Sinais do Passado (Losttimes Livro 1) (Portuguese Edition)
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Eleven soil threats were identified for the report. These soil threats are soil erosion by water, soil erosion by wind, decline of organic matter OM in peat, decline of OM in minerals soils, soil compaction, soil sealing, soil contamination, soil salinization, desertification, flooding and landslides and decline in soil biodiversity. The bacteria is called Enterobacter cloacae, and until now has been controlled by use of antibiotics. But the prescription can come to change. The work opens the door to a future where the harmful bacteria to human health, many of which resistant to antibiotics, can be disposed of quickly, effectively and without side effects.
The study will take place over two years and aims to stimulate the exchange and sharing of good management practices, to improve the effective management of PMAs in coastal areas and offshore Atlantic space. This project aims to promote a broader transatlantic cooperation, centred on a new, comprehensive concept of 'Atlanticism', resulting from the growing importance of Africa and Latin America as key actors in the Atlantic space. The European Union is strongly committed to promoting this broader approach in the transatlantic dialogue, and selected the PMA as a pilot study of this new initiative of the European environmental policy.
The project will also contribute to the EU's commitments in the fight against global loss of biodiversity, support for adaptation to climate change, and meet the EU's internal policies on the environment, regional cooperation and maritime dimension. I am a physical geographer MSc from the University of Amsterdam, located a few meters below sea level in the large delta that forms most of The Netherlands. My MSc research focused on interactions between plant species and soil water repellency, in the drylands of southeast Spain. For my PhD I moved to soils formed in the glacial sediments of the low hills of southeast England Cranfield University to study how soil organic matter may provide on-farm economic benefit.
Since then, during the last ten years, I helped to design and test a harmonised EU soil monitoring system in a 38 partner project. I moved to the old floodplains of the river Thames in London Queen Mary University of London to study the effects of a wildfire on the recovery of an organic soil in a Scottish peatland. I moved to the southern foothills of the Alps in Italy to work at the European Commission Joint Research Centre, where I led a small team in publishing a major EU report on biochar that identified positive, negative and unknown effects.
Finally, I moved close to a drowned river valley in Portugal University of Aveiro to push for more scientific discovery of those unknown effects. The School of Biology of the St. This doctoral programme requires a compulsory co-supervision by a professor or researcher at a Portuguese partner and at a non-Portuguese partner. Therefore, a mandatory mobility period and placement at a non-Portuguese institution is involved minimum 6 months, maximum 24 months.
Candidates that successfully complete the programme will receive a joint diploma issued by the Portuguese and Galician universities. A dual diploma may be issued if the mandatory away stay is in one of the associated partners. If we know what to look for and we use the right microscopic techniques we can see something amazing and surprising: During 16 months biologists at the University of Aveiro UA observed and photographed more than microscopic preparations, cross-sections and cuticular impressions of 67 species of land mammals of the Iberian Peninsula.
Rui was shortlisted from hundreds of applicants to appear in Parliament. SET for Britain is an excellent opportunity to bring our work to the society and policy-makers. I hope to contribute to change a bit the way we look at marine ecosystems, particularly the deep sea, which we still know very little about, but also to exchange some ideas with MPs about this issue.

Public Health , 13, Carlos Fonseca, held at the University of Aveiro, which culminated in this publication. By mitochondrial DNA analysis, the authors detected that the distribution of genetic diversity in the Iberian population reflects a pattern of historical diversity of subpopulations of southern Iberian Peninsula, as well as the presence of long-distance migrants from several southern source populations that had dispersed to colonize the center and north of the territory.
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Other tools used in this study also allowed a better understanding of the relationship between the genetic diversity of the Egyptian mongoose standards with its rapid expansion in the Iberian Peninsula in recent years, being mainly influenced by changes in land use and climate variations. Carlos Fonseca is coordinator of the Wildlife Unit in Aveiro Academy and has devoted much of his work to the monitoring of populations of ungulates deer, roe deer, wild boar, ibex, deer and mouflon in Portugal.
This reappointment is also the public recognition of the Researcher and Lecturer at the UA, for his extensive work at national and international level in the management of hunting resources, including populations of species of large game and their habitats. This project is directed to the present Commission Benguela Current, to its member States Angola, Namibia and South Africa and other stakeholders in the governance and management of the marine environment, including marine biodiversity and natural resources of BCLME.
