking, the prequels stink compared to the original trilogy. Maybe Lucas planned it all along "I give Disney SW, and they foul it up so bad it will make my prequels look good.

    Didn't even see "Last Jedi. Besides, what is there to see "how it ends? And if it did, they will just be ignored like they did the questions "Force Awakens" brought up. Expect that thing to be watched, if at all, for FREE! Bet you that'll send a nice stern wakeup call! But they'll just try and spin it as SW fatigue like those miserable clowns attempted with TFs. I wouldn't say star wars is dead to me I still watch it mainly because my younger brothers never knew the original trilogy it is very repetitive but still fun to watch.

    First Indiana Jones now this atrocity! When will this end!? Disney politically corrected into a piece of garbage. Female jedi for the feminists? Weak jedi Luke tries to kill his apprentice? Vegetarian influence that ruin chewbacka's lunch made me want to walk out. Summed it all up, when movies get political and try to adhere to the hispter, feminist, snowflake crowd I tend to spend money elsewhere. Shame what they are doing to Star Wars.

    For me, they ruined it when Disney wrote bad endings for main characters. In Legends, people had it very rough, but their stories were much better developed, and had interesting though flawed twists Abeloth, Mara's death, Jacen turning Dark, etc.


    Gargamel was scarier than Ren. Episodes were certainly not as good as the original trilogy, but they made sense and I understood them, so they satisfied on that level. The technological advances in visual effects also contributed to their enjoyment. NONE of that is present in the new movies I was going to say "stories," but as stories, they don't deserve to be called "new. The disappointment has been so crushing, that even the old films I can think of with only sad fondness as I would a former flame. Yes, I can fully relate to your comment. Same sad fare well for the real Star Wars here.

    No further money wasting on the Disney want to be show. What a disgrace to Carrie Fisher to show her flying through space Everyone at Disney associated with the poorly executed Last Jedi movie should be ashamed Kathleen Kennedy with her feminist agenda She got her equality. What did you expect when Disney took over? SW died the day they bought the rights to the franchise.

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    It is a BAD, forgettable movie with no magic, awkward scenes, nervous humor, cardboard characters and hollow spirit. The new characters are dull and not magnetic in any way. I do think Daisy Ridley and Adam Driver are talented, but not with the bad script. The legacy, original characters were so out of character that they were unrecognizable Mark Hamill and Carrie Fisher. Movies can be made to honor the past and pass the torch to the future in a meaningful way. If you liked it, good for you. I thought the Last Jedi was an insult and a slap in the face.

    I have never been so disappointed in a movie. And Star Wars was more than just a movie series before Disney reunited it. Rogue One had issues but was decent. The Last Jedi is the worst and egregious. The Last Jedi is a throwaway movie that should be burned like the ancient Jedi tree in the movie. The Last Jedi is just another cliche of a large studio making a sequel that pales in comparison Rian Johnson, you are forever associated with poor quality, factory filmmaking.

    They simply use what George Lucas created as marketing tools for the cash grab. So tired of liberal hypocrites! Shallow liberals ruin everything and laugh all the way to the bank. The Last Jedi was pathetic garbage, and Walt Disney must be rolling over in his grave. So bad beyond words. I agree with your analysis. An added Bonus was that the lead actors simply cannot act -I think its stipulated in the contract. The result is there for all to see - a childish movie scripted for kids!!!

    Star Wars is also dead to me since it is exactly and really far faraway from the previous Star Wars of George Lucas. I have to, somewhat reluctantly, agree with you. I left the cinema not enthralled, not excited, just sorta flat. Thinking what else I could have done with those hours. The characters we just a pastiche of who they could have been!

    Even Leia seemed to be "having an off day" and Luke was shadow, who in a bad mood seemed more menacing close to the darkside than the Sith, I was left wondering where was Yah Yah Binks a character I totally hated as at least it would have given the film some, ney, any character. Have to agree the new Star Wars is awful Style over content like almost everything in life these days! If only kids these days knew the joys of the 's and 's where fun really was fun and not just sitting all day in front of a PS4 Or Xbox console.

