Acne & Pimple Free Skin Forever: The Proven Guide for Acne Treatment & Prevention for Life!
Dermatologist recommended skin maintenance techniques! The shocking truth about skin care products! Vital skin care mistakes your currently making! A whole new approach to saving your skin! Download your copy today! Read more Read less. Kindle Edition File Size: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Most helpful customer reviews on Amazon.
I got this book because of issues I'm having with my skin, but soon realized it might be better suited for teenagers or parents of teenagers. Although anyone dealing with skin care issues will benefit from reading it. I think this book can save someone dealing with acne a lot of money. Written in a friendly style, I found this book easy to read and a goldmine of useful information. I imagine the embarrassment of acne could drive desperate parents and teenagers to spend money recklessly in hopes of finding an acne cure.
In such as state, it would be easy to quickly spend a small fortune to treat acne. But, if you read this book you'll avoid buying over-hyped and expensive skin care products and you'll be better informed if you chose to pursue expensive medical procedures. The author also discusses other options for more serious skin conditions. My daughter has real problem skin, so when I came across this little book I just had to read it. It is full of interesting and useful information on the causes of these distressing conditions and how they can be avoided. Good skin maintenance is anathema to many youngsters but this book gives encouraging and simple regimes for them to follow.
I am a lover of home remedies for all sorts of conditions so was very interested to read of the range of simple and effective things that I could try out on my daughter. This is a well-written and very useful book and if you suffer from these distressing conditions, look no further!
The author does a great job looking into all areas of healthy skin. It was a very low time for me. My acne was red and splotchy and covering my whole face, and I was becoming more and more withdrawn and started taking my insecurities out on loved ones. I had tried everything before finding the CSF book. I tried benzoyl peroxide, antibiotic treatments prescribed by my doctor, topical treatments, changing to different "acne-fighting" birth controls, to using Proactiv. Those were all over the span of several years. Some of these things helped for a couple months and then the problems would resurface, each time getting worse and worse!
Not to mention the side effects like super red, dry skin and interactions with meds some antibiotics interact with birth control, making it less effective so you absolutely have to use condoms. I went from having white heads and occasional "problem spots" to having no more "spots" because the acne was ALL over my face. Clear Skin Forever is a text that explains everything you need to know about acne, and as always, Knowledge is Power! Learning about the causes of acne and how I can reduce them in my life helped me to understand my own "Acne Story" and what is contributing to acne in my life.
It helped me get out of the 'victim mentality' and take an active role in changing my life so that I could clear my face up altogether. I wish I had before and after photos to show, but my acne was so bad before that I was actually refusing to be in photos, or I touched them up like CRAZY to the point where they don't even look real. I like how CSF emphasizes that your acne is your body trying to "tell you something," because I have changed habits in my life that have made my ultimately more healthy.
I didn't think I was an "unhealthy" person before I love scientific explanations I have published research in peer-reviewed journals and understand the struggle of translating scientific knowledge in a fun, interesting way that everyone can understand. I can tell how much time the writers of CSF have put into their work, because they nail the knowledge translation piece.
I could truly understand the text and wasn't bored while reading it I was actually excited to read it! I highly recommend reading this book. And if you're not into it You'll be back here in a few weeks or years to seek a permanent solution. It is to date the most life-changing purchase I have ever made online. By Kristin kspata4 on November 02, Verified Purchase. If you are struggling with acne and can't figure out what's wrong and why, this book is your answer! I never write reviews on anything, however, purchasing the Clear Skin Forever book was the best decision I have ever made for my skin!
It has given me a confidence I didn't think was possible. I can even go out in public now without wearing makeup. My skin has become smooth, acne free, and has a beautiful tone my sun damage has even improved. I've received other heath benefits since following the program as well that I didn't expect, like less inflammation no swelling anywhere , a boost in my immune system I got over a cold recently really quick , solid poop anyone with IBS will appreciate that one , hormone balance no cramps and not cranky , no headaches, the dark circles under my eyes are even lighter, the list goes on..
