Gewogen und zu leicht befunden: Peter Handkes Tagebuch Das Gewicht der Welt (German Edition)
Chai Siris wurde in Bangkok geboren. Seine Werke wurden unter anderem bei der Documenta 13 in Kassel und bei den Internationalen Filmfestspielen von Venedig gezeigt. Siris lebt in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Siris lives in Chiang Mai, Thailand. Encounter is a short film reflecting on the human desire to approach, understand and experience animals in the wilderness.
It depicts an unusual situation where the animal is the observer and the human the observed. About a personal memory of childhood and youth in Kibbutz Dafna, located near Israel s borders with Syria and Lebanon. Shelters, gas masks, thundering missiles, and buzzing helicopters are background to the brook s water flow, sweet music, selective palette and minimalistic linework that tune down the nightmares. Sie liebt es zu zeichnen, zu lesen und Pistazieneis zu essen.
She spent most of her childhood close to nature, enjoying the stream that flows through the Kibbutz. She loves drawing, reading and eating pistachio ice cream. Meshy Koplevitch, Israel, , youtube. In Norwegen gibt es keine Zahnstocher. There are no toothpicks in Norway. Coffee is a white man s addiction. Ico Costa wurde in Lissabon geboren.
Seine Arbeiten wurden auf internationalen Filmfestivals gezeigt. His works were shown at international film festivals. Eleven different situations that show the banality and the complexity of the relationship between the artist, his widowed mother and his twin brother, bringing to the foreground questions related to notions of familiarity, intimacy, absence and humour. Yoman Karam Natour, Israel, , karamnatour. This assemblage of one shot sequences intends to raise the experience of presence an experience of people, of time, of space in what is most familiar and, for that reason, most strange.
Ihre Werke wurden auf internationalen Festivals gezeigt und ausgezeichnet. Sie lebt in Rio de Janeiro und arbeitet in Brasilien und Frankreich. She makes films in different media, using both cell phone and video and Super 8, 16 and 35mm. Her works were selected and awarded prizes at festivals internationally. She lives in Rio de Janeiro and works in Brazil and France. The form of the sunflower divides our view of city life, juxtaposing three moments in time that create a dialogue with one another.
Er hat viele narrative, dokumentarische und experimentelle Kurzfilme gedreht alle auf Super 8. Zorrilla lebt und arbeitet weiterhin in Buenos Aires. He moved to New York where he worked in different aspects of the film industry. In , he moved to Buenos Aires to pursue his passion for film-making. He directed many narrative, documentary and experimental short films, all on Super 8.

Zorrilla continues to live and work in Buenos Aires. Es sind Filmaufnahmen von vier Orten, begleitet von vier Kassettenbandschleifen und vier Vinylendlosrillen. Woody observation case in Helsinki through early s newsreel footage. Four locations in shots, accompanied by four tape loops and four locked-groove vinyls.
Drawing largely from popular folklore and a travel account of a foreigner in the Philippines from the early s, Three Enchantments imagines a people growing and dying in dull routine and the spells they have fallen under. Jon Lazam ist ein experimenteller Filmemacher aus den Philippinen. He teaches Theatre and Film at a university north of Manila. The space-less is still in a space, because it is on the continuous horizon.
Er studierte am Goldsmiths, University of London. Die scheinbar harmlose Begebenheit hat extrem beunruhigende Folgen. In a local sports center, a man with a great need to talk but little to say, recounts a recent dream to a nearby colleague. This seemingly harmless event entails deeply unsettling consequences. Gabriel Herrera Torres wurde in Patzcuaro, Mexiko, geboren und ist katalanischer und mexikanischer Abstammung. Herrera Torres lebt zwischen Mexiko und Polen. Herrera Torres lives between Mexico and Poland.
Warum sie sich dort versammeln, bleibt im Dunkeln. Forgotten Reason is a stop-motion film about a group of lost bodies who wander through a forest towards an open field. A gathering with an unclear purpose takes place. The story comes alive through the film s texture and atmosphere. He has directed three stop motion animated films with puppets as well as a number of more experimental animations.
The Separate System explores spaces between military, custody and civilian life through the notion of work, yet communicates what we do not understand about the unique set of relationships held by the individuals within these spaces. Issues of nationalism, violence and democracy form a central critique for her videos and installations. Wird sie ihre Katze jemals wiederfinden?
In Strim, we join Sigrid in search of her missing cat Liv. During this search, her inner monologue turns outwards in both movement and action. She collides and progresses from her meetings with the society that surrounds her. Will she ever find her cat? Seine Werke wurden weltweit in Gruppenausstellungen und auf Filmfestivals gezeigt. His works have been screened at group exhibitions and film festivals worldwide.
Dieses spezielle Badehaus zeichnet sich durch seine faszinierenden Details aus. Sento is a Japanese public bath. This particular public bath features fascinating details such as a wall-size print of Mount Fuji, pop yellow plastic washbowls, asymmetrical mirrors and other things fusing in a dance. Eda Akari wurde in Tokio geboren. Situated in Plymouth and the Tamar Valley locations with significant, though largely forgotten connections with the expansion of European power and influence Tropikos is an experimental drama set in the 16th century.
John Akomfrah wurde in Accra, Ghana geboren. Akomfrah lebt und arbeitet in London. Akomfrah lives and works in London. Jedes Jahr findet dort ein einzigartiges Feuerfestival statt. The Yuki-jinja Shrine is located in Kurama, Kyoto. Every year, a unique fire festival is held at the shrine. This film mixes documentary and fantasy to depict the people, deities and spirits who create the festival together.
Tani Yosuke wurde in Kyoto geboren. Dort nahm er auch Zeichenunterricht im Atelier Rojue. In this experimental Western, Hipkins deconstructs a Victorian travel report written for emigrating to Texas. Western movie tropes and mythologised geographies are navigated through printed matter, race theory and observations of pioneering life. A dancer moves windingly inside an old oriental house in the interior of Brazil. She evokes the ghost of the Butoh master Kazuo Ohno, blending herself with the shadows and memories of that mysterious place.
Joel Pizzini Filho ist ein brasilianischer Autor von Essayfilmen, Videoinstallationen und kritischen Schriften, der mehrere nationale und internationale Preise gewonnen hat. He is an advisor of the Escola de Audiovisual in Fortaleza, curator of the restoration of Glauber Rocha films and head of the Polofilme film production. Sea of Fire , Naked Eye , Mr. Animal Year is a story about fate and has been inspired by my personal memory. This is my fourth work, and as usual, I finished the images, the sounds and the music all by myself.
