The Nanny And The Reluctant Rancher (Mills & Boon Vintage Desire)
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Barbara McCauley
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Sara Orwig - Author
Buy the eBook Price: Available in Russia Shop from Russia to buy this item. Or, get it for Kobo Super Points! Abby suspeitava que a sua sensual seducao tinha um lado obscuro, mas sentia-se incapaz de controlar o seu desejo quando o tinha por perto. E o que mais temia era que, quando a traicao de Nick chegasse, a transformasse num farrapo para sempre. Nunca teria imaginado que o seu casamento tivesse tantos segredos.
Para reclamar uma heranca, o magnata do Texas Jake Thorne necessitava encontrar esposa e fundar uma familia A sua timida secretaria Emily Carlisle era a escolha perfeita. Ela nao perseguia o seu dinheiro nem o seu poder Mas quando Emily descobriu que Jake se tinha casado com ela so pelo dinheiro, a doce gatinha demonstrou que tinha garras. Para evitar que ela o abandonasse, Jake teria que convencer a sua renitente esposa a apaixonar-se por ele.
Uma so noite iria mudar tudo Tudo comecou num jogo de seducao anonimo, em que comecaram a conversar sem inibicoes e sem chegarem a trocarem nomes. Quando a conversa desaguou em beijos, ambos sentiram necessidade de saber o nome um do outro. Num so instante, Boone Devlin e Erin Frye descobriram que, na verdade, nao eram dois desconhecidos.
E Boone descobriu que Erin era virgem. So o destino poderia ter feito com que aquele solteiro empedernido acabasse na cama com a capataz do rancho que ele tinha herdado e que pretendia vender. E que os seus planos corressem o risco de nao se cumprirem, porque Boone suspeitava que Erin e ele tinham criado algo mais que faiscas entre si Tinham-se casado somente devido ao bebe mas O coronel Mike Remington nao era dos que fugiam de um desafio.
Mas o inflexivel oficial das Forcas Especiais soube que aquilo estava acima dele quando segurou nos seus bracos aquele adoravel bebe A unica solucao para aquele problema era casar-se, apenas por conveniencia, com a bela advogada. Como podia saber que ela nao era como as outras mulheres? Ashley Smith tinha ficado gravida depois de uma noite inesquecivel. Sabia que devia dizer a Ryan Warner que o filho que esperava era dele Ashley aceitou a proposta pensando no bem do bebe, sem ter qualquer interesse no dinheiro ou poder de Ryan.
Ryan estaba habituado a que as mulheres se interessassem por ele por causa do seu dinheiro. No entanto, Ashley parecia diferente. Atrever-se-ia a conceder uma oportunidade a mulher que ia dar-lhe um herdeiro? Tendrian por fin un final feliz? El futuro del rico ranchero Nick Milan estaba bien planeado: Pero su relacion con Claire Prentiss termino de forma amarga. Por eso no estaba preparado para desearla de nuevo cuando se volvieron a encontrar.
O, por lo menos, no lo estaba hasta que ella le conto su increible secreto. Perder a Nick habia sido muy duro para Claire, y ahora estaba obligada a decirle que tenian un hijo. Sabia que el escandalo podia destrozar su carrera; aunque, por otra parte, el nino necesitaba un padre. Queria chegar ao coracao do texano. Ao descobrir que Lila Hacket, com quem vivera uma noite de paixao, estava gravida, decidiu que tinha de se casar com ela. Com uma carreira emergente, Lila nao estava disposta a mudar de vida para se converter naquilo que Sam considerava a esposa perfeita.
Portanto, se ele pretendia que o seu bebe tivesse o apelido Gordon, teria de mudar de ideias sobre o que realmente queria dela A bachelor auction leads to a night of passion for this Texas rancher! Tony Milan can't believe the stunning vision in red who's placed the highest bid at the bachelor auction! One night of dinner and dancing with Lindsay Calhoun-his stubborn next-door neighbour-is all he's signed up for.