I have struggled with acne, mainly cystic acne, for over twenty years, yes, I'm 40 years old. Of course I tried every topical product on the market promising me acne-free, hydrated, glowing skin, which failed every time. I didn't realize until reading the CSF Clear Skin Forever book that it was the wrong things I was putting in my body and the right things that I wasn't, which was the cause of my skin issues. The book is so thorough and easy to follow. I have been following the CSF program for about two months now, everything from eliminating fluoride in my toothpaste water also , to using aluminum-free deodorant.
I had no idea these things I put on my body every day were extremely toxic and another contributor to my frustrating breakouts. One of my favorite things I discovered while being on this program is that now I can eat chocolate! For years chocolate was a huge trigger for my acne. I learned that it was the ingredient 'soy lecithin' that was causing me to breakout. A really awesome benefit to purchasing the CSF book is that I received access to the interactive forum.
It is a wealth of info that highlights topics and an option to search for topics that others have posted. Reading questions and experiences from fellow acne suffers about supplements, foods, products, etc, has been an invaluable resource! I have posted a few questions as well.
There is also a 'food search' section of the CSF website that I use on a daily basis, especially when I am at the grocery store wondering if a certain food will trigger a breakout. It has saved me on numerous occasions from making a mistake in choosing an acne causing food. I love that part!! I am so thankful that Devin and Sonia have shared there knowledge and research. For the first time in my adult life I am confident in my skin, I am not a prisoner to wearing makeup to cover up my latest breakout.
I never thought after only two months on the program, the clear skin I have now, would be mine forever! So here is my skin after about a month into the program. By Steve on January 15, Verified Purchase. Many thanks to Devin and Sonia for the research they have done here. The book is well thought out and makes complete sense. It has certainly worked and changed my life for the better.
If only I had come across this years ago. Forget all the remedies and potions you may have tried over the years, this is where the truth is. Treats the root cause of acne what ur dermatologist won't tell you. By Amir on February 22, Verified Purchase. Treats the root cause of acne. Give it 3 months. Any shorter than that is not enough time to clear the acne cycle. What mainly cleared me up was eliminating dairy from my diet, and also reducing sugar intake.. Didn't see any improvement until months, but after that, clear. I have been suffering from cystic acne for over 30 years.
It is what got me into nutrition, as I would see some improvement in my skin when I would eat certain things. I was so intrigued that I later went on to get a BS in Nutrition, and am always reading about nutrition, especially when it's related to acne. But, it wasn't until I read CSF several weeks ago that it all clicked.
Devin and Sonia have put together a lot of researched information into a very easy, and actually enjoyable book to read on exactly how to eat, and some lifestyle changes in order to have clear skin. I am going on my 4th week on the diet and have seen a dramatic effect on my skin. It's not only clearer, I also look so much healthier! I admit I have eaten a few of the major acne triggers in the past month, but it was good I did, as I saw the effect they had on my skin, and once I got back on track, I saw improvements again. It's super motivating to actually experience that.
They give support for things like that too in the book, plus you will have access to their forum for even more support from other members, and I have been really surprised how fast Sonia and Devin will get back to you when you post something. If you're ready to accept it's your diet that is triggering your acne and are ready to make some changes, I highly recommend this easy to read book.
By Norma Von O. My 15 YO daughter and I decided to try this approach a month ago. She is using retin-A and her face was so red and irritated, plus the cream wasn't reducing her acne! She gladly agreed to try a dietary approach. My daughter reads the book, and I use the food finder and check the blog. My daughter is stubborn and bucks my advice. However, if it's in this book, she believes it. Her overall skin tone the skin between the pimples isn't red anymore. She doesn't realize it, but her MOOD has become stable at happy. No more grumpy, silent teenager in my house. She is also less achy and fatigued.
I read in the blog that it can take 90 days to form a pimple, so we r ok with our 30 day progress. I wasn't sure from her photos if the big picture was changing much, but then my daughter ate a cheese quesadilla and some bottled salad dressing at a friend's house on Tuesday. She said within 10 minutes of that meal, she felt sick. I do not think this is a coincidence, as she had dairy, wheat, oil and processed chemicals and preservatives in that meal. My final comments are My daughter lived on boxed cereal, cows milk, cheese, yogurt, banana bread, breadsticks, and fruit before this change.
