MARK AND MICHELLES EXCELLENT ADVENTURE: A tale about a reluctant crossdresser
It really doesn't help his case that he is voiced by a woman in all dubs of the anime adaption. That the local bathhouse owners built him his own personal bathing area is a bad sign, too. Seeing the bathhouse sign marked "Hideyoshi" So it's acknowledged by society. Do you think it's generally erotic, or just catering to a particular fetish?
I think we should stop talking about this. Now tell me, would you be fine with that? An unusual variant in the Marvel Universe Elseworld Following her death, he realises that Werner never saw through the disguise and apologises. Werner refuses the apology, explaining, " I believed she was a boy, but I was in love with that boy. He is very attractive, in an Action Girl way. One of Peter's clones, known as Jessica, was female and was meant to have her former memories erased and rewritten with memories suitable for a female secret agent.
Jessica escaped before this reprogramming could occur, however. From her perspective, it as if she had been Peter Parker for her entire life, then suddenly woke up one day as a girl. Hilariously, Jessica had to deal with the fact that Johnny Storm found her attractive, which really freaked out the "original" Peter Parker. Jimmy Olsen , on more than one occasion!
In this case, as it turned out, it was partly because he was inhabiting the goddess Sif's body, but the trickster god has used shapeshifting and illusion for similar effect on other occasions. In one Beetle Bailey strip, General Halftrack found the company sitting in a clearing watching a beautiful girl in a skimpy bikini parade about. Sergeant Snorkel explained it was a lesson in camouflage: The strip was itself a rehash of an older strip, which had Sarge himself camouflaged as the gorgeous woman. When Shade, the Changing Man became a woman, she was a stunningly beautiful one.
Justified in that he was already such a pretty boy that he had masculinity issues with his image. Zatanna 's beautiful assistant Mikey who can fill out Zatanna's stage costume quite nicely in a pinch apparently was once a burly male Teamster type. Averted for Laughs in Valhalla , when Thor is forced to dress like a woman to infiltrate a Jotun wedding as the bride. The less said about Loki's initial disguise which is toned down to the one on the picture , the better.
When Photon switches genders from male to female in the relaunch of Youngblood , she has quite a few admirers, both male and female. In issue 6 of the Samurai Jack comic by IDW, the Scotsman is cursed with the form of a woman by some mischievous leprechauns after he drunkenly barges into their fairy circle. The "Scotswoman" is considerably more pretty and petite than before S he is equally attractive in either form. Fabric flew within seconds. Neon Genesis Evangelion fan fiction examples: He proves to be so attractive when doing this that many of his straight schoolmates begin questioning their sexualities.
Another fic consisted of a list of things Misato was no longer allowed to do. Most are Noodle Incidents , including a pair of items stating Misato may no longer dress Shinji in girls' clothes, even if he makes it look good. In a particularly interesting example, this Yu-Gi-Oh! Besides the fact that one of the otherwise male characters Namely Seto Freaking Kaiba has been re-written as a woman. An incredibly attractive young woman who also happens to be crossdressing so well that those who don't know otherwise find her to be an incredibly attractive young man In a Spider-Man fanfic Blessing In Disguise Peter finds that she makes a rather attractive girl after the shock and denial winds down somewhat after being turned into one.
Sanji finds all three of his newly feminine comrades highly attractive, despite not particularly wanting to fawn over them. In Monsters In Paradise , a Ditto that had been going around disguised as Utsuho demonstrates its shape-changing ability by transforming into a male version of her. Orin silently admitted that he was easy on the eyes, while Utsuho herself Tapper and Duncan McSmurf in the Empath: The two gender-bent Smurfs find each other's new forms rather attractive.
Bet the local girls thought you were quite the charmer. In Willow , where Madmartigan briefly dresses as a woman after a tryst, pretending to be a cousin of the married woman he just bedded, to avoid being pounded by the lunker of a husband. The husband, after looking him over, offers the immortal line, "Wanna breed? He looks at himself in the mirror and muses that he looked so good he would do him himself! Alfalfa and Spanky in ballerina drags.
Bullies Butch and Woim find them quite attractive. In Girls , a guy dresses up as a girl to gain access to the girls' dorm at a college and eventually must fend off a rape attempt from a guy. The torso was a sex symbol for decades, but when restorers finally assemble the statue, it turns out to be male.
A billionaire named Litrel Spencer falls madly in love with Marcus and keeps flirting with him throughout the film, much to Marcus' disgust. When he finds out the truth at the end of the film, he is more distraught over Marcus being black than him being male. When Jerry is finally forced to reveal himself as a man, due to Osgood's insistence in proposing marriage, Osgood says, "Well, nobody's perfect!
Brown is very attractive when disguised as a female cleaner. In the extended edition of The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey , while resting in Rivendell, Killi remarks that most of the elven girls don't look particularly appealing to him except the one who was running the place when they arrive since Elrond was off leading the party dealing with the goblins. The other dwarves wait for a minute and then tell him that one was male. Dustin Hoffman's character in Tootsie is propositioned by one man and nearly assaulted by another while dressed as a woman.
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Hoffman himself didn't find the makeup work convincing, however. He wanted to be a pretty woman and was told "this is the best you're gonna get". This is a major plot device in Tomboy. Lisa falls for Mickael who is actually a girl but looks quite boyish. It isn't until the last 10 minutes of the film that she learns of the true sex of the object of her affection.

Plausibly a parody in A Series of Unfortunate Events , as the person who finds the Cross Dresser Olaf attractive is himself an unpleasant semi-villain. Mary Russell is occasionally called upon to dress as a man given her spouse's occupation, quite frequently and is still rather bishonen doing so. As can be understood. And in a situation that might otherwise have been Sweet on Polly Oliver , this trope holds truer — during O, Jerusalem , when she's dressed as a teenage boy, her would-be rapists are in no way dissuaded by her revealing her gender. Subverted in Terry Pratchett 's Jingo , where after explaining the 'universal law' of this trope, it goes on to say "In this case, the laws were fighting against the fact of Corporal Nobby Nobbs , and gave up.
Her captor finds her attractive enough that he would have tried to seduce "Lord Aramin" if Araminta hadn't solicited him first. The Arabian Nights story "Prince Camaralzaman and Princess Badoura" tells of a Prince and Princess whose beauty so captivates a pair of djinn that they argue over which is the most beautiful mortal alive. Their attempt to settle the question leads to the Prince and Princess falling in love. It becomes a plot point that the two are almost identical, to the point where the Princess can dress up as the Prince, fool a cohort of her father's guards who are escorting them, and then fool a King and his daughter.
Enough that the King proposes marriage and the daughter accepts. In The Wheel of Time the Dark One intentionally gives the formerly male Balthamel a beautiful female body as Aran'gar because Balthamel was a pervert, and the Dark One has a sense of humor. The Gospel According to Biff, Christ's Childhood Pal , there's a scene when Biff has to disguise himself as a woman he lost the coin toss to help save the daughter of an Indian outcast widowed he had just met. Said Indian outcast doesn't let the fact that it's a man stop him from hitting on "her".
Matthew or should I say 'Blossom'? He is supposed to be androgynous-verging-on-the-feminine anyway, but damn it's harped on. Then again, the fact that he has to spend most of the story cross-dressing is a big plot point anyway. His brother Jay was completely fooled by the picture, asked Stephen how he knew 'her' and was "a little disturbed" when told he was drooling over his little brother. In John Varley 's Steel Beach , protagonist Hildy Johnson starts out as a fairly standard looking male but, after a high tech sex-change a common motif in Varley's work , becomes a stunning woman.
Mentioned in Starfighters of Adumar. The four members of Red Flight have to disguise themselves as women to get past the people hunting them. Who's best-looking in women's dress? I vote for myself. Occurs several times in Blackadder: An extreme example, to the point of parody, is the scene in Blackadder II where Lord Percy falls for Baldrick in a dress— despite him retaining his usual beard and level of cleanliness.
