Die Ostverträge - Entstehung, Inhalt und historische Bedeutung (German Edition)
Englische Bomber unternahmen am 3. Im Grunde ist die Revolte vom Er hat das Wunder bewirkt, dass die Berge von Schwierigkeiten, die den Weg zur nationalen Wiedergeburt versperrten, versetzt wurden. Aber er hat noch mehr erreicht. Er hat Deutschland eine neue Seele gegeben. Niemals zuvor in der Geschichte hat sich ein solcher Wandel in dem Charakter einer Nation, in ihren inneren Lebensbedingungen, in ihrer internationalen Stellung, ja sogar in der Haltung des Volkes innerhalb so kurzer Zeit vollzogen.
Ich weise meine Landsleute darauf hin, dass Deutschland eine neue Gangart menschlichen Bestrebens eingeschlagen hat. Deutschland ist das neue Sparta. Der gleiche Geist nationaler Zucht und Selbstaufopferung, der den wenigen tausend Einwohnern eines kleinen griechischen Stadtstaates einen dauernden Platz in der Geschichte eintrug, wird jetzt wieder von An dem Tage, an dem er sein Amt antrat, gab es 6. November dieses Jahres waren es 2. In zwei Jahren sind durch ihre Anstrengungen All das an diesen Tagen nationaler Selbstlosigkeit ersparte Geld geht an die Winterhilfe.
Diese haben zum Beispiel den Eindruck verbreitet, dass die deutschen Juden ! Ich war, seitdem ich in Deutschland gewesen bin, erfreut, die durch das Radio verbreitete Feststellung Sir Austen Chamberlains zu lesen, dass das Hitler-Regime in Deutschland fest verwurzelt ist. Wir haben keinen Grund zu Streitigkeiten mit diesen Leuten.
Ihren Interessen wird ebenso wie unseren und denen der gesamten zivilisierten Welt am besten durch enge und freundschaftliche Zusammenarbeit zwischen uns gedient sein. Wenn erst einmal einige wenige der schreiendsten Ungerechtigkeiten des Friedensvertrages beseitigt sind, wird kein Grund mehr vorliegen, warum Europa in den kommenden Jahren nicht friedlich sein sollte.
Postfach 25 54, Coburg. Januar Friedrich Kurreck. Meine Antwort ist, dass Abenteurer das britische Weltreich gebaut haben! Viele finden es anscheinend schwierig, das Bild eines kultivierten Mannes mit einem Manne von entschlossenem Handeln in Einklang zu bringen. Es ist nicht das Deutschland des ersten Jahrzehnts nach dem Krieg, gebrochen, mutlos und nieder gebeugt in Sorge und Ohnmacht.
Dieses Wunder hat ein Mann vollbracht. Konfessions-, Stammes- oder Klassenherkunft spalten das Volk nicht mehr. Es herrscht ein leidenschaftliches Streben nach Einigkeit, geboren aus der harten Notwendigkeit. Der schwache Punkt in solchen Verfahren ist offenkundig. Alliierte Justiz war Folter- und Galgen-Justiz. Kaufman rechnete aus, dass man mit Hilfe der amerikanischen Armee und Es gibt nichts, was an den Deutschen unschuldig ist, die Lebenden nicht und die Ungeborenen nicht.
Hinweise und Zahlen dazu: Kapitel VII dieser Arbeit: Und nun fangen wir erst richtig damit an. David Calleo, New York. So sahen sich deutsche Lebensinteressen konfrontiert mit dem katastrophalen Diktat von Versailles, mit der kommunistischen Weltrevolution und mit der von England vorgetragenen traditionellen Einkreisungs- bzw. Schuldig ist nicht nur derjenige, der den ersten Schlag tut, schuldig ist auch derjenige, der den Streit zuvor verursacht oder verschuldet.
Wenn nicht ein Tod drohen soll, so kann nur neues Denken weiterhelfen. Die autonome Person will frei urteilen, ohne dass politische Korrektoren auf den Plan treten. Wie Lennart Meri mit Klugheit feststellt, haben viele Deutsche, insbesondere global eingestellte Ideologen, ihre Geschichte verloren. Jedoch — warum sollte sich organisches Denken nicht wieder durchsetzen? Und jedes Volk hat nur seine Wahrheit. Die deutsche Kriegsschuld und Europas Zukunft, Pr. Die Verunglimpfung der Wehrmacht. Deutschland-Journal-Fragen zur Zeit, Hamburg Ich brauchte nur meine Netze auszuspannen, dann liefen sie wie ein scheues Wild hinein.
Titel des von Dr. Brutal setzte er, noch vor Stalin, die russische Auffassung von Marxismus durch — mit Konzentrationslagern und Allein in der Ukraine starben in einem Jahr Millionen Menschen. Der Aufschrei in weiten Teilen der politischen [linken] Klasse war gewaltig, aber nicht verwunderlich. Du wirst es noch erleben, dass er und dadurch auch wir siegen und eine Bewegung entfachen werden, die die Welt erzittern macht!
Wenn es sich darum handelte zu schwindeln, war Schacht unbezahlbar! Erst wenn es darauf ankam, eine innere Haltung zu zeigen, da konnte er nicht. Ein Freimaurer hat da den anderen betrogen. Oder auch hier Das Haavara Abkommen u. Es ist eine Travestie der Geschichte zu sagen, dass dieser Krieg Amerika aufgezwungen wurde. Oliver Lyttelton — britischer Minister, am Winston Churchill, Kriegsverbrecher und Freimaurer am 7.
Das war sicher ein Fehler. Unser Zielauftrag war der Atlantik. Nur ein toter Deutscher ist ein guter Deutscher!
Trị Nám Da Hiệu Quả Và Các Thông Tin Liên Quan Đến Làm Đẹp
Macht nur weiter, Sam wird mir Montag sagen, was ich zu tun habe. Die Zahl der Kriege ist nach noch schneller gestiegen als vorher…. Ein Umfall ohnegleichen erfolgte …. The slaughter in the trenches, the destruction of cities and the oppression of citizens: Selbst der polnische Generalstab war sich eines schnellen Vormarsches bis Berlin sicher. Er schrieb deshalb an Her Riezler, den er kurz vorher kennengelernt hatte, am Weitere Nachforschungen nach diesem Bild oder Darstellungen von ihm blieben ohne Erfolg, auch solche von dem inzwischen verstorbenen Dr.
