Extra Virgin: Recipes & Love from Our Tuscan Kitchen
They talk about their upbringing, how food and cooking shaped their childhood, how they met and their love affair with all things culinary as well as their marriage and family. I like a cookbook with a story.
Not just the photos of the delectable food but the ones featuring Debi and Gabriele. Turn to the first page after the table of contents p. Especially the one with Debi in the kitchen looking at her man. Photos of Gabriele cooking over a grill or the ones with his children are just smoking hot.

The food photography jumps off the page, making you reach for a bite. The recipes are well laid out and easy to follow. Just about everything is covered in this book: Only because of personal dietary issues I would have to say the section on Paninis was of no use to me. We have a wheat intolerance and while I can substitute a gluten free pasta for any of those dishes, the breads are straight out for us. If you are not in the minority of folks with wheat or gluten issues, this chapter will make your mouth water.
In the list of kitchen and pantry essentials they mention we need an immersion blender. Almost any cookbook mentions this but this is the cookbook to sell me on one! I want one now…very much! So many recipes to try, perhaps the next risotto I prepare will be the one with squab and mushrooms. For now, I will share a home cooked meal, prepared with love.
Grilled pork, potatoes and squash. Liberal use of olive oil, garlic and butter! Jun 30, Laurie rated it it was amazing. I have to say this is the first formal review I have ever done for a Cookbook! I selected this for review specifically because of it's Tuscan Italian recipes. This is co-written by actress Debi Masr and husband Gabriele Corcos; not exactly Italian sounding names but don't let that fool you!
Within four hours I ravaged this book from cover to cover. This book is heavy in a few ways. First- the book is bound beautifully. The quality of the paper is heaven to the touch. What I love most is that whe I have to say this is the first formal review I have ever done for a Cookbook! What I love most is that when you open to a recipe even in the middle of the book, it lays flat. There is nothing so frustrating than trying to follow a recipe and having to stretch the binding! The illustrations are beautiful and reflect how sometimes a few simple ingredients can yield beautiful food.
I hesitate to even refer to this as a "cookbook" to be honest. From the first page, the reader is brought into the early lives of Debi and Gabriele; their associations and memories of cooking with their Italian Nonna's. Their stories resonated with me especially when they mention making fresh pasta and hanging it over chairs to dry I did this with my Nonno , picking the vegetables for meals from backyard gardens and traveling to the local butcher for your meats. What follows is a brief section on "The Essentials of a Tuscan Kitchen". Then come some recipes, more narrative and then even more glorious recipes.
This book has twelve sections: One of the early comments made by Gabriele reads "It's interesting how often making food for someone else may seem routine on the surface, but inside you teem with deeper emotions connected to caring for others. Italians cook from their heart as well as their gardens.
In fairness and in keeping with the purpose of a book review to not only mention the great things, my only disappointment is that not all recipes had an illustration. I am a visual cook, so I really "depend" on that. It is not light! I can just search the web for an image of the dish: All in all this book provides inspiration and confidence. Completed in about 20 minutes! Who knows, maybe something off the Dolci Dessert menu! If you choose to purchase one Cookbook this year, consider this one, it is a treasure!
Jun 03, Katherine Gypson rated it really liked it. I have no prior experience with Extra Virgin, the Cooking Channel show that this book is based upon. When I requested a copy for review, I had no idea that one of the co-authors was actress Debi Mazar. I was simply drawn in by the insanely beautiful cover photograph and the chance to learn more about Tuscan cooking.
By and large, I found what I was looking for and much more in this beautifully produced, very personal cookbook. There is information about Gabriele and Debi's approach to food, their life with their daughters and their visits to Tuscany. This material may be of more interest to viewers of their TV show but I did not find it depleted my enjoyment of the book - it simply did not add much for me.
I found it much more interesting to read about the Tuscan approach to ingredients. Lately, I have been trying to eat fewer processed foods and more meals that rely on fresh, whole ingredients. Tuscan food - with its emphasis on freshness and simple but bold flavor profiles is perfect for this type of cooking. I've already made the Mozarella, Tomato and Farro salad from the Appetizers section and very much enjoyed it - I can see it becoming one of my lunch rotation staples. I was able to find at least recipes in each section that I'm eager to try and many more involving ingredients that will be fun to scout around and find!
There are some more challenging recipes involving lobster, steak and pork that more experienced cooks will find interesting. I was especially interested in the Tiramasu recipe that gets the dessert away from its cloyingly sweet American incarnation and back to its Italian roots. The only missteps for me are the Latin and South American recipes for guacamole, tacos and caipairinhas.
They seem out of place and dilute the lovely focus on Tuscan cooking. Overall, I am thrilled to be introduced to this type of cooking and look forward to spending many hours in the kitchen with this beautiful book! I received a copy of this book from the publisher for review. Sep 21, Jean Huber rated it it was amazing. I have been a long time fan of Debi Mazar as an actress and was delighted to she this other side of her.