Baldrick in a dress also works for Lord Flasheart the beard gives him "something to hang on to! Taken to insane extremes when he sees "Bob" in a pretty dress and assumes it's a tawdry drag act Which "Georgina" was intended to be all along. Even the girls at the all-girl school are amazed that "Ms. Fraser" is a man, deciding that "he" must be a woman on the inside, at least.
The Dukes of Hazzard: The Season 6 episode "Targets: Daisy and Lulu" have — as part of an attempt to throw the episode's Villains of the Week off Daisy and Lulu's trail, since they are in possession of a stolen necklace the crooks have lost and are attempting to recover — the series defacto bad guys, Boss Hogg and Rosco, try to disguise themselves as Lulu and Daisy, respectively. The trick actually is subverted; they are uglier than their counterparts, but it's played up for full comic value by their portrayers, Sorrell Booke and James Best.
Then again, Foley knew about it as a member of The Kids in the Hall where this was a comedic plot point from time to time Examples from Saved by the Bell: In the original series' S: Since he can't he then claims to have found a girl, but that she's very shy. He calls Screech every day and talks to him as "Bambi". Eventually, Screech gets frustrated at not being able to meet Bambi face to face, so Zack is forced to dress up as Bambi and go on a date with Screech to the Max.
He does it so well that not only is Screech convinced, but Slater hits on him, realises that it's Zack then compliments his legs. Even Kelly is convinced. Finally, Screech decides that he's better off now, knowing that he's able to date women, but claims not to be ready for commitment yet. In Saved By the Bell: The New Class S: However, a jock from school catches sight of him, and is immediately smitten.
Something similar happens in a classic episode of Happy Days where the Fonz unknowingly takes a liking to a cross-dressing Richie. In Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide , Cookie ends up crossdressing in several episodes and is hit on by boys in two of those instances. When he disguises himself as "Simone" for the first time, Loomer falls for "her" and is heartbroken when she "leaves" to supposedly go back to Washington. Another time, Cookie crossdresses to get into Seth's Basement Bash, and at one point falls into Coconut Head's arms, who has also fallen for "Simone.
One character refers to him as "Howard Moon['s] Believe it or not, Vince isn't the Butt-Monkey of the show. Davina has a quite large fanbase. Doctor Who , The Master turns the entire human population into clones of himself, resulting in various disturbingly gorgeous Drag! The original script even had a cut scene where the original Master flirted with Abigail!
D'Arcy Cheesewright falls in love with him and moves to New York in order to find her again. Cops on Barney Miller sometimes have to go undercover: Detective Harris played by Ron Glass is a snappy dresser. When he is assigned to do undercover work wearing women's drag, he spends the whole show getting ready, even shaving off his 'stash. In the end, everyone is stunned at how great he looks as a woman.
In another episode, the much less attractive Fish does the same undercover detail and gains a male admirer who continues to be drawn to Fish even after he finds out he's not a lady. Massively averted with Dietrich, who was gung-ho about undercover work, but just ended up looking like a man in a dress. Still he has to learn to deal with the extra unwanted attention his new body brings. In Silver Spoons , Rick dresses as a girl so that his best friend wouldn't be embarrassed by not having a date to a party.
Ricky Schroeder actually made a pretty good looking girl. This was commented on in the show and was genuinely true. Cory, who was originally going to be the crossdresser is definitely not an example. It may be more understandable than most examples, since Shawn admits to having thought about crossdressing before this ever became a plot. He even has a preferred female name, has practised female mannerisms and has a wig already.
Jack is supposed to be considered, in universe, an attractive girl and Eric, in universe, is definitely not but Jack is clearly a boy in a dress, while Eric looks like just a larger than average girl. This may be because Jack is squeamish about pretending to be a woman and over-compensates, as Shawn tries to explain at the end. Eric, on the other hand, asks for and listens to Shawn's expert advice, implying that Shawn never stopped being Veronica from time to time.
List of POV (TV series) episodes - Wikipedia
One episode of Are You Being Served? Humphries dressing in drag for a store beauty contest. Not only did "she" win, but Mr. Grace asked "her" to accompany him on a cruise on his yacht! Humphries looked horrified as he was dragged away, and the viewer was left to imagine the hilarity that no doubt ensued. And they did look pretty convincing. Sonny with a Chance: When Sonny disguises herself as a male fan named Eric, Tawni is passionately smitten and starts hitting on "him", even organizing a disco ball and dressing fancy and everything.
After The Reveal , Tawni didn't care that she was unknowingly hitting on Sonny rather annoyed that Sonny now knows that Tawni finds her better than she thought she was. In 30 Rock , Tracy disguises himself, badly, as a woman, then asks Frank if he finds him attractive. Frank replies, "Tracy, I know it's you The exchange between him and Cara makes the situation even more hilarious: It seems you have an admirer.
Brunt pointing at naked gender swapped Quark: From The Kinks ' comeback hit "Lola": Now I'm not dumb but I can't understand. Norse Mythology has some interesting examples: The gods Odin and Thor have been able to pass themselves off as women. While the fact that Thor and Odin make attractive women may make one wonder what the hell women looked like in the Northlands , Thor's disguise as a woman makes a lot of sense, when you look at the symbolism behind the story.
The Jotun steal his hammer and hide it. As the price for returning it, they want Freyja in exchange. She is none too pleased by the Aesir's willingness to sell her down the river for Thor's hammer. Interesting guys, the old Norse. Yes, this does mean the hammer is his penis. Thor pulled it off only by hiding his face with a veil, and Loki had to talk fast to explain away his completely unwomanly appetite and fierce eyes. The Norse Trickster Loki has shapeshifted and not just passed as female, but given birth. He and the other Norse gods had to lure away a horse to keep a wall from being built on time, and Loki was "it.
We feel bad for Sleipnir's dad. In Hindu Mythology , Vishnu's female incarnation as the enchantress Mohini is so gorgeous Shiva falls for her. They even had a child, the culture-hero Ayyappan, and in some versions this was their way around a No Man of Woman Born clause. You know, I saw Charley's Aunt this summer, and somebody just told me that pretty lady in it was you! Oh, well, i-it was me! It was me, it was my character in the picture. And now ladies and gentlemen— Dennis: You know, I thought it was a real girl!
No, Dennis, it was me. And now, ladies and gentlemen— Dennis: I sent you a love letter. Sometimes it works both ways, too. When Viola dresses up as a man in Twelfth Night , the woman she's supposed to woo for her lord instead falls for her male persona. Good thing she has a Half Identical Twin. As You Like It: Motel August 28, Christian Blackwood Behind the faded signs of three motels in the American Southwest lay entire worlds of passion, loyalty, adventure and fate. Veteran filmmaker Christian Blackwood winds his way into the soul of remarkable people in uniquely American subculture.
Louis, a grassroots theatre company takes its shows on the unpaved roads of Honduras to enlighten and inspire villagers in the impoverished countryside. Anderson Ossian Maclise is not an average American teenager. Born in Massachusetts, he has been living in a Tibetan Buddhist monastery since the age of four. At seven, his monastic order recognized Ossian as a tulku — a reincarnation of a high Tibetan lama. As the Puerto Rican community grows on the mainland, the infectious rhythms of Puerto Rico's most original contribution to Caribbean urban music are celebrated with gusto.
Most are dressed alike, many live together, and all seem to have rhyming names. Standing out amidst the lighthearted contests and games are filmmaker Sue Marcoux and her sister Michele, separated by 3, miles and a lifetime of anti-twin behavior. Now, as the lease is about to expire, a century of bad business must be renegotiated. Chana Gazit and David Steward's film captures the unfolding drama as the survival of an American town and justice for the Senecas appear to be in conflict.