Karl-Otto Braun in Washingtoner Archiven. Horace Greely Hjalmar Schacht Das Selbe trifft ebenso auf die Tschechische Republik zu! Millionen haben mitgemacht, Millionen sind dagegen gewesen. Bronder, Zusammenfassung aus S. Congressional Record vom 1. Es war aber umgekehrt: Vor allem wehrt er sich gegen eine pauschale Verunglimpfung der heute noch lebenden Kriegsteilnehmer:. Sein Umgang mit linken Geschichtsklitterern? Ein alliierter Umerzieher zu Prof. Die Historiker beweisen es uns immer wieder.
Typhus killed the prisoners not gas. Thousands died in the camps not millions. World Almanac, , pg. World Jewish Population — 15,, World Almanac, , pg. Du kommentierst mit Deinem WordPress. Du kommentierst mit Deinem Twitter-Konto. Du kommentierst mit Deinem Facebook-Konto. Benachrichtigung bei weiteren Kommentaren per E-Mail senden.
Nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs: Die von Margaret Thatcher angesprochene Zeit vor brachte schon einige bedenkliche Zeitungsnotizen aus England: Nach einem Bericht des Westdeutschen Beobachters stellte die britische Regierung folgende Bedingungen: Aufgabe der derzeitigen deutschen Wirtschaftspolitik! Mai — Befreiung oder Katastrophe? Magische Macht Mammon, S. Der Historiker Michael Freund Quelle: Anmerkungen zu Sebastian Haffner, S. Henry Ford, Quelle: Churchill auf seiner Rede in Fulton Quelle: Thomas Mann, Quelle: Emil Maier-Dorn in seinem Buch: Anmerkungen zu Sebastian Haffner, Seite 28 ——- Am 5.
Der englische Generalmajor Fuller, , Quelle: Emil Maier Dorn in seinem Buch: Churchill auf seiner Rede in Fulton, Quelle: September folgende Proklamationen: Der Dresdner Altmarkt am Der Zeitgeschichtler Professor Edwin Hennig berichtet: General Blumentritt berichtet, wie Hitler in jener Zeit sprach: Der polnische Botschafter in London, Raczynski, berichtete: Um die Groteske voll zu machen: Den Ton geben Zuwanderer an. Und dieser Ton ist laut. David Lloyd George Zitat: Dazu der schwedische Naturforscher Sven Hedin: Stalins Rede vor der Frunse-Akademie, 5. Erste englische Angriffe auf Berlin Zitat: In Hiroshima starben ] nach dem Abwurf der Atombombe Der Glaube verrichtet Wunder.
Politik gegen das Volk Kritische Stimmen: Arrow Books, London Chamberlin, W.: Roosevelts scheinheiliger Krieg, Leoni Courtois, S.: Schwarzbuch des Kommunismus, Paris Czesany, M.: Europa im Bombenkrieg, Graz Dahlerus, Birger: Die Deutschen und ich, Hamburg Diwald, H.: Geschichte der Deutschen, Berlin Diwald, H.: Deutschland einig Vaterland, Berlin Eckert, Horst: Kriegsschuldfrage der beiden Weltkriege, Rosenheim Frey, G. Kommunismus und Faschismus im Oldendorf Halder, F.: Alliierte Verbrechen an Deutschen, Pr.
Ein Weltkrieg wird programmiert, Kiel Kurowski, F.: Verbrechervolk im Herzen Europas? Kriegsschuld , Kiel Rooster, K.: Verbrechen an der Wehrmacht, Selent, Siegerist, J.: Bombing Vindicated, London Splittgerber, H.: Der Eisbrecher, Stuttgart Sutton, A.: Seine politische Utopie, Berlin Tansill, Ch.: Stalins Falle, Leoni Thadden, A. Guernica, Leoni Tobias, F.: Der Reichstagsbrand, Rastatt Tolstoy, N.: Die Verratenen von Jalta.
Historische Tatsachen, Vlotho, ab Weckert, J.: Zur Vorgeschichte des Krieges Nr. Die Wehrmachtsuntersuchungsstelle Berlin Zitelmann, R.: Mai im Berliner Schauspielhaus Anmerkung: Vor allem wehrt er sich gegen eine pauschale Verunglimpfung der heute noch lebenden Kriegsteilnehmer: Entlarvende historische Zitate John3v Kommentar verfassen Antwort abbrechen Gib hier deinen Kommentar ein Martin Luther; history of religion. Series Schriften des Historischen Kollegs 92 Br.
Kirchengeschichte; Altes Reich; Verfassungsgeschichte; Kulturpolitik. The exercise of worldly power by Church institutions is among the characteristic features of the Holy Roman Empire and its constitution. Collection, German, 4th quarter Series Studien zur Germania Sacra. Neue Folge 6 Ca. This volume examines the world of music during the era of reform in Russia under Peter the Great, and describes the political and social function of music during the transitional period from the 17th to the 18th century.
Collection, German, 1st quarter Luthers mittelbare Nachfolger, die Pastoren des The multidisciplinary essays in this volume consider this history from the perspective of the Reformation city of Zurich. What impact did the cultural origin and religious background of a merchant in the early modern period have on his business activity and how could he become integrated in a foreign society? In this book, the author examines merchants who traded between Hamburg and Portugal in the 17th century. The study offers new insights into the history of migration and intercultural encounter during the globalization of the early modern period.
They were responsible for the survival of the Reformation, yet they always remained in the shadows of their great predecessor. How did they obtain their ministries? How did they live? How did they manage to rescue the Lutheran church enterprise despite massive internal quarreling in an epoch marked by perpetual war and crisis?
In OldArcadia, Philip Sidney suggests a courtly order in which nature functions as a force of authority in matters of politics, the law, and morality. This study describes the various concepts of nature he invokes, and investigates their coexistence and conflict with the authority of God and the dominion of fortuna. In this volume, scholars of history, literature, art and theology re-evaluate the context and significance of polemical and ethnographic literature about Jews by Johannes Pfefferkorn and other converts.
The volume presents new perspectives on the life and works of Pfefferkorn, the sixteenthcentury debate about Jewish books, the sources for anti-Jewish writing, and the interconnection between early modern ethnography and anti-Jewish polemics. Ethnography; conversion, Jewish books. Lomonosov — was a Russian scientist and writer, a true Enlightenment polymath. His First Principles of Metallurgy ranks among the best-sellers in the history of science and is an interesting example of how knowledge was shared between Saxony and Russia in the early 18th century.
