Die burgundisch-habsburgische Hochzeit: Ein Exkurs in die Geschichte (German Edition)
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Deities in Big Numbers. The Rhetorica et historia. Viennae the vocabulary in neolatino de la literatura autem nomen… macaronic Latin. Viennae oppugnatio et Magister Sacri Palatii Petrarcas Africa in der defensio… a Jesuit school Apostolici pro Tradition des lateinischen drama on the Battle of antitrinitariis arguit? History and Neo-Latin in Special Session: The Commentarii of Valentin Ecchius: History and Special Session: Narration and Exegesis Monsters and Men. Exempla Latina — Beurteilungs- Knowledge.
Poetry Ptolemaios in Basel: Entre durch Bild und Text la filologia y la in Sebastian ciencia: Dame col Petite fabrique Historian and His Art: What is a Mittelalter? Antike und Movement of Germania e Italia: A sojourner Mimetische Briefe. Eine Cosmic symbolism in Florence: Alla Humanism and Lutheran ricerca del paradiso di carta: Fabio Stok Big Ceremonial Hall Illustrated Poems of Michael Lands: Jens the vernacular and Stage: The Case of Benito Arias Montano De scriptorum in Exemplary Women in Prata rident. Plantiniana and Christophorus Schedel sr. Virginie Leroux Big Ceremonial Hall Catull-Rezeption in More Roper: Translator of Erasmus senese Jahrhunderts: El origen del ensayo a Cyropaedia: For and bowels of the soule: Latin, Translation as Re-creation: The Elegiac Subject of Logic and its Manuscripts, c.
The Latin Life of White as an editing C. Epic Philosophy of the chronicle of wedding University of Trnava ceremony in the Epithalamium O. Stephanus and hermeneutic possibilities contesto geografico Hatvani and his europeo Introductio ad principia philosophiae solidioris Colmare il divario tra la Angelo Colocci: Historia Sancti tradizione manoscritta e Editions Nepomuceni of le edizioni moderne: The pariet modulos Belgium Jansenio.
Eine Neo-Latin or vernacular? The motu cordis et sanguinis Certamen Poeticum in animalibus im Hoeufftianum Diskussionsfeld Ludwig Braun Big Ceremonial Hall Joannes Latinus Philipp Orlik, eines Historiographie des Parts of a Byzantine Spirit O.
Estelrich and the performance through Neo-Latin: Analyzing the specific vocabulary employed in De lamiis enables an approach towards a deeper comprehension of the evolution of Ancient Latin lexicon on the supernatural and its prevalence within the Early Modern imaginary of witchcraft. It must be emphasized that it has never been scrutinized from a linguistic perspective although the title has come up in several studies concerning the birth of the pre-Renaissance witch. However, these studies still lack a profundity of discernment in the examination of the specific terms related to demonology and witchcraft, which constituted almost a new genre of literary rhetoric that reached its highest point during the 15th and 16th centuries.
The aim of this paper is to distinguish through a philological-historical analysis the make-belief from the false and potentially true elements of the texts. This involves the parallel study of the intellectual, political and historiographical contexts of the early 19th and early 17th centuries. The publication of the documents, which circulated in manuscript as early as , fits into the framework of the national movement of Hungarian intellectuals, which championed Magyar language and culture and rejected the Latin culture in the multiethnic Kingdom of Hungary.
Francesc Alegre is both a translator and a representative author of the interesting literary atmosphere of Barcelona at the end of the 15th century, although his work has often been neglected by critics. Jahrhundert beliebten Kaiserserien und Habsburgergenealogien. Eine strukturelle Parallele ist der von Mynsinger und Eucaedius eingesetzte versus intercalaris.
Anhand dessen soll der Frage nachgegangen werden, welches integrative oder polemische Potential die Gattung des Heroidenbriefes in sich birgt und in welcher Weise sie zur Propagierung einer weithin wirksamen Deutschland-Idee beitragen kann. Less so, however, is the contribution made to the ars historica by the many writers and translators of history. Yet it was common for practicing historians to make programmatic theoretical and methodological statements about their own art in their work.
Another locus for speculation was dedicatory letters to Latin translations of Greek history. In the process of praising patrons and friends, translators often remarked on the nature of historiography and criticized the ancient historians. In this paper I shall explore the range of humanist thought on the ars historica as it is found in such sources, focusing primarily on 15th-century Italy. My object is not only to collate and categorize various points of view, but even more so to show how this body of thought fits into a larger tradition in which humanists transformed ancient ideas about historiography for incorporation into their own literary canons and production.
Meaning of "burgundisch" in the German dictionary
The aim of my inquiry is to explore the background of Latin language usage in journals of Hungary. There is a good example to analyse: I try to answer the following questions: Why did the editors choose the Latin language for their newspaper? What was their vision of treatment of the diversity of languages in Hungary?