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- Extra Virgin: Recipes and Love from our Tuscan Kitchen – SIGNED – SOLD OUT - The Tuscan Gun.
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It was hard to pick which recipe we would try out for this review but since it was for my husbands birthday dinner I let him choose. We made the Lasagne Alla Bolognese on page In order to complete this mouth watering dish I had to follow three separate recipes in the book, but it was still very easy to follow and the dish came out perfectly!
The small amount of leftovers we had did not make it past the following day. This cookbook is wonderful for beginning and experienced cooks alike. Without question five out of five stars! I received this book from Blogging for Books for this review. Jan 31, Steven rated it it was amazing. I cannot get enough of this couple. Their passion for food and their descriptions of it's deliciousness will transport you to not only another world, but another world in another time.
I read this book, like a novel. Stick Yukon gold potatoes in the oven and let the roaster work its magic — in an hour, the spuds will come out crisp on the outside and tender on the inside. This Tuscan-inspired grilled cheese — featuring gooey, melted mozzarella — is modeled after a sandwich that Gabriele's dad used to make for him as a kid. The trick to Debi and Gabriele's creamy spaghetti alla carbonara?
They make a sauce out of fresh organic eggs, then mix it with cooked noodles that have been loosened with a bit of pasta water.
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This helps develop the Roman dish develop the velvety consistency it is known for. This hearty tomato sugo is also known as "fake sauce" because it mimics the flavor and texture of ragu without any meat. Chunks of onion, carrot and celery give the sauce added heft, while a generous slug of red wine helps deepen the color.
It's just as filling and delicious as the real thing. A dollop of wild carrot honey infuses this creamy, cheesy risotto with a touch of sweetness. You can also use sunflower honey, but Gabriele advises against tree honey because of its slightly bitter edge. I've made many of their recipes and they have all garnered stellar reviews. They have made me fall in love with Tuscan food and I couldn't be more happy with this gorgeous book that was just delivered. I was thrilled to see that the book has the Roast Pork recipe with sage and rosemary - one of the best pork loin recipes I have made.
The book is beautiful and the photos are stunning! I'm editing this review as I have had further time to review the book - and am pleased that many of the recipes from the show are included in this book. I'm of the school being the founder of the Cookbook Junkies that I'd rather have a beautiful book in my hand than a sheet of paper while cooking.
I can wholeheartedly recommend Gabriele and Debi's recipes - they work, are rustic and delicious. The beef stew, lasagna, pasta alla gricia, and tiramusi are just a few of the dishes I have made and are perfect - and am looking forward to the risotto with carrot honey that I am making this week as well as many others. Gabriele has given me permission to start a group to cook through the book so - please come join us! By the middle of the last paragraph of the preface, I realized I was weeping. By the end of the preface, I had an uncontrollable urge to get in my car and drive home to Louisiana.
I, too, come from a culture that cherishes simple, delicious food that is always shared with family and friends. As I turned to the first section with the word "appetizers" printed in red and a gorgeous photo next to it, I knew that reading this cookbook was going to be an all day affair.
I immediately dug the tips of my toes into my couch cushions, took a sip of hot coffee, and turned the page. The recipes, stories, and photos make this cookbook an absolute treasure!
Extra Virgin: Recipes & Love from Our Tuscan Kitchen by Gabriele Corcos
There are so many things about Debi and Gabriele that I admire - but first and foremost is their love for each other, their girls and how they use food to convey that. This cookbook is a true testament to that love. It's not just about the recipes - although one quick glance at the book, you will want to make just about every recipe that is written.
What sets this book apart from all others are the stories on each recipe page and how they transport you to Gabrielle's and Debi's table in Brooklyn or their farm in Tuscany. You can smell the garlic and San Marzano tomatoes simmering as you flip through the pages. The book is well thought out - offers great tips on stocking your pantry and kitchen to entertaining.
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Tuscan cooking is all about simple, fresh ingredients. Therefore, the recipes are not complicated or very time consuming.
Debi Mazar and Gabriele Corcos
Almost all ingredients can be found in your local market - and if you're lucky enough to have a farmers market and local butcher - all the better. The photography alone is worth buying the book. It's like a photo essay - a little window into their lives and how food shapes them and brings their family and friends together. It's inspiring and really makes you want to incorporate their passion into your own life. Each turn of the page makes me happy - brings a smile to my face. I have never made my own pasta, but watching the show and now reading the cookbook have inspired me to do so.
That will be a small labor of love, I'm sure - but how wonderful that two people have prompted me to take the extra time and give that love back to my family. I knew I would love it - but it has surpassed my expectations. I plan to order 4 books today to send to family and friends for Mother's Day. It's my duty to spread the love. Thank you, Gabriele and Debi, for sharing your passion for food, love for family and connection to your roots. See all reviews. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers.
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