But Lindsay's makeover has him forgetting all about their long-standing family feud. Bidding on the sexy cowboy is Lindsay's plan for creating a truce. Until Tony sweeps her into a night of blissful passion-and a surprise pregnancy ensues. Can two rivals work together to build a future-one that includes marriage and family?
His lover's little secret will change this rancher's life. Wealthy rancher Nick Milan's future was all planned: He'd marry the woman he adored and have a dazzling political career. Instead, their affair ended in bitter breakup. So he isn't prepared for the surge of desire when he sees Claire Prentiss again. Then he learns her shocking secret. Losing Nick once was hard enough but now Claire's faced with telling him about his son. The scandal could destroy everything he's worked for.
Marriage at First Sight
But their child needs his father. Could a happy ending still be theirs? Nao era habitual nela passar a noite com um completo desconhecido O misterioso amante de Lara Hunter parecia um prncipe do passado, sensual e primitivo cuja misso era arredla da sua montona vida, afastla da humilhao a que o seu chefe a submetia e levla a sentir um desejo que somente conhecia atravs dos livrosMas Eli Ashton no era nenhum prncipe.
Na realidade, era o filho do seu odiado chefe. Lara estava farta da arrogncia dos Ashton e, embora o seu corpo parecesse obedecer aos desejos de Eli, a sua natureza independente impedia-a de lhe entregar o seu corao. El se negaba a decirle adios. Cuando una tormenta de nieve dejo atrapado al ganadero Josh Calhoun en una pequena posada de Texas, no fue el aburrimiento lo que le hizo fijarse en Abby Donovan. La duena de aquel local, con su cola de caballo y su dulce sonrisa, tenia algo que lo atraia irremediablemente. Josh no podia dejar de desearla Cuando las carreteras quedaron despejadas, Abby accedio a hacer una escapada a Nueva York y al enorme rancho de Josh en Texas, a un mundo opulento desconocido para ella.
Se quedaria con aquel vaquero tan irresistible o volveria a su tranquila vida? Casava-se com ele so pelo bem do seu filho? O multimilionario Marek Rangel podia comprar tudo. Tudo tinha um preco, ate mesmo o filho do seu defunto irmao. Estava disposto a fazer o que quer que fosse para ter a crianca na familia, mesmo que tivesse de casar-se com a mae do pequeno, Camille Avanole, uma desconhecida para ele. Camille era uma prometedora cantora de opera que dava muito valor a sua independencia acima de tudo, mas se aceitasse a proposta do atraente rancheiro o seu filho teria seguranca e uma oportunidade para conhecer as suas origens texanas.
Desde que nao se apaixonasse por Marek Derretiria el corazon del ganadero? Embarazada, abandonada y perdida en medio de una tormenta de nieve en Texas, Savannah Grayson agradecio que el millonario ganadero Mike Calhoun la rescatase. El viudo, padre de un nino de tres anos, le ofrecio refugio en su enorme rancho. Decidido a no entregar su corazon a una mujer nunca mas, Mike intento controlar la atraccion que sentia por su invitada.
Mientras pasaban dias helados haciendo munecos de nieve con su hijo y noches charlando y besandose frente a la chimenea, Mike tendria que luchar contra un corazon que empezaba a descongelarse A worldly rancher seeks shelter with a small-town woman-and gets snowed in! When a blizzard strands rancher Josh Calhoun at a tiny Texas inn, it's not boredom that makes him notice innocent Abby Donovan. There's something about the B and B's owner, with her ponytail and sweet smile. Now Josh can't stop wanting her He refuses to say goodbye When the roads clear, Abby lets herself be whisked away-to New York City, to Josh's vast Texas ranch, to a wealthy world she's never known.
Will she stay with the tempting cowboy? Or return to the life she left behind? Her characters leap from the pages! Captain Joshua Raven, rebel aristocrat and fierce pirate, ravaging his way through the Spanish main. But he had no way of knowing that the beautiful girl disguised as a maid was Lianna Melton, a high-born British damsel, fleeing a loveless marriage.