The main focus of the project is to develop, at different levels, technical and technological capacity to implement and institutionalize the "Planning of the Marine Area" and to identify the Biological Marine Areas and Ecologically Significant in this region of Africa. The results of the study coordinated by the University of Aveiro UA , the first in the country to quantify the carbon footprint of the cork industry, leaves no doubt as to the ecological powers of the cork oak and the ecosystem that surrounds it: The way that soils are managed has important implications for the ecosystems that they literally support.
At the same time, soil management plays a crucial role beyond its physical boundaries in regulating the quality of our water and air, including climate change, human health and food security. The damage is done but our immediate action could mitigate the trend. The consortium mapped out how the highly diverse contributions will smoothly integrate in order to elucidate the environmental fate and speciation of engineered nanomaterials across the full value chain. From UA, the research team coordinated by Susana Loureiro, researcher at CESAM-dbio, will be in charge of the bioaccumulation and kinetics in key soil and aquatic organism, with a straight collaboration with the Vriej Universiteit in Amsterdam Prof.
Researchers from RECARE including a team from the University of Aveiro are working with local people at 17 case studies spread across Europe to apply solutions to save the soil. Low-tech but scientifically based interventions, are taking place to change the soil protection and the lives of those affected. Youngsters are not aware of their potential as active citizens and their role in the sustainability desired by modern societies. And in fact, young citizens could be a major force of imprinting sustainability concepts in society.
A training methodology involving both students and educators will be implemented, stressing the concept that each person has an ecological footprint that should be over compensated, if the ecological, social and economical balance is to be achieved. As a result of the training of youngsters and educators, and of a strong IT-based dissemination strategy, the project foresees the engagement of a much wider audience.
Let your imagination and creativity run wild to present us, through one picture, your positive view on the role the Ocean plays or could play in our daily lives, whether or not you live near it. You can enter photos in 6 categories: This contest aims to use photography to highlight the services and resources provided by the Ocean, as well as the opportunities it offers, and to foster commitment towards a sustainable management of seas and oceans.
This contest is opened to all photographers, either amateurs or professionals. All photos will be compiled into on online gallery on the Blue Society Facebook page. Your participation in this contest does not prejudice your own copyright on the pictures submitted. Read the complete contest rules here. The Moniqa Association is an interdisciplinary international network which includes members from various areas of food safety, inter alia, laboratories, public institutes, industry, research centers and universities.
Ricardo Jorge, under the MYCOMIX project, relates to the preliminary assessment of the risk associated with the presence of food contaminants single mycotoxins or in mixtures in milk flour cereal consumed by children. On 1st October, Thursday, at 6: The number of places is limited to 32 people. Please confirm your participation in the debriefing session and population census until Wednesday, 30 September to the following contacts: John Santos joaovalente ua.
Critical challenges for 21st century deep-sea research" identifies priorities for research of the sea at depths higher than meters in order to strengthen the management and future exploitation of living and non-living resources. The report may be downloaded here. Since animal and plant biodiversity, through the deep sea, the nanoparticles to microbial resistance to antiobiotics, starting with examples of rehabilitation work of marine mammals, this program presents five examples of work performed in the Department of Biology, University of Aveiro. Follow the odyssey of these UA biologists, and how their findings contribute to protect the world we live in.
See a small sample of what will be this program: It consists in a return-to-school grant of euros for children in the 1st cycle and euros for children of the 2nd cycle to make it easier for families. Until September 13, the children will have to present a project to develop throughout the school year to help the environment or their community, and the grant will be given to the most original proposal s. She had already studied Crickets in Finland, woolly monkeys in the Amazon, dolphins in Rio de Janeiro, and whales in the Atlantic, and now she cannot wait for to go to Alaska to study the eating habits of sea otters in the Sitka area.
From April to September the biologist will be at the "most wonderful and unique natural laboratory" that the planet has available to scientists in Nature. With a duration of between four to nine months, Fulbright Research scholarships intended to researchers from all fields of knowledge, provided they are graduated, have good knowledge of English and a project accepted by the host institution.
Air pollutants in the EU are still estimated to reduce life expectancy by eight months and are directly linked to climate change. The COST Action will also look into environmental sustainability and ways of better managing green buildings at low carbon dioxide CO2 emissions. Pleurotus sajor cashew, Phanaerochaete chrysosporium, Rhizopus oryzae, and Trametes versicolor.