Um ihrem tristen Leben zu entkommen, reparieren sie ein besitzerloses Auto. Maicol, Anyi, Jackson, Leidi, David and Rafael, a group of neighbourhood friends, are unhappy with their lives and decide to fix an abandoned car to escape. It s the first time they feel mature and connected through their common goal. He came back to Colombia in to finish his college studies. Accompanied by a lilting soundtrack, characters wander through London s concrete jungle as an unknown female voice reflects on the current state of the city and imagined future.
Currently she is a final year film student at London College of Communication. Unsere Wege kreuzen sich erneut, als ich seinem Vater begegne. In the neighbourhood of Titan an adolescent attacks me with a bottle. Our paths cross again as I encounter his father. In a disreputable quarter, ruled by the law of the strongest, I approach the family of its weakest member. Johannes Frese wurde bei Darmstadt geboren.
Aufgewachsen nahe des Weltnaturerbes Grube Messel. Three young men set up an antenna for their ham radio amateur radio in an urban chawl Pune, Maharashtra. They want to connect with the ISS circling the earth. Astronauts on the ISS transmit space weather to all ham radio folks. A young man with his hand held radio antenna listens to different frequencies wandering in different spaces. He graduated with a degree in Art History and Sculpting from the College of Fine Arts, Bangalore in and finished his postgraduate studies in Screenplay Writing and Film Direction at the Film and Television Institute of India in , where he does mentoring for the film students and teaches film theory.
Gruppenausstellungen und Teilnahme an Biennalen weltweit. Gush lebt in Johannesburg. Group shows and participation in biennials worldwide. Gush lives in Johannesburg. Distance , Analogues: Plainsong , Analogues: Nach Iolas Tod verschwand seine Kunstsammlung, und sein leer stehendes Haus fiel dem Vandalismus anheim. Fall into Ruin tells the story of Alexander Iolas , a Greek art dealer the film-maker met in After Iolas s death, his art collection disappeared and his empty house was vandalised.
Decades later, William E. Jones discovered photographs he made at the age of 19 and returned to Villa Iolas in ruins. Jones wurde in Canton, Ohio, geboren wurde er mit einem Profil in Oberhausen geehrt. Jones Buch Script William E. Jones Kamera Camera William E. Jones Internationale Festivalpremiere International festival premiere We haven t gone viral. Seine Filme wurden international gezeigt und mit Preisen geehrt. Als Drehbuchautor wirkte er am mehreren Seifenopern mit. His films have been shown internationally and won awards.
As a screenwriter he helped write several soap operas. Florin Tudor und Mona Vatamanu arbeiten seit zusammen. Sie nahmen an internationalen Biennalen, Ausstellungen und Filmfestivals teil. They have participated in international biennials, exhibitions and film festivals. The Homing Pigeon attempts to capture the spirit of New York City by integrating iconic images of Times Square focusing on homing pigeons in the foreground with an excerpt from Allen Ginsberg s famed poem, Howl, voice covered by the artist himself.
Ran Cheng wurde in der Inneren Mongolei, China, geboren. Er nahm ab an internationalen Festivals, Biennalen und Gruppenausstellungen teil. Weltweite Einzelausstellungen seit war er Artist-in-Residence in der Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam. Er lebt und arbeitet in Hangzhou, China. He lives and works in Hangzhou, China. In an old Kunstzaal studio , the distinction between past, present and future is unclear time has broken down.
An artist intensely resists his last days by remaking fragments of his life. Bojan Fajfric wurde in Belgrad geboren. Seine Werke wurden international auf Filmfestivals und in Kunstkontexten gezeigt. Er lebt und arbeitet in Amsterdam. He was a resident of the Rijksakademie van beeldende kunsten in Amsterdam. His works were shown internationally in film festivals and art contexts. He lives and works in Amsterdam. Rein theoretisch gibt es keine banalen Bilder, nur inkompetente Betrachter. It s me that failed the footage, or the footage failed me?
Theoretically, there are no banal images, only incompetent viewers. Hao Jingban wurde geboren. Derzeit lebt und arbeitet sie in Peking. She currently lives and works in Beijing. Dame 2 recreates an interview on Parkinson with Helen Mirren from , transcribed and performed as a song by Elkin. Kathryn Elkin wurde in Belfast geboren. Phobia ist ein 3-D-Film. An abstract image referring to emotional collapses.
Rhythm caught in cells, a sound touching a picture. Phobia is a stereoscopic film. Sie liebt Natur, Musik und bewegte Bilder. She is continuing her studies at the Lodz Film School and works in the field of animation and experimental cinema. She loves nature, music and moving images. Smartphones und Tablets kaschieren eine Kommunikation am Nullpunkt. Hotel guests look restrained, sedated in the diffuse light of the service provider s shimmering cage. A network of joists, pilasters and fluting exposes the proverbial off-season chill in the seating arrangements.
Smartphones and tablets mask a total lack of communication. Filme seit Teilnahme an der 9. Gwangju Biennale, der Biennale di Venezia und der Manifesta 3 in Ljubljana. Internationale Festivalteilnahmen wurde er in Oberhausen mit einem Profil geehrt. The film is about a girl who finds her own way to deal with family secrets. Egil Pedersen ist ein samischer Regisseur, der in einem kleinen Dorf weit im Norden Norwegens aufgewachsen ist. He made his first films, Lego and clay animation, as an early teen with his father s Super 8 film camera. He graduated from the Norwegian Film School in Lillehammer in In , he will premiere three Sami short films and two Saami music videos.
Busstopp , Isdammen , Donkeyboy: Die gesamte Szene wirkt etwas surreal. The film takes place at a famous beach in Split in the first moments of sunrise. The entire image seems a bit surreal. On the one hand, young people, sleep deprived and hungover and on the other hand old people whose day is just beginning. Boris Poljak wurde in Split, Kroatien, geboren, wo er seinen Schulabschluss machte und sein Jurastudium abschloss. Seit ist er Profi. Er lebt und arbeitet in Split.
Since , he has filmed and directed over ten amateur movies with the Split Cinema Club. He has worked professionally since He filmed over 50 films as a director of photography and directed five films. He lives and works in Split. Wie leicht vergessen wir, woraus wir gemacht sind. We re covered with impermeable skin and our eyes are turned outwards.
How easy it is to forget what we re made of. Events of loss remind us that we are our body while our body isn t only our own. Lost in a dream all I understand is a broken noise Quotidian accoutrements frame and sound the domestic scenario of a figure preparing cakes, voiced by reveries at the kitchen sink turned to existential reflections on time, motherhood and noise.