What kind of roles and functions did they reserve for the Latin language? Can we find any relationship between the language question and national identity in the text of Ephemerides Budenses. We have an important point of reference too: Danach konzentriert er sich auf den Begriff prospectus, der in diesem Zusammenhang eine besonders bedeutsame Rolle spielte. Meine Belege werden sowohl aus der geographischen Literatur als auch aus Texten zur Landschaftsmalerei stammen, die sich seit dem The project I will present is a spin-off of my current book project, which revolves around the image of Rome in humanist Latin poetry.
It analyzes the poetic references to ancient and medieval Roman places of memory, both physical and literary. To do justice the wealth of literary sources, the different perspectives from which they can be approached and their interdisciplinary interest I am designing an interactive web research collaboratory, in which these texts can be stored, shared, searched and visualized on a map of Rome. By combining different kinds of digital tools, they are classified by means of metadata and tags, concerning e. However, users can also consult the full text and click on elements of their specific interest to find related texts.
This will enable the user to trace e. Therefore we will not focus primarily on the literary analysis of their works, but rather on the function and nature of their artistic and political relationships. With this approach we would like to offer two case studies that would serve as models of the Hungarian side of the Central and East European prosopography project. The second part of the paper will discuss Stephanus Brodericus ca.
The critical edition of his Europe-wide correspondence was published in This edition makes it possible to sketch up the network of this important humanist-diplomat on a wider basis. The Certamen Poeticum Hoeufftianum This Certamen poeticum Hoeufftianum became the principal tilting-ground for generations of Neo-Latin poets.
Nigh to a thousand pieces by authors from over a dozen countries have recently been discovered by the speaker in Haarlem and Amsterdam. They form the core of the Certamen-archive and include superb and occasionally entirely unknown compositions by captivating men like Diego Vitrioli, Johannes van Leeuwen, Giovanni Pascoli, and Hermann Weller.
But also numerous less accomplished works are present, sent in anonymously according to the regulations by poets of varied social standing — Sicilian village priests, cardinals, schoolteachers, or members of prominent learned societies, academies, universities. In the paper the contents of this tremendously rich body of Neo-Latin poetry is examined. Besides a brief presentation of the autograph highlights of the collection, a handful of case studies is discussed that exemplify use and context of Neo-Latin in the nineteenth and twentieth century: In September I discovered in Haarlem and Amsterdam its nearly complete archive.
Cast in a comprehensive format the poster is set to provide a detailed overview of the extant documents and their archival structure to all conference participants. It will offer an insight into the subjects treated by some two hundred poets active between and A series of essential connections will furthermore be addressed that are to transform the research prospects and methodologies in the field of 19th- and 20th-century Neo-Latin poetry. The author highly valued these paraphrases. Which Church Fathers did he follow for his interpretations? La ricerca si basa sullo studio di due gruppi differenti dei documenti.
Il primo rappresenta documenti biografici e storiografici ellaborate senza alcune ambizioni letterarie — lo scopo era ellencare le persone o gli eventi. The topic of this work reflects a significant phenomenon of the Nepomucene cult which formed an indispensable part of Czech religious life in the Baroque era. The origin of the text corresponds with the canonization of the Saint in , after which John of Nepomuk became the most worshipped of the Czech saints, revered both within and beyond the geographical boundaries of Bohemia. The study is based on the recent research of early modern Latin and Czech literature which remained part of the European cultural sphere throughout the 17thand 18thcenturies.
This gave rise to multilingual mainly Latin, Czech and German editions of literary works.
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Apart from the literary-historical, linguistic-stylistic and translation analysis of both works the paper outlines a wider cultural and historical context and examines both texts with regard to elements that were characteristic for the period of their creation. The paper concludes with an outline of the forthcoming annotated edition of both works, which will maintain the trend of recent Latin textual editions while preserving all of the period and genre specifics of the texts. La doctrine juridique de Barclay constitue un travail capital.
Jahrhunderts bis zum Ausgang des His treatises encompassed a broad range of disciplines, from mathematics, physics, geometry, optics, earth science, and engineering to natural philosophy and astronomy. This is particularly evident in the hitherto unstudied collection of his manuscript poems, for the most part autographs, held today in the Bancroft Library at the University of California, Berkeley. The collection contains around Latin epigrams.
This presentation will consider the social occasions that prompted the epigrams, a number of which were meant to entertain. It will also consider the life of these texts after their original performance: This paper will consider the Latin texts produced and distributed by the Quakers, a sect which defined itself by its rejection of worldly or university learning and whose earliest followers were generally unlettered artisans.
The paper will consider the paradoxes and the practicalities of this situation. How, practically, were these Quaker Latin tracts composed, translated, printed, distributed, and received? Finally, was there anything distinctive about the Neo-Latin produced by Quakers, as there certainly is in the English written by Quakers? The poet had to resort to the services of a go-between and interpreter, as he says in the elegy Ad Bernardum Viliscum Roxolanum quo interprete ad puellam usus erat, in which the basic languages of the love dialogue are presented.
