
The Sergeants Lady

What a Lady Craves. How To Distract a Duchess. Goddess with a Blade. Kiss Me if You Can. Blade on the Hunt. Primrose and the Dreadful Duke. The Eyes of Love. A Marriage of Inconvenience. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long.

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Item s unavailable for purchase. Please review your cart. You can remove the unavailable item s now or we'll automatically remove it at Checkout. Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Anna, who I loved from the first book. The flighty, flirty, confident younger sister.

We find her here broken down by her marriage. World weary and trapped, but finding some fulfillment in being an army wife although not from the 'wife' bit. When she's finally freed from that marriage, there's a sense she finds herself in the arms of Will and the love and understanding he shows, whilst also growing from within. She has a very well-done character arc, particularly when looked at across the two books.

I love a working class boy done good, one of my absolute favorite things. I'd liked to have seen more of his roots in his character or his speech, something.

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That said, he's a great hero. Fundamentally good and lovely and everything Anna's awful husband was not. The story worked very well for me, although I'd have liked a bit more development of the romance outside their mutual attraction. It feels a little bit insta-love, with a measure of wartime heroics thrown in. But by the end I had a real sense these two people were made for one another and I was genuinely emotional as Anna fought to make her way back to Will. Fraser writes it very nicely, not too purple, yet book and setting appropriate. Overall, I really liked this and on the strength of the two books in this series I will be looking up the rest of Fraser's back catalogue.

I read the second book before the first one, despite the many positive reviews it got - now I've finally got around to reading this and it interlocks with the flashback that is the plot of the second novel in a beautiful way. I thought Will Atkins wasn't too much of an unbelievable guy, he remained down to earth with his men and the education he had given himself via books made him still or maybe even more aware of his position in society.

The way that the attraction between Anna and Will came I read the second book before the first one, despite the many positive reviews it got - now I've finally got around to reading this and it interlocks with the flashback that is the plot of the second novel in a beautiful way. The way that the attraction between Anna and Will came to be seemed natural even though it would have been much too fast in peace time. When he rescued her from that nefarious French officer he and Lieutenant Montmorency seemed to be the only over-the-top characters for me he thought ahead, he kept his head trying to get Anna to safety without risking his men.

The successful escape of the two is by far the strongest part of the book, when they reenter the normal world and Lieutenant Montmorency starts acting dastardly its a bit abrupt it was highlighted that he would play a major role from the first, because apart from Will and Anna in third person he also had a viewpoint. I liked the women in this book, except for Anna's aunt at the end The description of Bajadoz and its aftermath was properly gripping, dramatic and sad, as was Anna's labour - and then the book just ended very fast.

Lots of coincidences after Anna finally finds out what happened to Will. Sep 09, Gail rated it really liked it Shelves: I really liked this book. There aren't too many books I say that about. The story opens with the hero helping a woman in labor. He's a sergeant in the Rifle Regiment the 95th , the woman is his best friend's Spanish wife, and the best friend can't help he faints, or something , but he won't go find help, because he won't leave his wife. The heroine stumbles upon the group, send I really liked this book. The heroine stumbles upon the group, sends her maid for help, and stays to do what she can.

She's obviously a "gentlewoman" who is married to an officer and traveling in the army's train. The marriage is not good, which is obvious early on when the husband shows up and demands his wife leave these rabble to their own fate. She refuses, things get ugly, but she's left to do as she wishes-which is to help the woman in labor. But there are repercussions when she finally catches up to the house where she is billeted with her husband that night. The conflict is obvious.

The hero is an innkeeper's son and a non-commissioned officer in the army. The heroine has an earl for an uncle, and maybe for her brother too. There are lots of twists and turns, plenty of plot--and I found all of it believable. Fraser made it work. And I've done a LOT of research about this era. And yes, there is a happy ending, though really--there are lots of moments when you wonder if it really is possible. This is my first Carina Press Book, but I will be buying more.

Nov 27, Julie rated it it was amazing Shelves: I really loved this story of how, during the Peninsular Wars in Spain, a corporal under Wellington becomes friends with the wife of an officer in his regiment. It is an unhappy marriage, her husband is awful to her and he gets what he deserves before long. A widow now, she and the corporal develop a closeness, though forbidden. After he rescues her from captivity from a mad French general, they spend four night's together on the road alone and But when they return to the army camp, they must act as if nothing happened.