It is an interdisciplinary practice-based project that involves translating music-related documents from an archive in the Music Department into visual media for a conceptual art installation. By presenting a montage of animal and human body fragments, Katrina Daschner s Horse Boobs becomes a sensuously symbolic discourse about psychosexual ambivalences and fantasies of fear and passion, about desire and inhibition.
Then comes the escape: Katrina Daschner wurde in Hamburg geboren. Sie lebt und arbeitet in Wien. She lives and works in Vienna. Animated poetic impressions representing different states of a spiritual condition. Lebt und arbeitet in Warschau. Wurde mit einem Profil bei den Internationalen Kurzfilmtagen Oberhausen geehrt. Visual artist, poet, musician. Was bleibt, ist die Zurschaustellung von Konsum und Urlaubsreisen. An essay film about the experiences of undocumented Filipino- Americans. Miko s psychological observations on his family s home movies shot between and reflect a post-colonial obsession with facade to mask an internal poverty.
Through time, the American dream lived through the promise of assimilation disintegrates, leaving a spectacle of consumerism and vacation. Miko Revereza wurde in Manila geboren. Er ist Filmemacher und illegaler Einwanderer. Dieser lebenslange Kampf um Dokumentation und mit sozialer Ausgrenzung beeinflusst und inspiriert seine Filme und seine soziale Praxis. He is a film-maker and illegal alien. Since relocating from Manila as a child, he has existed illegally in the USA for over 20 years. This lifelong struggle with documentation and social exclusion imposes on and informs his films and social practice.
Ihre Kurzfilme wurden auf internationalen Festivals gezeigt. Bodomo entwickelt derzeit die Langfilmversion von Afronauts. Her short films played at international festivals. Bodomo is currently developing the feature version of Afronauts. The film is based on a South African trial from Mafavuke Ngcobo was a traditional herbalist who was accused of untraditional behaviour by the local white medical establishment. The re-imagined court case was filmed at the Palace of Justice in Pretoria, where the Rivonia trial was held that sent Mandela and his fellow accused to Robben Island prison.
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Uriel Orlow lebt und arbeitet in London. His work was presented at recent survey exhibitions and solo exhibitions internationally and has also been shown in museums, galleries and film festivals worldwide. A found footage bouquet arranged and abused by Aryan Kaganof. Film material shot by Charles Weich between and was mashed up with and married to the soundtrack to Brief Encounter.
The result is a perversely funny and bittersweet indictment of the pathological whiteness that manifested itself virulently as apartheid. On a mythical border area between Colombia and the USA. We investigate the relationships between North and South America using tropes of imperialism, globalization through pop music, and the choreo graphy of women s bodies in relation to socio-political and ecosystems. Ihre kreative Praxis basiert auf experimenteller und dokumentarischer Film- und Multimedia-Performancekunst.
Her creative practice is based in experimental and documentary film and multi-media performance art. Ihre Arbeit erforscht die Beziehungen zwischen traditioneller Pornografie und Gewalt und ist sowohl performativ als auch technologisch, Kunst und Aktivismus sowie eine Mischung aus Kabarett, Intervention und Video-Streaming. Her work explores the relationships between traditional pornography and violence and is both performative and technological, art and activism, and a mix of cabaret, intervention and streaming video.
A female protagonist in a state of fugue following a head injury as she wanders an alienating city underbelly of clubs and free parties. Through recollections of anti-capitalist conversations, historical information about wartime atrocity, and human brutality, she searches for hope in an increasingly frightening, subjective landscape.
In den vergangenen 20 Jahren wurden ihre Filme bei internationalen Filmfestivals ausgezeichnet. Over the past 20 years, her films have won awards at international film festivals. She is currently undertaking an interdisciplinary, practice-led PhD researching the uncanny and hauntology through film, philosophy and neuroscience. AAA Mein Herz is a single-shot work showing a young woman simultaneously performing four compositions.
While preserving the original style, tempo, and rhythm of the individual works, she maintains the key of the different music pieces. Silence, music, sound and words alternate and collide. Katarina Zdjelar wurde in Belgrad geboren. Ihre Arbeit wurde international in zahlreichen Einzel- und Gruppenausstellungen wie dem serbischen Pavillon auf der Zdjelar lebt in Rotterdam.
Zdjelar lives in Rotterdam. Two ways of living in the same place seen in relation to one another show us a hostile environment whose experience is conditioned by those parameters. Er realisiert audiovisuelle Projekte allein und in Zusammenarbeit mit anderen. He realises audiovisual projects of his own and in collaboration with others. Earthly Opposite from Heaven is his first film as a director. Sofia Lena Monardo wurde in Buenos Aires geboren.
Sie ist Assistenzlehrerin in Lateinamerikanischer Kinogeschichte. She is a teaching assistant in Latin American Cinema History. Earthly Opposite from Heaven is her first film as a director. Das Projekt beinhaltet zwei Performances. Cartography of an imaginary place attracted by the margins social and geographical. This hybrid and eclectic project is the outcome of an audio-visual research residency of human and urban exploration of an expanding city.
The project hosts two performances. Ihre Arbeit wurde weltweit sowohl bei Kunst- und Filmfestivals gezeigt. Her work has been screened both in art venues and film festivals worldwide. Late Summer captures a centuries-old Beijing theatre in its incarnation as a modern-day transient space. Cui Yi ist in Nordwestchina geboren und aufgewachsen und lebt derzeit in ihrer Heimat und Kanada. Bevor sie anfing, Filme zu machen, arbeitete sie in der Naturschutzbiologie. Ihr Werk besteht aus experimentellen, dokumentarischen, narrativen und Essayfilmen.
Before starting to make films, she worked in conservation ecology. Her work consists of experimental, documentary, narrative and essay films. Was wird aus der kleinen Ortschaft, die ihre Existenzgrundlage infolge der Globalisierung verloren hat? What happens to a small locality that has lost its livelihood through the hands of globalization?
The experimental documentary revolves around the young glassblower Kirsi Anttila and her family. She is interested in how societal changes become visible in everyday life and its details. Die Wellen verlangten danach, uns zu umschlingen. The sea was the first to see us and so the sea will be the last to leave us. She washed us in her salty tears. The waves were hungry to pull us in and envelop us.
My fingers cannot count how long my brother and I were together. Though I do know, in this life, it was six days: Six days, five nights. Philippa Ndisi-Herrmann wurde in Deutschland geboren und wuchs in Kenia auf, wo sie heute noch lebt. Sie ist Schriftstellerin, Filmemacherin und Fotografin und hat zahlreiche Musikvideos und Kurzfilme inszeniert.