Sea of Oil July 9, M. Katzke The Exxon Valdez disaster left far more than a soiled coastline in its wake. Grief, suspicion, anger and greed oozed through the small, formerly pristine town of Valdez. The human toll of an environmental nightmare is evoked in a haunting film which Exxon and the City of Valdez attempted, unsuccessfully, to suppress.
Turn Here Sweet Corn July 9, Helen De Michiel The camera moves through a Minnesota corn field and finds a photograph of a suburban tract clothes-pinned to a cornstalk. Layered with visual and emotional paradoxes, Turn Here Sweet Corn searches for meaning beyond cliches and nostalgia, as a family farm is lost to speculative suburban real estate developers. Chemical Valley July 9, Mimi Pickering , Anne Lewis Johnson A West Virginia community is deeply divided over potentially life and death questions over a local chemical plant that fuels the area's fragile economy.
Tongues Untied July 16, Marlon Riggs Marlon Riggs's Tongues Untied rises above the 'deeply personal' — far above it — in exploring what it means to be black and gay. Berkeley in the Sixties July 23, Mark Kitchell From the Free Speech Movement to the anti-war protests to the last stand over People's Park, Berkeley California became synonymous with a generation's quest for social, political, and cultural transformation. Chiffon-shrouded, jewel-laden, flower-bedecked Barbara Cartland has written hundreds of them. And filmmaker George Csicsery has given his heart to this fascinating subculture where all the women are beautiful, all the men are mysterious and all the endings are happy.
Beginning with the story of one man's journey to reunite with his sister in North Korea, award-winning filmmakers Christine Choy Who Killed Vincent Chin? Casting The First Stone September 3, Julie Gustafson Abortion has been at the center of one of the most dramatic and wrenching debates of our times.
But the social forces and the changing lives behind the rhetoric are rarely explored. Julie Gustafson's groundbreaking film draws complex portraits of individuals on both sides of the controversy in a small town in Pennsylvania, where very different life experiences have shaped conflicting values and beliefs. Intimate Stranger June 22, Alan Berliner Berliner puts his late grandfather at the center of a personal, single-family saga that shines a light into the silent, shadowy corners present in all families.
In Finding Christa , Billops is both filmmaker and subject as she tells the story of their separation and ultimate reconciliation. The Longest Shadow July 6, Kalina Ivanov A Bulgarian refugee chronicles her family's struggle against Communist rule and tries to uncover the long-suppressed facts behind the arrests of both of her grandfathers. A Season in Hell July 20, Walter Brock , Stephen Roszell A haunting portrait of a young woman who begins to starve herself in search of the "perfect" body.
The film follows four years in the life of Regina Hatfield as she struggles with bulimia. Promise Not to Tell July 27, Rhea Gavry A respected member of a middle-class community is accused by his children of sexual abuse. He denies the charges. Whom do we believe? Rhea Gavry uses a gut-wrenching case set in a comfortable suburb of Salt Lake City as a context for a timely reexamination of our attitudes toward the accused and the accuser when sex is part of the equation.
The drama of the ensuing trial provides the framework for David Van Taylor's disturbing look at teenagers today. Takeover August 10, Pamela Yates and Peter Kinoy Homeless people simultaneously take over empty houses in eight cities. A revealing portrait of a 2,year-old organization struggling to reconcile authority and conscience, tradition and the need for change.
Here is a cast of characters only Louisiana could produce: Long , his excellency, the dictator of Louisiana; Uncle Earl K. Long , committed to an asylum while he was still governor; and Jimmie Davis singing his farewell speech to the state legislature. The Return to Flint. Roger and Me September 28, Michael Moore Michael Moore embarks upon a filmic odyssey to meet General Motors Chairman Roger Smith and convince him to visit Flint, Michigan for a first-hand look at how massive layoffs had devastated the local economy.
June 22, Janice Tanaka When Japanese-American filmmaker Janice Tanaka reaches out to find her father — interned during WWII and separated form his family for decades — her discoveries both haunt and redefine her life. They still argue about the smallest things. Five couples, still together after more than 50 years have a few choice words for a divorce-prone generation. Motel July 20, Christian Blackwood In tribute to the late Christian Blackwood, a special reprise of one of his most memorable films.
Behind the faded signs of three motels in the American Southwest, Blackwood's film reveals entire worlds of passion, loyalty, adventure and fate. Boggs makes money the artistic way. Then, to complete the process, he spends it. Is it art or is it counterfeit? Inquiring minds — at the Secret Service — want to know. Now he's turning 40, getting married, and heading out on yet another quest.
From exorcisms to shock therapy, from Homosexuals Anonymous to beauty make-overs for lesbians, many have tried. While some of these methods may seem comical, filmmakers Teodoro Maniaci and Francine Rzeznik pose serious questions about who's asking gay men and lesbians to change and why. Passin' It On June 19, Peter Miller and John Valadez This film offers a bold new perspective on the Black Panther Party from the point of view of Dhoruba Bin Wahad, an eloquent party leader who served 19 years before his conviction was overturned. In a tragically common family saga, Sheldon Schiffer reflects on his legacy and reexamines what it means to be a man.
Kung A Chinese journalist returns to her homeland to retrace the underground railroad that helped the last of China's most wanted Tiananmen Square leaders escape to freedom. Martin Sheen nearly lost his life. A celebrated behind-the-scenes look at Coppola's struggle to finish his epic film — from cajoling an irascible Marlon Brando to negotiating shots amid hurricanes and a Filipino rebel war. Dialogues with Madwomen August 2, Allie Light Seven women, including the filmmaker, describe their experiences with manic depression, multiple personalities, schizophrenia, euphoria and recovery.
The Times of a Sign: A Folk History of the Iran-Contra Scandal August 9, David Goldsmith and Steven Day A quirky look at the Iran-contra affair through the exploits of an eloquent and off-beat minister who ends up in jail when big-time politics come to a small town in Indiana. Complaints of a Dutiful Daughter June 6, Deborah Hoffmann Deborah Hoffmann's poignant, sometimes funny account of coping with her mother's Alzheimer's disease.
Nominated for a Academy Award. No Place Like Home June 13, Kathryn Hunt The story of year-old Barbara Wilson's search, through cheap motels and homeless shelters, for permanence and security. A Prayer for the Enemy June 14, Ellen Bruno The personal testimonies of the courageous Buddhist nuns who have led the nonviolent resistance against the Chinese occupation of Tibet.
Out of Sight June 20, David Sutherland The unpredictable trials of blind horse-woman Diane Starin who wonders "if America is ready for a blind girl who isn't a goody two-shoes. Lighting the 7th Fire July 4, Sandra Sunrising Osawa The story of how the Chippewa Indians of Northern Wisconsin have struggled to restore the centuries- old tradition of spearfishing, and the heated opposition they have encountered. Twitch and Shout July 11, Laurel Chiten An irreverent and humorous portrayal of people with the often misunderstood neurological disorder, Tourette Syndrome.
A Documentary of Suburbia July 18, Jenny Cool Jenny Cool interviewed women in a suburban housing development outside Los Angeles, discovering a fragile lifestyle dominated by social pressures and the daily commuter grind. Dealers Among Dealers July 25, Gaylen Ross Filmmaker Gaylen Ross takes us inside the virtually impenetrable world of diamond and precious stone trading. Helena Solberg's song-filled movie reveals how Hollywood transformed a talented entertainer into a Latin Lollapalooza.
Get a behind-the-scenes look at modern politics in this POV Classic. Iris Morales makes history come alive as veterans of the movement recall their fight for equality, jobs, health care, and education. Now a suburbanite, he once fought against Soviet domination during the Hungarian revolution. Ever since, his life has been a longing for the glories of the past. Steven Bognar crafts a moving portrait of his father's year quest for identity and home. A Litany For Survival: The Life and Work of Audre Lorde June 18, Ada Gay Griffin and Michelle Parkerson Poet, lover, mother, warrior — Audre Lorde wrote passionately of love and anger, civil rights and sexuality, family politics and the glories of nature.
