Be Unique or Be Ignored: The CEOs Guide to Branding
Marc strips away the typical jargon which he disdains that dominates most discussions on marketing and branding and gets right to the point. If you read just one book on marketing or branding this year, this is the book.
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Rudov debunks an array of common misconceptions about branding and gets to the essence of why brands are of paramount importance to corporate success. I highly recommend this book. I really enjoyed it. Without question, Marc makes me think differently about branding.
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- Be Unique or Be Ignored: The CEO's Guide to Branding by Marc H. Rudov.
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There are so many books on branding. Marc takes the idea of branding and turns it into a brilliant and creative exercise. This book is nothing short of a powerful tool for anyone trying to create a brand. Be Unique or Be Ignored.
If the CEO has low regard for branding, it will fail. Read this book and get your CEO to read it, too. How else will he know if or when someone is bullshitting, incompetent, or wrong? All failed companies are the same [in the white noise]: They failed to escape competition.
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Without brand simplicity, unique is impossible: By heeding the principles in Be Unique or Be Ignored: Marc Rudov covers all the bases on the benefits of branding and proper execution. Marc has a gift for clarity, conciseness, punch, and wit. Boiled down to its essence, his book exhorts marketers to explain their brands in terms customers can: Easier said than done, as evidenced by website after website mired in almost incomprehensible technical jargon.
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The main message — timeless and timely — is well worth it. With Be Unique or Be Ignored, Marc Rudov systematically chips away at our preconceived ideas about branding, revealing a sculpture that was always there. It takes patience and understanding to realize the obvious. My advice to CEOs: Marc takes a sledgehammer to the conventional branding approach practiced by so many organizations. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.
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Be Unique or Be Ignored: The CEO's Guide to Branding
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Be Unique or Be Ignored | Book | Marc Rudov | Branding |
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