
Mondial Avertissement Un Message à lHumanité (French Edition)

La Résistance et le monde rural : entre histoire et mémoire

Tsaag Valren , Vlaam , Superjuju10 b etc. Pourquoi sur ce blog? Merci pour ces indications. Alors oui, il y a des activistes de tous bords sur WP: En attendant un article de fond sur le sujet, vous pouvez relire certains articles de ce blog et aussi sur Wikipediocracy en anglais. Voyons, cherchons… ben non je ne trouve pas. Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux commentaires. Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux articles. Tous les articles A propos de Wikibuster…. Il faut signaler cet article sur le blog du journaliste non? Et des hommes vivent dans ce village, qui semblent n'avoir jamais connu autre chose que la peine.

Force d'habitude d'une vie lourde, terre jusqu'aux genoux. On va aux champs. On palpe la terre. On revient aux champs.


On recommence comme on a fini. On va au travail. On va au champ. On ne va vers rien. De grandes villes, hier proches, devenaient lointaines. Mais c'est aussi s'adonner au charivari, frauder, braconner. On est encore bien loin du port.

Matthew France

Il n'en existe pas d'inconsciente. Cet exemple illustre les contre-sens qui guettent tout observateur superficiel du monde rural. We care about our next devices and their latest cool features. We want more stuff. The authors of this warning ignore the obvious facts that the era of poets marveling at the diversity of flower or insect species is over and that the real-world wildlife has now become obsolete. We simply take our smartphones to overlay customized virtual creatures on our surrounding environment and dispose them when new trends dictate.

There is no longer a need to preserve filthy and dangerous wildlife that moreover lives in places where Amazon does not deliver. More iPhone are sold per day than there are lions, tigers, elephants and gorillas on the planet: Those scientists argue that we are approaching many of the planet limits. We refuse to accept any kind of limits: We officially summon planet Earth to abandon its intransigent attitude and accept the inevitable: Should planet Earth stick with its hard line ideological stance, it needs to be aware that mankind will never compromise and that we will seek a second planet.

The universe is like our ambition: The new economy of nature, whereby ecosystem services such as pollination are monetarily valued, should not be understood as another dogmatic way of protecting planet Earth. It is instead an invitation to producers and shareholders to conquer new markets by outcompeting nature with better services at a cheaper price for consumers.

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Ecosystems must fight for their survival like any other business. Protecting nature even more would give it an undue competitive advantage against our industries. If our agricultural practices endanger bees pollinating crops, we do not need to change these practices.

Instead we let bees disappear and replace them by AI powered micro drones — which do not sting and create many jobs. Those scientists obvious ideological aim is to inspire discussions on broader questions relevant to overconsumption, overpopulation and how our institutions can meet the challenge of reducing human pressure on planet Earth. We find this unacceptable and call on the signatories of to join us on the side of winners against planet Earth, and hence to symbolically withdraw their signatures by not engaging in any of the research suggested in the warning to humanity.

Fellow scientists, ask not what more you can do for planet Earth, ask what more planet Earth can do for you. Both left and right politicians are already united in this truly bipartisan issue that beautifully transcends the political divide: We therefore strongly oppose the agenda accompanying the second warning to humanity and will not tolerate any obstacle against our way of life —be it tree-huggers or trees themselves. Today, speaking in the name of billions of people, we proudly claim to all be U.

Planet Earth better be warned. The French version is here. Nous voulons consommer plus. Nous refusons toute sorte de limites: The English version is here.

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In French we say that quality is a naughty defect generally to kids, in order to discourage it. In return, the very minimum that these researchers can do, it tell the results of their investigations. Apart from fueling the lunatic nature of conspiracy theorists, who think every researcher in the world participate covertly to global machinations, this is just failing to do the full spectrum of our very responsibility as researchers.

Every researcher should do popularization work, be it public conferences, press interviews, books or documentaries or just press release and let the journalists communicate for them. And apart from one or two exceptions, every single one has been a great experience. In some countries, like my own, the public tends to think that researchers are at best immature society parasites who work on useless questions just because they can.

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  2. Les journalistes du Monde interdits de jouer à Wikipédia | Wikibuster : Les dessous de Wikipédia?
  3. Babies: Picture Book (Educational Childrens Books Collection) - Level 2 (Planet Collection 1).
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  5. In others, like the USA, they tend to have a better reputation, sometimes up to selfless saviors of the society. Regardless of the general view of our profession, communicating with the public is profitable for the public, is profitable for us and is profitable for our profession. We want to keep all our global conspiracies safely concealed, otherwise our secret plot to take over all the governments of Earth might be delayed….

    You know that within a few minutes, all doors will open in Paris for everyone to find refuge.

    Importante Mensaje Ummita para toda la Humanidad (y Parte 3)

    You know that firemen , police officers , soldiers , nurses and doctors will rush in to save lives while risking their own. You know that , the next day , everyone will mass in hospitals to give their blood. You know that the very evening, candles will be lit by the thousands at our windows. You know that we will continue to welcome the refugees that you abuse in your own country.

    You know that Virginie will explain as much as she can that you are not a believer but just a despicable ignorant. You know that gatherings , forbidden now , will happen spontaneously despite everything.