Today he is a churchgoing, married man, saved by a Dallas ministry. The Women Outside July 16, J. Orinne Takagi and Hye Jung Park A provocative, emotional journey into the lives of women who work in the brothels, bars and nightclubs around U. A six-year stay in Taiwan transforms her understanding of what it means to be an African American and illuminates her connection to her Honduran-born grandmother.
Xich-lo Cyclo July 30, M. Trinh Nguyen A meditative journey of a Vietnamese woman, now a U. Thrust in to the eye of the storm was architect-sculptor Maya Lin, whose design for the memorial was chosen when she was a year-old college student. Withstanding bitter attacks, she held her ground with clarity and grace. Season 10 [ edit ] Title Premiere Director Synopsis Nobody's Business June 3, Alan Berliner Alan Berliner drags his reluctant father kicking and screaming down memory lane to probe the swirls of conflict and affection that bind every family. Battle for the Minds June 10, Steven Lipscomb While chronicling his mother's recent struggle to become a Southern Baptist pastor, filmmaker Steven Lipscomb uncovered a whirlwind of change and a rising tide of opposition to women as senior church leaders.
A Healthy Baby Girl June 17, Judith Helfand Battling personal grief, corporate power, and her mother's guilt, Helfand turns the camera on herself and her family to document her battle with DES -related cancer. Jesse's Gone June 24, Michael Smith An excruciatingly tender look at the frayed lives of the family and friends of Jesse Rahim Hall, a promising young hip hop artist from East Oakland, California killed in a drive-by shooting. Who is Henry Jaglom? July 8, Alex Rubin and Jeremy Workman Obsessively confusing and abusing the lines between life and art, writer-director Henry Jaglom challenges the boundaries of filmmaking and viewer endurance.
July 15, Jay Rosenstein Charlene Teters, a Spokane Indian, evolves from mother and student into a leading voice against the merchandising of Native American sacred symbols as sports mascots. A Perfect Candidate August 5, R. Cutler and David Van Taylor What does it take to be a perfect candidate in a cynical age? A Perfect Candidate Is an up-to-the-minute critique of our campaign process — and a twisted journey into the underbelly of American politics. Season 11 [ edit ] Title Premiere Director Synopsis Baby It's You June 2, Anne Makepeace When forty-something filmmaker Anne Makepeace "can't get pregnant the fun way," she turns the camera on herself, her husband and their idiosyncratic siblings and embarks on a tender and tumultuous journey through the complex maze of contemporary fertility science.
The Band June 16, David Zeiger When filmmaker David Zeiger decides to film his son Danny's high school band for a year, he gets a crash course in love, life and marching in formation. This poignant portrait celebrates the hormones, havoc and hope of the teen years and ultimately allows Zeiger to deepen his connection with one son, while paying tribute to the loss of another. As the cigarette war rages, small American tobacco farmers have been the often overlooked casualties.
Dynamic filmmaking duo Eren McGinnis and Christine Fugate travel across Kentucky to meet the families who have been growing this crop for generations, as they face the consequences of this fuming controversy in their own backyards. Licensed to Kill June 23, Arthur Dong Arthur Dong goes inside prison to probe the minds and souls of men whose attitudes towards homosexuality have led them to murder. A camcorder becomes both witness and confidante for these markedly singular yet utterly typical teens as they self-document the trials of growing up too fast and too soon in urban America.
In this age of medical "miracles," increasing numbers of doctors, patients and their families are forced to face this question. Sacrifice July 28, Ellen Bruno Burmese girls, lured into prostitution with promises of a better life for themselves and their families, give voice to their experiences in this poetic tribute to their struggles for survival. She Shorts August 4, Various A selection of hypnotically engaging short films by and about women offers vivid and lyrical pictures of joy, endurance and inspiration.
Family Name September 15, Macky Alston This winner of the Sundance Freedom of Expression Award follows filmmaker Macky Alston from New York to the South, as he embarks on an excavation to unearth the history of his white slave-owning family, and explores the link to the black families that shared his name. Moore Shocking murders, massive manhunts and win-at-all-cost political campaigns propel this extraordinary story behind the enactment of the nation's toughest mandatory sentencing law.
Golden Threads June 8, Lucy Winer and Karen Eaton Shocking murders, massive manhunts and win-at-all-cost political campaigns propel this extraordinary story behind the enactment of the nation's toughest mandatory sentencing law. Weary Art Arfons is an American original. Without a high school diploma, engineers, or even blueprints, this small town Midwestern prodigy of practical mechanics designed, built, drove and broke land speed records in a series of supercharged automobiles he dubbed The Green Monster. In this coming-of-age story for the senior set, director David Finn offers an unvarnished portrait of a flinty, single-minded, slyly charming, obsessive man literally driven to continue his race against time long after he has established himself as a living legend.
From the exuberant recollections of a typical teenager, to the simmering rage of citizens forced to sign loyalty oaths, filmmaker Emiko Omori renders a poetic and illuminating picture of a deeply troubling chapter in American history. A Home Movie About Selena July 13, Lourdes Portillo Tejana singer Selena was on the brink of blockbuster crossover fame when her murder at age 23 catapulted her into mainstream celebrity.
Filmmaker Lourdes Portillo gazes beyond the tabloids and points a sensitive lens on the cultural sensation that emerged around Selena's life and death. While most of Pontotoc County rally together to preserve a cornerstone of their faith, Lisa Herdahl is a lone voice calling for separation of church and state. A chronicle of his turbulent journey of self-discovery, offering a striking account of the costs of fiercely held convictions and the binding force of a son's love. Regret To Inform January 4, Barbara Sonneborn and Janet Cole Exploring the meaning of war and loss with Vietnamese and American widows into a vivid testament to the chilling legacy of war.
With unprecedented access, filmmakers Michael Camerini and Shari Robertson enter the closed corridors of the INS to reveal the dramatic real-life stage where human rights and American ideals collide with the nearly impossible task of trying to know the truth. Meet these two young people from the U. Butterfly June 30, Doug Wolens In December , Julia Hill climbed a year-old redwood tree vowing to not come down until it was saved from being clear-cut.
Stranger with a Camera July 11, Elizabeth Barret In the coal-mining heart of Appalachia's "poverty belt," where residents have felt alternately aided and assaulted by media exposure, the murder of filmmaker Hugh O'Connor still stirs strong community feelings.
Blink July 18, Elizabeth Thompson Witness the testimony of Greg Withrow, once a fanatical rising star in the white supremacist movement, as he struggles with the legacy of hatred handed down across generations. Our House in Havana July 25, Stephen Olsson After 40 years, Silvia Morini returns to the palatial house of her youth in Cuba, where her nostalgia for a pre-Castro world confronts modern Cuban reality.
Yet as Silvia discovers an evolving Cuba, she herself undergoes a surprising change-not entirely altering her political outlook but becoming, as she puts it, "more human. But beneath the glittering surface of the city, Lou discovers a world quite different from his dreams.
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- Servant Leadership: A Biblical Study for Becoming a Christlike Leader (A Womans Guide).
- I Will Come To You;
- The Lay of the Land: Examining the Three Opinions in (Volume 63, Book 3 2);
- Simon Sez: The Future or BUST : Getting Past the End of the Mayan Calendar;
- Friends and Phantoms.
It is one man's obsessive pursuit of justice and dignity that led filmmaker Jasmine Dellal into their hidden thousand-year-old culture. KPFA On the Air September 19, Veronica Selver and Sharon Wood This riveting film takes us through KPFA's passionate year history, including its founding by pacifists and poets, through its defiance of Cold War conformity, to the present day challenges that confront this on-going experiment in democratic media.