Audiodateien 1 und 2 Anhören !
She is a writer, film-maker and photographer and has directed numerous music videos and short films. Her photography has been exhibited in New York City and Nairobi. In , a selection of her poetry was published under a pen name. Welchen Platz hat Nina in dieser durch Kontaminierung bedrohten Welt? Seven-year-old Nina cannot be her aunt s daughter.
Nor can she be her father s lover. In this world threatened by contamination, what then is Nina s place? Shalimar Preuss lebt und arbeitet im Vercors, Frankreich. Her first feature Ma Belle Gosse was released in Her films were shown in festivals worldwide. Alone in a European city, a young black man dives into dark corners of his mind, into the self. He is a director and screenwriter and also worked as fixer and translator for foreign crews in Rwanda and as an executive producer, writer, assistant director, script consultant and casting manager.
Alle Filme sind digitale Videoproduktionen. Geografisch konzentriert sich die Auswahl deutscher Filme auf Berlin mit acht Produktionen. Die Jury des Deutschen Wettbewerbs vergibt folgende Preise: There were 1, entries for the German Competition at the Festival this year From this large number, 22 works were chosen for the German Competition. All films are digital video productions. Geographically seen, the selection of German films is concentrated on Berlin eight productions.
North Rhine-Westphalia is represented with four productions: Six of the films are shorter than ten minutes, thirteen run for between ten and 20 minutes, and three last longer than 20 minutes. The jury of the German Competition will award the following prizes: This award also includes a buying option on the prizewinning work for broadcast on 3sat.
Born in Bonn in After studying art history and English language and literature, she was a research assistant at the MMK Museum of Modern Art in Frankfurt, then project coordinator of the European Kunsthalle and project head of the Die Kunstproduzenten. Her main focus is on the interface of film and moving pictures in contemporary art, and she regularly curates exhibitions and film series dealing with this topic like Ben Rivers.
Als Produzent realisierte er u. Born in Stuttgart in He studied visual communication at the University of Fine Arts in Hamburg before becoming a director and producer. His first short film, Am Strand von Merkala, was screened in the International Competition in Oberhausen in Together with Irene von Alberti, he runs a film production company, a DVD label and a film distribution service in Berlin, all under the name Filmgalerie Seit ist sie im Vorstand des Verbands der deutschen Filmkritik. She also heads the editorial team of the online film magazine artechock, founded in , for which she works as a film critic.
Er zeigt das unter Steinen begrabene Warschau. The film begins with footage of a city of ruins, when the entire cityscape of Warsaw is covered with stones. It is Themed around stones as carriers of historical memory, the movie is so closely filmed that the viewer can never see the city s memorials in their entirety. Maya Schweizer wurde in Paris geboren. Einzelausstellungen in verschiedenen deutschen Kunstvereinen und zahlreiche Preise und Auszeichnungen. They live and work in Cologne. Documentary animation set in a virtual concentration camp.
It follows a German prosecutor and Israeli gamers re-enacting historical scenarios. The animated interviewees grapple with questions about the ability to experience memory in the virtual world.
Amir Yatziv ist ein experimenteller Filmemacher, der in Israel geboren wurde. Er lebt und arbeitet in Gent, Belgien, und Berlin. Narration analyses the principle of storytelling not only through artistic practice, but also as a form of interpersonal communication. The film is about the elements that make narrative possible in words and pictures and that qualify each narrative structure in constantly different ways. He studied at the Academy of Visual Arts Leipzig from to and graduated in Clemens von Wedemeyer s course, where he is currently a masterclass student. Wir gegen den Rest der Welt. Wir verstehen uns nicht mehr und doch sehnen wir uns nacheinander.
Us against the world. We do not get along anymore, but we long for each other. After two years, he returned to Europe and worked as an assistant on feature and commercial film sets. Grislawski in Duisburg. Raw material of the film: Raw material of the performance: Grislawski in Duisburg in Either there s another way or none at all!
Seit freiberufliche Medienprojekte. Zuerst ist Pinocchio mit dieser Belohnung zufrieden. Finally, the jovial wooden puppet Pinocchio is turned into a human after having stopped his reckless life and gained some common sense. First, he is happy with this reward. But one day, Pinocchio sees some mounted animals in a museum.
Er lebt und arbeitet in Bukarest. He currently lives and works in Bucharest.
Studied at the University of Television and Film Munich. She lives and works between Bucharest, Paris and Munich. El Manguito is a small mountain village in the impenetrable forests of the Sierra Maestra in Cuba. Twelve people live here, cut off from the outside world: Idael, the head of the family, his wife Nelcis, his children, friends and brothers. In dieser Herberge werden alle Wesen aufgenommen, die dieses unwirtliche Land durchqueren.
Hier kreuzen sich unsere Wege. In a place where a biblical landscape and western myths converge, there is a house, part biker hangout, part mountain farm. It welcomes all beings who traverse this inhospitable landscape. In The Hostel, past and future merge into one place, and deepest misery and recreation are not mutually exclusive. This is where our paths cross. Ulu Braun wurde in Deutschland geboren. Was an Werdendem, was an Vergangenem singt im Bestehenden? Bald, nie, jetzt schon.
Am Ende eine Arbeitersiedlung und ein Familienfest. Und das Dickicht der Auen. Die Diebin, begleitet von Hund, mal Rabe, mal Fasan. Handkes Witz blitzt auf: Und die Falter zickzacken. Dieser Dichter glaubt an eine Welt, in der immer Zierlichkeit sein wird. Peter Handke ist nicht mutig, sondern mutiger: Die Obstdiebin oder Einfache Fahrt ins Landesinnere.
Einfache Fahrt ins Landesinnere. Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin , S. In ihnen ist er ganz bei sich — und der Welt. Und in ihnen kommt es zu jener wahrhaft vollkommenen Verschmelzung von Inhalt und Form, um derentwillen dieser Autor bis heute schreibt und schreibt. So wie ein unschuldiges Kind, das mit reinen Blicken auf alles um sich herumschaut. Das dieses und jenes in der Natur und im Umgang der Menschen betrachtet, sich wundert, staunt.
Peter Handke, der am 6. Dezember 75 wird, versucht das seit 40 Jahren. Dabei beschreibt er sehr realistische Dinge. Sie kommt von weither, aus Sibirien, vom Ufer des Jenissej, aus einem anderen Zeitraum. Sie ist eine Erleuchtete, aber der Autor nimmt das viel ernster als seine Figur. Alexia soll kein Geistwesen, sondern eine Frau aus Fleisch und Blut sein.