Now she carries dressing to school, shops with me once a week, and says her plain paleo pancakes are better than any restaurant she ever ate at! The Food Explorer has been a lifesaver for me. Please don't take it away. It's black and white-yes or no-and so helpful for busy moms and beginners. Also, I know my daughter's acne is hormone driven. The program still helps with that-as evidenced by my child's lack of mood swings and lessening of pimple inflammation even during her cycle.
However, I do know every person's case is different. I hope to post photos at my 90 day review of this book. By Brookley on January 20, Verified Purchase. No pain no gain? The diet can be hard to follow. It has changed everything for me. I got a blood test and found out that I have a lot of food intolerances. This was crucial to learn. If this diet doesn't work for you, consider getting tested.
I have a high immune-responsive intolerance to eggs, garlic, ginger, almonds, cashews, pistachios and beans. But it all starts with food. This program works really well with Whole30, by the way! Several years ago, as I was perusing the Internet in a desperate search for a permanent cure for the acne that had plagued me for the entirety of my adult life--beginning in college at the age of 20; increasing in severity through to that day--I serendipitously stumbled across a website with the seemingly-miraculous URL "clearskinforever.
The pages within contained more than several in-depth, empirically-supported, yet approachable weblog articles exploring nutritional perspectives on solving the problem of acne-prone skin. Thus, I had become adamant that the diet-acne interplay was folklore; occasionally arguing with my mother, who swore up-and-down the certain foods "triggered" her to break out.
In the interest of brevity, suffice it to say that I tried everything dermatologists prescribed--short of isotretinoin, and everything else available over-the-counter. As you likely well-know, most worked for a short time, only to wind up plateauing in efficacy, and occasionally worsening the situation overall. Call it desperation, call it what you will, but my mind, my attitude, were ripe, were primed for opening to the new paradigm that these people, Devin and Sonia, were outlining.
Intrigued by what I had read, I purchased the ebook and read it clear-through in a night. To say that the path forward from then has been easy would be to lie. The state of food in the US is quite abysmal. Many, if not most, of the foods one is advised to avoid whilst following a CSF lifestyle are ubiquitous on grocery store shelves, in fast and convenience foods, and on plates in restaurants both casual and fine.
Navigating the modern food matrix healthfully requires dedication, resilience, creativity, resourcefulness, and not-least-of-all, knowledge. Self-love and self-care are in short supply. Leisure often figures as luxury for most. Living holistically, living well, in good health, is challenging, to be sure, but it is not impossible. Devin and Sonia struggled with acne, as many, many people--adults among them--have struggled.
Through research, trial-and-error, and diligence, they were able to arrive at a set of general guidelines that promoted in them not just healthy, clear skin, but deep, systemic health of the entire body. The information presented on the CSF blog, amidst the pages of the CSF book and recipe book, and on the community-based forums is, quite simply, that: Having spent the past few years guided by the concepts espoused by Devin and Sonia, leaning on the CSF community for adjustments, augmentations, supplementations, and alterations, let me assure any curious onlookers of something critical, healthy, and reassuring: This is the CSF difference, and the not-so-secret secret to its success: It is a way of life, a method, practice.
It is a collection of wisdom passed on, with love and honesty, from those who have suffered--and, as Devin will tell you, still suffer! And, most refreshingly, it is a living, dynamic system, continually in flux, open to new ideas, to discoveries, to reversals of stale or outdated concepts.
Nothing here is sacred except for the truth, and the truth is what works. So, if you are reading this, if you are suffering, if you are down on yourself, if you are feeling desperate--the same desperation I and many just like you have felt--then give these ideas a chance to reshape your reality. Pluck the fruit from the tree that aids you, that soothes you, that helps you, and discard the rest. Come on in and share your story, lay the burden of your confusion and anger on the shoulders of this community.
As many have, you may find some solace, rest, companionship, and most importantly, some help to make substantial positive changes in your life. As I said, it's not easy, and neither Devin nor Sonia ever claimed that it was, but it works, and it is worthwhile. This website, this community, these people, this lifestyle, have permanently and beneficially changed my life; for that, I am profoundly, humbly grateful. This is a great program for those wanting to get to the root of their acne.