This volume makes an annotated edition of the full work available for the first time in German. Dieses Buch nimmt diese Krise erstmals aus globaler Perspektive in den Blick. Die Weltwahrnehmungen der Akteure geraten ebenso in den Blick wie die internationale Beteiligung an der Spekulation in London. Ever since the South Sea Bubble of , stock market crises have been a recurrent historical phenomenon. For the first time, this book examines the South Sea Bubble crisis from a global perspective.
It focuses on how participants perceived the world along with the international nature of Londonbased speculation. The impact of the stock market crisis was felt around the globe, from Baltic Sea trade to India, China, and Pennsylvania. The volume has been updated while keeping its proven three-part organization into presentation, research, and bibliography. A supplement to the research section and bibliography presents research developments and trends since the previous edition. Germany —; Church history; cultural history; textbook.
This book presents an issue-focused history of humanism and the Renaissance in Germany in a European context, starting with an examination of Italy as a model and drawing on the broad conceptual and research guidelines established by Burckhardt and subsequent scholars. Bildungsgeschichte; Gelehrtenkultur; Neulateinische Literatur; Philippismus. The Municipal Latin School in Magdeburg was one of the most renowned academies in the Protestant world.
The sources analyzed for the first time in this volume testify to the unbroken continuity of humanistic teaching through the post-Reformation period. Ancient texts and the works of Erasmus taught students humanistic principles such as the ideal of virtue, a non-aggressive approach to conflict, and the quest for a peaceful world. In recent years, intermediality has become a paradigm in literary studies, the visual arts, and musicology.
This interdisciplinary volume presents a first attempt to systematically apply the forms, functions, and concepts of intermediality to the Early Modern Period. In addition to addressing forms of literature-centered intermediality, the work focuses on varieties of musical intermediality and the concept of the artistic work as a whole. Intermediality; early modern period; interart studies, comparative studies. An der Wende vom He advocated for the parity of German language and poetry with the language and poetry of its neighbors, and helped build the bridge from humanism to Enlightenment.
Silesian school of poetry; Baroque poetry. The Iberian Peninsula links two oceans and thus, several continents of the world. This fact, too long overlooked by Romance language scholars, raises philological, aesthetic, and cultural questions that go beyond the confines of the 21st century.
The study suggests a new reading of the history Romance language scholarship and of 17th century canonical texts. Philology; Cultural studies; Globalization; Literary aesthetic of globalization; Semantics of space; Spanish Atlantic history. Series mimesis 67 Ca. Exploration; French Revolution; colonialism; phi-. Vor rund Jahren besuchte Martin Luther Rom.
About years ago, Martin Luther visited Rome. Reflections about his journey often inquire as to its having been a critical factor for the Reformation, a prejudicial perspective often leading to a negative view of the trip and the city. Reformation; History; Martin Luther; Rome. Martin Luther; Reformation; influences of Reformation. Series De Gruyter Reference Approx. Reformation; Humanismus; Melanchthon, Philipp. Written by a team of internationally renowned scholars, this newly conceived handbook provides a reliable introduction to the life, work, and impact of Philipp Melanchthon.
Erstmals werden Anklage, Verteidigung und Aburteilung Martin Luthers als rhetorisch motivierter Zusammenhang untersucht. Ist das alles der Beginn der Neuzeit? Luther; Wormser Reichstag ; Protest; Rhetorik. The book addresses the events surrounding three rhetorical events at the Diet of Worms in Is all of this the start of early modernity? Luther; Diet of Worms ; protest; rhetoric. A major cultural genre from antiquity to the present time, autobiographical writing has developed manifold types and forms. By conceiving autobiography in a wide sense that includes diaries, self-portraits, autofiction as well as medial transformations of the genre, this three-volume handbook offers a comprehensive survey of theoretical approaches, systematic aspects, and historical developments in an international and interdisciplinary perspective.
Special emphasis is placed on the modes of selfrepresentation in non-Western cultures and on interand transcultural perspectives of the genre. Utopiegeschichte; Diskurs; Gattung; Politische Imagination. The study traces the history of utopias from to as settings for competing political visions and the impact of utopias on changing social realities. This re-evaluation of utopias offers promising insights about a universal problem in cultural studies — the relationship between literature and politics.
What stories must be told to inspire people toward a better world? The study examines the underlying premises and methods behind the popular schemata used for agitating the working class. It focuses on aspects of literary politics, book design, the history of mentalities, and reception along with a narratological analysis of literary examples.
This study explores religious transformation in Iran under Safavid rule. In addition to presenting the proclamation of Shia Islam as the official religion, it places the Safavids in context, examines religious change as such, and traces the multiple actors involved.
- End of the World: Tanach Predictions.
- Film, Nihilism and the Restoration of Belief?
- 10 citas extraordinarias para vigorizar tu matrimonio (Spanish Edition)?
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- Translation of «Ostverträge» into 25 languages.
It also considers impacts to religious institutions and the legitimation of rule, while reflecting on religious change in architecture and ritual performances. Applying an inter-disciplinary approach to Arabic and European sources, this study advances a coherent, contextual, and continuous reading of his thought and actions. This work contributes to studies of post-colonial Islamic thought and the interpretation of religio-political actors.
Sufism; Political Islam; Intercultural. The volume documents Prussian press policy from the lifting of censorship in and the legal provisions of the Press Act. The examined sources reveal the numerous ways in which the press lacked freedom — despite the absence of censorship during these decades — as a result of government regulation, coercion, and propaganda. In addition, it describes the major central government steering and control bodies, including their impact and staff. Die Quellen zeigen die Vielgestaltigkeit der zensurfreien Presseunfreiheit dieser Jahrzehnte, die auf staatlicher Regulierung, Repression und Propaganda fusste.
Zudem werden die wichtigsten zentralstaatlichen Lenkungs- und Kontrollorgane in ihrem Wirken und Personal vorgestellt. A Challenge for the State: Antisemitismus und die untergeordnete Stellung der Nichtordinarien. Der Auseinandersetzung kommt jedoch eine breitere historische Bedeutung zu. Edition, German, 1st quarter Conflict between the Old Lutherans and the Prussian regime from to , especially in Silesia, has been largely considered to date from the perspective of church history.
However, the conflict has broader historical significance. Since the monarch determined state policy on religion, the repudiation of his sovereign rights over the Lutheran church also challenged the absolute authority of the state. The volume documents the final years of the German Confederation, covering to It focuses on the negotiations at the Frankfurt Conference published in full for the first time as well as the impact of the Schleswig-Holstein conflict, which led to the political collapse of the German Confederation and ultimately to its violent destruction in the Austro-Prussian War of German Confederation; Austria; Prussia.
