General Caring for a Cat (Loving your Cat Book 3)
The Complete Cat's Meow: Everything You Need to Know about Caring for Your Cat by Darlene Arden
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Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The Complete Cat's Meow: Do you want to ensure you're giving your beloved feline friend the very best possible care? Then this all-in-one, comprehensive cat care guid Awards: Then this all-in-one, comprehensive cat care guide is for you!
From grooming to litter box issues to nutrition and much more, The Complete Cat's Meow covers all the bases to raising and caring for kitties. It also shows you how to introduce a new kitten to other pets, handle behavioral problems, and make life comfortable for cats of all ages. Covers everything cat owners need to know about health, nutrition, behavior, and training Compelling photos of a wide variety of breeds Other titles by Arden: Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about The Complete Cat's Meow , please sign up.
Be the first to ask a question about The Complete Cat's Meow. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Dec 29, Caroline Clemmons rated it it was amazing. For instance, did you know a group of cats is called a clowder? But which are which? Can your cat catch your cold or vice versa? Can you teach your cat not to scratch furniture? Here's a genuine recommendation and example from me.
But Delilah was sixteen, and I simply thought she was old and had kitty dementia that made her forget where the litter box was. The vet told us renal failure is the number one killer of elderly cats. Darlene covers every aspect of cat ownership from before a kitten is born to caring for the elderly cat. Those of us who already have cats realize that each has its own personality and needs. By reading this book, we can meet our pets needs to provide them high quality long lives. This will make it much easier to put in a pet carrier, give pills, take to the veterinarian, and so forth.
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Cats that do not appreciate being picked up and held can often be very difficult to deal with in these situations. Kittens can also be socialized with dogs; if a kitten grows up with a friendly dog in its environment, it is much less likely to become intimidated and scratch a dog when it is adopted.
If a cat suddenly stops using its litterbox, a trip to the vet is in order, because this may be caused by a medical problem—if the cat finds it painful to relieve itself, it may associate the pain with the litterbox. More than one cat owner has refrained from taking a cat to the vet's office because of a "this cat is perfectly healthy" mentality. An animal doesn't have to look sick to be sick. It can also be a behavioural problem; for example, the cat may be resentful over the introduction of a new kitten to the household. Occasionally, one cat will bully another by "casually" sitting near the litter box, intimidating the victim so that it cannot get to the box.
The reasons why cats stop using the litterbox for eliminations are large and varied, with too many to go into here. Your veterinarian may have some good suggestions, or you may need to contact a behaviorist. An entire industry has grown up around getting cats to use the litterbox—different shapes and sizes of boxes with or without lids, a wide array of different litters including special litter with an attractive smell for cats , even feline pheromones in a bottle called Feliway.
Some things to try—change the size of the box, change its location it may be too remote or in too busy an area , change the litter both the kind and the frequency of dumping and replacing—most cats don't like strong odors associated with the box , add or remove a lid, add to the number of litterboxes especially in a multicat household, where one cat may be blocking another from using a box , move the box away from its food and water, or even confine the cat into a small area with a clean box for a period of time usually several weeks to retrain it to use the box.
Which of these solutions will work best for you depends on the individual situation—it frequently takes a bit of detective work. It is also important to clean up the mess thoroughly, because if the cat can still smell it, it is likely to go there again. Don't use an ammonia-based cleaner, as this smells similar to urine. Citrus smells unpleasant to cats, so using a citrus-scented cleaner may help. Note that punishing the cat for eliminating in the wrong place will have no effect unless you catch it in the act, as it won't understand that your punishment is connected to something it did hours ago.
In particular, rubbing its nose in its mess will only serve to remind it that the spot smells like a litterbox. Another problem some people have with cats is that some cats sharpen their claws on the furniture. Often it is the owner's favourite chair that is clawed most, because the cat is responding to its owner's scent. Cats which are allowed to go outside are less likely to have this problem because they can sharpen their claws on trees, fences or other rough surfaces not found in the home.
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Try giving the cat a scratching post ; you may have to try several to find one your cat likes, and a log of wood with the bark still on may work better than a commercial scratching post. Putting an owner's smell or cat mint on the scratching post may improve cats affection towards the post. Covering the furniture with aluminium foil may help discourage the cat. When the cat starts scratching furniture, shooting the cat with a small pressure water pistol is a very effective way to embarrass the cat and teach it to leave the furniture alone. The water pistol should only be used when the cat is doing something bad.
Some cat owners declaw their cats. However, if the cats ever find themselves on their own again, their ability to defend themselves and hunt for food becomes much more limited if they have been declawed. Some owners will have only the cats' front claws removed, so that the back claws remain available for defense in such a situation.
Still, declawing cats is considered by many to be cruel. The Humane Society of the U. The front claws are as important for cats as fingers are for humans.
Compared to human anatomy, declawing is the amputation of all fingers and toes past the last knuckle. In addition to being less able to defend itself, the declawed cat frequently experiences trouble walking. Declawing cats is illegal in many countries.

If the cat's claws cause much trouble, an alternative is to glue nail caps known as "SoftPaws" [2] onto the cat's claws. From grooming to litter box issues to nutrition and much more, The Complete Cat's Meow covers all the bases for successfully raising and caring for kitties. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Covers everything cat owners need to know about health, nutrition, behavior, and training Compelling photos of a wide variety of breeds Other titles by Arden: Read more Read less.
Add both to Cart Add both to List. One of these items ships sooner than the other. Buy the selected items together This item: The Complete Cat's Meow: Ships from and sold by Amazon. The Cat Owner's Manual: Customers who viewed this item also viewed. Page 1 of 1 Start over Page 1 of 1. Think Like a Cat: How to Speak Cat: A Guide to Decoding Cat Language.
Here's how restrictions apply. Howell Book House; 1 edition April 1, Language: Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention cats rarely meow complete cat darlene arden cat owners highly recommend litter box everything you need easy to read cat owner behavior consultant need to know recommend this book health concerns useful resources reference book long time understanding cat cat behavior book from darlene know about cats.
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Kindle Edition Verified Purchase. From selecting a kitten, to understanding the needs of an older feline, the author has created a roadmap that addresses all the questions a cat lover could possibly have. She speaks in a genuine voice that is easy to understand and often brims with humor. In addition to all the practical advice, the book is filled with fascinating tidbits of information. Did you know that cats purr at a frequency that facilitates healing in people, or that cats rarely meow at other cats? That sound is usually reserved for chatting with humans.
I have grown up around cats since infancy and have had cats all my adult life.
The Complete Cat's Meow: Everything You Need to Know about Caring for Your Cat
This doesn't make me an authority, but it has given me a good head start. Packed into this book is a wealth of information about our feline friends. From the newborn kitten, the older cat, to shopping for your cat and useful resources, Ms. Arden shares with the reader the knowledge and information she has gained over the years through personal experience, research, and interviews with some of the top cat breeders and veterinarians in the country. Also, throughout the book, Darlene Arden has included many black and white pictures of various cats.