Desperate to return to her secret beloved, Lianna seeks passage aboard Joshua's ship. But even amid the struggle and intrigue of the new world Joshua has introduced her to, Lianna cannot deny the pleasure she finds in his company. Before long, she finds herself melting beneath the heat of his caress, and soon passion sweeps her away like the rising tide, toward the golden shores of love. Pregnant, abandoned and stranded in a Texas blizzard, nurse Savannah Grayson is grateful when billionaire rancher Mike Calhoun rescues her.
The widowed father offers shelter-and only shelter-at his vast ranch. Determined to never love another woman again, Mike tries to do the right thing and resist his attraction to his vulnerable guest. As they spend cold days building snowmen with his son and long nights talking and kissing by the fire, Mike fights the thaw of his heart. Un incendio en el rancho de Maggie Langford llevo a su vida al campeon de rodeo Jake Reigner, que puso patas arriba su tranquila existencia y desperto en ella deseos que habia creido muertos hacia mucho.
Pero la pasion llego a su punto algido cuando Jake se traslado temporalmente a casa de Maggie, siguiendo las ordenes del padre de esta. La joven madre soltera sabia que no podia ceder a sus deseos, pero cada vez le resultaba mas dificil no dejarse vencer por la ternura de sus besos. Sabia que era imposible tener nada serio con un cowboy siempre a punto de marcharse. Aquel desconocido era demasiado sexy. Queria llegar al corazon del texano. Al descubrir que Lila Hacket, con quien habia compartido una noche de pasion, estaba embarazada, decidio que tenia que casarse con ella.
Con una carrera en ciernes, Lila no tenia intencion de cambiar su vida para convertirse en lo que Sam consideraba la esposa perfecta. Asi que, si el deseaba que su bebe llevase el apellido Gordon, tendria que cambiar de idea sobre lo que realmente queria de ella Tras una enemistad familiar de mas de un siglo, Madison Milan no podia confiar en ningun Calhoun, y mucho menos en Jake, que la habia dejado plantada cuando se iban a fugar para contraer matrimonio.
Pero cuando el aparecio con el mapa de un tesoro que estaba enterrado en el rancho de Madison, ella cambio de actitud. No confiaba en Jake, pero podia desearlo. El vaquero multimillonario Wyatt Milan solo queria una vida apacible. Por eso habia aceptado el cargo de sheriff en Verity. Pero su tranquilidad salto por los aires cuando Destiny Jones, una hermosa presentadora de television, aparecio en la ciudad para resolver el enigma de la antigua disputa entre las dos familias mas importantes de la zona: Se casaba con el solo por el bien de su hijo?
Midnight Bride (Mills & Boon Vintage Desire) - E-bok - Barbara McCauley () | Bokus
El multimillonario Marek Rangel podia comprarlo todo. Todo tenia un precio, incluso el hijo de su difunto hermano. Estaba dispuesto a cualquier cosa con tal de tener al nino en la familia, aunque tuviera que casarse con la madre del pequeno, Camille Avanole, una desconocida para el. Camille era una prometedora cantante de opera que valoraba su independencia por encima de todo, pero si aceptaba la propuesta del atractivo ranchero su hijo tendria seguridad y una oportunidad para conocer sus origenes texanos.
Mientras no se enamorara de Marek In this war-set saga, Orwig discovers the tragedy and passion in the war between the north and the south. MEMPHIS finds the ongoing war approaching the homefront of a headstrong woman, just as a cavalryman makes a charge for her heart. And, in the sweeping conclusion, ATLANTA, unexpected passions are ignited in a destroyed city when a Yankee colonel comes south to collect what he believes is his, only to find that some wars go on even when the smoke clears.
These three tour-de-force novels are perfect for all passionate readers of historical romance, from the USA TODAY bestselling author of over ninety novels. In these three novels of westward expansion, the sun beats down on the plains during the days, but it's passion that keeps the nights warm.
In DENVER, a man flees west to escape his past, only to lose his heart to a woman with the power to destroy him, or give him his one shot at redemption. The west heats up in Sara Orwig's epic romances, showcasing three breathtaking stories of a lawless land and untamable hearts. Arriscaria tentar prender o homem da sua vida? Um perito em rodeos como o Wyatt Sawyer estava habituado a lidar com potros selvagens, mas nao com bebes! Por isso, quando descobriu que teria que tomar conta da sua sobrinha de cinco meses, soube que precisava de uma ama.