Dem reinen Anschauen wird gehuldigt. Ihre Begegnungen und Abenteuer zielen auf Visionen, die mehr von der Wirklichkeit preisgeben. Irgendwie ist das schon ein Alterswerk. Kaum eine Wolke — und wenn eine: Kein Tau zum Trocknen. Aus einem zweiten Grund war mir der Stich willkommen. Ich nahm ihn als ein Zeichen. Ein gutes oder ein schlechtes? Der Stich gab das Zeichen, aufzubrechen. Die Stunde des Aufbruchs, sie ist gekommen. Brauchte ich denn solcherart Zeichen? An dem Tag damals: Zeitnot verflogen, und gegenstandslos geworden. Alt wie ich war: Mehr Zeit denn je. Und das Buch des Lebens: Offen und dabei dingfest, die Seiten, besonders die unbeschriebenen, aufleuchtend im Wind der Welt, der Erde hier, der Hiesigkeit.
Und was fragte sie mich? Sie hat mich gefragt: Die Stimme nach Jahren weiterhin im Ohr, denke ich, es passe zu ihr, was ein Schauspieler, gefragt in einem Interview, wie seine Stimme ihm helfe, in einem Film die jeweilige Geschichte zu spielen, geantwortet hat: Alle die Nachbarn im Umkreis schienen verschwunden, nicht erst seit gestern.
Und doch war es offenbar. Es war gekommen wie immer. Und doch war einiges nicht wie immer, ganz und gar. Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin Das will ein Zeichen sein: Das Motto der ersten gut Seiten: Nichts macht sie aufhorchen. Offen und dabei dingfest, die Seiten, aufleuchtend im Wind der Welt. Bis Handkes Obstdiebin ins Bild kommt, vergeht einige Zeit. Denn Handkes Welt kennt auch den islamistischen Terror.
Wer aber ist diese Obstdiebin? Das ist durchaus ironisch gemeint. So ist Alexia in Wahrheit weniger eine Obstdiebin denn eher eine, die Obst stibitzt, also eine Obststibitzerin. Handkes Heldin hat gerade eine weite Reise hinter sich, Tundra und Taiga werden genannt. Diese Familie der Obstdiebin ergibt eine seltsame Mischung. Der Vater, ein etwas heruntergekommener Lebemann, wird als selbst ernannter Historiker, Geograf und Vielredner dargestellt.
Der Bruder arbeitet zufrieden als Schreiner. Sie ist irgendwie ein Lichtwesen. Diese Obstdiebin ist der Natur, aber auch dem langsamen Beobachten nahe. Wir ewig zagen Unverzagten. Die Ungeduldigen im Herrn. Suhrkamp Verlag, Berlin, Seiten; 34 Euro. Dezember 75 Jahre alt wird, seine Spracherkundungen fort. Sich verwandeln, meint bei Handke sich verlieren, sich verirren. Praise Hornet — Culture Peter Handkes works for almost consumed 40 Years from the phantasm, to capture the active forces of all earthly things in a narrative without beginning and without end, the almost shamanistic type of man, Animal and landscape, combines animated and inanimate: This is a great book now writes "The fruit thief" continued.
December is Handke 75 year old. The "last epic", as he calls it, is not sure his last word. But has never been his efforts, to reconcile own mortality with that eternal law, he has "Slow Homecoming" encircles, as strong as here. The repeat loops, he takes on, both reaffirmation of that will be a new beginning unremitting, the "Repetition" rose to the program, as well as the expression of a personal obsession - and more recently a strange coquetry.
For one thing, this prose is moving in the same orbit around their ineffable mystery as ever. Secondly, it just stares as before Allusions to the earlier books, about the "Essay on the Jukebox" or "loss of image" Expressly draws in particular on the transformation of desire of "A Year in Bay No" to. Where his is published "Tales of the new times" unfolded in the shadow of a fictional European Civil War, roars on "The fruit thief" the unequal more real "pressure wave of a global catastrophe" of time.
In it, both the European refugee crisis as the Islamist attacks reflect on the club Bataclan or "Charlie Hebdo": Ich erinnere mich noch der Jahre, da er — eben aus der Festung entlassen — wieder mit dem Neuaufbau seiner Partei begann. Damals schickte er mich nach Berlin. Die ganze Organisation schien zerfallen und aufgegeben.
Und darum allein konnte seine Idee siegen: Am Tage vor dem Heute steht er umrauscht von Jubel und Dank. Und nur der, der ihn in seinem ganzen Wesen verkannte, konnte auf diesen Irrtum verfallen. Wie viele tausend Kilometer habe ich hinter ihm im Auto oder im Flugzeug gesessen, wenn wir auf Wahlreisen fuhren. Eine wandernde Jugenschar aus Braunau, seiner Geburtstadt, zog vorbei und machte ihm ihren Besuch. Wie ist er in Wirklichkeit?
Der beste Freund seiner Kameraden. Niemals sah ich bei einem Menschen zwei Welten so nebeneinander wohnen wie bei ihm. Hitler war ganz Mensch unter Menschen. Am meisten wird er verehrt und geliebt von denen, die ihm am engsten verbunden sind. Und wer ihm einmal die Hand zum Treueschwur gegeben hat, der ist ihm mit Leib und Seele verfallen. Heute ist er dem Trubel der Hauptstadt entflohen. Vielleicht dreht einer im Nebenzimmer eben einen Lautsprecher an. Die Juden sind Schuld. Joseph Goebbels — 16 November It has been proven so extensively that International Jewry is historically at fault for the expansion of the war, that not a word needs to be wasted about that.
The Jews wanted their war, and now they have it. We are now experiencing the fulfillment of this prophecy, and the Jews are suffering a fate that, even though it is hard, they have more than deserved. Compassion or even regret are totally inappropriate. World Jewry has completely underestimated the strength of its own power in their instigation of this war, and it is now gradually experiencing a destruction process [1] which it wanted for us and would have mercilessly enforced on us, if it had had the power for that.
Now the situation we have is according to their own laws, an eye for an eye. In this historical confrontation, every Jew is our enemy, regardless if he is vegetating in a Polish ghetto or eking out his parasitic existence in Berlin or Hamburg, or forging his war plans in New York or Washington by blasting the war trumpet.
All Jews, due to their birth and race, belong to an international conspiracy against the national socialistic Germany. The fact that they now have little opportunity to do this inside the Reich, is not because the ones that are still here are loyal to us, but only because we have taken measures that seem appropriate to us. One of them is the introduction of the yellow Jewish star.