    Maybe a few hours in front of a Atari or weekends at the local Treasure Islamd arcade in Glasgow though lol. Princess Gen Leia sequence, cut 4 min there alone. Very lame Star Wars. Hah, the fanboy count is high here. I mostly agree with the this rant. Disney fakery is poison to such a great franchise.

    I mean, I enjoyed 'The Force Awakens', but it paled in comparison to the original trilogy. I also somewhat enjoyed the prequel trilogy, but, again, not as good as the original. I haven't seen this new movie, and won't, until it comes out on video, a long time from now. I absolutely despised 'Rogue One' with the female Bugs Bunny. It was simply boring. Who cares how the plans of the Death Star were gotten.

    I'm still pissed off that Lucas went and re-mastered the original trilogy. I saw the originals as they came out at the theater, and will always remember how they were. No need for digital upgrading. Piccasso wouldn't have 'upgraded' his oil paintings with acrylics, so why would Lucas upgrade his movies? NO solo or episode 9 for me! I'm certain I'm not alone either! Thank God they aren't releasing Obi-Wan Kenobi the movie because they'd definitely ruin that too! It was a light, fun, romp of a modern fairy tale adventure that started with "A long Time Ago It's huge success meant that it had to grow with the audience that grew up on it and that has turned it into something that is the opposite of what it was.

    It could have continued to be this serial adventure but in resolving the Darth Vader story, it is no longer the light, fun adventure but now a dark, dramatic, who knows what but still in the Star Wars universe. It can still be enjoyed but just don't expect it to invoke the same feelings of the original. Now he's sending thousands to their death. The only people who can stop a superpowered villain are superpowered heroes. Dekka, Shade, Cruz, Malik, Armo, and a new mutant with unmatched powers, are all that stand in Dillon's way. But when the lines begin to blur between hero and villain - some begin to wonder who's really the monster.

    The only ones who can stop a super-powered villain are super-powered heroes. Can Shade, Dekka, and Cruz stop Dillon before this fight becomes a battle to save the human race? The book begins with Dillon Poe, who wreaks havoc in the drunk tank by using his morph to order people to bite out their own tongues.

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    • After being given a dose of the rock by Cruz, he morphs into a less-accurate version of himself, with a power to siphon off his own pain to other people. ASO-6 is sent off course due hitting to a loose space toolkit floating in orbit around earth. It lands in a different location than expected and wipes out an entire ship. General DiMarco runs down the top ten list of most dangerous mutants, coming to the decision that Francis Specter is to be killed on sight, and that Drake may be useful for their purposes.

      Tom Peaks is hiding out with Drake in a cave, and Drake decides to attack Astrid soon, when civilisation begins to fall apart. Shade, Cruz and Malik escape the hospital now that Malik is fit to move. They hide out in a secluded house in the Mojave Desert. Francis Specter escapes the Mojave Huns, the gang with which her mother is tied up in.

      3RD IN THE TRILOGY: DEADLINE AUTO THEFT | Gone in 60 Seconds

      She goes in search of Dekka Talent. As soon as she is out, the compound is blown up, and she realises that it was because they wanted to destroy her. Shade experiments with seeing how fast she can go, and finds that she can reach mph. She decides, along with Cruz, that their goal is to overthrow the Ranch by recording the horrors taking place inside and posting it to the public. Dillon Poe goes to the Venetian in Las Vegas and tells people to begin eating each other, with the exception of children.

      He then uses Saffron to become his henchman, and she convinces him that she should be his queen instead,. ASO-6 morphs an animal, creating an animal that is part killer-whale, part crab. A boat armed with nuclear weapons equivalent to about Hiroshimas is sent to destroy the chimera and find out more about the destroyed ship, locating the ASO rock. It is destroyed by the strange animal. They decide to go after him. Shade, Cruz and Malik are able to get into the Ranch grounds, despite being pursued by an entire fleet of military helicopters.