Since , millions of boys have joined. But today, if you are openly gay, you can't. Berliner dives headfirst into the American name pool and discovers the power and mystery embedded in every name. A Dominican Story captures the joys and struggles over a year in the lives of the Ortiz family, first generation immigrants from the Dominican Republic. Matthews' film captures the rewards — and costs — of pursuing the American dream.
Of Civil Wrongs and Rights: Make that full contact, NFL-style, smash-mouth football. Take It From Me July 24, Emily Abt As shown in the experiences of several women and their families, the new welfare system, with its recent controversial reforms, may make it easier to ignore rather than confront the complexities of poverty amidst plenitude. Life and Debt August 21, Stephanie Black Life and Debt is an unapologetic look at the "new world order," from the point of view of Jamaican workers, farmers, government and policy officials who see the reality of globalization from the ground up.
Renowned filmmaker Frederick Wiseman's classic documentary High School renders this nearly universal American experience in unforgettable terms. Join Corrie, Toby, Amber, Aisha and Haibinh as they take us on a journey through their teenage years. Promises December 13, B. Goldberg and Justine Shapiro What is it really like to live in Jerusalem?
Promises offers touching and fresh insight into the Middle East conflict through the eyes of seven Palestinian and Israeli children. Three years later, she discovers she is HIV-positive. Hybrid combines interviews, animation and rare dry wit to create a meditative portrait. Refrigerator Mothers July 16, David E. Hanley and Gordon Quinn Explore the traumatic legacy of blame, guilt and self-doubt suffered by a generation of mothers who were told they were responsible for their child's autism and learn more about this increasingly common disorder.
Though separated by mere blocks, their realities are worlds apart. A modern David and Goliath story, Fenceline shows how one small community and one big corporation struggle to come to terms. Their stories are captured in Mahan's engaging film. From cosmopolitan Hanoi to the heart of the Deep South, Mai's unforgettable journey offers an outsider's glimpse inside America.
Since , over women have been raped and murdered. Escuela August 27, Hannah Weyer Liliana Luis is a Mexican-American teenager rushing headlong into the turbulence of puberty as she tries to finish high school. The saga of the Luis family started in P. Afghanistan Year September 9, Fabrizio Lazzaretti and Alberto Vendemmiati and Giuseppe Petitto In the wake of the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, the plight of ordinary Afghans is seen through the prism of the independent medical relief group, Emergency.
Two film crews, one black and one white, document the aftermath of the murder. But his open sexuality forced him to remain in the background. Working-class black residents in Columbus, Ohio fight to hold on to their homes. Realtors and gay home-buyers see fixer-uppers. The clashes exposes prejudice and self-interest on both sides, as well as the common dream to have a home to call your own.
What if that person were also a transsexual? The odds may seem daunting, but Georgina Beyer did it. Lockney July 1, Mark Birnbaum and Jim Schermbeck What happens when a father goes against the grain to uphold the democratic rights of his son? He was the only parent in Lockney, TX to object to the school board's new mandatory drug-testing policy. A quest for her lost identity in Guatemala turns into a searing journey of political awakening that reveals a genocidal crime and the still-unmet cry for justice from the survivors.
He was separated from his family and thrust into the darkness of Cambodia's ghastly Killing Fields for four years. Now, after living in the U. From old Hollywood movies to entertainment for tourists, the hip-swaying girls in grass skirts and colorful lei have long masked an ancient cultural tradition. For those who also battle mental illness, it is marked by the additional pressures of fear, isolation and misunderstanding.
West 47th Street reveals the human face of mental illness — and the faith and courage with which its victims fight to recover control of their lives. Family Fundamentals August 26, Arthur Dong What happens when conservative Christian families have children who are homosexual? Family Fundamentals goes to the heart of today's debate over homosexuality, where the personal is inextricably — and dramatically — bound up in the political. The Sixth Section September 2, Alex Rivera The Sixth Section captures the dynamic form of cross-border organizing through the story of 'Grupo Union,' a small band of Mexican immigrants in upstate New York who devote themselves to raising money in order to rebuild the town they left behind.
The young soldiers could hardly guess just how profoundly the insulated life they knew in their hometown of Corcoran, California would be changed by their experiences in Southeast Asia State of Denial September 16, Elaine Epstein State of Denial takes viewers into the lives of six people struggling to survive with HIV in the face of social stigma, a severe lack of access to lifesaving treatments, and their president Thabo Mbeki's controversial stance on the connection between HIV and AIDS.
Ensler's classes have given birth to a powerful writing community in which women from strikingly different strata of society, all of whom are serving long sentences, help each other tell their stories. During the s, a crack cocaine epidemic ravaged and impoverished many inner city neighborhoods. As parents like Diane succumbed to addiction, a generation of children like Love entered the foster care system. Shot over ten years, the film centers on Love and Diane after the family is reunited and is struggling to reconnect.
Season 17 [ edit ] Title Premiere Director Synopsis Farmingville June 22, Carlos Sandoval and Catherine Tambini The shocking hate-based attempted murders of two Mexican day laborers catapult a small Long Island town into national headlines, unmasking a new front line in the border wars: A Political Journey in Rural Kansas June 29, Richard Kassebaum When documentary filmmaker Richard Kassebaum learned that his younger brother, Bill, a rancher and country lawyer, had decided to run for the Kansas House of Representatives, he left Los Angeles and spent seven weeks on the campaign trail chronicling his brother's first run for public office.
War Feels Like War July 6, Esteban Uyarra This film documents the lives of reporters and photographers who circumvent military media control to get access to the real Iraq War. As the invading armies sweep into the country, some of the journalists in Kuwait decide to travel in their wake, risking their lives to discover the true impact of war on civilians.
Thirst July 13, Alan Snitow and Deborah Kaufman Population growth, pollution, and scarcity are turning water into "blue gold," the oil of the 21st century. Bush to national office, award-winning filmmaker Paul Stekler takes his camera to Texas for a lively, behind-the-scenes look at a pair of elections — one for state representative in a district that includes Lyndon Johnson's hometown, and a polarizing race for governor.
A Family Undertaking August 3, Elizabeth Westrate Prior to the 20th century, most Americans prepared their dead for burial with the help of family and friends, but today most funerals are part of a multimillion-dollar industry. Every Mother's Son August 17, Tami Gold and Kelly Anderson In the late s, three victims of police brutality made headlines around the country: Amadou Diallo , the young West African man whose killing sparked intense public protest; Anthony Baez , killed in an illegal choke-hold; and Gary Gidone Busch , a Hasidic Jew shot and killed outside his Brooklyn home.
Every Mother's Son tells of the victims' three mothers who came together to demand justice and accountability.
A Demolition Derby Love Story August 24, Jesse Moss Trapped in a failing marriage, demolition-derby driver Ed "Speedo" Jager channels life's frustrations onto the track, hoping to parlay his talents into a "real" racing career. Wattstax September 7, Mel Stuart P. In August , seven years after the Watts riots, the legendary Stax recording label staged a benefit concert in Los Angeles for 90, people. As time went by, it became known as the Black Woodstock. Freedom Machines September 14, Jamie Stoble and Janet Cole Freedom Machines takes a new look at disability through the lens of assistive technology.
One year later, O'Neal fled the charge, and for over 30 years, he has lived in Tanzania as one of the last American exiles from an era when activists considered themselves at war with the U. Her wit, spirit and charisma reminds all Americans of their power as citizens. Through a prism of 'then and now,' she contrasts the youth of these individuals affected with dwarfism with their lives 20 years later. From navigating everyday life to dating and marrying, they confront physical and emotional challenges with humor, grace and sometimes, frustration.
