Times Two (Saturn Society Boxed Set)
Time-traveler Tony Solomon is sure he never met Violet before they were coworkers, yet she bears an uncanny resemblance to the woman he loved and lost decades before he was born. After an impulse encounter leaves Violet pregnant with his child, she becomes the target of killers from the future. But when they jump back much further than planned, they find their troubles are only beginning—and secrets can get them killed.
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Available in ebook, or in ebook or print as part of the Home for the Holidays anthology. Seventeen-year-old Taylor Gressman sneaks away on Christmas Eve, hoping to find the angel who saved her life a few weeks earlier. Instead, she takes an unexpected trip back in time, and finds herself in the midst of a murderous street gang. The Home for the Holidays anthology is available on these major online retailers as well.
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It has everything - mystery, romance, suspense, time time travel. I don't think s book has ever grabbed me like this. Beware if you pick it up it won't let go until the last page! Aug 07, linda bilger rated it it was amazing.
The Saturn Society Series | Jennette Marie Powell
Very good book Really enjoyed the story hope for more like it. Time travel is interesting. Hope for the future and can change the past mistakes. Aug 09, Bridget Aubrey rated it really liked it. Would have given it 4. Time travel romance usually goes like this: Once they get there, they usually stay there for the duration of the book, learning to deal with their new circumstances and falling in love with someone from that time period along the way.
It takes this general premise and gives it a science fiction edge, taking Would have given it 4. It takes this general premise and gives it a science fiction edge, taking the reader on a page turning journey. Every time Tony goes back in time, he does something often unintentional to alter history and when he returns, his present is altered because of it. He broke the rules and he must be stopped. Now he finds himself on the run, in the present and the past.
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Not Your Typical Romance Most romances have the hero and heroine meet within the first couple of chapters of the book. I love how the author portrays his confusion and desperation when he starts time traveling. There are a few points in the middle where the pacing drags in comparison to the fast paced beginning and ending; one chapter makes use of short, choppy scene breaks which bothered me; and the author has an affinity for using parentheses throughout the narrative, which was a bit jarring. I use them a lot myself as you can tell , just not in my fiction writing.
I met her and Shawntelle Madison will waiting to take to another author who had a longer line. I have to admit that I was a bit afraid to read this series because it's set in Ohio, and for some reason I have the hardest time reading books set in my home state. However, I had nothing to worry about because this started off with a lot of action and didn't stop.
I loved that this was not your typical time travel romance. It's told from a male's pov, and is a bit like the movie Jumper. Tony Solomon was on vacation and was on top of a pyramid when he suddenly finds himself thousands of years in the past Without knowing why, he finds himself back in the present in the hospital. He's visited from a group from the Saturn Society, but before he can find out what they are about their representative gets thrown out by security.
Tony returns home from vacation and thinks that what happened in the past was just a dream or something. Then he wakes up to find out he's two years in the past. He returns home without knowing quite how he did it, and is again visited by the Saturn Society who tells them that he's a time traveler now because of what happened to him in Mexico.
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He doesn't really want to believe them, but knows that there isn't any other explanation for what happened to him. He and his wife have become distant from each other since the death of his daughter, and when Tony realizes he can time travel his first thought is to travel back in time and stop her death. He's warned against it, but is determined to find a way to do it. On one of his time travel trips he meets Charlotte, and saves her from a devastating flood. What I loved best about this was how accurate the descriptions of Dayton in the past were. There was a flood that pretty much wiped out everything in it's path, and the only thing that saved the town was NCR National Cash Register Company being on top of a hill, and they helped a lot of the survivors.
It was nice seeing how much the town has changed over the years. There is a romance involved in the book, but I actually enjoyed the time travel scientific parts better.
I know-I can't believe I said that either! The romance however, was nicely done and I found myself cheering on the couple wanting them to find a way to be together. If you are looking for a different kind of time travel romance, then I highly recommend this one.

This is a wonderfully-paced book that brings all the best parts of Inception, Jumpers, and old-school time-travel romances and puts them together along with a little dash of Groundhog Day for good measure. If you liked Linda Howard's "Son of the Morning", "Time's Enemy" will fill your craving for the same densely-plotted adventure romance. I was a fan of the old-school time travel romances that used to be put out by Zebra and Lovespell, but I was always disappointed they didn't go further into s This is a wonderfully-paced book that brings all the best parts of Inception, Jumpers, and old-school time-travel romances and puts them together along with a little dash of Groundhog Day for good measure.
I was a fan of the old-school time travel romances that used to be put out by Zebra and Lovespell, but I was always disappointed they didn't go further into science fiction territory. If you've been looking for that perfect hybrid between romance and science fiction, here it is. There's a good solid romance that's an integral part of not only the story, but the main character's life--Tony cannot be the same hero without the romance. Balanced just so with the romance is a solid science fiction adventure that will please any fan of Dr.
Who or Star Trek--the Saturn Society is an intriguing, complex, lightly science-based society of time travelers that grapples with both the ethics and logic of temporal paradox. Wrap that all in a well-researched, exciting adventure through time in Dayton, Ohio, and you get a fascinating, unputdownable story rich in action, romance, and history. You'll want to read this one on your smartphone, because you'll be up all night with it and you don't want to bother your housemates. Formatting and editing are top notch and I experienced no problems whatsoever reading this on my smartphone Android, Aldiko reader, epub format.
I will not repeat the synopsis for you, others have provided that beautifully at Amazon. I will just provide my review of the story. This story has a little more violence and blood then many romance junkies are used to. These time travel books are different from any other time travel stories I've read. I found them fascinating and highly recommend them.
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Kept kindergarten beginning to end which is unusual for me. I found the ramifications from time travel very interesting and enjoyed thinking about them. Glad it was not page after page of sex. Kept the story line on track. I have read the first two books and look forward to more. Had to buy the next one.
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Wonderful ability to create an entire world. I have to go Times fugitive is down loaded! Good read but the dragging out of the distrust Tony had for Violet was a bit long. Good to read a time travel that does not occur in Scotland. Get to Know Us.
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