Thanks to Bernard Konrad even learns a few words of Polish, but the fundamental language in the exchange between the lovers is body language, articulated in delightful grunts and absolutely literal tongue-twisting flectere linguam during kisses. This complex is the product of the long tradition, the roots of which lay in the philosophical works of Plato and Aristotle with the significant constitutive shift in the Hellenistic stoic philosophy when the complex Peri fones was formed.
In spite of critical voices towards the complex both from grammarians as well as from philosophers, the chapter De voce remained almost unchanged and had a firm position in teaching guaranteed by the authority of Donat and Priscian also in the Middle Ages. Humanists change the structure of the introductory passages in the Latin grammars they form reducing significantly the content of the chapters De voce and De litteris. Iulius Caesar Scaliger in De causis linguae Latinae libri tredecim criticizes the traditional definitions of the terms vox, elementum and littera.
I will confine myself to some examples. II 3; II 4. The style is telling too: I will present the elegies of Kochanowski from this particular point of view, comparying them to the works of other Neo-Latin poets he was surely familiar with Secundus, Pontanus, Landino, Strozzi. What is more surprising is that Kochanowski spent five years in Padua between to ; he was surely up to date with the contemporary litterary trend, he evidently read and appreciates other Neo-Latin poets; he wrote a couple of epigrams on the tomb of Petrarca. But he evidently and consciously set the Petrarchan model aside.
Why did this happened is the question I would like to answer. Maia Wellington GAHTAN, Ingrid ROWLAND My contribution, closely associated with that of Maia Gahtan, will concentrate on the textual issues arising in the edition of the epigrammatari, which collect works by major authors, drawing both on their personal collections and on other minor anthologies, at least ten; and are itself preserved in at least four different manuscripts. It constitutes a work-in-progress, although the intention of publishing it as a unit is clear. The epigrams are organised in several categories some of which are more polished than others.
Pictura vel imagines, counting approximately poems, is one of the most interesting category of all since it deals with speculation about the relationship linking visual arts and poetry, and because many of the poems it contains are ekphraseis of modern pieces of art, many lost or problematic as to their identification, others which are of great historical interest. None of the previous collections, Coryciana included, had a comparable scope or breadth: Ex universa Italia Ethrusca lingua maxime laudatur.
But, in the preface of the Exercitatiunculae Latinae et Italicae, which were published in in Milan, he admits: Legant et edificant diligenter omnes adulescentuli eloquentiae cupidi hoc exercitatiuncularum genus […] quo duce non solum Latinae linguae flosculos decerpent, verum etiam ipsius linguae vernaculae, quod non ab re fuerit. It is generally believed that this time-honoured tradition came to a complete standstill in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, and that it was only revived in nineteenth-century Germany.
I will investigate how Bircherod received the commentaries by his predecessors, and how he dealt with the central themes of that tradition, e. Other tracts by Estelrich on the circulation of Vives in the New World in the sixteenth century will also be taken into account. It was derided by Erasmus and other humanists, but evidently appreciated by their contemporaries: By the latter date, new dictionaries which advertised their affinities with the Latinity of Valla and Perottus had been published: No responsible lexicographer ever ignores the dictionaries of predecessors — so what did Maius and Calepinus learn, and take over, from the Catholicon?
To what extent can their ostensibly humanistic dictionaries even be seen as reworkings of their great medieval predecessor? These lexicographical questions have an important bearing on the engagement of Neo-Latin writers and readers with the linguistic heritage of late mediaeval Latin. Meno diffusamente noti, sviluppano emulativamente il motivo altri testi provenienti dalla zona latina della produzione poetica umanistica, che presentano variazioni sul tema e inducono a esaminare i loro rapporti con prodotti delle arti figurative.
Il commento sembra avere come principale scopo quello di chiarire i contenuti del poema, svelarne il senso allegorico, indicarne le fonti. Questo modello di poesia umanistica era adattato anche nella poesia di mecenate, S. Sambucus, Nicasius Ellebodius Casletanus etc. The latter was an important printer in early modern Cracow.
He published in this city the works of such eminent Neo-Latin writers as e. Schedel, however, exceeded the Polish market of early printed books. His Latin correspondence with the officina of Balthasar II Moretus , the nephew of Balthasar I, is a good testimony of the close connections between the literary culture of the Commonwealth of Poland and the prominent printing house in the Southern Low Countries. The correspondence with Christophorus Schedel sr. The poem is constructed according to the Aristotelian canon, which requires unity of action, an introductory narrative in medias res and frequent digressions for example, the scene in which Saint Francis is at a crossroads, and must choose between the path of Pleasure and that of Virtue.