This every Jew must display on himself in clear sight. With that we want to mark him as a Jew, most of all for the purpose that he can be clearly identified as such in his slightest action aimed against our Volk community. This is an exceptional humane [2] regulation, in other words a hygienic prophylaxis, which shall avoid that the Jew can sneak into our groups and sow discord. When the Jews showed up a few weeks ago, marked with a Jewish star, at first, the population of the Reichshauptstadt was perplexed.
Only very few knew that there were still that many Jews in Berlin. Everyone discovered in his area or neighborhood a contemporary [but a Jew] acting as if he was harmless, except for his occasional griping or inappropriate action but would have never recognized him as a Jew. So, obviously, he has masked himself in mimicry, adjusted to his environment in which he lived, and waited for the hour of his opportunity.
There are Jews who can hardly be recognized from their looks. They have aligned themselves here also as much as possible. These are the most dangerous ones. It is characteristic that every action we take against the Jews shows up the next day in the English and U. So one can see that the Jews here have secret connections, even today, to the enemy states, not only in their personal business, but connections in all important war affairs which they exploit for this purpose.
Therefore, the enemy is amidst us.
30-fache Brandstiftung. Weit über 40 Tote.
In the first days after the introduction of the Jewish star to be worn, newspaper sales skyrocketed. Every Jew that came on the streets, went for a newspaper to hide shamefully his Mark of Cain. When this was forbidden, we saw here and there on the streets of Berlin West Jews parading around with non Jewish foreigners. These servants of the Jews actually deserve a Jewish star, too. The arguments they bring for their provocative behavior are always the same: But then, who would want to take the opportunity and go parading with them on the Kurfuerstendamm!
So it goes on, their Jews are decent Jews. Every Jew has found a stupid and instinct-lacking goy, who believes the Jew to be decent! Gradually the Jews are now on their own and so try new tricks. You know the goodhearted German Michel [3] in all of us, who is always ready to forgive all injustice heaped upon him for a few sentimental tears offered. They may confuse a few of our unsuspicious types, but not us.
We know exactly whom we are dealing with. Alone because of them, we must win the war. If we were to lose it, these harmless Jewish petty bourgeois would suddenly turn into raving wolves. They would come upon our Volk, upon our women and children [5], to carry out a revenge mission not existing in all of world history.
We cannot turn back from our fight against the Jews-not to mention that we do not want to. The Jews have to be separated from the German Volk because they threaten our national solidarity. This is an elemental law of a voelkisch, nationalistic and socialistic hygiene. They will never leave us in peace. They would, if they could, turn one country after another against us in war.
What do they care about the sorrow of humanity connected to that, as long as they can force the world under their financial and racial reign! The Jews are a parasitic race, which like a rotting mold comes upon instinct-deprived populations. For that there is only one solution: Cut them off and throw them out! How pathetic are the stupid, thoughtless, tear-jerking arguments of a few remaining Jew lovers versus a world problem that bothered mankind for thousands of years.
Their jars and eyes would drop, if they could see their dear Jews once in a power position. But then it would be too late. And therefore, it is the duty of a national leadership, with all the measures they have available to them, to make sure that this will never happen. There is a difference between humans and humans, just as there is a difference between animals and animals.
We know of good and bad people, just as we know of good and bad animals. The fact that the Jews still lives amongst us is not prove for their benevolence. Just like a flea drawn to us is not a pet just because it is in the home. Bramsig or a Mrs. Knoeterich feels great pity for an elderly Jewish lady when they see her wearing a Jewish star, then let them not forget that a removed nephew of this old lady, with the name Nathan Kaufman is sitting in New York hatching a plan to sterilize all Germans under the age of 60, and that the son of her distant uncle is a warmonger under the name Baruch, or Morgenthau, or Untermayer and the driving force behind Mr.
Roosevelt to instigate him into war. And if they succeed, a brave but ignorant American soldier may kill the only son of Mr. Knoeterich, all for the higher honor of Jewry, to which also this old woman belongs, no matter how fragile or pitiful she comes across.
If we Germans even have a fatal flaw in our national character, short in memory. This flaw testifies to our human decency and generosity, but not always to our political insight and prudence. We think that all people are benevolent like us. Our military defeated France in six weeks, and then you see the German soldiers on the streets handing out bread and sausages to the hungry French women and children and gasoline to the stranded Parisian, so they can return to their metropolis as soon as possible and, at least partially, continue to display their hate against the Reich.
Our national virtue is our national defect. But we all do not want to be any other way, and wherever our world-famous benevolence is not causing terrible damage to ourselves, then there is nothing to object. If fitting somewhere the best, than this warning fits into our current circumstances with respect to the Jews.
Here compliance is not only a weakness but negligence of duty and a crime against the national security on top of it. Because the Jews long for one opportunity, to reward our foolishness with blood and terror. This must never come to pass. And one of the most effective measures against this is unforgiving, stony cold hardness against these slayers of our nation, against the instigators of this war, against the beneficiaries if we were to lose this war, and therefore, also necessarily so against their own victims, when we win the war.
The Jews are our downfall. They have instigated and brought about this war. With it they wanted to destroy the German Reich and our people. This plan must be destroyed. There is no difference from Jew to Jew. Every Jew is a sworn enemy of the German people. If he does not show his enmity then only because he is either a coward or he is shrewd, but not because he does not carry hate in his heart against us. Every German soldier who falls in this war, is on account of the Jews. When you see someone with the Jew star, then know that he is an enemy of our nation.
Whoever associates with him privately belongs to the Jew and must be evaluated and treated like a Jew. He deserves the contempt of the whole nation whom he cowardly and meanly deserts in her hardest time to join the side of our enemy. The Jews benefit from the protection of the enemy countries. There is no further proof necessary of their malign role against our nation. The Jews are messengers for the enemies amongst us. Whoever is on their side, has joined the enemy in this war.
The Jews have no right to claim having the same rights as us. Wherever they agitate against us on the street, in the lines in front of the stores, and in public transportation, they are to be silenced. Not only because what they say is foundationally false, but because they are Jews and have no voice in our community. If the Jews approach you sentimentally, remember that this is done speculating that you are forgetful; show them immediately that you can look through their deceit and punish them with disdain. To a decent enemy we grant generosity after their defeat.
But the Jew is not a decent enemy, he only pretends to be. The Jews are responsible for the war. They are not receiving any injustice from us by the way we treat them. They have more than deserved it. To find a final solution for them is the responsibility of the government. No one has the right to act in his own behalf, but instead everyone has the duty to honor the measures against the Jews and to represent these measures amongst everyone. In recognition of the danger of the Jews, it is the duty [of every German] to not be confused by their tricks and chicanery.