How can these two who have fallen in love be together when society forbids an enlisted man to marry the widow of an officer? It's just not done. Their growing love for one another and the moments they share together before the inevitable parting were both wonderful and bittersweet. My heart went out to them. This is a tender love story that was hard to put down for I had to see how it ended. Will they be reunited or not?

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This romance was a nice surprise and I will definitely read more by this author. It wasn't until after I finished it, I realized this is the 2nd book in the series. I'll have to get to the first book now - pronto! May 30, Katrina Passick Lumsden rated it liked it. Did I enjoy this book? But to be totally honest, I think it pales in comparison to its prequel, A Marriage of Inconvenience. Still, it is well-written, well-plotted, and engaging. I wish Susanna Fraser had more published works in the stacks, as I truly enjoy the way she crafts a story.

Apr 05, Mystique Reviews rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved this book! Susanna Fraser does a wonderful job of constructing a gut twisting romance with some of the most believable and lovable character I have ever had the pleasure of meeting on the page. Set against the wonderfully rich back drop of the Napoleonic Wars the story follows Lady Anne Arrington as she "follows the drum," traveling with a husband that does not love her and the English forces.

The fact that Lady Anne has chosen to follow her husband adds a unique level of gritty realism I loved this book! The fact that Lady Anne has chosen to follow her husband adds a unique level of gritty realism and danger that is sometimes missing from more traditional historical novels. The best thing about Lady Anne was how well she was crafted. I laughed and cried with her and she has remained with me even though the story has ended.

She was one of those rare literary gems - a completely believable heroine who has her own strengths and gut wrenching experiences only she can deal with. When she finds herself falling for the one man she could not have she was faced with at best more scandal and a ruined reputation and at worse destroying the career of the man she loves. After the scandalous demise of her cruel husband, Lady Anne finds herself under the protection of the 95 Rifles and Sergeant Will Atkins.

It did not take me long to start thinking of Sergeant Atkins as My Sergeant. He was hands down the best soldier I have every read on the pages of a romance, historical or otherwise. Will is a ran away who joined the army because he was not ready to get married and take over the farm. There are no deep dark secrets behind his soldiering and he is not Rambo.

He is a natural born soldier, popular with everyone. Will is brave and chivalrous, and self-educated. He is also handsome and romantic as hell as he discovers that his feelings for Lady Anne go beyond anything he could imagine. Filled with a slew of villains and obstacles there were times I did not know if Anne and Will would get their happily ever after.

When they finally where able to be together and over came everything that had been standing in their way I cheered. This was a wonderful read and I highly recommend it. Outstanding Class Three sensuality. Received a free copy via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review. First, I liked the setting during the Peninsular campaigns against Napoleon although fortunately the fighting was not the primary concern.

Instead the book looked more at the developing relationship between the hero and heroine. Will is a good man and soldier but is considered far beneath the likes of Anna, married to a cruel officer. After his death, they end up as prisoners of a crazed French officer.

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When his overtures to Anna turn violent, the two flee, falling in love in the process. I really liked Will and Anna.

They are good, principled, compassionate people with similar interests who spend quite a bit of time together before consummating their relationship. They recognize the difficulties posed by a disapproving society especially their families but they cannot deny the deep love they feel for each other. However they are torn apart, each returning to their families missing their love and hoping to be reunited and married. Besides the main lovers, the supporting characters were also good as were the historical details. This isn't a common time period for me to read about but I felt comfortable that most of what I read was consistent with the times if not entirely true.

I really disliked that Anna became pregnant and gave birth out of wedlock; it was pretty inevitable due to the lack of birth control during the time and Anna and Will's passion but I would have preferred marriage before baby. At the end, Will is set to travel to India to make his fortune and thereby prove himself worthy of Anna.

She supports his desire to embark on this new career but makes the very valid point that if they wait to marry until he is rich, then they will have missed out on valuable years together with their children around them. This is such a great point about something that seems to reoccur in historical romances. I loved its inclusion here! A nice historical romance between two deserving characters.

Sep 01, April rated it it was amazing Shelves: It is well written with details and depth. It is fast paced, page turner. It has romance, sensuality, military life, breaking social barriers,hardship, and true love. Can a Viscount's daughter and an innkeeper's son break the social barrier to true love The hero, Will is a natural born soldier, a sergeant, brave, handsome, well educated, and an innkeeper's youngest son. The heroine, Anna, is beautiful, lonely,a viscount's daughter,is following her cold, controlling cavalry officer husband through Spain.