Der Band dokumentiert die letzten Jahre des Deutschen Bundes von bis For the first time, this work considers the nobility in Southeast Europe from the perspective of contemporary historical discourse on aristocracy. Conservative Discourse in Prussia and Sardinia-Piedmont, —]. The book analyses the collective career of the artistic profession in Brno and Vilnius and the necessity to copy the behavior of the elites of the Old Regime.
The newspaper discourse disposed potential to integrate and to smuggle novelties by exposing old values. Die Studie untersucht die Dynamisierung des konservativen Politikdiskurses im Laufe des In the Age of Revolution, European conservatives confronted an ongoing challenge: How could they fulfill their dreams for a nation state without destabilizing existing power relations? The study investigates the transformation of conservative political discourse during the 19th century, which culminated in the implementation of the nationstate ideal in Germany and Italy.
Kinderstube des Kapitalismus untersucht die Beziehung zwischen Kindern und Geld im This study in cultural history examines the day-to-day work of diplomats in Paris, and also considers how diplomats viewed themselves. Als in den er und er Jahren die Konservativen ihre sprachliche Deutungshoheit an die Linke verloren glaubten, wurden die politischen Sprachen des Konservativen neu formuliert.
Das Buch zeigt, welche weitreichenden politischen Folgen diese nationalen und transnationalen Auseinandersetzungen um die Begriffe hatten. Nursery of Capitalism examines the relationship between children and money in the 18th and 19th centuries. In the modern era, money came to symbolize both a resource for rationalization and a morally dangerous object. The author reveals that this ambivalence surfaced particularly in educating children to become economic citizens, and thus extends the history of economic subjectivity to include the perspective of children.
What does conservative mean? This question preoccupied intellectuals and politicians in post Great Britain and West Germany. In the s and 70s, as conservatives sensed they were losing their linguistic authority to the Left, they reinvented the political language of conservatism. This book shows the far-reaching political consequences of this national and trans-national struggle over definitions.
Dabei richtet sie ihren Fokus gerade auf deren Umstrittenheit und ihre argumentative Verwendung innerhalb politisch-gesellschaftlicher Debatten.
Digitale Bibliothek der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung: Gesamtverzeichnis Oktober 2004
Der Kampf um Deutungshoheiten und um das Erbe der Revolution sowie die damit einhergehenden Refigurationen von Narrativen stehen im Vordergrund. A key emphasis is placed on how the Revolution impacted and informed sociopolitical debate. The study illuminates the struggle over the accepted interpretation of the Revolution, and reveals how this struggle reconfigured historical narratives.
Commemorative culture; 18th century. The volume examines the importance of the Austro-Prussian War of , which was a key year in German, European, and Hessian history. The authors analyze the era of the German Confederation up to , Austro-Prussian dualism, and the significance of the Franco-Prussian War of — for Germany and Europe. This study explores the Polish image of Prussia in the second half of the 18th century, a period marked by the division of Poland and Lithuania and the loss of national independence, while at the same time, the apex of the Polish enlightenment.
The author questions the prevalent notion of a strong negative image of Prussia in Poland and reveals forms of reciprocal cultural transfer and political relations. With this as a starting point, Volker Sellin shows how the European monarchies restored and prolonged their reigns by giving their countries constitutions. This new angle results in an astonishing history of the 19th century in Europe from Spain to Russia.
The book provides a comprehensive reference source for the governing class of Great Britain and Ireland from Oliver Cromwell to Winston Churchill, and offers a deep pool of data to support analysis of social, political, economic, and cultural history in the British Isles over the course of more than four centuries. Close transatlantic relations are no longer taken for granted. Paul Nolte examines the causes of this change and, along the way, analyzes the basic structures of Western modernity from the early modern era until today: His analysis adds historical depth to our snapshot images of GermanAmerican relations.
The volume focuses on the relationship between historiography and the philosophy of history.

This book retrieves conceptions of national identity and ways of feeling French that competed against each other in the 19th century. Migration and Global Interdependence in the History of Germany since ] Migration und globale Verflechtungen in der Geschichte Deutschlands seit Wissensgeschichte; Migration; Globale Verflechtung. Knowledge circulates beyond national boundaries and undergoes change when arriving in new contexts. The empirical studies in this volume, which stem from the fields of education, media studies, and the history of science, describe how knowledge is created, the forms its takes, the participants involved, and the ways this process has challenged established wisdom.
Interreligious dialogue is an essential tool to facilitate peaceful coexistence among people groups with different religious backgrounds in an increasingly metropolitan world. The Orthodox Church has a long experience with interreligious dialogue and has encouraged tolerance and mutual understanding. This volume documents the contribution of the autocephalous orthodox churches since the s until today in an ecumenical context. Max Weber; Religionshermeneutik; Handlungstheorie; evangelische Theologie. In his writings on the sociology of religion, Weber offers interpretive schemes of religious life.
Elaborated with great complexity, these schemes encompass numerous dimensions. This study examines them in the context of contemporary discourse. Max Weber; hermeneutics of religions; action theory; Protestant theology. The volume represents a tribute to the two hundred year legacy of Wissenschaft des Judentums and its singular contribution to not only modern Jewish self-understanding but also to the unfolding of humanistic cultural discourse.
It is based on papers delivered at a conference, sponsored by the Leo Baeck Institute in Jerusalem, by scholars from North American, Europe and Israel. The papers explore ramified historical and methodological issues. Jewish Historiography; Wissenschaft des Judentums. Series Studia Judaica Approx. Women have shaped Judaism and other religions through their leadership in many different ways. These changes are part of larger transformations in modern societies.
This volume convenes international scholars and practitioners, who analyze the historical context, current developments, and personal experiences with processes that re-define not just the role of religion but also the way women understand themselves. Women in religious leadership; women in Judaism; religion and gender roles; religion and social change. Series Studia Judaica 95 Approx.
Covering the period from the Enlightenment to the 21st century, the series focuses on cutting-edge work in social, cultural, economic, and political history. It seeks to explore new avenues in the understanding of modern Jewries in their historical contexts, encouraging a multi-layered exploration of topics which transcend the analytical boundaries of ethnicity, nation, and religion.
The series embraces monographs and challenging research-oriented anthologies dedicated to a deeper understanding of essential themes in the main fields of Jewish studies, such as Jewish thought, migration, biography, Israel and the Middle East, Holocaust studies, the history of memory, and identity. Wie artikuliert sich im Antisemitismus; Antizionismus; Kognitionswissenschaft; Sprachanalyse; Zentralrat. This study considers the question of how specific ideas about Jews are constructed and activated. At which point can a statement be regarded as anti-Semitic?