O que nao estava a espera era que a ama fosse a bela Grace Talmadge Grace gostava de levar uma vida tranquila e sem riscos, mas o seu chefe Stella Daniels is leading the recovery effort after a tornado when she attracts the attention of tycoon Aaron Nichols - and a night of red-hot passion ensues. How will the avowed bachelor react when he discovers Stella's expecting his child? All billionaire rancher Wyatt Milan wants is a quiet life, but his tranquillity is disrupted when TV host Destiny Jones blows into town, determined to solve a murder mystery tied to a long-standing family feud.
Destiny is turning his town, and life, upside down whilst also stirring the hottest desire Wyatt's ever felt! One taboo TexanAfter a century-long family feud, Madison Milan doesn't trust any Calhoun-especially Jake, the man who ditched her on the night of their elopement. But when he shows up claiming an heirloom map leads to gold on her ranch, she's swamped by steamy memories.
She may not trust Jake, but she just might want him Jake will do anything to get what he wants-Madison's ranch. Consider it payback to the Milans. She's collateral damage in their family feud. The confident cowboy has nothing to worry about Widowed teacher Ava is touched that the girl's guardian, Texas billionaire Will Delaney, cares so deeply.

Now Ava is trying - unsuccessfully - to resist the gorgeous tycoon. Will wants her in his bed. But only for the summer. Unless she can teach him to open his guarded heart to love. But she doesn't want a penny! It's up to Garrett to convince her to accept the inheritance. If she doesn't, her half-brothers will lose theirs. But in trying to persuade her, he accidentally falls for the proud beauty.
Now the truth may cost him his heart He needs a live in assistant while he recuperates from an injury. But when Emma Hillman arrives at his Texas ranch with her suitcase, he knows he'll have to work hard to resist her. She's sexy and efficient, but way too family oriented for a risktaking globetrotter like him. One night of seduction But that didn't mean he'd stop wanting her Years later, when the billionaire tycoon hires her, Allison Tyler is all grown up and hotter than ever.
But she wants forever; he wants right now. And she's still off-limits. What's a hot-blooded Texan to do? Probably not the smartest decision Texas rancher Ryan Delaney has ever made, especially when the temptation proves irresistible. While Jessica is clear from the start that their affair can't last, Ryan isn't about to let his heart's desire just slip through his fingers Hiring a hot blonde to do the cooking?
Jason was an old hand at charming the fairer sex, and he figured a little sweet seduction would keep Merry suitably distracted. But electrifying kisses and tempestuous loving soon had the sexy bachelor determined to make Merry his on a permanent basis. Now if he could just convince her that he was ready to give up his playboy ways for good Nothing could make world-weary Aaron Black' s blood race anymore.
Until the magical night he danced with Pamela Miles. The debonair man-about- town and the shy schoolteacher shared a night of intense desire Determined to find his ladylove, Aaron soon tracked Pamela down and discovered she carried his child. Could he convince the proud country girl that his marriage proposal came not from duty but from a love even bigger than Texas? The search for the perfect man ends in a sweet surrender.
Crystal has dedicated her life to caring for her nutty but loving family. She's determined to bring order and reason into her life, and the next goal on her list is to settle down with an ordinary man. But Pug Moffitt is determined to throw Crystal's plans off course.
The owner of a gourmet food shop where Crystal is reluctantly taking cooking lessons, Pug seduces her with sweet confections, appealing to her sweet tooth, as well as the passions she's been trying to keep at bay. Fantasy clashes with reality as a woman's passions are torn between two impossible options. This book is destined to become a real classic. Romantic Times [A] deftly humorous touch Filling her nights with love songs and whispered endearments, he's the perfect fantasy loverunlike her distractingly handsome neighbor.
Oregon Brown drives Charity crazy, somehow knowing all of her deepest secrets while being impossibly seductive. Charity will have to choose between the voice that haunts her dreams, and the man who can hold her in his arms. As the temperature rises, passions are ignited during the hottest summer in Kansas yet.
Delightful, humorous, sensitive and very sensual! But when she's forced to change course and make an unexpected landing on a wheat farm, Marilee's overconfidence gets the better of her, and she ends up in the middle of a swimming pool, giving the handsome sunbathing farmer quite a shock! But Cole Chandler takes surprise in stride, gallantly rescuing Marilee from her soggy landing, and instantly setting her body afire.
Though Marilee tries to resist their growing attraction, she can't deny that it isn't just the summer heat that has her on the edge. With a budding career, Lila Hacket has no intention of changing her life to become conservative Sam Gordon's idea of the perfect wife. So if he wants their baby from a shared passionate night to have his name, he needs to change his ideas about what he really needs from Lila There is little billionaire rancher Marek Rangel can't buy and he'll stop at nothing to ensure his late brother's baby is well taken care of.
Even if it means marrying rising opera star Camille Avanole, a complete stranger. But when she agrees to his demand of a marriage of convenience, Marek certainly doesn't plan on falling in love She didn't look like any secretary Zach had ever met. He needs a livein assistant while he recuperates from an injury.
The illegitimate daughter of a late Texas billionaire, Sophia stands to inherit a fortune. Her past was a mystery. She didn't know her name, or why she'd been driving through the mountains in a blizzard, or how the accident had happened. All she recalled was that she'd been looking for Ben Falcon. But he'd found her first. His past haunted him still. Ben knew there was only one reason for this beautiful woman to have invaded his remote ranch.
But until she regained her memory, he could pretend that she was someone he could trust - and that he was someone she could love. She had to find a safe place for her baby to be born, fast - and what better place than in rugged rancher Colin Whitefeather's welcoming arms? And when he delivered Katherine's baby, baby girls were added to his list. Katherine affected him like no woman ever had, but she was afraid of something - or someone.
Well, she was about to learn that Colin Whitefeather feared no one - and that nothing would keep him from making them a family. A man, a woman Colonel Mike Remington wasn't a man who backed away from a challenge. The only solution to his sudden baby problem was marriage-in name only-to the lady lawyer herself. It began as an anonymous flirtation. Storm raging, lights flickering, two stranded travelers decided to share uninhibited conversation-but no names-during a stolen encounter. Talking turned into kissing In an instant, Boone Devlin and Erin Frye discovered they weren't exactly strangers.
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And Boone discovered that Erin was a virgin. Only fate could have seen fit to land bachelorhood lovin' Boone in bed with the marriage-minded manager of the Texas ranch he'd inherited and intended to sell. Suddenly, his best-laid plans promised to be the ultimate betrayal. Because Boone was starting to suspect that he and Erin had created a lot more than sparks In one blazing moment, rugged rodeo man Jared Whitewolf had tempted straitlaced Faith Kolanko to do something reckless. With a nod of her head, she could have it all - a home, a baby and a long-legged heartbreaker in a ten-gallon hat.
Faith was pushing thirty, and this gorgeous, exasperating man was pushing all her buttons. The determined daddy saw Faith as perfect mommy material, but to her he was trouble in blue jeans. She was far too smart to consider his outrageous marriage of convenience. Being stranded with a beautiful woman should have had Micah Drake thinking of all the things they could do to pass the long nights together.
Only, this woman couldn't remember if she was single and available With one little girl calling her Aunt and the other calling her Mommy, Rachel - or was she Raffaela? Even though her body cried out for him, her heart demanded she wait until she discovered who she was But would their passion withstand a return for civilization? Long, lean, darkly compelling - Josh Brand was every woman's fantasy. And everyone in Texas cattle country was gonna wonder why in blue blazes he'd marry his gawky cowpoke neighbor! Well, Josh needed a mom for his baby, and Mattie needed - well, Mattie needed a man!
The arrangement had seemed simple: But Mattie, in all her experience, did the unthinkable: She'd fallen for her husband. Worse, she welcomed Josh's steamy stares, sizzling caresses and words of seduction. And now the last thing Mattie wanted was for her torrid temporary marriage to end