The Prize "UA — BIO Somos Todos" aims to contribute to the promotion and development of scientific research in the field of sustainability in its three components: And they actually are. But they do not serve to make infusions but to decontaminate water contaminated with potentially toxic metals. Inside the bags, there is no leaves or flowers but graphene oxide. In fact the most advanced and expensive decontamination processes cannot achieve removal rates as high as those obtained by this infusion.
In addition to the ease of synthesis and low production cost, this system can be applied in locations without specific infrastructures for decontaminating waters. Among these species are fin whales, minke whales, sperm whales, pilot whales, Risso's dolphin, ziphius, beaked whales, striped dolphin, and common and bottlenose dolphins. In the whole researchers saw individuals belonging to those species. The book focuses on integrated management strategies seen in a land-sea and science-policy-stakeholder perspective. The recommendations deriving from the project are presented in the book in an overall pan-European perspective.
The book also contain key issues that should be considered by scientists, decision makers and managers in management of coastal lagoons. Developed at the University of Aveiro, this technology coupled with the unmanned aerial vehicle UAV allows the evaluation of the impact degree of various stress factors in a forest area, caused by the lack of water or nutrients, or caused by diseases or insects and fungi attack. This project aimed primarily to change the paradigm of the monitoring of forests, which is time consuming when performed by technicians in the field, being already thought to be at the service of agricultural applications.
The journal publishes scientific articles with atmospheric relevance of emissions and depositions of gaseous and particulate compounds, chemical processes and physical effects in the atmosphere, as well as impacts of the changing atmospheric composition on human health, air quality, climate change, and ecosystems.
Milene has dedicated her energy to the Mata do Bussaco, focusing her PhD on studying this national heritage. In her research that spanned more than six years, she scientifically demonstrated the importance of the Mata's plant and animal heritage for the entire surrounding region. She contributed to developing the strategy to protect and improve biodiversity and works as a volunteer with the Mata do Bussaco Foundation FMB. After earning her PhD in , she worked on promoting the Mata do Bussaco through environmental awareness programmes that have welcomed more than , visitors.
Enhancers of multiple respiratory diseases and cancer triggers, the high contents of metals identified result from the use, in the manufacture of pellets, of waste wood from furniture and building industry containing paint or adhesiv which have been treated with biocides to prevent infestation. Atmospheric Research's top 5 downloaded articles: New discoveries, comprehensive reviews and critical insights all make the list of articles published in that attracted the highest number of full-text downloads from ScienceDirect.
The case study of Hangzhou City, China. Specific actions in the cross-cutting fields of research infrastructures, science-policy interactions, and human capacity building are also identified as being necessary to address the overall vision. Developed at the University of Aveiro UA this technology coupled with the unmanned aerial vehicle UAV allows the evaluation of the the degree of impact of various stress factors in the forest, either those caused by lack of water or nutrients, or those caused by diseases or insects and fungi attacks.
This project, which initially aims to change the paradigm of the monitoring of forests, being time consuming when performed and made by technicians in the field, is already thought to be at the service of farms. They are dinoflagellates of the genus Symbiodinium. Direct and indirect interactions between microorganisms and arthropods on crops can strongly modify their impacts on yield. For instance, herbivores and pathogens can facilitate each other, causing additional yield loss.
On the other hand, beneficial microorganisms can induce defenses that protect plants against herbivores. There is thus potential to enhance crop production and reduce pesticide use if we can better predict and manage Crop-Arthropod-Microorganism CAMo interactions to our advantage. Currently, knowledge of CAMo interactions is limited due to historical separation of the involved research fields. The COST Action will also strengthen the careers of both female and young researchers, connect the newest research in the field with its applied use, and develop new monitoring and management support systems and CAMo-based applications.
Continue in this web site, which provides information on the structure of the doctoral programme and on the application procedures to the Portuguese grant programme.
The codes can be applied on any surface and inserted into any product, being unique molecular tags cheap and easily to produce, and impossible to forge, unlike all the methods currently used by the market to identify and authenticate products. The technology is already prototyped and being promoted and valued by the University of Aveiro Technology Transfer Unit.
Molecular Ecology journal continues to be among the most influential journals in ecology and evolution, and published approximately papers during The editors of Molecular Ecology write an editorial article in the beginning of each year noting the most relevant contributions that have been published. One of these works uses quantitative molecular methods to estimate ingestion and digestion of prey items by photosynthetic corals and anemones. Among the main findings of this investigation, the authors found that corals digest their prey much more slowly than previously believed, as they take up to 10 days to digest their prey, which somehow similar to the digestion time observed in terrestrial insects, particularly spiders.