The two authors examine the various verbal manifestations of current anti-Semitism and the mental images on which these are based, applying both a historical perspective and the perspective of linguistic and cognitive science. Der Band leistet einen wichtigen Beitrag bei der Spurensuche deutschsprachiger Juden infolge von Emigration. As part of the German Jewish Cultural Heritage project, the contributors to this volume examine the cultural influence of the German-speaking Jewish intelligentsia around the world. This influence continues to be felt in many countries of origin and exile without being adequately reflected in collective consciousness.
This volume makes a substantive contribution to the search for traces of German-speaking Jewish culture in the wake of emigration. Besides targeting Jewish jurists, from onward anti-Semitic movement in Germany particulary persecuted Jewish doctors. This volume examines the history of the disenfranchisement, expulsion, and murder of Jewish physicians by the National Socialists. Berlin; National Socialism; Jewish doctors. Collection, German, 2nd quarter Contributions to a History of Relationship and Reception].
Weltkrieg neutrale Schweden eine besondere Situation.
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Dennoch hatte die Konfession unmittelbaren Einfluss auf die Wissenschaftspolitik dieser Disziplin. The impact of orientalism and anti-Semitism is not confined to Jewish scholars. Oriental studies had a key role in these conflicts: Denominational differences directly influenced science policy in this discipline. Denominational research; Jewish history; orientalism. Monograph, German, 2nd quarter The migration of German-speaking Jews to Sweden began as early as the 18th c. While the political establishment initially responded with reluctance or opposition, the engagement of civil society helped to facilitate the last-minute rescue of many people.
The anti-Semitic appropriation of Goethe is additionally discussed. Lena Roos, beide Univ. Collection, German, 3rd quarter As the civil rights of Jews underwent reform in Prussia, Prussian officers argued against compulsory military service for Jews. As they saw it, assimilation was a prerequisite for legal emancipation.
Prussia; officer corps; anti-Judaism; emancipation. Beyond the romance of the Orient, early 20th century Egypt had an unknown facet: After the Nazis took power, however, circumstances changed, and Germans of Jewish origin were targeted for persecution. Egyptologist Ludwig Borchardt and his wife, Mimi Cohen, launched a relief campaign supported by an international orientalist network, which made Egypt its headquarters starting in Egypt; German colonies; Jews; National Socialism;.
The volume focuses on Jewish conversion to Christianity in the 19th century presenting case studies of specific converts in Germany, Russia, Poland, and England and the ideological and spiritual motives of conversion. The intellectual itineraries between Judaism and Christianity offer a unique perspective on the formation of modern Jewish identities, Jewish-Christian relations, and the history of Jewish skeptical postures.
In these works the author sets out his view of Jewish identity and, in debate with the political Zionism of Theodor Herzl, advocates a Jewish nationalism that focuses above all on the cultural renewal of Judaism in Europe. The voluntary adoption of Aryan-only clauses in many sports clubs as early as — before the establishment of the National Socialist sports regime — was a first step on the way to the collapse of civilization.
The source collection provides a comprehensive overview about the legal processes around the exclusion of Jewish athletes in the s and 40s. In documents, the volume offers a practicecentered outline of conditions in the Prussian elementary school system between the end of the 18th century and in the Province of Brandenburg. Jahrhunderts bis auf dem Gebiet der Provinz Brandenburg existierten. Drittes Reich; Edition; Nationalsozialismus. This volume presents a representative selection of documents on German policy in The failure of Blitzkrieg on the Eastern front forced a change in the economic and administrative management of the war effort, including the mobilization of domestic reserves and the intensified plundering of occupied territories.
Third Reich; edition; National Socialism. The Ministry of Finance played a previously underestimated role in this process. The fruits of their plunder flowed into the German war chest and enabled Hitler to wage his war. Germany and Russia in a European Context. Imperiale Konzeptionen in Deutschland und Russland zu Beginn des Conceptions of Empire in Germany and Russia at the beginning of the 20th Century.
At the dawn of the 20th century, great hopes were invested in the naval forces. How did the German navy deal with associated expectations and disappointments, and why did it maintain its original aims despite many setbacks? Rojek develops a conceptual framework for analyzing the disappointment of political aspirations, thus making a valuable contribution to political history.
Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte Ca. Politician, parliamentarian, and journalist Kuno von Westarp — was a key figure in political conservatism from the Wilhelmine era to the National Socialist period. Series Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte Ca. In ihm kristallisierte sich die Ambivalenz der Moderne. Hitlers Weg an die Macht ist oft beschrieben worden.
Kaum beachtet wurde, dass er sich dabei stark an Mussolini orientierte. Die beiden verband bis zu ihrem Tod eine politische Freundschaft. Judenverfolgung; Sexualwissenschaft; Medizingeschichte; Schwulenbewegung; Biografie. Hirschfeld was a pioneer in the field of sexology, and opened the first Institute of Sexology in Berlin after the First World War. Yet the extent to which Hitler was inspired by Mussolini is often neglected. Hitler and Mussolini remained political friends until the very end.
This book sheds new light on this unique relationship. Riccardo Bavaj, University of St. They also explore the day-to-day life of seaman, and discuss forms of remembrance. Michael Epkenhans, Zentrum f. Collection, German, English, 4th quarter Telegrams intercepted by American intelligence between the foreign ministry in Tokyo and Japanese embassies in Belin, Rome, and Moscow are an important primary source that has received little study. Peter Herde analyzes them and presents the most important telegrams in their English translation by the US intelligence services. The telegrams offer new insights into relations within the Axis pact and between Japan and the Soviet Union.
Second World War; Axis powers; Japan. Occupation Policy in Yugoslavia, —] Besatzungspolitik in Jugoslawien — Als Hitler Jugoslawien zerschlug, war auch Mussolini zur Stelle. This regime had a troubled relationship with its Croatian ally, and fought bitter confrontations with Communist partisans. The author analyzes this terrible chapter in European history, whose repercussions continue to be felt today.
Second World War; Fascism; guerilla warfare; Balkans; war crimes. Systematic theology; history of theology; philoso-. More than , Italians were held captive by the Nazi regime between and and sentenced to forced labor. Testimonies of Captivity gives the Italian military internees a chance to tell their own stories. Their fate in Germany and Italy after has been long neglected despite the unusual nature of their experiences with the National Socialist regime and its complex wartime relationships with Italy. This volume documents the persecution of the Jews in Fascist Italy and in the lands of Yugoslavia, Greece, and Albania that were occupied by Germany and its allies.