This is demanded of all of us for the security of our country. Publisher Freundenkreis Ulrich von Hutten, e. John de Nugent and John Friend speak about Jewish plans to eradicate all white people. Es geht dabei um die physische und wirtschaftliche Vernichtung der Deutschen.
Zumindest dahingehend, dass Deutschland versucht, in Europa die charakteristischen Ziele des Krieges zu erreichen. Kaufman hatte diese Mordpropaganda bereits vorgeben: Ebenso wenig ist es ein Krieg gegen die Nazis. Nach dem Krieg wurden die Rollen einfach vertauscht. Der deutsche Publizist Julius Streicher wurde am Dass der Kaufman-Plan nicht zum offiziellen Regierungsprogramm gemacht werden konnte, muss einleuchten.
Diese globale Welt war Teil von Kaufmans Plan. Aber nichts dergleichen geschah, die publizistische Behandlung des Mordplans fand auf hohem Niveau statt, nirgendwo wurde zu Racheakten gegen die Juden aufgerufen. Roosevelt und Englands Premier Winston Churchill. Aber so wie Kaufmans Plan inoffiziell auf vielen Ebenen verwirklicht und weiterentwickelt wurde, so geschah das auch mit dem Morgenthau-Plan, er wirkt noch heute fort? Als Kaiser Wilhelm II. Die ultra-orthodoxen Rabbiner jedoch verweigerten ihre Teilnahme. Millionen von deutschen Kriegsgefangenen wurden bis in die er-Jahre als Zwangsarbeiter in der Sowjetunion, England und Frankreich gehalten.
Die offizielle Zahl der ausgerotteten deutschen Kriegsgefangenen in der Sowjetunion wird mit etwa 1,3 Millionen angegeben. Im Westen versucht man die Zahlen zu vernebeln. Anstatt Hungerrationen gab es irgendwann Kredite. Kredite, das uralte Rezept zur Schaffung von Sklaven. Roosevelt und vertrat ganz offen den Abschaffungsplan von Professor Hooton. Hooton, ausgesprochen, als er am 4. Eisenhower und Harry S. Truman lasen das Buch und stimmten dem Inhalt vorbehaltlos zu. Und es wird auch so bleiben. Und so erinnert der abgewandelte Morgenthau-Plan an all das: Ja, wir sind weiterhin besetztes Land [8] und die Einwanderung und Ansiedlung von Nichtdeutschen geht unvermindert weiter.
Wohlgemerkt, 29 Millionen waren schon bis gekommen, und seither kamen jedes Jahr etwa Patton bis 7. Truman bis 7. Marcus Tullius Cicero bis 43 v. Diodoros um 30 v. Tacitus 55 bis n. Urteile aus dem Neuen Testament. Mohammed bis Bernhardin von Feltre Franziskaner, predigte Erasmus von Rotterdam Johann Trithemius bis Martin Luther bis Giordano Bruno bis Maria Theresia , regierte bis Voltaire bis Immanuel Kant bis Johann Gottfried von Herder bis Johann Wolfgang von Goethe bis Friedrich von Schiller bis Johann Heinrich Pestalozzi bis Johann Gottlieb Fichte bis Ernst Moritz Arndt bis Arthur Schopenhauer bis Treitschke, Geschichte des Wilhelm Meinhold bis Die Reichsten unter ihnen lassen dem minder Reichen gerne die Reste ihrer Mahlzeit zukommen.
Heinrich Hoffmann von Fallersleben bis Helmuth von Moltke bis Christian Dietrich Grabbe bis Ludwig Feuerbach bis Die Griechen betrachteten die Natur mit den theoretischen Sinnen: Mose 24, 10, Ludwig Feuerbach, Das Wesen des Christentums. Bruno Bauer bis Richard Wagner bis Franz Dingelstedt bis Otto von Bismarck bis Theodor Mommsen bis Ferdinand Gregorovius bis Heinrich von Treitschke bis Friedrich Nietzsche bis Houston Stewart Chamberlain bis Daniel Frymann bis Siegfried Passarge bis Theodor Fritsch bis Dietrich Eckart bis Adolf Hitler bis Joseph Goebbels bis Patton bis Truman bis Charles Lindbergh bis Otto von Habsburg bis Richard Nixon bis Elisabeth Noelle-Neumann bis Marlon Brando bis Premierminister von Malaysia — Manuel Zelaya bis Gegenwart.
You know how large a group they are, how unanimously they stick together, how influential they are in politics. I shall lower my voice and speak just loudly enough for the jury to hear me; for there are plenty of people to stir up those Jews against me and against every good Roman. Perhaps even more than on its own tradition, the Jewish group has thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has forever met in the world.
Here undoubtly lies one of the main reasons for its continued existence through so many thousands of years. Their [the Jews] greatest danger to this country lies in their large ownership and influence in our motion pictures, our press, our radio and our government. I am not attacking either the Jewish or the British people. Both races, I admire. But I am saying that the leaders of both the British and the Jewish races, for reasons which are as understandable from their viewpoint as they are inadvisable from ours, for reasons which are not American, wish to involve us in the war.
The Europeans killed 6 million Jews out of 12 million, but today the Jews rule the world by proxy. They get others to fight and die for them. They survived 2, years of pogroms not by hitting back, but by thinking. They invented […] socialism, communism, human rights, and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong — so they may enjoy equal rights with others.
With these they have now gained control of the most powerful countries. The Jews […] are not merely hook-nosed but understand money instinctively. The Jews seek to perfect their position in society by perfecting the society in which they live. This is a normal social reaction. If this hostility, this repugnance had been shown towards the Jews at one time or in one country only, it would be easy to account for the local causes of this sentiment. But this race has been the object of hatred with all the nations amidst whom it ever settled.
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Inasmuch as the enemies of the Jews belonged to divers races; as they dwelled far apart from one another, were ruled by different laws and governed by opposite principles; as the had not the same customs and differed in spririt from one another, so that they could not possibly judge alike of any subject, it must needs be that the general causes of antisemitism have always resided in Israel itself, and not in those who antagonized it. Liberalism leads to Collapse. Das Entscheidende aber war folgendes: Nur sechs Jahre des Friedens sind uns seit dem Wann wird die wehrlose Gans vom Fuchs deswegen nicht gefressen, weil sie infolge ihrer Konstitution aggressive Absichten nicht haben kann?