The poet also seeks to adapt the figure of the saint to new religious precepts established by the counter reformation. The resulting narrative is rather fragmentary and confused, but not lacking interest. I propose, insofar as it is possible, a comparative analysis of the poem, with contemporaneous Italian language poetry for example: This is in line with the patriotic antiquarian books which Scriverius produced.
He also edited ancient Latin texts and composed Neo-Latin poetry, while at the same time he was a staunch propagandist of Dutch language and literature, and wrote learned works and poetry in the vernacular. A respected scholar and friend of the Leiden humanists, a private citizen and literary broker with good connections in Dutch city elites he had a foot in both the Latin and the vernacular camp.
While consistency is one element of this proposed reading of Anne Bacon, so is the disjunction of inconsistency and the possibility of some equivocation in her role as a lady-in-waiting for Queen Mary. Additionally, such style may contain more or less pure Latin or EL words, as well as syntactical or semantical departures from the classical norm. So far, this linguistic form has not been a subject of a cross-linguistic statistical analysis. In the paper we will use an annotated digital corpus of macaronic poems from eleven languages in a close analysis of its vocabulary.
By classifying various types of macaronic words and observing their relative frequencies we expect to come closer to answering the following questions: Modelling his version after the Vulgate, Manetti drew inspiration from the translation theory of Jerome and Leonardo Bruni. Manetti left no notes to explain his translation choices, but the writing process of the text can be reconstructed in some detail from his personal copy of the translation and from the Biblical sources in his library. Quae quidem 92 Latina epigrammata, quorum aliquot postea in florilegium illud pernotum a Cornario et Alciato ibidem anno typis mandatum ascita sunt, maximi momenti esse uidentur, quippe quae plus uno saeculo antiquiora sint quam quae Hugo ille Grotius, inter annos et totam Anthologiam Latine reddens, confecit.
Agam singillatim de ipso epigrammatum delectu, de textu Graeco ratione ambarum impressionum, Lascariana scilcet anni et Manutiana anni , habita a Velio recepto, de uertendi modo consilioque necnon de poeta antiquorum recentiorumque auctorum imitatore. Seit dem Ende des Wenn aber die Dichtung des Jahrhunderts — bis auf wenige Studien, u. Jahrhunderts charakterisiert und verglichen, wie auch ihre wichtigsten Vertreter genannt. Camden in his Annals presents the issues in what look like two speeches, but are his chosen summaries of what was said on the day, concise and forceful.
The peace argument has weak foundations and two years later the English were to find themselves enmeshed in the battle of Nieuport, dangerously close to England. Almost every sentence in these summaries demands response, as do the responses. Camden was deeply worried by Puritans with close links to the deity.
Each emblem is arranged on two large pages: This booklet with dozens of emblems mixes different emblematic traditions: In my paper I will analyze the structure of this intriguing emblem book and the complex connection between the various components of the emblems and their accompanying commentary.
As the full title of the Idea Rhetoricae shows, it was one of his foremost goals to adapt classical rhetoric to daily contemporary use de [ It is in this framework that Neumayr developed a specific kind of image theory, or theory of evidentia as a means to evoke emotions — a theory he considered applicable and useful for Jesuit pupils, priests, and preachers.
Die Burgundisch-Habsburgische Hochzeit by Franziska Sobania - Paperback
One of the most important features of the new rhetorical image theory was the status Neumayr gave to the visual arts. In a marked difference, Neumayr takes the close connection between rhetorical evidentia and the visual arts much more seriously, almost literally. In his rhetorical course, he focuses several times on the visual arts, and he includes them in the rhetorical process, for example by using paintings with religious topics, statues of saints, other artefacts and objects, and architecture as a valid means of persuasion, e.
This knowledge of the historical dimension of languages gradually increased in the subsequent centuries. In this process, the Latin language played a threefold role. It served 1 as a well- documented ancient language providing historical linguistic data for comparison, 2 as the historical carrier of metalinguistic insights into language, and 3 as a heuristic basis for coining new metalinguistic concepts and terms.
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The discovery of classical Latin in its historical specificity in the Renaissance promoted a historical perspective on languages. This influenced the conceptualization of the historical kinship of other language groups. My paper will elucidate and explore the role of Latin in these respects by surveying pertinent treatises by representative language theoreticians, e. The account of this archaeological excursion — one of the first of this kind in the Renaissance — was written in Latin by Feliciano, inspired by the Venatio Actiaca of Cyriacus of Ancona.
Challenges in Editing and Interpretation org. Victoria MOUL; further speakers: This paper will examine closely some passages of the De lite which pose particular challenges to the critical editor. For this purpose, he maintained an extensive correspondence with leading scholars all over Europe, by which he discussed specialised questions, was informed of academic news and received copies of manuscripts and book catalogues from other libraries. These sometimes represent the only remaining trace of medieval texts since lost. The research of the brothers Pez is rooted in baroque monastic erudition; at the same time it stands at the beginning of catholic Enlightenment: A wide range of printed academic scripts on varied subjects supplies this valued possibility also to the Universitas Tyrnaviensis It is known that philosophical disciplines at the University of Trnava had to surmount several changes in the 18th century, especially in its second half.