Although the initial situation was different in each territory, from the summer of on, following the fall of Mussolini and the occupation of Italy, the Germans sought to implement the same policy of extermination everywhere. Tillich Research 12 S. Edition, German, 2nd quarter Erforschen und Erinnern der Geschichte der Shoah verschieben sich in die digitalen Medien. Die vorliegende Studie analysiert die Implikationen und Konsequenzen dieses digital turns und formuliert mit dem virtuellen Zwischenraum der Erinnerung einen eigenen theoretischen Entwurf. Holocaust; Digital History; Erinnerung; Geschichtstheorie.
Researching and remembering the history of the Shoah has shifted to the digital media. This study analyzes the implications and consequences of this digital turn. The work focuses on the Visual History Archive, the most important digital archive of testimonials by survivors of the Shoah. Digital history; remembrance; theory of history; Holocaust.
The study discusses the history of the Jewish refugees within the Shanghai setting and its relationship to the two established Jewish communities, the Sephardi and Russian Jews. Attention is also focused on the cultural life of the refugees who used both German and Yiddish, and on their attempts to cope under Japanese occupation after the outbreak of the Pacific War.
Until recently, scholarship failed to explore this task of the German judiciary in more detail. Edith Raim fills this gap by showing the extent of the crimes committed against Jews beyond the traditionally known facts. Contrary to popular belief, he can show that there was an impressive system of previously unknown rescue efforts.
Furthermore, in stark contrast to the Zionist movement, WJC leaders strove to establish a Jewish state and to rehabilitate Diaspora Jewish life, two goals they saw as mutually complementary. Military alliances between nations have typically been concluded with the aim of fending off threats by third parties.
What happens when two treaty partners become enemies themselves and actually fight each other militarily? Die Edition dokumentiert und analysiert die Entwicklung der bilateralen Beziehung der Bundesrepublik Deutschland und Ungarn in den Wendejahren von bis vor dem Hintergrund des ungarischen Reform- und Transformationsprozesses und der deutschen Wiedervereinigung. The volume documents and analyzes the development of bilateral relations between West Germany and Hungary during the period of transition between and , against the backdrop of the Hungarian reform and transformation process and German reunification.
The book concludes with a chronology, a catalogue of documents, and brief biographies of the most important political figures. The joint analysis of threats conducted by NATO was a remarkable chapter in history: Intelligence services; international relations. Der Band widmet sich unterschiedlichen Facetten des aktuellen Antisemitismus und diskutiert dessen Mobilisierungspotential. In recent years, there has been a tangible radicalization of antisemitism, which has had pernicious consequences, including deadly terrorist attacks.
Zukunft avancierte in den westlichen Industriegesellschaften der er bis 70er Jahre zu einer zentralen Kategorie. At first, future research was the source of expertise for a veritable planning boom, but later, future research entered a period of decline, as the limits of predicting future events became increasingly evident. Ideas of the future; planning boom; knowledge of the future; forecasting; controlling. Series Quellen und Darstellungen zur Zeitgeschichte S. Matthias Kuhnert investigates the logic of humanitarian engagement.
The focus of the study is how civil society organizations generate popular support for their activities. Using the example of British NGOs, the author analyzes the ways that humanitarian organizations evoke emotions to help communicate their message and foster popular will to help.
Entwicklungspolitik; Dritte Welt; Emotionsge-. Frankreich, vom Linksterrorismus nach weitgehend verschont, sah sich in den er Jahren einer neuen terroristischen Bedrohung ausgesetzt. Largely spared from left-wing terrorism after , France faced a new terrorist threat during the s. Various groups perpetrated violent attacks, including Islamist terrorists from the Middle East.
Jahrhunderts nach und fragt nach seinen Voraussetzungen und Folgen. History of the future; security; the social state; risk. Im Laufe des Series Wertewandel im In , a key topic was the removal of mediumrange nuclear missiles from Europe, as had been agreed in the INF Treaty. West Germany; foreign policy; edition. Der Autor geht der Entwicklung ihrer Kriegsvorstellungen auf den Grund.
During the Cold War, the possibility of armed conflict with the Warsaw Pact loomed like a sword of Damocles over West Germany, which was slated to become the battleground of the Third World War. Given this permanent threat, the military leaders of the Bundeswehr were forced to imagine the forms the war would take. The author explores in detail the historical development of their ideas about war. Cold War; Third World War; ideas of war; images.
After a no-confidence vote and early new elections, Willy Brandt remained Chancellor. Oder war alles ganz anders? Were Erich Honecker and Yasser Arafat a real-life example of male friendship? Or was the reality quite different? Almost 30 years after the demise of the GDR, this study is the first comprehensive national and international academic examination of East German—Palestinian relations. Series Studien zur Zeitgeschichte 92 S. Der Alliierte Kontrollrat hat zahlreiche deutsche Gesetze aus den Jahren — wegen nationalsozialistischer Inhalte aufgehoben.
Die Mehrzahl dieser Gesetze blieb jedoch in Kraft. Wie man mit dieser Herausforderung umgegangen ist, wird am Beispiel des Familien- und Arbeitsrechts gezeigt. Justizgeschichte; Eherecht; Arbeitsrecht; Entnazifizierung; Abstammungsrecht. While the Allied Control Council repealed many German laws passed under Nazi rule, the majority of such laws remained in force. After , German courts faced the task of applying legal norms from the Nazi period under fundamentally altered conditions.
This study describes the ways they dealt with this challenge using the examples of family and labor law. History of justice; marital law; labor law; denazification; parentage law. In the s, planning and preparing for the future took on greater importance in both East and West Germany. How did policymakers think about the future, what actions did they take, how did they understand modernization and progress? How did their ideas change in the late s, and what role was played by how they saw each other? The volume reveals the similarities and differences between East and West Germany in anticipating the future.
Erinnerungen an Gustav W. Ruset-saqartvelos urtiertobebis mokle mimoxilva rusetsi mimdinareprocesebis fonze u. Esche, Andreas Responsabilidade individual e responsabilidade coletiva: The German welfare state after national unification. El estado en la economia social de mercado: El estado que proponemos: Estimular o crescimento e aumentar a competividade no Brasil: Ethnische Konflikte und Integrationsprozesse in Einwanderungsgesellschaften: The EU and its poor neighbours: Die EU und ihre armen Nachbarn.
