Hope Decoded
This exact order is of value for researchers to be able to understand the type of genetic information carried in the DNA. Since genes encode for protein which are responsible for most body functions, this information can help to understand the effect of their function in the body.
Hope Decoded: A Social Science Experiment Gone Right
Sequencing the complete genome of an organism i. However, with advancement in technology, genomes can be sequenced relatively faster and also at a lower cost using methods like Sanger sequencing and Next-generation sequencing. Once a genome is sequenced and decoded, unlimited possibilities open up for identifying potential areas of biological research and making progress towards targeted application development. A team of 40 researchers from Cornell University and around the world have sequenced the full genome of a water fern called Azolla filiculoides1,2.
This fern is commonly seen to be growing in warmer temperatures and tropical regions of the world. Researchers eventually received funding to carry out the sequencing from Beijing Genomics Institute in collaboration with Utrecht University.
Rev. L.A. Riccio's Hope Decoded PDF
This tiny floating fern species which fits over a finger nail has a genome size of. Such an elaborate project was aimed at providing clues on what could be the potential of this fern.
Many interesting aspects of fern Azolla have been uncovered upon this genome sequencing study published in Nature Plants and have provided direction for future research on protential areas in which this fern can be beneficial. The fern Azolla was widespread and growing almost 50 million years ago on this planet around the Arctic Ocean. During that time earth was also warmer compared to current condition and this fern was thought to play a significant role in keeping the planet cooler by capturing around 10 trillion tons of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere over the course of 1 million years.
COTC Weekend Messages
Thus, here we see a potential role for this fern in combating and protecting our planet from global warming resulted by climate change. The fern is also thought to play an important role in nitrogen fixation, a process which combines free nitrogen N2 in the atmosphere — an inert gas available abundantly in air - with other chemical elements to create more reactive nitrogen-based compounds e.
The genome data tells us about a symbiotic relationship mutual benefit of this fern with a cyanobacteria named Nostoc azollae. The fern leaves host these cyanobacteria in tiny holes and these bacteria fix nitrogen thereby producing oxygen which the fern and surrounding growing plants could use. In turn, cyanobacteria gather energy through the plant photosynthesis when the fern provides it fuel. In her email she shares how she found hope and overcame her loneliness. To when I was alone before I was married…. I was very scared and hated being alone….
Then the Lord touched me and actually became my husband.
Rev. L.A. Riccio's Hope Decoded PDF - Piuttosto Book Archive
I since then have been married 8 years and my husband…. So that fear kind of rekindled…. Your message reminded me of a poem I wrote 10 years ago …. It was actually based on Psalm The poem goes like this…. Please do not fear my child,. I am with you in the night. Can you not see the stars up there? Your fear of the dark, is why I made them bright.
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You are not alone dear one,. They are reaching out to hold you,. You search and search,. For someone to give all your love. But why is it,. I want to be the one,. In whom you give your soul.

In whom you do console. I want to hear your secrets,. And laugh with you on end.
I want to be your friend. Do you see all that sin that is laying on your heart?