Should we control how we die? In the Realms of the Unreal August 2, Jessica Yu Reclusive janitor by day, visionary artist by night, outsider artist Henry Darger moved through life virtually unnoticed. But after his death, a treasure trove was discovered in his one-room Chicago apartment: A Thousand Words August 16, Melba Williams A Vietnam veteran who has suffered a stroke tries to recapture his war experience for his children through photography and moving images. Mel, now a coach for young basketball players in Vancouver, fell in love at first sight with Hubert's mother, a white woman, at a time when racism seemed to make their union impossible.
I Used to Be a Filmmaker August 16, Jay Rosenblatt Filmmaker Jay Rosenblatt and his newborn daughter, Ella, are the main protagonists as the filmmaker documents the first 18 months of her life, showing the progression from newborn to infant to toddler and budding filmmaker herself. A Song for Daniel August 23, Jason DaSilva A Song for Daniel compares a routine day of two nine-year-old boys — one living in Baghdad and the other, born and raised in New York City — and offers a profound examination of culture and place through the eyes of two Iraqi youth living on opposite sides of the world.
Bright Leaves August 23, Ross McElwee What legacy is passed down to generations when a family is a giant tobacco producer? Filmmaker Ross McElwee Sherman's March , Time Indefinite — POV , whose great-grandfather created the famous Bull Durham brand in his native North Carolina, takes viewers on an autobiographical journey across that state's social, economic and psychological tobacco terrain. Hiding and Seeking August 30, Oren Rudavsky and Menachem Daum Is it possible to heal wounds and bitterness passed down through generations?
An Orthodox Jewish father tries to alert his adult sons to the dangers of creating impenetrable barriers between themselves and those outside their faith. He takes them on an emotional journey to Poland to track down the family who risked their lives to hide their grandfather for more than two years during World War II.
The Hobart Shakespeareans September 6, Mel Stuart The Hobart Shakespeareans discovers how one teacher's uncommon commitment and resourcefulness have opened up worlds of opportunity for his "disadvantaged" students — and perhaps have demonstrated a way forward for America's beleaguered public education system. Both have been in and out of prison for more than 30 years — never out longer than six months. This intimate and penetrating film follows these two longtime African-American friends after what they hope will be their final release. The film recreates the courageous and vibrant life of renowned human rights activist Dr.
High School Baseball July 4, Kenneth Eng In Japan, baseball is not a pastime — it's an obsession epitomized by the national high school baseball tournament known simply as " Koshien. He fought an all-out war on terror against the guerilla organization Shining Path , and won. Ten years later, accused of kidnapping, murder and corruption, he fled Peru to his native Japan, where he was in exile for four years. GRN aims to record in every language on earth.
They distribute the recordings, along with ultra-low-tech hand-wind players, in isolated regions and among displaced migrant workers. GRN calls their target audience "the tailenders" because they are the last to be reached by worldwide evangelism. Al Otro Lado To the Other Side August 1, Natalia Almada The proud Mexican tradition of corrido music provides both heartbeat and backbone to this rich examination of songs, drugs and dreams along the U. Lomax the Songhunter August 22, Rogier Kappers Alan Lomax was "the song hunter," devoting his life to recording the world's folk tunes before they would permanently disappear with the rise of the modern music industry.
For 30 million Americans, it's reality. Waging a Living chronicles the day-to-day battles of four low-wage earners. The Boys of Baraka September 12, Heidi Ewing and Rachel Grady The Boys of Baraka follows four boys from Baltimore to rural Kenya, where a teacher-student ratio of one to five, a strict disciplinary program and a comprehensive curriculum form the core of an extraordinary journey in their transformation to men.
Pule Leinaeng, and his 11 comrades left their home in Bloemfontein in Filmmaker Steve Delano explores his identity as a dwarf with heart and humor. My Country, My Country October 25, Laura Poitras Working alone in Iraq over eight months, filmmaker Laura Poitras takes an unforgettable journey into the heart of war-ravaged Iraq in the months leading up to the January elections. Massacre at Murambi June 26, Sam Kauffman During the genocide in Rwanda in , a newly built secondary school on a hill named Murambi was the site of one of the world's most horrifying mass murders.
Sierra Leone's Refugee All Stars June 27, Banker White and Zach Niles Traumatized by physical injuries and brutal losses in Sierra Leone's civil war, a group of refugees fight back with the only means they have — music. But when federal agents raided the White Plumes' fields, the Lakota Nation was swept into a Byzantine struggle over tribal sovereignty, economic rights and common sense.
Revolution '67 July 10, Marylou Tibaldo-Bongiorno Revolution '67 is an illuminating account of events too often relegated to footnotes in U. Lawn July 11, Monteith McCollum "Your lawn is a reflection of your character," a woman says in a phone conversation at the beginning of the film. Lawn explores our relationship with nature and our desire to control it. Prison Town, USA tells the story of Susanville, California, one small town that tries to resuscitate its economy by building a prison — with unanticipated consequences. No Angels in the Outfield July 24, Larry Warner This is a baseball team where you can say it's three strikes and you're in.
The San Quentin Prison baseball team is the subject of this documentary, which goes inside the walls of the maximum-security prison to show the team, called the Giants, playing ball. Following Sean July 31, Ralph Arlyck Ralph Arlyck goes back to San Francisco to find out what happened to the precocious four-year-old he'd met during the height of the '60s. Alice Sees the Light August 21, Ariana Gerstein In the dark outside of our cities, there are lights that we have forgotten how to see.
Alice laments the loss of her view of the universe, one of her reasons for living in the country. Libby, Montana August 28, Doug Hawes-Davis and Drury Gunn Carr In the small town of Libby, many hundreds are sick or have already died from exposure to asbestos, a notorious industrial toxin that many Americans consider long banned or under control.
Keeping House September 4, May Lin Au Yong A reflection on a mother's resolute love as she confronts the fragile promise of life through the eyes of her son. In Richmond, California , children don't walk to school; not if they want to live past the age of The Camden 28 recalls a raid on a draft board office by activists protesting the Vietnam War and its effects on urban America. Scaredycat December 12, Andy Blubaugh Scaredycat takes as a point of departure the beating of the filmmaker at the hands of a gang of young men who called themselves "The Portland Riders.
Traces of the Trade: Election Day July 1, Katy Chevigny Forget the pie charts, color-coded maps and hyperventilating pundits. What's the street-level experience of voters in today's America? Belarusian Waltz August 12, Andrzej Fidyk The story of Alexander Pushkin , whose audacious, comical exploits against totalitarianism find him facing the hostility of the police and the consternation of his family.
Critical Condition September 30, Roger Weisberg What happens if you get sick and are one of 47 million Americans without health insurance? When Chicago filmmaker Joanna Rudnick tested positive for the "breast cancer gene" at age 27, she knew the information could save her life, but she didn't know what to do about it. Countless ancient villages and historic locales will be submerged, and 2 million people will lose their homes and livelihoods.
MARK AND MICHELLE'S EXCELLENT ADVENTURE: A tale about a reluctant crossdresser
In the midst of war, is it right to refuse? City of Cranes December 10, Eva Weber City of Cranes takes the viewer hundreds of feet above the ground to hear the insights of crane drivers, and see a glimpse of the poetic, mesmerizing world of cranes. Inheritance December 10, James Moll Inheritance is the story of Monika Hertwig, the daughter of mass murderer Amon Goeth, and her efforts to come to terms with her "inheritance.
Beyond Hatred June 30, Olivier Meyrou The story of a family's struggle to seek justice for their murdered son while trying to transcend hatred and the desire for revenge. July 7, Eric Daniel Metzgar When a guitarist suffers a brain hemorrhage onstage, doctors doubt he will emerge from a coma. The story of a family's astonishing struggle in the face of tragedy. In America, they find a different kind of war. Hold Me Tight, Let Me Go July 28, Kim Longinotto An unblinking look inside a British school for emotionally disturbed kids captures what happens when a community of determined adults envelops them in love rather than force.