EMU needs a socially balanced fiscal policy and an active labour market policy. Die EU und ihre armen Nachbarn: The EU and its poor neighbours. Die EU-Osterweiterung als Herausforderung: EU Eastern enlargement and development cooperation. Euro i jego wplyw na system bankowy Europy Srodkowo-Wschodniej - Electronic ed.: Euro and its impact on the banking system in Central and Eastern Europe - Electronic ed.: Globalisierung perfekt, Demokratie defekt? The Euro-Atlantic alliance under the conditions of building European security structure: Stuttgart, 12th - 16th April Europa demokratisch und sozialistisch: Europa und Lateinamerika vor dem 2.
Gipfeltreffen - Electronic ed.: Entwurf des Programms der deutschen Sozialdemokraten zur 2. Eine Bundesrepublik mit begrenzten Kompetenzen? European trade union organisations ISBN http: Strengthen the European Parlament. European labour market and human resources development. Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Internationale Politikanalyse, European Court of Human Rights: Clare Short ; Frankreich: Charles Josselin ; Schweden: European labour market and human resources development: European security at the start of the new millennium: European technology policy as a socio-political project: Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Dep.
European trade union organisations: Eurokolleg ; 47 E Dt. The European works councils: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Philippines Office, An evaluation of the crop pack programme: Evolving global governance structures: Evropa i Germanija glazami rossijan: Evropa posle 11 sentjabrja i buduscee Belarusi: Evropejskaja model' na poroge XXI veka: The European model on the eve of the 21st century. Evropska socialna in zaposlovalna politika: Executive and legislative at local level: The exercise of European competencies in the real problem, not the allocation of competencies in the treaties: Fachhochschulen in der deutschen Hochschullandschaft: Fachpolitisches Programm der Arbeiterwohlfahrt.
Der Faschismus und die Intellektuellen: Fenomen bednosti v Rossii: Fenomen bednosti v sovremennoj Rossii: Ferdinand Lassalle - Geburtstages von Ferdinand Lassalle am FES Tanzania - co-operation is the key: Commissioned by the Joint Consultative Committee Financing local self government: Finanzausgleich und die Modernisierung des Bundesstaates: Finanzielle Steuerung im Gesundheitswesen: Finanzierung der deutschen Einheit: Jahrbuch Arbeit und Technik. Flexibility, but for whom?
O FMI e a economia brasileira: Studies on international financial architecture ; ,1: Arbeit und Sozialpolitik, Referat vor dem Schweizerischen Arbeitertag am 5. Foreign policy of the Slovak Republic: A forum of contradictions: Frankreich im Wahljahr Vorstand der SPD, Frauenreferat]. Frauen an die Friedenstische - Verhandlungen mit Genderperspektive! Frauen in der Deutschen Arbeiterbewegung: Women in the German labour movement http: Frauen in der Mannschaft: Frauen nach der Wende: Frauen im gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Umbruch ; Dokumentation des Workshops in Berlin am Frauen im gesellschaftlichen und wirtschaftlichen Umbruch ; Dokumentation des Workshops in Leipzig am Vortrag, gehalten auf der Sozialdemokratischen Frauenkonferenz in Weimar, Vorstand der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands, Frauenpolitik NRW , Presse- und Informationsstelle der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Frauenstimmen aus der Nationalversammlung: The free movement of workers in Europe: Landes- als Schwurgerichte in Wien am September ; mitgetheilt nach dem bei der Verhandlung aufgenommenen stenographischen Protokoll.
Die freie Wohlfahrtspflege in den Wandlungen unserer Zeit: Freiwilligendienste - Wege in die Zukunft: The free movement of workers in Europe. Frieden im Nahen Osten - wird aus Hoffnung Wirklichkeit? Friedenspolitik in der Demokratischen Republik Kongo: Der Friedensprozess in Kolumbien: Friedrich Ebert - Friedrich Ferdinand von Beust im Visier seiner politischen Gegner: Frisch auf den Tisch From communist dictatorship to democracy: Referate der Reichskonferenz der Arbeiterwohlfahrt , The future of multilateralism after Monterrey and Johannesburg: The future of old industrial regions in Europe: Gadasachadebi da sagadasachado politika sakartweloschi: Ericha Brosta przy Fundacji im.
Die geistige Struktur Europas: Gender in trade union work: Gender- und Frauenpolitik in Lateinamerika: The general agreement on trade in services GATS: Asien und Pazifik Adresse: Maria do Carmo A. Menschenrechtsverletzung durch Tradition und Unterentwicklung ; Fachtagung, 8. The geopolitical position of Central Europe: Gering Qualifizierte - Verlierer am Arbeitsplatz?! Trends und Anpassungserfordernisse ; [ El estado de bienestar aleman despues de la unificacion.
Germany and the United States after Iraq: History of the EMF. Kongress der Textilarbeiterinnen Deutschlands. Das Geschlecht als Bremse? Gesellschaft des langen Lebens: Der gesellschaftliche Umgang mit Sterben und Tod: Umbruch - Abbruch - neuer Aufbruch? Gewerkschaften in der Ukraine Gewerkschaften und soziale Demokratie im Gharaibeh, Ibrahim Muslem brotherhood movement in Jordan: Ghettos oder ethnische Kolonie? Irrigation water and agriculture in the Jordan Valley and Southern Ghore: Ghezawi ; Mohammad M.
Studies, Royal Scientific Society, Gibt es einen modernen Rechtsextremismus? Global game for cuffs and collars: Globale Herausforderungen deutscher Sicherheit: Globale Stabilisierung als Imperativ: Globalisierung der besonderen Art: Die Grundwerte der Sozialdemokratie: Die Globalisierung sozialer Gerechtigkeit: Jahrhundert ; Kurzfassung ; Globalisierung und nationale Sozialpolitik: Die Globalisierung sozialer Gerechtigkeit.
FES Internet-Redaktion, http: Grazdanskoto obscestvo i pravata na licnostta: A great game no more: Region of the future: Griechenland in ruhigerem Fahrwasser: Ende der Tory-Herrschaft dank "neuer" Labourparty? Grundlinien eines modernen Sozialstaates: Forschungsinstitut der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Abt.
Grundsatzprogramm der Sozialdemokratischen Partei Deutschlands: GUUAM - porjadok i kooperacija v postsovetskom prostranstve: GUUAM jak miznarodna organizacija: Monika Reichert unter Mitarb. Arbeit und Sozialpolitik, []. Haj, Majed al- [The Soviet immigrants in Israel: Dritte Wege - neue Mitte - Electronic ed.: Die Herausforderung der Organisierung in Europa: The organising challenge in Europe.