They give advice on diet, supplements and skin care products. The site gives you very quick access on which foods to avoid, eat less or and more of. Also, the blog gives a lot awesome advice from other users running into more specific issues. I purchased this book after having acne from age I have cut out gluten and dairy and followed many other suggestions in the book with great results.
I have gained a lot of knowledge, self-awareness, and self-confidence after years of feeling so bad about my complexion. Everything is the book is really well explained, and I plan on following the rest of the dietary and lifestyle changes going into the new year.
The articles on Clear Skin Forever are more comprehensive and research-based than anything else I have stumbled across on the Internet, but the book is even better! I began struggling with cystic acne my freshman year of college. It took my joy and made me feel like I couldn't ever be loved by anyone, much less myself. I saw a dermatologist, and was put on spironolactone, aldactone, and clindamycin. Those worked for a while I was always dried out, and the improvement stagnated. I was still experiencing break-outs, although not nearly as badly as before.
I recently decided that there must be a better option, and searched until I found the Clear Skin Forever book in late December of Now, 2 months into CSF, I can say that my body feels healthier than ever and I'm learning to love my skin. I have attached some photos of what my worst looked like Spring , and where I am today. My skin is much healthier! Please excuse the fact that I have eye make-up on in the current photos.
Cannot wait to see where it will take me. I have had cystic acne for years. One day I was so unbelievably frustrated and I found this website. I changed my diet and I have significantly less acne. What you put ON your skin matters as well- as I didn't originally realize my makeup was causing me to break out too. But this book and the forum included with it is the best money you'll ever spend. It will change your life too. I feel healthier and beautiful.
By Celia on April 07, Verified Purchase. If you are anything like me You have read tons about acne. This was the first book I bought about clearing my skin and it's been life changing and eye opening. It's been 4 months and yesterday I cancelled the dermatologist appointment that I scheduled prior to buying the book. Love the forum and love how amazing everyone is there. I always have tons of questions and sometimes stupid questions but I always get kind and realistic answers and it's so nice to be part of a community that understand this disease that affects our souls more then it affects our bodies sometimes.
By Lana on January 15, Verified Purchase. I'm not a diet person. I'm fortunate enough to never have had an issue with weight or heart disease, but I have had mild acne since puberty. I had been using ProActiv "successfully" for 8 years and then Acne. I knew the only option was to forgo any topical treatment until I understood what was wrong. That's how I found the Clear Skin Forever Diet, a solution to improve the source of my skin problem instead of just covering it up.
If anything, CSF taught me how to listen to my body and, honestly, how to cook. By Moira on January 10, Verified Purchase. I came across the Clear Skin Forever website a few months ago when I was researching the benefits of Green Tea for acne.

I read the article and thought they did an excellent job answering my question while providing supporting information. I was curious what other dietary changes I could make that would help eliminate acne. After all, I knew my acne was food related but was in denial about it. I purchased the e-book and read every page word for word and thought it was speaking directly to me.
How come other people have perfect skin but eat McDonald's and donuts? I committed to eliminating gluten, dairy, vegetable oils and excess sugar as a start. I also got rid of all of my make up and acne products and stuck with one natural cleanser and one natural BB cream. The first week, my skin cleared up tremendously! Then, I began to break out again. I reached out to Devin who promptly responded that my body was purging. I stuck with the program no cheats! Even if I begin to get a pimple, it's significantly less inflamed and quick to heal.
I can't thank them enough for publishing this information and encouraging people like myself who wanted to heal themselves. This program does take commitment and change, but I believe it is worth it!! This is a great program. The book is full of information and tips. I especially appreciated the snippet at the end of each section that summarizes the information and helps give direction and reiterate the important ideas reviewed in each chapter.
Not only does this program help with acne it helps with overall health which is so important. Devin replied quickly to my inquiry and immediately addressed my issue and was thorough and thoughtful in his response. They seem to care about the customer and the advice they are giving which shows how genuine the program is. By Deniseg on October 24, Verified Purchase. This forum changed my life and offered me support. I know that sounds crazy exaggerated but for so long I wanted to change my eating and I can honestly say that without support or this food explorer, I wouldn't be able to do it.
