Gently in the Sun (Inspector George Gently Series Book 6)
The twenty-fifth George Gently adventure, featuri… More. Shelve Gently to a Sleep. The Honfleur Decision by Alan Hunter. Book by Hunter, Alan. Shelve The Honfleur Decision. The Scottish Decision by Alan Hunter. Shelve The Scottish Decision.
Death on the Heath by Alan Hunter. Shelve Death on the Heath. Gently Between Tides by Alan Hunter. She seemed to care only for music and poetry. Shelve Gently Between Tides. Death on the Broadlands by Alan Hunter.
Series: George Gently
The Norfolk Broads seemed the perfect place to re… More. Shelve Death on the Broadlands. The Unhanged Man by Alan Hunter. Shelve The Unhanged Man. Shelve Once a prostitute The Chelsea Ghost by Alan Hunter.
Chief Superintendent Gently Series
Shelve The Chelsea Ghost. Goodnight, Sweet Prince by Alan Hunter. Shelve Goodnight, Sweet Prince. Traitor's End by Alan Hunter. Shelve Gently With The Millions. Gently Scandalous by Alan Hunter. Shelve Gently To A Kill. Gently Tragic by Alan Hunter. Gently in the Glens by Alan Hunter. Shelve Gently in the Glens. Bomber's Moon by Alan Hunter. The Love of Gods by Alan Hunter. Gently with the Painters by Alan Hunter. Gently to the Summit by Alan Hunter. Gently Go Man by Alan Hunter. Gently Floating by Alan Hunter.
Gently Sahib by Alan Hunter. Gently with the Ladies by Alan Hunter. Gently North-West by Alan Hunter. Gently Continental by Alan Hunter. Gently Coloured by Alan Hunter.
Gently with the Innocents by Alan Hunter. Gently at a Gallop by Alan Hunter. Gently French by Alan Hunter. Gently Through the Woods by Alan Hunter. Gently with Love by Alan Hunter. Gently Instrumental by Alan Hunter. Gently to a Sleep by Alan Hunter. The Honfleur Decision by Alan Hunter. The Scottish Decision by Alan Hunter. Death on the Heath by Alan Hunter. Gently Between Tides by Alan Hunter. Death on the Broadlands by Alan Hunter. Unhung Man by Alan Hunter. Once a Prostitute by Alan Hunter. The Chelsea Ghost by Alan Hunter.
Goodnight, Sweet Prince by Alan Hunter. Although old George can put himself about when needed too, getting physical with the slimy Fisher for example-not bad going for a man the wrong side of fifty who clearly loves his food and flavoursome pipes! This book is set amongst the ruined back streets and industrial yards of Norchester or real life Norwich to judge by the football teams yellow and green strip. There are a few twists and turns along the way and Gently turns down a few dead ends before he gets his man in his own dogged, obstinate style-the man is going to hang for his crime too, reminding readers that this in s England we are still in after all.
Alan Hunter does a great job of evoking the look and feel of that long ago decade, and I enjoyed funny old words like stuggy and bosky crop up in the narrative. At other times his writing has a poetic, almost existential ring to it: Gently Does It is a far darker book than it first appears, with sinister sexual undercurrents and mechanical allusions abounding everywhere.

At times it has echoes of crime classics like In Cold Blood. It is not the best or strongest of the Gently series, but makes a fine introduction to the doleful detective and his gently sleuthing style. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon. Kindle Edition Verified Purchase.
Series by cover
Its aim is to give a picture of a police investigator slowly building up his knowledge of a crime to a point, not where he knows who did it - both you and he know that at a fairly early stage - but to a point where he can bring a charge which will convince the jury. I did not read this book first, and thus missed the above admonition which explains the philosophy of the series.
This is the best book in the series that I have read. There is plenty of action: There are plenty of potential "chummies" suspects in the murder of a local businessman, and Gently must work through them all to come up with the culprit. I thoroughly enjoyed the story and highly recommend it.
George Gently | Awards | LibraryThing
This was the first Gently book that I had read. II liked it very much. A straight forward police procedural with unusual characters well done and an interesting plot. I would like to read more in this series. The books are different than the TV series in many ways but this one was a fun read.