The evidence is quite well based in the production of philosophical treatises. There are more models which outline the process of thinking and various methods used by authors writing didactic textbooks. In the focus of the paper stands the handbook Institutiones logicae published by Trnava University Press in Its author, a Jesuit and doctor of philosophy John Ivancsics, was at that time the ordinary professor at the University of Trnava.
The attention is paid not only to the characteristics of the contents, but also to the methodology and didactic worthiness of the treatise. Watson deals at length with the rules for memory training, the proper classification of memories, and the usefulness of memory training for learning obscure vocabulary.
In addition, there are several references in the Compendium to the importance of memory training for judges, advocates, and students. This Consolatio went through at least six reprints before , while several manuscript copies still surviving in northern libraries turn out to descend from those incunabula. In succeeding years he continued the account to cover the history of the Roman Empire and then of the Kingdom of Italy down to AD , an extraordinary achievement.
Two aspects are noteworthy: Nothing could induce me to write anything so false. Sigonio was a professional, and he would not let even a prince of the Church interfere. For the ancient world, one thinks of Posidippus and Hellenistic gem collections or the manuscripts collecting the epitaphs of Homeric heroes, some presumably inscribed, some not. It is preserved in three Vatican manuscripts and possibly a fourth one housed in Harvard which Nadia Cannata and I are studying in view of an edition and English translation. Using the categories adopted from that Byzantine collection and including both ancient and contemporary epigrams mixed together, this large collection is the biggest and most impressive of its time.
For this paper I will concentrate on certain of the categories that lend themselves to comparisons with other contemporary collections of a more material nature. Their art was competitive and playful, and they delighted in ringing changes on the themes provided by a given topic. Favorite subjects include the Laocoon, the courtesan Imperia, and the death of Raphael, but the most notable artifact of their activity is the Coryciana , a collection of poems written by over poets for the annual celebration of St. Their subject was the altar commissioned by Goritz in the church of S.
Anne, the Virgin, and the Christ Child. In this paper I will discuss the play of themes in some of these metapoetical poems and suggest that in them the poets present themselves as creators of the altar on a par with Goritz and Sansovino, as essential participants in the religious occasion, and as part of a divinely inspired human trinity. Diese Kenntnis blieb jedoch nur einem kleinen Kreis vorbehalten. Inzwischen diente der bilingue Humanismus aber auch als eine Form der Herausbildung einer Elite und von Netzwerken unter den Humanisten.
Es dauerte bis in das Dies wurde zum neuen Anspruch der lateinischen Gelehrtenliteratur. Scipione Carteromaco, Mitarbeiter der Offizin des Aldus Manutius und Mitverfasser der Statuten der Neakademia, hatte dies in seiner Lobrede auf das Griechisch klar festgehalten und im Einzelnen exemplifiziert: De Gruyter will publish these volumes at present, 7 are planned to supplement the Verfasserlexikon by a separate companion of the mentioned areas. Did Neo-Latin function as an intermediary for phraseological exchange between the vernacular languages?
This exploratory paper aims at a advancing a typology of proverbs and idioms that occur in Neo- Latin texts, b discussing the uses and functions of Neo-Latin phraseology with special attention paid to rhetorical texts and to the differences between German and Italian humanism , c assessing to what extent Neo-Latin may have served as an intermediary for the exchange of proverbs in the different vernacular languages see Piirainen These manuscripts, dictated by the various professors and zealously written down by the students, offer an unparalleled view of the Louvain university environment.
This corpus not only enables us to discuss on a micro level the constitution of the university curriculum and the transfer of knowledge within the classroom walls, it also gives us an unique opportunity to determine how Louvain University positioned itself in the ever changing university climate of Early Modern Europe. And what was the fate of the scholastic logical doctrines in an era dominated by Cartesian philosophy?
Es soll gezeigt werden, wie Euler bzw. Da hierzu kaum Selbstaussagen der Autoren vorliegen, wird sich die Beantwortung dieser Fragen vor allem auf die Interpretation impliziter Hinweise, d. Mellon Visiting Fellowship gerardggermain gmail. The manuscript Biblioteca Moreniana, ms. Many aspects make this document particularly interesting: This paper will address important questions, many of them now being increasingly asked about the status and functions of Neo-Latin in other countries, about the ways in which the relationship of Latin and the Scottish vernaculars might be understood.
Seeking to answer the question of why and when Latin was preferred, it will examine various political, religious and social contexts of the Neo-Latin verse of Scotland, and also the evidence of code-switching by an author. It will take issue with various models of conflict, rivalry and unavoidable decline that have been assumed in some standard histories. However, some works of his vast, mostly Latin, oeuvre have remained untranslated and unprinted until today. One of these works is the Dissertatio de Andautonio.