But it is being driven to extinction by the invading greys. The largest mall in the world turns out not to be the famous Mall of America. It's the South China Mall outside of Guangzhou. This Way Up August 25, Georgi Lazarevski The security wall being built by Israel on the West Bank has isolated a nursing home, leaving its residents to face old age in the throes of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
What is it like for women to enter into this male-dominated arena? The English Surgeon September 8, Geoffrey Smith A remarkable depiction of one doctor's commitment to relieving suffering and of the emotional turmoil he undergoes in bringing hope to a desperate people. The Principal Story September 15, Tod Lending and David Mrazek Over the course of a school year, two public school principals with unique styles and similar passions make a difference in the lives of their students.
Jennifer September 22, Stewart Copeland Filmmaker Stewart Copeland explores his relationship with his late mother and the distance spaces between memory and history. Waldman A determined group of teenagers return to New Orleans two years after Hurricane Katrina to finish high school.
Since Katrina, one out of five teens live without parents. After she rebels against her mother's rule in the Bronx, she flees to her father, a chief in Ghana. Dream of Life December 30, Steven Sebring Shot over 11 years by renowned fashion photographer Steven Sebring, this is an intimate portrait of the legendary rocker, poet and artist Patti Smith. April 21, Robert Kenner This Oscar-nominated film lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that's been hidden from the American consumer.
Disturbing the Universe June 22, Emily Kunstler and Sarah Kunstler In this intimate biography, Kunstler's daughters seek to recover the real story of what made their late father one of the most beloved, and hated, lawyers in America. A Different Color Blue June 29, Melanie Vi Levy Charles Curtis Blackwell, a semi-blind artist, lost most of his eyesight in an accident during his youth, but this adversity has only heightened his artistic gifts. Promised Land July 6, Yoruba Richen Though apartheid ended in South Africa in , economic injustices between blacks and whites remain unresolved — and the most potentially explosive issue is land.
Good Fortune July 13, Landon Van Soest and Jeremy Levine Good Fortune is a provocative exploration of how massive international efforts to alleviate poverty in Africa may be undermining the very communities they aim to benefit. Bye July 13, Anthony Morrison Bye follows Jayden, a two and half year old diagnosed with autism, through his first months of school in the Bronx. A Healing Art August 17, Ellen Frick Artificial eye makers combine artistry, skill and compassion, making eyes that are masterful works of art, and rekindling hope for their patients.
Paul Mawhinney has amassed what has become the world's largest record collection. Trash-Out August 17, Maria Fortiz-Morse This deeply affecting and simple short shows workers cleaning out a house that has been foreclosed upon. What does an empty house say that was once a home? Seltzer Works August 24, Jessica Edwards The last bottler in Brooklyn fends off the supermarket seltzer take-over and honors this simple drink's place in history. A filmmaker explores dreams, neuroscience and the realm of spirituality in this fascinating investigation of the human subconscious.
Though it may not look typical, Avery's is like most families — until she writes to her birth mother. The Icing on the Cake September 7, Mike Rauch and Tim Rauch The daughter of two Mexican immigrants reveals how much she saw of her parents' lives as a child — and the inspiration she drew from their struggles. She knew she was not. So began a year deception for a Korean adoptee who came to the United States in The Most Dangerous Man in America: Pennebaker Pastry chefs whip up the most gravity-defying concoctions and edge-of-your-seat drama as they deliver their desserts for the Meilleurs Ouvriers de France competition.
My Perestroika June 28, Robin Hessman My Perestroika is an intimate look at the last generation of Soviet children searching for their places in today's Moscow. Mugabe and the White African July 26, Lucy Bailey and Andrew Thompson In Zimbabwe, de facto dictator Robert Mugabe has unleashed a "land reform" program aimed at driving whites from the country through violence and intimidation.
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Flawed August 23, Andrea Dorfman The story of a long-distance relationship with a man whose profession - plastic surgery - gives the woman plenty of fodder. Big Birding Day August 23, David Wilson David Wilson offers a glimpse into the world of competitive birdwatching, as three friends attempt to see as many species as possible in 24 hours.
Tiffany August 23, Alix Lambert Beverly Morris tells of her ongoing struggle to hold on to the most contested object in her divorce — the Tiffany lamp, in this animated short. August 23, Mike Rauch and Tim Rauch A grandmother who shared her entertaining life stories with StoryCorps is remembered by her son and granddaughter. Six Weeks August 23, Marcin Janos Krawczyk Six weeks is the period in which parents of newborn babies in Poland may decide to give up a child for adoption.
Better This World September 6, Kelly Duane de la Vega and Katie Galloway The story of two men who were accused of intending to firebomb the Republican National Convention, is a dramatic tale of idealism, loyalty, crime and betrayal. September 11 Stories September 6, Mike Rauch and Tim Rauch In this special collection of shorts from the Peabody Award-winning StoryCorps , family and loved ones remember the people they lost in the September 11, terrorist attacks.
If a Tree Falls: The women bring idealistic visions of the teacher's craft and of American life. Last Train Home September 27, Lixin Fan Every spring, China's cities are plunged into chaos as million migrant workers journey to their home villages for the New Year in the world's largest human migration. Where Soldiers Come From November 10, Heather Courtney From a snowy town in northern Michigan to the mountains of Afghanistan, follow the four-year journey of childhood friends who join the National Guard.
A humorous and heartbreaking portrait of racing, young love and family struggle. Salazar and Ruben P. Salazar were living 9, miles apart, unaware of each other's existence, until a stroke of luck brought them together. Exploring the physical and psychological effects of light pollution, The City Dark is a portrait of the world after dusk, and a meditation on the human relationship to the stars.
Because real life begins where romance novels end. Up Heartbreak Hill July 26, Erica Scharf Up Heartbreak Hill follows two Native teens torn between the lure of opportunities outside their remote reservation community and the cultural ties that bind them to home. The Barber of Birmingham August 9, Gail Dolgin and Robin Fryday James Armstrong, whose Alabama barbershop has been a hub for haircuts and civil rights for 50 years, celebrates the election of the first black president.
Facundo the Great August 9, Mike Rauch and Tim Rauch The new kid at school becomes a hero when his teachers cannot find a way to anglicize his name. El Velador The Night Watchman September 27, Natalia Almada From dusk to dawn, a guard watches over the extravagant mausoleums of some of Mexico's most notorious drug lords. Sun Kissed October 18, Maya Stark and Adi Lavy When a Navajo couple uncovers a hidden link between their children's rare genetic disorder and the American government's conquest of their tribe, their lives are changed forever.
Archaeologists dig for ancient civilizations, women search for their loved ones and astronomers scan the skies for new galaxies. Reportero January 7, Bernardo Ruiz A veteran reporter and his colleagues at an independent newsweekly defy powerful drug cartels and corrupt officials to continue publishing the news. Girl Model March 24, A. Sabin and David Redmon The provocative film is a lyrical exploration of youth, beauty and ambition, seen through the eyes of a conflicted American modeling scout and the year-old girl she discovers.
Homegoings paints a portrait of grieving families and a man who sends loved ones "home. He works with artist Jackie Sumell to imagine his "dream home," questioning justice and punishment in America. Only the Young July 15, Jason Tippett and Elizabeth Mims Three teens in a Southern California town wrestle with questions of love and friendship along with adult realities of financial uncertainty. Neurotypical July 29, Adam Larsen A 4-year-old, a teenager and an adult, all on the autism spectrum and at pivotal moments in their lives, work with their perceptual and behavioral differences in a "neurotypical" world.
