
Sense: A Collection of Short Stories (University of Essex Graduates Book 1)

A spinner of small tales for many years, he started publishing his fiction five years ago. His work has appeared in many literary magazines and journals, including Grub Street, Flash: A Box of Dreams is his first published collection. Svenning was born in New York. He started writing with seriousness at the age of nineteen and has now been published in many literary magazines throughout the United States and abroad.

Svenning lives in Palm City, Florida. Krista Creel received her undergraduate degree in creative writing from the University of Memphis and her graduate degree in journalism. She lives in rural West Tennessee with her family.

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Keith Madsen is a retired minister who is using his retirement to pursue a lifelong interest in writing fiction. In addition to writing, he has also acted in community theater, having particularly enjoyed playing the roles of Jack C. This background in drama has helped him both with character development and his dramatic touch in writing.

Keith finds that being part of helping characters come alive is one of his greatest life pleasures. He has visited Haiti four times, while helping to build a grade school there. In the process he has become fascinated by Haitian culture and history, a fascination which inspired the writing of this novel. Keith has published short stories in Mobius: Keith lives in East Wenatchee, Washington with his wife Cathy, where he enjoys teaching chess to grade school children. Holder of a PhD in history, currently teaching at a university in the Midwest in the history dept.

Fluent in Polish, conversational in Czech and French. John Wells is a retired naval engineer living in Annapolis, Maryland. A graduate of the U. A literary realist, he has developed a writing style suited to modern readers in this publishing era when novels have to compete with television and video games. Social, Humorous, and Inspirational Thoughts He has also been selected as a finalist in many poetry competitions.

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The author Kenneth D. Stephens is originally from India, where he attended Christian missionary boarding schools in the Himalayas. He came to the United States to go to theological seminary, after which he went on to do his Ph. His memoir The Meaning of These Days: Memoir of a Philosophical Pastor was published by Wipf and Stock. He is an active member of the African Wildlife Foundation, the Wilderness Society, and other environmental organizations, and resides on the outskirts of Los Angeles County.

A versatile and diversified writer, David Boyle has written three short story collections, published by independent presses. His most recent compilation is Truth Hurts Adelaide Books, Five of his stories have been adapted to film. In four stories from his book Abandoned in the Dark Dark Ink, an imprint of AM Ink Publishing, were made into a feature-length anthology film of the same name.

Though he earned his readership by writing reality-based dark fiction, Boyle has gained a reputation for literary stories, essays, articles, aphorisms, reviews, interviews, analyses, travel writing, reportage, and poems, a good number of which have appeared in both print and online magazines as well as in anthologies.

A writer his entire life, he wrote over twenty short stories and three novels. Helen Nickolson was born in Kato Kourouni, a small village in Evia, Greece, which had neither water nor electricity at that time. Sponsored by her aunt and uncle to emigrate to the United States when she was five, she journeyed across the rough Atlantic Ocean in December on an Italian ship. After high school, Helen attended the University of California at Davis where she majored in English.

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Helen worked as a counselor and also taught English and Psychology at Yuba Community College for 30 years before retiring. She has been married for 35 years to Larry Michel, and Katherine is their only child. He went on to work with the City of Sudbury's Welfare Department, initially as a caseworker and later moving on to supervisory and managing positions. He spent 35 years in the "helping profession" until his retirement in Since , when she was made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Literature , she has lived as a full-time writer. Her first novel, The Circle , written under Tsvetayeva's influence, [5] is "a study of a marriage, mostly through the wife's mind.

Feinstein's poetry has been influenced by Black Mountain poets , as well as Objectivists. Charles Olson sent her his 'famous letter defining breath ' prosody '. She was a Rockefeller Foundation Fellow at Bellagio in Her poems have been widely anthologised. She was appointed to the Council of the Royal Society of Literature in From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

Novelist translator poet short story writer biographer. Lives of the Poets. Weidenfeld and Nicolson, ; p. She was appointed last year, a young lawyer specialising in housing. I told her why I admired the place, why I felt in tune with Essex and its founding ideas.

Elaine Feinstein

I felt that would set a bad precedent: Outside grants are becoming the only way to earn time off to write or to take on a piece of research. I am told that the tick of the deathwatch beetle is heard only when it is too late. But although Essex had kept its end up in the last Research Assessment Exercise in the tagline at the bottom of every official email from Essex proclaims that it was ranked in the top ten research universities , the promised overflowing pot of porridge had turned out watered down and gritty.

So no new human rights building, but a big new business school. I heard the tick again when there was an attempt to close the history of art department and put the Latin American collection up for sale; that plan, thank god, has been staved off — for the time being.

I was astonished — pleased — that the anniversary planning team knew about it at all, and I would have agreed if they had shown any interest in writing by anyone else, or even something else by me. Within this structure, they have been allowed to wrest authority for themselves, and neither literary scholars nor long-serving teachers have a say; individual students, once enrolled and committed, are not much attended to either.

What is happening at Essex reflects on the one hand the general distortions required to turn a university into a for-profit business — one advantageous to administrators and punitive to teachers and scholars — and on the other reveals a particular, local interpretation of the national policy. The Senate and councils of a university like Essex, and most of the academics who are elected by colleagues to govern, have been caught unawares by their new masters, their methods and their assertion of power.

I asked the executive dean if I could continue in my 0. An interview date was set six weeks in advance and I cleared my diary. Forty-eight hours before that date, the interview was switched to the following day — a date impossible for me as I had a long-standing engagement at a literary festival.

Elaine Feinstein - Wikipedia

When I complained about this situation, I was told that my reapplication had in any case been filled out incorrectly. So am I to believe that the interview was arranged so that the executive dean could kindly inform me that my application was filled out incorrectly?

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  7. Perhaps she was going to help me with it. Stranger things have happened at Essex this year. Those students saw Sloman wreck his own vision.

    First, there was the wilfully stupid suspension of three students among them the future Lord Triesman after the Porton Down protest in May Then there was the abolition of continuous assessment, the radical but unacceptable idea that we were not to be judged by a series of three-hour exams like year-olds.

    He retreated from his creation when the Hulk tore off its shirt and turned green. I was approached — or was it merely mentioned in passing? I passed on it.


    I am not the only writer who did. I agree with almost everything Marina Warner says, but I would add that administrators are operating under similar conditions. The neat trick that senior management teams employ — and I should point out that these roles are usually filled by experienced academics — is to create a classic divide and rule line between academic and non-academic members of staff.

    As a result, each side views the other with suspicion while the ideologically driven managerialism that is propelling our institutions towards full marketisation is left unchecked. Higher education is a scary place to work right now: The first illustrates the terrible damage inflicted on academia by successive assessments run by a funding authority HEFCE that changes the rules as it pleases with no thought as to long-term goals. How on earth are we supposed to live with such wayward paymasters?

    The second nicely skewers those university authorities and that means all of them who refuse to stand up to constant bullying, preferring to knuckle under and bully in turn. Colleagues in the US look on in disbelief at the way successive governments in this country have undermined our academic freedoms via the pay packet and constant petty assessment. My personal experience of present-day academia confirms the points that Marina Warner makes: Mine was a vocational MA which achieved over 90 per cent employment after graduation.

    Like Warner I was engaged in a number of international projects and so unable to complete one of the REF outputs I had signed up for. That occasioned being hauled before a university star chamber and threatened with disciplinary action unless I agreed to resign.