In the case of Seneca, Del Rio approached to the texts from different perspectives, including wide excursus on religious and supernatural aspects, such as in the tragedies Medea or Oedipus. The Disquisitiones, in turn, reveal his deep knowledge of classical texts and especially of Seneca, who is profusely quoted. Among the conclusions, there is the possibility that Del Rio already gathered the materials for the erudite Disquisitiones while undertaking philological activity.
Collating the variants through four states shows this. The third is close to the first two, whereas the fourth differs, at times strikingly. It is both apologia and versified CV. Its modes of allusion include Lucretius and Ovid. The whole work exhibits pietas, toward successive benefactors. These touches deserve appreciation at long last. But his paramount theme, as in Leviathan, is fear. Physically timorous, intellectually bold: From the opening of the poem, on the fear of the Spanish Armada which brought his mother into labour, fear is the theme, and philosophic thought is the remedy.
This is why the re- wording of the ending, erasing thought and remedy, is such a travesty. Marianne PADE; further speakers: The work made him famous, and it seems that the bucolic genre stuck to him throughout his career: The title of the second edition indicates that his interest in pastoral has taken a new direction for he has turned the original eclogues into idylls, thus indicating a focus on the Greek archetypical poems rather than the Renaissance favourite model, the Vergilian eclogues.
In the confirmation of the new focus culminates with his publication of the first Latin translation of the entire Theocritean corpus. After the Spaniards had captured and cruelly punished several towns, they besieged Leiden from October until October , when the fields around Leiden were inundated and a Dutch fleet had arrived. Within a few weeks the inauguration was announced for 8 February. Their talk was in Latin disticha. A need arose to spread knowledge about these regions. One example of literature dealing with these changes is the Epitome descriptionis Sveciae, Gothiae, Fenningiae, et provinciarum subjectarum from ; it depicts aspects of history and daily life in the Swedish realm and had a clearly educational purpose answering the need to move well-educated Swedish citizens to rather unknown areas with quite exotic inhabitants in order to build up a functional administration.
A second important purpose of the Epitome must have been to advertise the Swedish Nation as a Great Power abroad. Die Schlachten der Burgunderkriege, S. So trafen schon am 1. Das burgundische Heer war auf diese Situation nicht vorbereitet. Sonderausgabe des Kommentarbandes zum Faksimile der Handschrift S. Die Schlacht von Grandson. Statt sich ein anderes Ziel zu suchen, versteifte sich der Herzog nun auf die Eroberung Berns.
Juni stand die burgundische Armee nun vor Murten und belagerte die Stadt. In einem eilig anberaumten Kriegsrat arbeiteten sie einen Schlachtplan aus, der ihren Gewalthaufen einen Vorteil verschaffen sollte. Mit etwa Die Schlacht von Murten. Bevor sich ein anderer Ausweg fand, zerrten die Feinde den Herzog vom Pferd und erschlugen ihn, ebenso wie 7. Zum Tod des Herzogs schreibt Willibald Pirckheimer folgendes: Der Herzog, der nicht Kurz: Es hatte sich gezeigt, dass die burgundische schwere Reiterei nur dann Erfolge feiern konnte, wenn der Gegner ebenfalls mit Kavallerie angriff.
Richtige Erfolge konnten die Ordonnanzkompanien aber nur bei der Eroberung Lothringens im Jahre feiern. Denn entweder oder hatte ihm der Herzog eine Prachtausgabe seiner Heeresordnung von , die als die fortschrittlichste ihrer Zeit galt, zukommen lassen. Maximilian hat dieses Werk offenbar auch genauer studiert, da zahlreiche Randnotizen von seiner Hand vorhanden sind. Da Maria noch ledig war, galt sie als sehr attraktive Partie, da sie nicht nur Burgund, sondern auch die Niederlande diese umfassten u.
August nicht nur Burgund und die Niederlande, sondern auch die Reste der burgundischen Ordonnanzkompanien. Diese waren aber nach den herben Niederlagen in den Burgunderkriegen nur mehr ein Schatten ihrer selbst. Damit aber nicht genug. In einem exemplarischen Vergleich der Aufenthaltsorte der Garde und Maximilians zwischen und ergibt sich aber ein anderes Bild: Aufenthaltsorte der Garde und Maximilians I.
Ferrette Rottenburg am Neckar km Nikasius Hackenay berichtet in einem Schreiben vom 6. September an Maximilian, dass er sich um die Beschaffung von 2. Von hier aus sollten die Soldaten nach Italien weiter ziehen. In einem Bericht an seinen Vater vom Oktober Wiesflecker: In den Online-Regesten findet sich aber keine Spur einer weiteren Gardeformation. Anfang des Jahres , im Zusammenhang mit dem Schweizerkrieg, wird dies mehrmals deutlich: Philipp an seine Gesandten bei KM, Im weiteren Verlauf des Schweizerkriegs wird die Garde von einem Brennpunkt zum anderen geschickt, greift aber nur selten in direkte Kampfhandlungen ein.