She meets Will and a friend of his who is having a baby on the side of the trail. She stops to help, her husband is furious and forbids her to do so, but she does any way.

The Sergeant's Lady

After Anna's husband is killed trying to rape a village girl, Anna's cousin sends her with Will and his convoy. She only wants to go back home to her beloved Scotland, but their convoy is captured by a French patrol. The French commandant, is out to rape Anna. Will learns of this and he and she escapes and go on the run. They face hardship, cold, lack of food, patrols, and along the way love blooms. This is a wonderful story of love and facing social pressure, finally each other and breaking those barriers.

I would highly recommend this book especially if you enjoy military, romance, true love and sweet surrender. Jul 24, Luli rated it liked it Shelves: View all 4 comments. If you haven't read Fraser's second book, An Inconvenience Marriage, go read it first. This for those who like to read stories in their proper sequence. Anna, a lady, unhappily married to an officer, is following the drum in Spain, where the Brits are warring with the French. The Sergeant, Will, is intelligent and far better educated then his fellow soldiers.

This is a story of forbidden love. Not only forbidden because she's initiall If you haven't read Fraser's second book, An Inconvenience Marriage, go read it first. Not only forbidden because she's initially married but hampered by the strictures of social class. Huge hurdles these two have to overcome to find their HEA. There so much to like about this book. The beautifully expressed, quiet desperation of star-crossed lovers - the drama is left for the grittiness of war and other parts of the story. The only weakness I found was the ending. It felt conveniently and quickly wrapped up.

I almost wished Will went alone to India and returned triumphantly a few years later to reclaim Anna.

Leigh Ann Hester

Because the backlash regarding their social inequality, without overriding success and acclaim, would only follow them to India and make a HEA a difficult outcome. One too many but I lived. Anna, of the nobility? Will, a common soldier from a family of innkeepers? No way, I thought, ready to toss my Kindle at a moment's notice.

Fraser pulled it off; made it believable and didn't do any backflips in the process. I was amazed, impressed and liked the story a lot. Anna's husband was the first villain and he was an abusive monster who attempted to ride her down as she was in the midst of helping a woman giving birth while they were on the march. Will, a sergeant with the Rifles, saved her at the risk of a flogging. This began the tentative friendship between Anna and Will. The husband soon got himself killed whereupon Anna joined a convoy to Lisbon to embark on her journey home. It was a convoy of wounded, guarded by?

And Will was there. They were set upon by a mass of French soldiers. Some were killed, the rest captured, including Anna. She was in great peril from the commander of the French force but Will rescued her and their hazardous flight back to British lines began. As they skirted dangers, overcame others, they grew closer and their romance evolved. There was much Sturm und Drang ahead for our Hero and heroine and I congratulate the author for not taking easy ways out Anna's wealth or a commission for Will.

He had too much honor for the wealth to be used and he would have been a fish out of water in the officer corps. Fraser handled the entire matter very adroitly I'm not a fan of angst. The H and h suffered from it but I did not I knew what they didn't. I was in HRland after all. The story was interesting to me,it was absorbing.

I enjoyed their conversations, their friendship, as well as their romance. The ending was perfectly satisfying to me and remember, Will had some education, was a natural leader and had plenty of drive. Also, Anna's father had been a nabob so she wasn't that far up the ladder by inclination. The author even solved the matter of Anna's money to my satisfaction.

My only issue was villain 3. And it was 3 that kept this from being 5 stars. I look forward to any Regencies, Victorians, Georgians, Edwardians she cares to publish. I've only recently been introduced to Susanna Fraser's writing and I'm happy to have found her books. I agree that she writes about similar happenings that you might find in Carly Kelly's books but I don't agree that she has a similar writing style.

In The Sergeant's Lady, Anna Arrington has been accompanying her cavalry officer husband on his tours of duty in Wellington's army for two years. Although she thought herself in love with him at the time of their marriage, she has lived to regret her choice many times over. When he dies, she joins a convoy of wounded men and some other ladies who are traveling back to England and from there she plans to travel to her family home in Scotland.

Accompanying this convoy is the handsome, capable, Sergeant Will Atkins who has befriended Anna previously and protected her from her husband at the risk of being flogged. To say they are attracted to one another is an understatement.