
Wake Up Humanity

But if we shamelessly throw litter around, if we spit in public places, defecate in the open, are we not irresponsibly creating causes for a host of diseases to manifest? Again the blame game is played and the Government is hauled up for its failure to arrest the problem. Without trying to absolve the Government of its responsibility for it has a significant role to play, we must look inwards and ask ourselves — Are we doing our own bit to help alleviate the problem?

For if we were serious about contributing towards solutions, we would not relentlessly keep acquiring more cars beyond what we need , we would not use and throw away toxic plastic bags that are not biodegradable, we would not burn leaves in open areas or dissuade others from doing so to keep warm during winters, we would have taken personal responsibility to plant trees and so on.

And herein lies a message for humanity — Contentment and responsible living is the best wealth you can ever have.

A Massive Wake-Up Call for Humanity | Wake Up World

This may be our only salvation to rescuing our planet from annihilation. The time to put this to practice is NOW. Jan 14, Editorial Team. Ida, Pingala, Sushumna and the Shat-Chakras. We are told lies of fear through the news and media, as if they are truth; we are really only shown what fits the specific agenda of those with the power, the puppeteers who are installing, and then pulling our strings.

We are groomed to be muppets aka: My god, we are even taught to count sheep as children to help us fall asleep at night. Is it any wonder we are too petrified to even turn on the light switch to see if there is really a scary monster in our bedroom lurking in the shadows or hiding under our bed?

Wakeup! Humanity!

We are so traumatized we hide under the covers, paralyzed and trembling with fear, anchoring our feelings of powerlessness even deeper into our incredibly impressionable psyches. We are pumped full of fear based, hyped-up, trumped-up scenarios diversions and red herrings , designed specifically to distract us and keep us focused away from the real solutions, and even the real issues, whose discovery of does not serve the status quo, nor the hidden agenda, of keeping us numbed-out, dumbed-down and completely disconnected from the actual real conspiracies not theories that are going on, often being hidden right under our noses, in plain sight.

So we are taught to buy into an old outmoded system of Science that does not accurately reflect the forward movement, the upgraded consciousness or even the role consciousness plays on matter for that matter and ignores the new model of the world we are actually living in and experiencing today. It reflects instead a closed system that is now exploding from the pressure of the heightened creative consciousness bursts of the planet expressing itself as higher light frequency, in an entirely new expansive way.

We are taught this because mainstream acknowledgment and acceptance of the Quantum world, is a threat to the current dysfunctional systems run by the select few governing elite, in positions of high power, who financially benefit from the old models staying intact; they profit by keeping us sick and afraid.

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New thought and change frightens and threatens the old regimes, the corrupt elite groups, the old outmoded structures, that are now beginning to crack and crumble from the pressure, as we enter these new energetic times, where the rules and the rulers are changing. When we live in a matrix of fear, we are anchored into the lower denser frequencies. The vibration at this level is thick and dense and heavy and dark. This is designed specifically to keep you hooked into the program of control, tethered to the hamster wheel at the bottom of the dark ocean, running endlessly through mazes of circular loops, going nowhere, while eternally drowning and gasping for air.

We must stop dimming our light and hiding in the shadows of fear!

At the bottom of the pyramid, you have safety and survival. At the top, you find self-actualization and transcendence. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Jun 12, Bento C. Wonderful book of poetry and the illustrations are a perfect visual complement to the poems!

The poems are so thoughtfully and caringly written. They cover life and death, and everything in between and beyond. They express a childlike innocence and curiosity, and most of all, they bring the reader me to ask the deeper questions as to the purpose and meaning of life--MY life. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and the illustrations are excellently done and are a perfect visual co Wonderful book of poetry and the illustrations are a perfect visual complement to the poems!

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I thoroughly enjoyed reading this book, and the illustrations are excellently done and are a perfect visual complement to the text and meaning of the poems. Do yourself a BIG favor and get and read this marvelous book.

Why do we dim our light?

I look forward to more! Jun 19, Ebrima B. Sawaneh rated it it was amazing. Poems that inspires you to live I love this book as the author shared many inspirational poems and if you read them deeper , you will realized that life is a co-creation process and we are human before anything else. My favorite quote is: Jun 20, Julie rated it it was amazing.

Inspirational In this inspirational book, Elsa Mendoza speaks from her soul to your soul.


This is an easy read. I suggest reading one poem each night. You can also have a journal and write down your insights after reading each poem. Excellent, inspiring and motivating. Jun 13, Louise rated it it was amazing. A thought-provoking book on the state of humanity, the connection between people in our separateness and our influence on one another.