The other publication uses molecular methods to note, for the first time, that photosynthetic corals feed on phytoplankton. As symbiotic corals harbour microalgae dinoflagellates in their tissues, scientists thought these corals did not eat phytoplankton. Coral feeding on microalgae assessed with molecular trophic markers. Molecular assessment of heterotrophy and prey digestion in zooxanthellate cnidarians. Local aims at supporting the development and incorporation of climate change adaptation at the municipal level, through the establishment of 23 Municipal Adaptation Strategies and training of technicians from the local authorities.
This conclusion was obtained by an international team of researchers from the United States, Portugal, Italy, Germany, Canada and the UK, who have brought to the light of day a new view on the dynamics of the Antarctic ice floating platforms. This study, which included the participation of researchers from CESAM, was published this month in Science and gives as an example the catastrophic disintegration in of the Larsen B ice shelf floating off the coast of the Antarctic Peninsula, an event that proved the team to be associated with changes in air temperature and consequent melting ice.
News published in the various media: These phosphorus-enriched particles fertilize the oligotrophic waters of the Atlantic Ocean and the P-depleted rain forests of America. The conference was focused in the theme 'Understanding the resilience of aquatic ecosystems: Water scarcity, foreseen to aggravate, pushes for maximum utilization of non-conventional water.
Although reuse is accompanied by a number of benefits, several potential drawbacks still puzzle scientists. Knowledge on the actual effects of reuse with regard to these aspects is currently not consolidated. This Action will answer critical questions through a European multidisciplinary network, structured in interactive Working Groups WGs , to achieve: The Action will have a major impact on the enhancement of sustainable wastewater reuse in light of current challenges at technological, economical and societal level. More details about this COST action: Their introduction to Europe initially focussed on growing tree species dates back to the 18th century when enormous demands were being made on natural resources to sustain the on-going industrialization of Europe.
Today issues of biomass production and C sequestration as well as the question of whether these species could increase the adaptive capacity of forests to long-term climate change patterns have fuelled a growing interest in non-native tree species in Europe. In order to determine their fullest potential and associated management options, but also assess associated risks and challenges the need for a communication platform - allowing for discussions with stakeholder groups from within and beyond European borders; is argued.
Many recently introduced pests and diseases were not known to be harmful, or unknown to science, and were not regulated before they invaded, indicating that the current system to identify harmful species does not provide sufficient protection from invasions by alien pests and pathogens. A novel way of identifying potentially harmful organisms for regulation is by monitoring European trees planted in regions that export plants to Europe.
The Action will 1 establish a global network of scientists and regulators in countries where sentinel nurseries could be established from seed or where there are botanical gardens or arboreta with exotic trees, 2 develop common protocols for the monitoring and identification of pests and 3 explore ways to regulate the establishment of such nurseries and the use of data collected through them.
This Action will also bring together detailed information about the international trade in trees and the environmental value of native trees in Europe. The Action will produce written, electronic and workshop outputs, as well as at least five short-term scientific missions per year. University of Aveiro, July Europe is threatened by recurring natural disasters caused by hazards such as earthquakes, landslides, floods and forest fires that cause hundreds of deaths and injuries and hundred millions of Euros economic losses each year.
Moreover damages are often the combined effects of concurrent natural and maninduced hazards successively triggered by a sort of cascading effect. For this reason, in response to growing awareness of the economic and social significance of natural disasters, research on integrated analysis of different risk sources i.
Being involved in the degradation of the extracellular matrices of animal cells, bacterial collagenases are important virulence factors in a variety of pathogenic bacteria. These enzymes are among the most versatile proteases ones and have technological applications in health, food and even in the leather industries.
Nonetheless, there was until now a lack of scientific consensus for a proper and well-defined classification of these enzymes and a vast controversy regarding their correct cataloging. The LUNA ALow-flying UNmanned Aerial forest monitoring system is an information system, fed by various sources using different types of sensors equipped on unmanned aerial vehicles, which allow obtaining accurate, dynamic and relevant information monitoring plant growth, pests and diseases, emergence of invasive species, as well as the occurrence of early mortality of trees.