The film was shot by a Palestinian and co-directed by an Israeli. Ping Pong is a meditation on mortality and a joyous tribute to the human spirit. In one, a small-town girl competes in the Miss India pageant. In the other, a militant woman leads a fundamentalist Hindu camp for girls. Michael Apted has been back to film them every seven years since. Now they are Listening Is an Act of Love: A StoryCorps Special November 28, StoryCorps by Mike Rauch and Tim Rauch Celebrate the transformative power of listening with this animated special from the oral history project StoryCorps , which captures intimate conversations among everyday people.
Season 27 [ edit ] Title Premiere Director Synopsis When I Walk June 23, Jason DaSilva Jason DaSilva was 25 and a rising filmmaker when he was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis and inspired to film this forthright — and surprisingly uplifting — look at his new life. He searches for a cure, yet a different miracle comes his way. Her story unfurls to portray an evolving city and to examine the power of ideas and imagination to propel change. My Way to Olympia July 7, Niko von Glasow Who better to cover the Paralympics than a disabled filmmaker who hates sports and deems the games "stupid?
Dancing in the streets. And one in-your-face politician trying to get re-elected. Let the good times roll. Dance for Me July 21, Katrine Philp At 15, Russian ballroom dancer Egor leaves everyone and everything he knows for a chance to team up with year-old Mie, one of Denmark's most promising young performers. Will his choice be worth the sacrifices he must make?
In this StoryCorps Animated Short, he talks to his brother Mike about reconnecting years after their dad kicked Bryan out for being gay. Fallen City July 28, Qi Zhao After an earthquake levels Beichuan, China , a modern replica rises with astounding speed, but while a city can be rebuilt quickly, reconstructing a community's heart and soul is a long, emotional journey for the survivors. Kenneth's Story August 4, Nadine Pequeneza Does sentencing a teenager to life without parole serve society?
Following a Florida man who received four life sentences at age 15, this eye-opening film reveals a justice system that routinely condemns young Americans to die in prison. Big Men August 25, Rachel Boynton Big Men, executive produced by Brad Pitt, goes to Ghana to provide an unprecedented look at the global deal making and dark underside of oil development — a contest for money and power that is reshaping the world.
George Tiller in , only four doctors in the country openly provide late abortions. With unprecedented access, After Tiller goes inside the lives of these physicians working at the center of the storm. The Genius of Marian September 8, Banker White and Anna Fitch When Pam White is diagnosed at age 61 with early-onset Alzheimer's, her family grapples with the disease alongside her, and her eldest son attempts to recover her memories by recording conversations in this visually rich, poignant film.
Combative, funny and blunt, he was mayor from to , an era of graffiti, near-bankruptcy and crime.
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Before his death in , the intensely private man recalled his life and legacy. The Act of Killing October 6, Joshua Oppenheimer An Oscar nominee and the most honored documentary of , this dreamlike, terrifying film asks Indonesian death-squad leaders to dramatize their roles in genocide. In a mind-bending twist, they play both themselves and their victims. Cutie and the Boxer November 11, Zachary Heinzerling An Oscar-nominated reflection on love, sacrifice and the creative spirit, this candid New York tale explores the chaotic year marriage of famed "boxing" painter Ushio Shinohara and artist Noriko Shinohara.
Season 28 [ edit ] Title Premiere Director Synopsis Out In The Night June 22, blair dorosh-walther An account of four women sensationalized by the media as a "Gang of Killer Lesbians" reveals the role that race, gender identity and sexuality play in our criminal justice system. The Overnighters June 29, Jesse Moss Desperate, broken men chase their dreams and run from their demons in the North Dakota oil fields.
A local pastor risks everything to help them. Tough Love July 6, Stephanie Wang-Breal Having lost custody of their children to Child Protective Services, two parents fight to win back the trust of the courts and reunite their families. Web Junkie July 13, Shosh Shlam, Hilla Medalia A look into an internet addiction rehab in Beijing, China, the first country in the world to classify this evolving diagnosis. Return to Homs July 20, Talal Derki A look behind the barricades of the besieged Syrian city of Homs, where, for year-old Basset and his ragtag group of comrades, the audacious hope of revolution is crumbling like the buildings around them.
Tea Time July 27, Maite Alberdi A look at how a seemingly mundane, monthly routine of tea and pastries has helped five Chilean women commemorate life's joys and cope with infidelity, illness, and death. Beats of the Antonov August 3, hajooj kuka Sudanese civilians facing government bombing campaigns celebrate their heritage through music, finding hope and a common identity.
Neuland August 17, Anna Thommen One teacher prepares his students for their new life in Switzerland as they struggle to learn a new language, prepare themselves for employment and reveal their innermost hopes and dreams. The Storm Makers August 31, Guillaume Suon An eye-opening look at the cycle of poverty, despair and greed that fuels human trafficking in Cambodia. Cutie and the Boxer September 18, Zachary Heinzerling An Oscar-nominated reflection on love, sacrifice, and the creative spirit, this candid New York tale explores the chaotic year marriage of famed "boxing" painter Ushio Shinohara and artist Noriko Shinohara.
Don't Tell Anyone No Le Digas a Nadie September 21, Mikaela Shwer In a community where silence is seen as necessary for survival, immigrant activist Angy Rivera joins a generation of Dreamers ready to push for change in the only home she's ever known - the United States. Art and Craft September 25, Sam Cullman , Jennifer Grausman; co-directed by Mark Becker A cat-and-mouse caper told with humor and compassion, Art and Craft uncovers the universal in one man's search for connection and respect.
The Fake Case October 2, Andreas Johnsen The government's attempts to silence Ai Weiwei have turned him into China's most powerful artist and an irrepressible voice for free speech and human rights around the globe. The Look of Silence June 27, Joshua Oppenheimer In this Oscar-nominated film, winner of more than 50 awards, an optometrist identifies the men who killed his brother in the horrific Indonesian genocide.
He confronts them while testing their eyesight and demands they accept responsibility. Pervert Park July 11, Frida Barkfors, Lasse Barkfors Florida Justice Transitions trailer park is home to sex offenders, all battling their own demons as they work toward rejoining society. This film considers how the destructive cycle of sexual abuse - and the silence surrounding it - can be broken. Iris August 1, Albert Maysles Iris pairs the late documentarian Albert Maysles, then 87, with Iris Apfel , the quick-witted, flamboyantly dressed year-old style maven who has had an outsized presence on the New York fashion scene for decades.
All the Difference September 12, Tod Lending Accompany two African-American teens from the South Side of Chicago on their journey to achieve their dream of graduating from college. Kingdom of Shadows September 19, Bernardo Ruiz Emmy-nominated filmmaker Bernardo Ruiz takes an unflinching look at the hard choices and destructive consequences of the U. Witness the human side of the conflict through the eyes of a U. As the Shattucks reunite to plan Sharon's wedding, she seeks a deeper understanding of how her parents' marriage, and their family, survived intact.
Pink Boy short October 10, Eric Rockey An intimate portrait of a gender-nonconforming boy growing up in conservative rural Florida. Hooligan Sparrow October 17, Nanfu Wang The danger is palpable as intrepid young filmmaker Nanfu Wang follows maverick activist Ye Haiyan aka Hooligan Sparrow and her band of colleagues to southern China as they seek justice in the case of six elementary school girls allegedly sexually abused by their principal. Thank You for Playing October 24, David Osit, Malika Zouhali-Worrall When Ryan Green, a video game programmer, learns that his young son Joel has cancer, he and his wife begin documenting their emotional journey with a poetic video game.
Thank You for Playing follows Ryan and his family over two years creating That Dragon, Cancer which evolves from a cathartic exercise into a critically acclaimed work of art that sets the gaming industry abuzz. What Tomorrow Brings October 31, Beth Murphy Inside the very first girls' school in a small Afghan village, education goes far beyond the classroom as the students discover the differences between the lives they were born into and the lives they dream of leading.