Cursed Princess (The Blotstan Saga - Book 2)
Cursed Princess by Tracy Godden series The Blotstan Saga 2 In a perilous dark age Britain, when magic still rules the hearts of men, Awiergan, a young girl forced to disguise herself as a boy, and taught by her father to despise all men, finds herself inexplicably drawn to a handsome stranger. Her cruel father is furious to learn she has encountered a man and makes her life even more miserable than before, but Awiergan is a dutiful obedient daughter.
Aelfwyn, a beautiful, headstrong, pagan princess, possessed of a rare and powerful gift, is plunged headlong into a terrifying fight for her life when a ruthless conquering marauder, Ghedred the Soul Taker, slaughters her father, then kidnaps and enslaves her.
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Her unexpected salvation comes in the form of Questo significa che Marley Jameson non sa di aver tradito Chrysander, appropriandosi di segreti che riguardano l'impero Anetakis. Mentre sta scappando dalle grinfie di un accalappiagatti, finisce in un negozio che vende famigli, animali con poteri magici che da sempre accompagnano maghi e streghe nelle loro But the talented and eccentric The Shadow Saga Omnibus by Orson Scott Card The series which tells the story of Ender's Game from a new angleTwice an alien race has attacked mankind, and twice we have only barely survived.
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