This system is under development, involving research institutions and private companies, with a strong emphasis on scientific development and innovation. This is the first time that this award is given to a Portuguese conservationist. SETAC is one of the ecotoxicology societies with higher expression in the world, with more than 2, members in Europe amongst scientists from academia, industry and government.
SETAC-Europe has a leadership composed of 15 elements, derived in equal parts from academia, industry and government agencies in several countries in Europe. This is the main conclusion drawn by team of CESAM biologists that examined the effects of mixtures of pesticides, used on a large scale throughout Europe, in organisms that are damaged by the chemicals action. Without them, and consequently without the crucial role they have in organic matter decomposition and redistribution of nutrients, agricultural soils can not stay healthy.
For certain, the variety and intensity of threats are enormous. To assess for the first time the state of the national soil, identifying and studying phenomena that affect them and develop innovative solutions to prevent, in the long term, the country's south region - mainly - to become an arid desert, a team of researchers from the UA have rolled up their sleeves. The mission of Portuguese scientists is part of RECARE project, the EU largest project aiming for the prevention and remediation of soil degradation in Europe, is officially launched on April 1 and has a multidisciplinary team of researchers from 27 European organizations.
Agents and local communities joined forces in a voluntary movement to plant 10, trees mountain oak and birch to restore some of the public lands that were affected by large forest fires that consumed more than 9, acres of forest in the Caramulo mountain range during the summer of These fires triggered not only the loss of human lives but also large environmental and socioeconomic impacts.
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In the joint area of St. One such method, named photodynamic therapy has been tested in the treatment of hospital sewerage, where multidrug-resistant bacteria are frequently found, and according to studies conducted, so far it has shown to be much more effective than other conventional approaches. The article updates the state-of-the-art on kleptoplast photophysiology, focusing on the comparative analysis of the responses to light of the chloroplasts when in their original, macroalgal cells, and when sequestered in animal cells and functioning as kleptoplasts.
Abstract of the article here. The disappearance of forests and woods where it used to roam have led to its scarcity. A while back there were news of its return, but where does it walk now? Rita Gomes Rocha created the red squirrel project in Portugal with the aim to better understand this species, their behavior patterns and identify factors that may influence its expansion. The data will be the subject of study within her postdoctoral work at UA. Coordinated by the biologist Carlos Fonseca, the Unit has fifty researchers, divided between the national territory, several European countries, Brazil, Bolivia, Cape Verde and Mozambique, contributing all to a harmonious relationship between humankind and the environment.
The test is ready to be used by any saltwater fish farming. More details about Action: The use of new technologies and the game Game Based Learning will make a discipline more appealing and engaging for students of new generations.
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The Project has created an Internet-based educational game to develop an understanding of research work and to teach best practices. Hospital wastewater has the potential to be a threat to public health as it can contain bacteria that may facilitate resistance transfer to other species within sewage treatment plants. PDI uses a nontoxic photosensitiser, in this case a cationic porphyrin, which absorbs energy from visible light and transfers it to other surrounding molecules, creating highly cytotoxic reactive oxygen species ROS that inactivate microbial cells.
In this event, an operational platform that integrates features of forecasting in real time, oil spills at local level and results of risk analysis was presented. However, several challenges still exist or have emerged which limit our understanding of ecosystem functioning under future climate change. These include inadequate representation of biomes, artifacts, incomparable experiments, poor representation of relevant scenarios, in particular extreme events, lack of research communication sharing of results and lack of good data for modeling.
This Action will develop a network for the experimental climate change research community brining experimentalists and modelers together in order to provide solutions to these recurrent challenges. More details about the Action: The work may be visited from January 10 to February 9. Instead of investing in the expeditions to capture marine organisms and the synthesis of the respective molecules in the laboratory, the UA researchers pointed out aquaculture coral as the most efficient and sustainable option. This knowledge will be promoted in an effort to increase knowledge and awareness of the problem by disseminating information to end-users and authorities in the viticulture sector, and to the general public.
Biochair is a product with the potential to increase productivity, while contributing to mitigation and climate change adaptation. In the demarcated region of Bairrada, the UA researchers are studying the use and impact of biochar on vineyards; experiences will take place throughout the crop year of The first results indicate that, in addition to positive effects on soil nutrients, biochar improves the infiltration and retention of water in the land, essential factors to face drought and erosion.