Herbert Wehner - und die deutsche Sozialdemokratie: History of the EMF: Hourani, Hani Who's who in the Jordanian Parliament - How gender enters the mainstream: Andrej Zavadski ; Miraslau Kobasa]. Hramadskae Ab'jadnanne Fond imja L'va Sapehi [u. Hrvatsko radnistvo i socijalna pravda: The human right to water under the condition of trade liberalisation and privatisation: Das Menschenrecht auf Wasser unter den Bedingungen der Handelsliberalisierung und Privatisierung http: Human rights and civil society in the Mediterranean: Humanes Leben, humanes Sterben: International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, Natos mier Iugoslaviis zinaagmdeg samchedro dsalis gamokenebis saertaschoriso-samartlebrivi aspektebi].
Lederer ; Axel Nickel. Entwicklungszusammenarbeit, Referat Lateinamerika und Karibik, ILO conventions and the covenant on economic, social and cultural rights: The IMF and the Brazilian economy: The impact of genetic engineering on agriculture and human health: Research Council of Zimbabwe The impact of mergers and acquisitions in finance on workers, consumers and shareholders. Importance of special economic zones: Full employment in the EU within ten years.
Aufruf der SPD zur Europawahl am Terror und kein Ende: Ein Bericht von Hans J. Industrialisierung, sozialer Wandel und Arbeiterbewegung in Deutschland und Polen bis The industrialization of Jordan: Matthes Buhbe, Sami Zreigat. Industrialna demokracija i ucastie v upravlenieto: Fondacija "Fridrich Ebert" - Germanija [u. Die industrielle Arbeiterfrage und die Forderungen eines neuen Arbeitsrechts: Vortrag, gehalten auf der Volksversammlung des Congresses der sozial-demokratischen Arbeiterpartei zu Coburg am Informalidad y seguridad social en Uruguay: Information and Communication for global governance: Die Infrastruktur sicherer und verbindlicher Telekooperation: Die Innenseite des Regimes Milosevic: Saqartvelos schoda konpliktur raionebschi mimdinare prozesebi u.
Integrations- und Antidiskriminierungspolitik in Einwanderungsgesellschaften: Interessen und Hindernisse bei der EU-Osterweiterung: International Conference on Whither Turkey? Dimensions of future Turkish domestic and foreign policy ; Berlin, June 4. The International Federation of Trade Unions: The International Labour Organization: International trade law and climate change: International trade union organisations: Internationale Metallarbeiterorganisation und ihre Aufgaben: Iran after the fall of Baghdad: Al-Urdun al-Jadid Research Center].
Ist die Verwaltungsreform geschlechtsneutral? Fondacija Friedrich Ebert, Biro Beograd. Fundacija "Fridrich Ebert", Kancelarija Skopje. Zaklada Friedrich Ebert, Ured u Zagrebu. Japan - ein Auslaufmodell? Japan auf dem Wege zum "Kapitalismus pur"? Japan nach den Wahlen: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Bureau de Paris, Jean Monnet et le nouveau visage de l'Europe apres la deuxieme guerre mondiale. The Jordanian democratic process: Realities and Prospects, held in Amman, The Jordanian labour movement: Jordan's water resources and their future potential: Lateinamerika und Karibik Electronic ed.: Referate und Arbeitsgruppenberichte vom AW-Sozialarbeitertreffen vom Bundesrepublik Deutschland - Volksrepublik Polen Polska Agencja Interpress, Kacestvo na rabotata v malkite i srednite predprijatija: Kakav ustav treba Srbiji.
Kalta sozialuri da samartlebriwi mdgomareoba gardamawal periodschi: Der Kampf um den Achtstundentag: Sozialdemokratische Partei Deutschlands, ]. Die Kunst des Selbstrasierens. Kann sich Europa emanzipieren? Kein Krieg ohne Frauen - ohne Frauen kein Frieden? Keine Wende am Arbeitsmarkt in Ostdeutschland: Keine Zeit zum Spielen: The US-Jordan free trade agreement and qualifying industrial zones as a model for industrial development: Khudairi, Salma al- Rural women development in Jordan: Centre for Women Studies, Kinder in Kriegs- und Krisengebieten: Women Legal Aid Centre].
Der Kirchturm und sein Horizont: Klein, Wolfram El Mercosur: Klose, Hans-Ulrich La socialdemocracia: Koji je model privatizacije potreban Srbiji? Kolektivnoto trudovo dogovarjane v predprijatieto: Pod rakovodstvoto i sast. Pod pakovodstvoto i sast. Kolumbien - Aufgaben einer Menschenrechtspolitik: Kommunalabgaben - Drama ohne Ende?
Kniga podgotoblena i izdana pri podderjuske Bjuri Fonda imeni Fridricha Eberta. Der Kongo und Ruanda: Konstitutionelle Monarchie in Nepal in Gefahr? Die Kontroverse um Maastricht: Der Konvent muss die Ratsreform differenziert angehen: September in Kaiserslautern und am The costs of eastern enlargement of the eu are exaggerated. Das Kreislaufwirtschaftsgesetz und seine Auswirkungen: Krieg gegen den Irak: Der Krieg in Tadschikistan: Die kriminelle Herrschaftssicherung des kommunistischen Regimes der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik: Premier Thaksin als Vorstandschef der Thailand Inc.
Kuda idu Srbija i Crna Gora?
Mom Article / Boston Globe – Daniella Ferretti
Kultur in neuer Rechtsform: Kulturata na XXI vek: Fundacja Friedricha Eberta, Przedstawicielstwo w Polsce, Kurt Schumacher und der "Neubau" der deutschen Sozialdemokratie nach The land reform challenge: Ein Land, anderthalb Systeme? Der lange Weg zur Zusammenarbeit: Lean production, lean management: Leben in der Einen Welt: Spangenberg und Sylvia Lorek. Jahrhundert ; Veranstaltung der Friedrich-Ebert-Stfitung am Legal aspects of the registration of public sector staff associations as trade unions: Das Leitbild der multizentrischen Stadt: Lernen aus der Vergangenheit!?
Lessons from the UK labour market? Lettlands Beitrag zur EU: Politikinformationen Osteuropa ; Electronic ed.: Liberal'nyja ekanamicnyja kancepcyi i ich sacyjal'nae vymjapenne: Liberal'nye ekonomiceskie koncepcii i ich social'noe izmerenie - Electronic ed.: Liberdade sindical no Mercosul e Chile: Libertad sindical en Mercosur y Chile http: Libertad sindical en Mercosur y Chile: The long road towards cooperation: Long walks to media freedom: Loya Jirga in Afghanistan: Frieden mit alten Gesellen?