Because I am not perfect, I mess up sometimes and I have the support I need.
How to Get Rid of Acne With Diet & Lifestyle: Clear Skin Forever
I also realize that this is such a big change and sometimes change happens slowly and I need to accept that. The box, explorer, and the blogs are so gentle enough to allow you to make changes in your own time. By Amy on February 11, Verified Purchase. I acquired acne during my first year at university.
I think it may have been provoked by some epigenetic change caused by excessive stress combined with lack of sleep. My diet wasn't the best, although I often would be too self-conscious to use the shared kitchen, and would therefore eat "healthy" granola with almond milk for dinner.
I first used the clear skin forever website to read as much as possible about how our diet and life-style has a major impact on our skin health. I am extremely glad I purchased the programme, because being from a scientific background, it makes such a change to read something that is scientifically backed by articles in the literature. I no longer suffer from acne, I do still get the occasional blemish or two during the luteal phase of my cycle, but I don't mind.
In addition to the book, I also like the food explorer and the forum. I would definitely recommend this programme to anyone who wants to learn more about skin health. Learning about nutrition and the impact of stress, exercise and sleep has in fact made me quite passionate about functional medicine and everything it stands for. Finally, would just like to say a big thank-you to Devin and Sonia and everybody on the forum who has shared their tips and tricks. By Bambi on January 08, Verified Purchase.
Devin has helped me so much with clearing up my acne including self esteem issues, diet, cleansing or rather not cleansing of my face, supplements, etc. He has been there for me to ask questions, vent or whatever else I throw at him. He is a wealth of knowledge and has really opened my eyes to food, habits, and what to look for in packaging and restaurants. I would highly recommend buying the book as well as the recipe book!
Keep up the good work. By Patricia on January 03, Verified Purchase. I am not big on writing reviews but I am happy to make an exception. I am a 46 year old woman from Germany and I want to express my gratitude for this book and the work the author put into his research and the writing. This book solved my acne problem.
My skin istruly clear and free from any pimples. As a matter of fact. It never looked as good as now looking back till my teenage years. My acne was never very severe when it came to inflamed red spots. It was more like all this nasty white stuff excess sebum was always beneath the surface which made my skin look always bumpy and uneven. But 2 days later basically every pore on my face was filled with excess sebum, clogging up my pores. I was so unhappy and hopeless. My skin was full of scars from squeezing hard on those pimples. All of the creams I used dried up my skin.
It was a nightmare. I hated every woman with beautyful spotless skin and I searched for solutions.
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In this book I have found the answers to all my questions. My suspicion that MILK was a huge problem was verified. Now after about 2 months my skin is really wonderful. In addition I lost weight, my mood swings are gone and I am starting my new business. By Christian on November 15, Verified Purchase. I believe this book to be the best it could be. Yes, it's not perfect, and there is constantly changes and knew things we are learning about acne and health.
The forum is a great thing, where we share ideas and figure out so much about us, our health and so much more. I see the book is just a guideline, as that's all someone else can give you. It's not tailored for you, but if you follow the ideas in this book, and apply them to your own life, you WILL achieve health and clear skin. I guarantee you it's possible. Looking back, I did so many things wrong to my body. This book wasn't the answer to my problems, I had to find them on my own, but this book opened the door to clear skin.
I wouldn't have achieved clear skin without it. This book, and the community behind it, will support you in achieving clear skin, we've all been through the same thing. I will attach a picture of what my skin used to look like, but if you'd want to see how my skin looks clear, you'll have to check that out on the forums. Mega thanks, Christian, for your fantastic contributions on the forum. You've been a big help and inspiration to many CSF book readers, and I really value everything you're giving! It's been a long ride trying to figure out what really works for your skin and your lifestyle, but I'm really glad to see we've gotten there!
By Laura on October 01, Verified Purchase. I think some of us had the feeling that wheat, dairy and processed foods are not the best for people who suffer acne. This book makes us understand in detail why some daily routines and certain products and foods worsen acne. It's not easy to change your diet and attitudes, that's true, but the benefit of having your skin under control makes it worthy!