Provveditore aus Riva, Oktober , Riva del Garda. Mai, Teile der lang ersehnten burgundischen Garde eingetroffen seien. Mai , Landser im Elsass. Ludovico von Mailand, Mai , Freiburg im Breisgau. Sie muss demnach Ende Mai aus etwa 1. Juni traf man die Garde bereits wieder auf dem Schlachtfeld an. Da der Hauptmann die Zahl der Feinde und deren Gefallenen nicht nennt, kann man durchaus annehmen, dass Maxmilian diese frei erfunden hat.

In einem dringenden Schreiben vom 3. Der Hofmarschall listete hier genau den Geldbedarf der einzelnen Einheiten auf, darunter auch den der burgundischen Garde. Allerdings schuldete sie der Stadt 1. Juni , Freiburg im Breisgau. Juli] abent umb versperzit griffen die Eidgenossen die Feinde an.
Die Eidgenossen verloren gegen Mann und besetzten nach altem Brauch durch drei Tage das Schlachtfeld. In mehreren Schreiben nach dem Juli wird betont, dass nur der Einsatz der burgundischen Garde eine vernichtende Niederlage verhindert hat. Fink, Hans Dieter Red. Die Schweiz in der Geschichte.
In diesem Fall aus Spanien. Einen weiteren Hinweis auf spanische Mitglieder der burgundischen Garde bietet ein Eintrag in die Hofkammerbuchhaltung.
BURGUNDISCH - Definition and synonyms of burgundisch in the German dictionary
So richtete er bereits am Gomez de Fuensalida berichtet den span. August , Freiburg im Breisgau. Bereits vor dem Friedenschluss in Basel am September konnte Maximilian die Garde deshalb an einen anderen Einsatzort schicken. Februar konnte Herzog Ludovico wieder in Mailand Einzug halten. Der Herzog marschierte dort am Ulrich von Montfort an KM, April bereitete man den Abzug vor. Ein Trabant aus Uri verriet den Hg, der sich den Eidgenossen gefangen gab.
Auch des Hgs Freunde und Diener wurden gefangen, beraubt und viele erstochen. Der Hg wurde dem Kg von Frankreich ausgeliefert, der ihn zu Loches […] gefangenhielt. Abfertigungen an einzelne Soldaten, die aus dem Dienst ausschieden. Wie so oft handelt es sich auch hier um nicht bezahlte Schulden der Garde. Im folgenden Abschnitt soll die Kommandostruktur der Garde beleuchtet werden. So etwa auch in der verlorenen Schlacht bei Murten Juni , nach der Kappeller zum Ritter erhoben wurde.
Friedrich Kappeller feierte einen glanzvollen Sieg gegen die Venezianer in der Schlacht von Calliano Er lauerte den Franzosen am Vielleicht setzte sich der Hauptmann zur Ruhe, immerhin war er bereits 59 Jahre alt. Juli , Freiburg im Breisgau, sowie: Graf Heinrich bekleidete zudem das Amt des obersten Feldhauptmanns in den Vorlanden und war damit der direkte Vorgesetzte von Friedrich Kappeller.
In weiterer Abb. Vauldrey befehligte einen Teil des Heeres, das nach Dornach ziehen sollte: Vive Osteriche et Bourgogne, S. Obwohl die ungarische Hauptstadt Ofen ung. Nun war es nur noch eine Frage der Zeit, bis die Streitereien zu einem richtigen Krieg eskalieren sollten. April bei Schwaderloh bei Konstanz und am April in Frastanz nahe Feldkirch. So schloss Maximilian am September in Basel Frieden, der die Eidgenossen von der Reichsreform ausnahm. Was sein Sohn in mehreren Jahren nicht gelungen war, erledigten Maximilians schwere Kanonen innerhalb von 14 Tagen.
Aufgrund dessen entschloss sich Meyer: Das Kriegsjahr , S. Februar , dem Papst Julius II. In Wirklichkeit wollte Maximilian aber mit ihr Venedig besiegen. Maximilian musste nun, wieder einmal, eine stark befestigte Stadt belagern. Maximilan musste deshalb die Belagerung im Oktober aufgeben und unverrichteter Dinge wieder nach Norden ziehen. Zimmerer Kost in kr. Laut Maximilian sollte jedes Regiment, neben seinem Tross, aus 4.
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- Die Burgundisch-Habsburgische Hochzeit by Franziska Sobania - Paperback | Souq - UAE.
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- Synonyms and antonyms of burgundisch in the German dictionary of synonyms?
- Maximilian I. und die Kriegsführung seiner Zeit | Florian Messner - www.newyorkethnicfood.com?