The prize will be delivered in Badajoz, in the largest fair on hunting, fishing and nature of the peninsula and one of the largest in Europe, on the 19th of September. This is also an award that recognizes the University of Aveiro, through the Wildlife Unit, Department of Biology, as an institution of recognized value in the area of natural resources. Main objectives are to develop far-from-equilibrium self-assembly and self-replicating systems, self-assembling and reproducing compartments, and the use of information-rich molecules in these contexts.
The approach to these subjects is inherently multidisciplinary and will only be possible by combining the expertise of different theoretical and experimental research groups around EuropeMore details about this COST action: This meeting brings together the regions and entities participating in the European project Aqua-Add - 'Deploying the added value of water in local and regional development'. The alert from CESAM refers the dangers arising from the mix of gases and particles emitted by fires. The latter, ultrathin in their nature, have a enormous capacity to penetrate into the alveoli carrying out carcinogenic compounds, such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
The project "Sustainable SUN-Nanotechnologies," will begin later this year, in the area of nanotechnology, and has an overall budget of about eleven million. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 22 2 , Any new fish headed to 49 Sea Life Aquariums across the world will now be tested for cyanide poisoning at Portugal's University of Aveiro.
This are shipped to markets in Southeast Asia for human consumption, as well as to supply the marine aquarium trade worldwide. CESAM researchers have now developed a methodology to indicate if live reef fish are collected using cyanide. This is a strategy that may discourage importing companies from dealing with unreliable suppliers and shift the legal pressure from impoverished fishermen to those truly profiting from this illegal and destructive activity.
More details in SIC: Urban gardens are becoming increasingly popular,and as such, were, for the first time, evaluated by the researchers from the department of Chemistry and CESAM. Based on samples collected in the area of Porto, the results showed that levels of some metals, such as cadmium, copper, lead and zinc, exceeded the values recorded in natural areas away from contamination sources - such as roads and airports - but also exceeded the maximum values imposed by the EU.
Past, current and emerging issues. Biochar has shown potential to improve the productivity of agricultural soils and simultaneously sequester carbon, thus contributing to adaptation and mitigation of climate change. In the Bairrada wine region, Frank Verheijen and Jacob Keizer are assessing the feasibility of using biochar in vineyards to improve infiltration and water retention in the soil, essential in combating stress and water erosion.
This study relies on the monitoring of hydrological processes and soil water stress on vines, by the team lead by Gloria Pinto. In this sense, Ana Catarina Bastos and Susana Loureiro teams' work focuses on selection, adaptation and optimization of ecotoxicological tests using model species for the ecological risk assessment of biochar, as well as its potential use in processes remediation in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Link to the UVS movie: The overall aim of this proposal is to increase the understanding of oceanographic and biological processes of importance for recruitment of invertebrate larvae in coastal upwelling systems, like the Portuguese west coast.
The purpose is to couple biological models to inner shelf circulation models to understand and potentially forecast recruitment variability of decapod populations in the areas of their distribution. These researchers found that the pathogenic fungus "Candida albicans" uses a different genetic code of other living beings and managed to understand how this fungus changed it.
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- Recent Trends in Dynamical Systems: Proceedings of a Conference in Honor of Jürgen Scheurle: 35 (Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics).
With the new knowledge, they have artificially altered the genetic code of the fungus "Candida albicans". A growing interest on these organisms as been observed in the last decades due to their use for biomedical and photobiological related with sea slug and cloroplast symbiosis, see photo studies, bioprospection of new marine molecules with anti-tumoral, anti-cancer and anti-HIV bioactivities and marine aquarium trade. The present review summarizes the major issues impairing the culture of sea slugs and presents relevant biological and ecological data that can assist on the development of suitable culture protocols.
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The team, led by Dr. Ricardo Calado, will continue to develop future work on key species for both bioprospection of new compounds, and the use of these animals as models in climate change scenarios. These are the strategies pointed out by Prof. The scientific community has been alerting for the potential adverse effects on marine ecosystems that may result from interactions between climate change and pollutants of human origin. However, there is an uncertainty on the consequences, on marine organisms, of the various climate change scenarios in conjunction with the increasing levels of pollutants in the environment.
The major obstacle in this area of research relates to the difficulty in simulating scenarios of climate change and pollution in natural environments. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime. Get fast, free shipping with Amazon Prime. Get to Know Us. English Choose a language for shopping. Amazon Music Stream millions of songs. Amazon Advertising Find, attract, and engage customers.
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