By Lauren on August 07, Verified Purchase. I've had quite a long history with acne in my life. I started getting severe cystic acne when I was 18 and it took about a year to finally find a treatment that worked. Long story short, I've been using benzoyl peroxide to control my acne for the past 8 years or so. I've always hated the process of slathering it on, bleaching my towels, sheets and clothes even some of my kids' clothes!!
Despite the hassle, it mostly worked well to keep acne away. It calmed down after a few months but I was still breaking out more than I'm ok with. I started researching diet and acne and I found this book. I made drastic changes to my diet right away and I just as quickly stopped breaking out. I didn't quit the benzoyl peroxide right away, just in case it took time for my body to adjust to my new lifestyle. A couple of weeks into it, I still hadn't broken out, so I stopped the BP. I'm so glad I'm finally free of such an exhausting facial regimen!
However, the biggest perk besides being acne AND benzoyl peroxide free is that I'm now healthier than I've ever been in my life. I didn't realize that the way I was eating even when I believed I was eating "healthy" was actually screwing me up big time. I wish I could have found this in my hours of research all those years ago, but I'm just glad I have the information now.
I'm 28 years old now and I feel excited for this healthy beautiful life ahead of me. I appreciate all the work that was put into this book and website. By erouse on July 09, Verified Purchase. Information has helped me immensely and I love how you guys stay so connected with all of your followers. It's like we're all in this together forever finding hidden mistakes and cures.
Don't know you guys personally but I already love yah! By Waxle on July 07, Verified Purchase. Clear skin forever is definetely a one of a kind acne treatment. While most other acne treatments treat acne once it's surfaced, csf target the causes of acne to prevent it from even happening to begin with! It is the site I have always been searching for.
While I haven't gotten completely clear yet, I have made great progress. I enjoy using the csf food search that inidicates whether a specific food can be an acne trigger or not; not forgetting the awesome forums! People are engaged and willing to help each other out. I can't recommend this site enough. Do yourself a favour and go ahead and buy their book because you'll be saving yourself a bunch of money on silly acne products afterwards. Be patient, there is light at the end lf the tunnel!
By Steph on May 01, Verified Purchase. I suffered with severe adult acne for twenty years. I spent hundreds of dollars on monthly facials, chemical peels, specialty expensive face washes and treatments and nothing cleared it up. Five years ago, I eliminated dairy from diet after finding some research on dairy's impact on skin. Eliminating dairy helped immensely but I still had serious clogged pores and terrible breakouts. After reading this book, which was very easy to read and understand, I eliminated gluten, wheat, soy and high-glycemic foods from my diet.
It took about weeks after beginning the diet to see results. The book explains that adult acne can be an auto-immune condition which really spoke to me since auto-immune diseases run through my family. When the book referred to it as "diabetes of the skin", so many things started to make sense. This book WILL work for you BUT you have to be willing to eliminate some pretty delicious things from your diet and have the willpower to want acne-free skin more than desserts or bread. By sarazar on April 19, Verified Purchase.
I need to say thank you, thank you thank you for putting this information out there. I am 46 years old and have had breakouts of one type or another since my teen years. After my mid 30's it was more cystic in nature and harder to deal with. My breakouts would be every few months and pretty bad. I've been on antibiotics off and on for years now and at least once a month I would have a bump worthy of a cortisone shot.
These remedies kept breakouts at bay for a while but then the cycle would continue. She said one of the things that really cleared her up was no dairy, by researching this I was directed to your page "Milk and Acne: Does Milk Cause Acne" and then to your book I am lactose intolerant and upon reading your book it seemed such obvious a thing I should have given up dairy a long time ago instead of loading up on Lactaid.
I had no clue about all the hormones dairy, eggs and meats that could affect your your gut health and skin. I am a little over two months in to CSF and the results are simply fascinating. I cut out the antibiotics, dairy, taking all the supplements recommended and following other nutrition suggestions grass fed, free range, low gluten etc. I am also doing a few other things that some people in the forums have suggested. The first is washing face with raw honey in the evening. I am still wearing a bit of concealer to cover spots from former pimples so this works nicely to take that off.
