Close to You: A Downside Ghosts Story
Sounds like a great bridge book in the series Lexxie, it certainly has you thinking! I have to catch up on this series!! I hope your day was terrific, Lexxie! That will be nice.
I love stories that combine action and romance! I need to check this out. There is action and romance, but there is a lot of darkness too, Lindy. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. This site uses cookies. By continuing to use this website, you agree to their use.
To find out more, including how to control cookies, see here: Close to You by Stacia Kane Series: Martin's Press on 8 October Genres: Adult , Romance , Urban Fantasy Pages: Netgalley Churchwitch Chess Putnam has seen, and banished, her share of ghosts, but not of the Christmas Past variety--the holiday has been illegal since the Church of Real Truth defeated the undead and took control of the world in Silvia Darkest Sins recently posted: Charlotte Thoughts and Pens.
Under The Final Moon. A Sliver of Shadow.
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- Downside Ghosts Series by Stacia Kane.
Requiem for the Dead. The Trouble with Twelfth Grave. Dragos Goes to Washington. A Glimpse of Darkness Short Story. How to write a great review. The review must be at least 50 characters long. The title should be at least 4 characters long. Your display name should be at least 2 characters long.
At Kobo, we try to ensure that published reviews do not contain rude or profane language, spoilers, or any of our reviewer's personal information. You submitted the following rating and review. We'll publish them on our site once we've reviewed them. Item s unavailable for purchase. I never would have thought such a syrupy song could be so haunting and serve as a backdrop to a ghost story.
I enjoyed this short story immensely but since I am a greedy reader, I want more Chess and Terrible. I would have loved more sexy times for them. I do appreciate snippets of their life as I patiently await the next installment of the Downside Ghosts series. Thank you to NetGalley and St. Martin's Press for a review copy of this book. Review posted on Badass Book Reviews. Sep 18, Yodamom rated it it was amazing Shelves: Chess and Terrible go out on a run to pick up some parts and find themselves trapped in a Christmas not to be forgotten. Romantic moments, nasty ghosties, danger, fondling, kissing, blood, fear and love- it's all there is this short.
That was what, 35 pages? Short as it was, I was happy to get a glimpse of Chess and Terrible again. Chess needs to go to rehab right now, and I need to play hide and seek with Terrible. Nov 09, Gemma rated it really liked it. Cool short story featuring Chess and Terrible. The pair have to deal with a psycho old woman and a ghost after visiting a car junkyard. My favourite part is seeing Chess and Terrible interact and the little insights into how they feel about each other.
Can't wait for the next book, read this to keep you entertained until then. Aug 01, Isa Lavinia rated it really liked it Shelves: And I loved it: Jun 23, Alisa rated it really liked it Shelves: Short story featuring Chess and Terrible on Christmas. Super good as usual. Close To You is such an odd combination of creepy and sweet that somehow manages to really work.
Downside Ghosts Series
At its heart, this is a holiday love story — albeit a love story with murderous ghosts, but still kind of touching in a weird way. I figured this short story was a great way to get a feel for it. This short story is just dripping with voice and style. Having never read the series before, I can tell you that this story stands on its own.
Need to know information is given piecemeal along the way and I never felt lost.
Review: Close to You (Downside Ghosts #5.5) – Stacia Kane
You can find this review and others like it at BookAndCoffeeAddict. In the interest of full disclosure, I received a copy of this book at no cost from the publisher for the purpose of review. I am a huge fan of the Downside Ghosts series. I love the world that Stacia Kane has created for Chess, Terrible and all of the other characters. Chess is deeply flawed drug user. Terrible is a great character that has been well developed within the series.
This short story is extremely well written. I did wish that it were longer but that is just because I am greedy and want In the interest of full disclosure, I received a copy of this book at no cost from the publisher for the purpose of review. I did wish that it were longer but that is just because I am greedy and want to read the next book in this series now! This story takes place within a junk yard and includes both Chess and Terrible because a short story without Terrible would not be nearly as good!

They get into some trouble with the woman who lives in the house there. I loved Kane's description of the home. I could see the filth from my own living room. Chess and Terrible work together and after some exciting moments are able to safely go home. Even in this short piece, I could see that Chess and Terrible are both willing to sacrifice everything to protect each other. Both of these characters are quite flawed but their love for each other is very real and it feels real on the page. I think that fans of the series will definitely enjoy this newest story even though it is probably not central to the overall plot line.
It is more of a short self contained episode in their lives that we don't get to see between books. Aug 07, Marsha rated it really liked it Recommends it for: After locating the part they need in an auto graveyard, they beging hearing Karen Carpenter's song, "Close to You" eerily playing over and over in the distance. Just when they are ready to leave a creepy old lady named, Eliza, who is dressed in a tat "Hello, my name is Marsha and I am a Downside Ghost addict. Just when they are ready to leave a creepy old lady named, Eliza, who is dressed in a tattered old bridal gown asks them to accompany her back to her house to pay for the part.
See a Problem?
Although Chess and Terrible can sense something is not right, they have no clue as to what Eliza Hudson is up to. When Chess sees all of the outlawed Christmas decorations and Eliza comments on her husband returning to celebrate the holiday with her, she knows something bad is about to happen. This little novella was pretty creepy and perfect for the upcoming holidays. Unfortunately, it was entirely too short about 35 pages. I don't know about anyone else but it is time for the next full story in the Downside series.
I need more and I need it now! For fans of the series, this little novella probably will not be enough to take the edge off of your obsession; however, it is certainly entertaining! Miss Havisham is a woman who loves in the extremes. She is adamant about spending time with her long dead husband for the holidays, which only seems to freak Terrible and Chess out more when she becomes combative. Oct 06, Jessie Potts rated it it was amazing.
This is an in-between-books short, Downside Ghosts No. It's a fun peek into Chess and her ghost-banishing skills. I think you should definitely read the rest of the series first, but if you don't mind reading between the lines, it's a fun bit of magic.
Close to You (Downside Ghosts, #) by Stacia Kane
Chess and Terrible boyfriend go to an abandoned auto junkyard and run into some trouble and a crazy wife who is willing to do anything to reunite with her dead husband. This short has romance, steam, angry people and crazy gh This is an in-between-books short, Downside Ghosts No.
This short has romance, steam, angry people and crazy ghosts. Fans of Chess and Terrible will have to download this and get every crumb of awesome from the two.
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Newbies won't understand their entire relationship not that we fully do but will appreciate getting to know the characters. To see more recs check out the HEA Blog! Sep 21, Kelly rated it it was amazing Shelves: I love Chess and Terrible. They both have issues but they complement each other so nicely.