Sein Versuch, Polen zu beseitigen, wurde nicht aufgegeben aus Mitleid mit dem damaligen Polen, sondern nur infolge der verlorenen Schlacht vor Warschau. Die Widerstandskraft unserer Nation ist seit dem Indem wir seine Existenz verteidigen, verteidigen wir sein Werk. Es ist nicht weniger als sein Dasein auf dieser Welt. Die Geister, die die Demokratien aus den Steppen Asiens gerufen haben, werden sie selbst nicht mehr los. Das Ende wird immer das gleiche sein. Dieses Schicksal aber wird Deutschland niemals erleiden! Es ist daher am Von dieser Pflicht kann mich nur der entbinden, der mich dazu berufen hat.
Es lag in der Hand der Vorsehung, am Ich wende mich mit besonderem Vertrauen dabei an die deutsche Jugend. Es wird auch in diesem Kampf nicht Innerasien siegen, sondern Europa — und an der Spitze jene Nation, die seit eineinhalbtausend Jahren Europa als Vormacht gegen den Osten vertreten hat und in alle Zukunft vertreten wird:. Metapedia — Letzte Rundfunkansprache am Es ist moeglich, dass Teile von dieser elektronischen Datei ausgeschnitten wurden. Der Text wurde von mir mit der audio Datei verglichen. Letzte Rundfunkansprache am Wer wollte den Krieg. Chamberlain go about, bible in hand, preaching his noble war aims, I cannot help but having the impression of watching the devil, bible clasped under his arm, creeping up to a poor soul… Britain claims they will bomb our women and children.
It is no surprise. Since when did the British care about women and children?! The English invented concentration camps. In the Boer War, the English locked up women and children. Over 28, Boer women [Dutch-Germans in Africa] died wretchedly in these camps. Why should England fight differently today? We have anticipated this and we have prepared ourselves…. It shall be showered with open trade, a cultural and religious revolution, just as the promises they made after WWI. With endless pledges for help and ever more decay and poverty in our country, we had no one to turn to in our desperation.
After 15 years of asking and hoping in vain, we knew that our only option for survival was to depend on ourselves alone. It took overcoming the many political divisions in our country. Though the National Socialists look glorious at times, our struggle was formidable, but in the end we succeeded. In the shortest time span we have shaped the resurrection of a nation in decline, heading for extinction. Unfortunately, these forces from without never wanted us to be united and prosper.
This compelled us to turn our struggle against their aim to divide us from without. We wanted peace, but justice was not granted to us, and we knew that without justice there can be no lasting peace. The old hate agitations, driven by the same hateful race, repeat themselves against us now. Instead from within as before, the destructive onslaught comes from without. So we took steps to protect ourselves. We armed ourselves, just in case, while always working toward peace.
But they chose war! And so they have it. They all claim their war aims for a Golden Age once again. And especially England, the war hawk of the world fighting for justice and eternal peace, claims there will be no more need for armament because free trade, culture and religion will blossom as never before. Only victors and vanquished were left. Cultures became crazily distorted and there was no Christian mercy anywhere to be found. Instead of carrying around the bible, as Mr. Chamberlin always does, they carried the articles of the Versailles Diktat. There was no freedom and equality for nations but a vilest oppression.
Years of poverty and utter hopelessness followed for us, too cruel to want to remember. The disarmed had to bow to the tyranny of the armed. Parallel to this there was no economic prosperity but a lunatic network of reparation payments forced upon us, leading to destitution not just for us but also the victors-but we suffered the most.
From those days we learned that no one will come to our rescue and we stopped begging and rose to rescue ourselves. A nation burns their fingers only once with those deceivers. In regard to that, I value the brunt honesty of Mr. Churchill and further, the honesty of the French. We have overcome our internal division! Destructive forces took a grip on Germany. It has refused to allow the existing state of affairs and undertaken its modification. It changed the method of eradicating the state of affairs by saying: When we took charge of ourselves, we prospered.
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We replaced the hopelessness with a different hope, the belief in ourselves again. And yet, the other world began to scream-especially the English leaders: This does not fit into our world economy plan! Germany is united and today it is the greatest power in the world and our military the best. Germans have overcome their divisions in culture and economics and are united in the same cause to preserve their country using their willpower and faith.
Daladier suffers from delusions when he denies the claims of the German unity. He tries to drive a wedge between us just as our adversaries at home did. It was a difficult struggle internally. Opposing forces took place inside of Germany to destroy our party. Our success elicited immediately hatred against us. They wanted us to stay hopeless and weak. Their eternal battle cry was: The Party must be outlawed! Ours was nothing but hard work, struggle, worries, and labor, and we know that we are destined by God to lead this cause. Germany was successful in WWI but then Germans became ungrateful and turned against their own country.
And the Lord withdrew his protection. This will not happen a second time. From opposing internal forces to external destructive forces. And now opposing forces outside of Germany have the same battle cry: We must atomize these eighty million. They should not be allowed to remain within a contiguous state structure. Thereby we can rob them of the force to see their demands through!
When I came into power, I realized that it was not enough for our party to win, but that now began the struggle to free the German people from bondage. For this we built all our objectives, the future party, the Labor Front, the SA, SS and all the other organizations of the defense, army, air force and navy to guarantee us the liberty of our nation. Just as at home, I have negotiated and demanded liberty for our nation. I succeeded in some areas and not in others. But already in we realized that the old war agitators of WWI were active. They pretended to come to agreements in Munich, but when they left, they continued the same agitations.
There is no understanding in the world if we do not insist upon our rights. Our demands cannot be half-met because they leave room for inflaming fights in the future. I am your spokesman for your rights. It is not about me but about the destiny of the German nation, its past suffering and its future hope. The desire to destroy Germany is not new. They all fought in the name of the Lord for our destruction and never for any material gain, especially Mr.
Chamberlain who is very demonstrative with his bible. And because of this, the Lord has bestowed England with nearly 40 million square kilometers of soil on this earth as a reward. And in the name of the Lord there was no shortage of eager crusaders to assist England in its exploits not only then but also today. And they pocketed our African colonies and our fleet. No other country can claim such noble and great glory for the Lord. Hate against Germany has been taught for centuries. We do them no harm with our claims. But certain circles of England have launched this intolerable hate campaign against us.
I struggled with the same type of people early in the beginning when we were just a handful of participants in our party and continued to do so during the whole 15 years. We do not teach our people hate against the British or French. But in their countries they are relentless with their hate campaigns. One day these brain-washed people will become the new government and then Germany will not know what hit it.
This is why I am building up a defense. We took steps to protect ourselves. From on, we started to build up our armament to defend ourselves, if necessary.