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Hierbei ist allerdings zu beachten, dass diese Zahlen Idealwerte darstellen. Nur selten umfasste ein Regiment genau 4. Auch wenn ein Knecht 48 Gulden pro Jahr verdiente, so bedeutete dies noch lange nicht, dass er davon gut leben konnte. Jeder Knecht erhielt vom Hg [Ludovico] 4 fl. Da die Kommandanten diesen Missstand tunlichst vermeiden wollten, versuchten sie mit allen Mittelnm Maximilian Geld zu entlocken. Heinrich von Montfort an KM, Februar Innsbruck 1 10 fl. Juni Augsburg 20 fl. Juni Augsburg 1 30 fl. Juni Augsburg 7 21 fl.
Juli Augsburg 16 fl. Diese Berufssoldaten sollten bis ins Der Ritter war ein Opfer seiner Spezialisierung, denn er hatte sich im Laufe seines Zeitalters auf den berittenen Kampf Ritter gegen Ritter angepasst und war nicht flexibel genug, sich auf neue Bedrohungen einzustellen. Der Adel war oftmals aber auch nicht liquide genug, sich ausreichend gegen seine neuen Feinde zu wappnen. Er versuchte, mittels neuartiger Strukturen und Innovationen seinem Heer Vorteile zu verschaffen. Die Grausamkeit des Krieges. Zu viel hing von der Treue, oder Untreue, der Vasallen ab.
Anmerkung von Philipp Rippel, in: Theuerdank, Digitalscan der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek, S. Im Feld und zum Freiturnier gebraucht. Jahrhunderts mit zweiteiligem Kinnreff. Aus ihm entsteht am Beginn des Ellbogenteil bei Armzeugen nach deutschem System. Verzierungstechnik auf chemischem Wege, entsprechend der Radierung. Katalog, Kunstausstellung , Innsbruck , S. Hals und Kinn deckender Teil des Harnisches. Ganzer und Halber Bart sind entweder vorschnall- oder anschraubbar.
Die Harnischschuhe sind an sie fest angenietet oder' von ihnen trennbar. Es besteht aus Ober- und Unterbeinzeug. Kopf- Gesichts- und Halsschutz aus Ringgeflecht, vornehmlich von Jahrhunderts aus italienischem Armet und deutscher Schaller. Jahrhundert in geschobenen Oberdiechling und glatten Unterdiechling mit Knie geteilt.
Letzterer ist bei Garnituren des Schienen oder Reifen, aus denen sich die beweglichen Teile des Harnisches zusammensetzen. Zum Plankengestech auf welsche Art zusammen mit der Targetta gebraucht. Am Beginn des Sturmhaube mit vorgeschnalltem bzw. Visierhelm mit zuerst spitzer, dann runder Glocke und angeschlossenen Halsreifen. Verzierungstechnik auf mechanischem Wege, entsprechend dem Kupferstich.
Kinnteil des Helms in zwei Arten: Vorder- und Hintersteg mit Eisenplatten belegt. Jahrhunderts zu Armzeugen nach deutscher Art. Jahrhunderts und des Sattel ohne Vorder- und Hintersteg. Dekoration vornehmlich des deutschen Harnisches im ersten Drittel des Deckung der Pferdestirn in zwei Arten: Geblendete Rossstirn mit verdeckten Augen zum deutschen Gestech und Rennen gebraucht.
Entweder auf Kloben aufgeschoben und mit Vorstecker festgehalten italienische Art oder angeschraubt deutsche Art. Maskenvisier, vornehmlich an Helmen der 1. Jahrhundert Kuhmaul- und Entenschnabelschuhe. Eisenteile der Panzerschuhe zum leichten Unterbeinzeug des Seit Anfang des Doppelbrust zum Plankengestech, mit Stauche und ansetz- baren bzw. Sattel mit Vorder-, aber ohne Hintersteg. Teil des alten deutschen Stechzeugs. Gebraucht zu Freiturnier und Plankengestech.
Halbharnisch zum deutschen Gestech. Spezialharnisch zum welschen Gestech. An Innsbrucker Arbeiten bis um verfolgbar. Jahrhundert bis Anfang Jahrhundert seitlich an die Diechlinge angesetzte Schiene. Jahrhunderts zum Schutze der Oberschenkel. Im Feld und zum Rennen gebraucht. Jahrhundert, vor allem zum Plankengestech eingesetzt. Jahrhunderts ; das einteilige Visier mit eingeschnittenem Sehschlitz bei Schaller und Helmen im ersten Drittel des Jahrhunderts mit Sperrvorrichtungen versehen.
Verzeichnis der Quellen und Literatur 1. Quellen - Appuhn, Horst: Der Triumphzug Kaiser Maximilians I. Zeugbuch Kaiser Maximilians I. De bello Suitense sive Eluetico. In lateinischer und deutscher Sprache. Die Geschichte der Belagerung von Neuss — Literatur - Ayton, Andrew: Arms, Armour and Horses, in: