It'll be nice to see their story for a change".
Included in
When people are still banging on the door of your bunker asking for help? Aping a fallout shelter aesthetic, or just a student? Is there any difference? As such all the decisions you need to make in the game will be to preserve the whole family unit and not one person in isolation. In Sheltered, there is no linear path to follow.
Everything is about maintaining your shelter, protecting your family, and finding a way to keep the radiation out as long as possible. Sheltered is a highly complex computer game. It has thousands and thousands of variables tracking and randomizing the outcome of situations to make the game as interesting and fresh to the player as possible.
To make a game of this calibre takes a lot of time. A LOT of time. We're two guys with a plethora of other commitments in our lives, but our top priority is making this game. With your help and backing we can focus our time and attention almost exclusively on making the game the very best it can be.
With the money we're going to set aside a large chunk to make the rewards as satisfying as they possibly can be, and we're going to use it wisely to make the distribution as smooth as possible. Time is the biggest obstacle. With busy lives, supporting ourselves whilst we take such a large chunk of time out to work on the game can be extremely taxing. The main risks we face are death or distribution mishaps we're aiming to make the distribution as smooth as we possibly can, and will take necessary measures prior to the release to make sure this doesn't happen.
The hardest part of distribution is backer rewards, as we want it to be a worldwide thing. The best part about making the game is it's purely digital, so the delivery of the game itself shouldn't be a problem worldwide. This game will be made. We've already invested hundreds of man hours into it, and we're confident that we'll make it as good as it can be. Questions about this project? Check out the FAQ. Get exclusive access to the 'Backers Only' category on the Shelter forums when they go live.
These forums will have sections for suggestions to add features to the game before it's released. All previous benefits, a family portrait sticker mailed to you and access to the first beta versions of the game. All previous benefits, and you'll also get a key to download the game soundtrack in its entirety when completed! All previous benefits, access to the first alpha version of the game, your name listed if you want it to be on our backers hall of fame on our website, and a signed thank you letter from both of us included with your family portrait sticker.
All previous benefits, a personalised thank you letter from both of us, and access to pre-alpha versions of the game. All previous benefits, and your own personal likeness as an NPC that wanders the wastes, with your own line of chosen dialogue.
Official Sheltered Wiki
You'll also get a key to download the game soundtrack in its entirety when completed! All previous benefits, a Shelter 'Family portrait' T-shirt, and we'll call you personally to thank you for believing in the game! Your own personal hidden easter egg that we'll program in to the game this can be virtually anything - within reason.
A Sheltered 'family portrait' poster, and access to the very first prototype later this year. You can choose your own personal pet to start with, and we'll create it in our art-style, and it can have it's own specific traits. This pet will be unique to you ONLY. Jun 4, - Jul 4, 30 days. Share this project Done. Protect your family after the nuclear aftermath in an underground shelter in this strategy survival game.
Make sure those systems don't break down, or you'll be left in the dark!
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- Its All in the Telling.
If they do go down, make sure you get on your Hazmat suit before traversing the wasteland to make repairs! Above all else, do NOT leave the shelter doors open, lest your family will suffer the deadly effects of radiation contamination. Don't forget to decontaminate anyone that enters through the airlock! Monitor those radiation levels with a working Geiger counter! A tiny collection of other survivors roaming the wasteland. Do we let her in? I would reccomend this game for multiple play throughs as it changes everytime.
Would recommend the Team17 youtube Sheltered playlist just a few small videos explaing the process and lesser known features. I've played several times and did not know some mechanics still. When i played the game my survivor would come back from looting and I would put my items in my storage and when i looked in my box my items and guns would vanish. Sheltered is a good game and is definitely worth the price. One may spend many hours exploring the world and simply trying to survive.
PayPal£4.50 pledge, a copy of the finished game when released.
The problems, however, start with replay value, which there is close to none of. Once a stable shelter is made the player may explore and uncover all the game has to offer in no short time. The lack of new content only works against the game as well. All said the game is worth the price, and a play. Stay informed about special deals, the latest products, events, and more from Microsoft Store.
By clicking sign up, I agree that I would like information, tips, and offers about Microsoft Store and other Microsoft products and services. Skip to main content. Sheltered Team17 Digital Ltd. Official Club Wish list. Included with Xbox Game Pass.
Available on Xbox One. Sign in with your Microsoft account to view. May contain mature content. You may not access this content. New Lands Rated 4 out of 5 stars. This War of Mine: The Little Ones Rated 4.

The Flame in the Flood Rated 4 out of 5 stars. Graveyard Keeper Rated 4 out of 5 stars. Double Barreled Rated 4 out of 5 stars.
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Director's Cut Rated 4 out of 5 stars. Kingdom Two Crowns Rated 3. The Walking Dead Rated 4. The Long Dark Rated 4. Aven Colony Rated 3. Additional information Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. Published by Team17 Digital Ltd. Publisher Info Sheltered support. Additional terms Xbox Live code of conduct Terms of transaction. Seizure warnings Photosensitive seizure warning. Report this product Report this game to Microsoft Thanks for reporting your concern.
Our team will review it and, if necessary, take action. Sign in to report this game to Microsoft. Report this game to Microsoft. Report this game to Microsoft Potential violation Offensive content Child exploitation Malware or virus Privacy concerns Misleading app Poor performance. How you found the violation and any other useful info. No one's rated or reviewed this product yet. Rated 4 out of 5 stars.