Just warm water in the morning to refresh. Not sure how you will feel about these other products I am using but the first is the a light mask. It looks like a Storm Trooper mask with tiny colored lights inside you wear for ten minutes. I really feel like this is helping with coloration and pores size. I have Roscea as well so this could be helping just in my case. The second thing is a lactic acid anti cyst treatment gel, it works for me really well. Although I have seen great improvement in just two months from the methods you suggest, I still will get every couple weeks a little bump and tingle of a possible cyst trying to form but I put this product on right away and usually with in a day or two it's gone down to nothing.
I also should mention that two weeks in I broke out really bad, strange breakouts too places I normally was clear, so I almost got discouraged. But to all others starting out, I want to say keep at it, give it more time, it may take one, two or three months but you will improve your complexion and over all health, believe me! By Anonymous on April 10, Verified Purchase. I've been suffering from acne for the past 10 years. Before reading CSF ebook I never concentrated on my diet and gut health. But after reading this book and following the posts on this forum, it opened my eyes to a completely different world.
The authors do a great job of suggesting people on what to eat to resolve their issues. Most of the time, I think people see an improvement in their health status. Above all, this ebook and forum all ways gives me hope that there is a solution to my acne, which I never felt during my regular visits to a dermatologist. Keep doing the good stuff.
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Hi There, I only gave a three because I haven't really fully embodied the recommendations on this site as I am getting conflicting directions from my naturopath. I haven't made much progress, when I thought my skin was really clearing up, it got dramatically worse. My face really hurts. It went from localized areas to all across my cheek. So, it's hard for me to give a review at this point. The apps and materials are great, I think.
And, the response timing is wonderful, and the advice is supportive. I just wish my skin was clear - but again, by no means is that a reflection of your site. Like I said, I've been getting a lot of conflicting advice. I'm sorry to hear you've had conflicting advice from your naturopath. I don't think any two people in the health world have the same approach, and that can be really frustrating when you're caught in the middle!
I've given you some suggestions on the CSF Forum and just reached out again to see how you were doing, whether you'd figured out an approach that bridged the conflicting recommendations and was working to clear up your skin, or if not, if I could be of some more help! Cannot underestimate the work and research put into this book. By Kat on March 03, Verified Purchase. Before purchasing Clear Skin Forever, I struggled with acne for most of my life. I have gotten used to my acne and I accepted it as a part of myself. I was left no other chance. I have tried everything in the book well not literally, I hadn't tried everything in the CSF book.
But everything else that is advertised on main stream, yes, you name it - expensive products, numerous visits to the dermotologist, cleaning up my diet, becoming vegan, working out, DYI-s, I mean evrything, really ah. So when I discovered this e-book on internet for the first time, I didn't buy it. So I bought the book, made notes and followed instructions by the letter. It was difficult tho. Being a vegan at that time, I still tried to maintain my diet and follow the instructions. Since there are numerous restrictions considering grains and vegetable oil, it was hard to be full and not feel anxiety.
SO, if you are a vegan and you purchase this book, I do suggest you drop the veganism for at least some time to see if this has an effect on your progress. The other huge struggle for me was cigarettes. Yes cigarettes are bad and not only for your skin, but also for your over all health. But man I'm a sucker for them. Love a cigarette with my black coffee and am still unable to leave this naughty habit behind me.
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I will say that the book still had a great effect on my skin eventhough I didn't eliminate cigarettes completely I did cut it down to cigarettes a day tho! But I have to honest, I cheated. Since I was unable to make these changes longterm and every time I fell back, my skin got bad again.
How to Get Rid of Acne With Diet & Lifestyle: Clear Skin Forever
So I will say that to make all of these changes, you need huge amout of discipline and keep it up My skin has gotten better now and I don't even remember how my skin was before. But every now and then when I get upset over the smallest bump on my forehead, I look in the mirror and smile about the fact that I am able to be upset over this one tiny little whitehead: It is amazing to have clear skin!!! And this book is a good tool. I will say again - please do try it, especially if you are considering accutane.
By Libby on February 25, Verified Purchase. Great information and discussions that are frequently posted as well as questions answered. Saw good results for my daughter's skin within a couple of weeks. By kdiemmy on February 05, Verified Purchase.