
Cesare Pavese und der Mythos (German Edition)

Gli autori vincitori del Premio Pavese ricevono il riconoscimento domenica 28 agosto alle ore 10 a Santo Stefano Belbo Cn presso la casa natale dello scrittore Sono previste letture tratte dai testi vincitori: Manca un assessore donna per rispettare le quote rosa, sindaco del Davide Oltolini morto, il critico enogastronomico stroncato da un German words that begin with p. German words that begin with pa. German words that begin with pav.

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Pavese came to see self-knowledge as the path to contentment and believed that this could be achieved through a fuller comprehen- sion of his constitutive myths. The journey unfolds in , following the Italian Liberation. In the course of the novel, Valino burns down the Gam- inella in a fit of rage, killing himself and his family, with only his crip- pled son Cinto managing to escape. Meanwhile, the bodies of both par- tisans and Germans wash up on the banks of the river Belbo, as the suppressed war slowly rears its ugly head.

Most painful for Anguilla, however, are the tragic fates of the daughters of sor Matteo, over whom he had secretly agonized as an adolescent.

Synonyms and antonyms of Pavese in the German dictionary of synonyms

For all their dreams of high society, Irene has ended up the victim of domestic violence while Silvia has died following a secret abortion. Not only does Anguilla learn of the ravages of war and time, but his relationship to his boyhood landscape is also painfully altered. Remembering local rituals concerning the moon and bonfires, Anguilla exclaims: In other words, the folklore and the rhythms of Piedmontese life remain lodged in his psyche, but the period of his life concomitant with them is finished and unattainable.

Key here is the opposition between cyclical and linear time.

Meaning of "Pavese" in the German dictionary

The fullness of identity experienced in youth, recognized too late, is lodged at the opposite end of the linear path of human time, attainable only through the inherently partial, insubstantial means of memory. Time slips away inexorably, while the subject longs for the unattainable repe- tition he observes in nature. While the novel begins reflecting upon whether Anguilla belongs in the Langhe or in America, we ultimately realize that he belongs to nei- ther place, that his alienation runs deeper.

La luna stages the failure of the theory of self-mastery in which both author and protagonist had placed their hope. The first of these is structural. La luna is divided into thirty-two short chapters, just one fewer than the number of cantos we find in the standard Dantean can- tica. In a diary entry, he describes how his composition of short, fragmentary poems in the preceding years reflected a highly introspective outlook on the world, one lacking a unifying principle: Such an operation was, in essence, an attempt to overcome lyric fragmentation.

Thus, the fragmentary structure of the novel assumes an undeniable importance. I, 1 of moral crisis to the plenitude Dante purports to have found in heaven.

Its individual cantos are invariably marked by growth and progress, by lessons learned and distance covered. Dante, like Pavese, saw isolated lyric poems as problematic — temporally static, incompatible with moral growth, inhabiting the very space of unfulfil- ment. Like Dante-pilgrim, Anguilla sought fulfilment in the ephemeral, but was left unfulfilled and estranged from his true sense of identity. Anguilla believes this identity is located in the Langhe; for Dante, evidently, it is located in God. What we find in both cases is a straying followed by a return.

Anguilla, by contrast, declares his wandering days altogether over. Key here is the notion of exile, which is handled in a contrasting manner in the two texts.

PAVESE - Definition and synonyms of Pavese in the German dictionary

In other words, whereas in Dante the pain of worldly exile is negated by the possibility of return- ing to the celestial patria and the concomitant acquisition of spiritual satiety, the possibility of physical return in Pavese is undermined by a sense of alienation which cannot be overcome through the means of homecoming.

This opposition between archetype and reality is probed elsewhere in the novel. LF The narrative described by Anguilla appears banal. It is the hope that we mistakenly invest in applying such a narrative model to our own existence, Pavese implies, that makes the inherent impossibility of achieving plenitude all the more tragic.

It is easy to see why critics have seen the relationship between these two characters as redolent of that between Dante and his first guide. Anguilla had idolized the older Nuto as a boy, just as Dante had revered the ancient poet. In both cases, however, the authority of the sagacious guide slowly unravels.