Your Blood Stained Our Drapes (Volume 1)
Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again. Adam Ortyl 's review Jul 25, Review for Volume 1 2 stars - It was okay. This collection has 10 short stories I think. I would actually consider them flash fiction, most seemed to be under words. So I think the author has some good ideas here. In my opinion some of these could turn into some really strong shorts if they were flushed out. My favorite was the one about Some kids finding a note in Salem? That is where my main gripe is. The stories feel like summaries of scenes from something bigger.
They move too quick. Fabrics whose surfaces fragment into small round surface balls, known as "bobbles" or "pills," require a longer period of more gentle rubbing. These fabrics include wool and most artificial fibres.
Blood stain on curtain ! - Picture of Hotel Ratnawali, Jodhpur - TripAdvisor
Turn the fabric so the stain is face-down. In this position, water can work at the stain from the back, pushing it outward and off the fabric. Rinsing in this position is more effective than running the water directly onto the stain. Flush the stain with cold water.
Even an old stain typically hasn't worked its way into the fabric completely, so start by removing the loosely attached surface portions. Run cold water over the back of the fabric, so it pushes through the stain. Hold the fabric in the running water for several minutes, and the stain should be at least slightly smaller. Rub soap into the stain. Turn the fabric over so the stain is face-up. Rub bar soap into the stain generously, to produce a thick lather. Any soap can be used, but traditional solid block laundry soap may have a stiffer, more effective lather than milder hand soap.
Grip the stained area with both hands. Roll or scrunch up two areas of fabric, on either side of the stain.
Grip one in each hand to provide a good grip on the area, allowing you to rub it together. Rub the stain against itself. Turn the two handfuls of fabric so the stain is in two halves and facing each other. Rub the stained fabric against itself vigorously, or gently but quickly if the fabric is delicate. The friction you generate should slowly loosen the remaining particles of blood, which will remain in the lather rather than re-adhering to the fabric. Gloves may be worn to protect the skin from abrasion or blisters. Tight-fitting latex or nitrile gloves may provide the least hindrance to grip and dexterity.
Periodically replace the water and soap and continue rubbing. If the fabric starts getting dry or losing its lather, flush the stain with fresh water and re-apply the soap. Continue rubbing each stained area in this way until it is gone. If you see no improvement after five to ten minutes, try rubbing more vigorously or move on to a different method.
Use this on any fabric, but cautiously on silk and wool. Meat tenderizer powder, sold in grocery stores, can break down the proteins found in blood stains. While it is recommended by some silk experts, meat tenderizer does have the potential to break down silk and wool fibres as well.

Wet unseasoned meat tenderizer. Put about 15 mL 1 tbsp unseasoned meat tenderizer into a small bowl. Gradually add water while stirring until a thick paste is formed. Do not use seasoned meat tenderizer, as the seasonings may stain your fabric. Rub the paste gently into the fabric. Spread the paste on the dried blood stain and gently rub it with your fingers. Let it sit for about an hour. Rinse out the paste before washing. After the hours is up, rinse the paste out with cold water. Wash the fabric as usual, but air dry rather than using a drier, since the heat can cause remnants of the stain to set permanently.
Do not use this method on wool or silk. Enzymatic cleaners break down proteins that form stains. Since blood stains bond to the fabric using proteins, enzymatic cleaners can be highly effective at removing them. However, wool and silk fibres are made from proteins, and may break apart if exposed to an enzyme product.
Find an enzymatic cleaner. If you are having trouble finding a cleaning product labeled "enzymatic" or "enzyme cleaner," try a "natural" or "earth-friendly" laundry detergent or laundry pre-treatment, which often contain biodegradable enzymes. Flush the fabric with cold running water to loosen some of the dried blood. Agitate the fabric with your fingers to help scrape off the crusted material, or scrape it off using a blunt knife.
Soak the fabric in cold water and enzymatic cleaner. The soaking time will depend on how old the dried blood stain is, and how strong the cleaning product is. Soak at least one hour, or for as many as eight. Optionally, scrub the cleaner into the stain with a toothbrush before submerging. Wash the fabric and let dry. Wash the fabric as usual, but do not put it in the drier, which may cause the blood to permanently set.
Let it air dry, then check whether the stain is still present. Use this method in sunny weather. This method uses common ingredients, but requires sunlight to finish the process. You will also need to wait for the fabric to air dry before you can tell whether the stain was successfully removed, making it slower than most other methods.
Soak the stained fabric in cold water. Submerge the fabric in cold water for a few minutes. While it is soaking, gather up the other materials you will need. This includes lemon juice, salt, and a zip lock plastic bag large enough to contain the clothing. Wring the clothing gently and transfer it to a bag. Twist the clothing to remove some excess water. Untwist it and transfer it into a large, resealable plastic bag.
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Add lemon juice and salt. With the bag closed, press the contents together to work the lemon juice into the fabric, focusing on the stained areas. Some of the salt should dissolve, and may help rub the lemon juice into the fabric, or abrade the stain itself.
Remove the fabric after ten minutes. Let the bag sit for ten minutes.
Take out the fabric from the bag and squeeze out the excess lemon juice. Dry the fabric in the sun. Hang the fabric on a clothesline or clothes horse, or spread it on a flat surface and leave it to dry. Do this in a sunny area, not just in front of a heater. It may feel stiff once dry, but this should go away once the item has been washed normally. Wash the fabric with water.
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If the blood stain is gone, wash the fabric with water to remove all the lemon salt solution. If the blood stain remains, moisten the fabric and let it dry under the sun again. The substances used in this section are powerful stain removers. However, due to their strength, they may bleach your fabric or cause permanent damage to the fibres. These methods are best used on white, non-delicate items, or as a last resort after other methods have failed.
Test on a corner of the item first. Once you've acquired one of the following solutions, use a cotton ball or paper towel to dab a small amount on a corner or hidden area of the fabric. Let it sit for five to ten minutes to see whether it stains your fabric.
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Consider using white vinegar. Vinegar is not typically as strong as the options below, but still has the potential to harm fabric. Soak the stained fabric in white vinegar for about thirty minutes, then rub the stain with your fingers as you rinse it in cool water. Be aware that it will likely bleach colored fabric. Keep the fabric in a dark place for minutes, since light breaks down hydrogen peroxide, then blot with a sponge or cloth. Test an ammonia mixture instead. Start with "household ammonia" or "ammonia hydroxide," sold as a cleaning product. Dilute this with an equal amount of water, and leave it on the stain for fifteen minutes before blotting and rinsing.
If your "test corner" showed signs of damage, you may wish to soak the fabric in a much weaker solution, such as 15 ml 1 tbsp household ammonia, 1 L 1 quart water, and a drop of liquid handwashing detergent. Try putting some whitening toothpaste on the stain. Scrub it a little bit with an old toothbrush and let it sit for at least half an hour. Not Helpful 20 Helpful You can make a spray of H2O2 hydrogen peroxide and spray liberally from the inside. Rinse only the stained spot.
Blood stain on curtain ! - Picture of Hotel Ratnawali, Jodhpur
Repeat until the stain is gone. Not Helpful 10 Helpful Get a large bucket, and make a dilution of 3 parts water to 1 part bleach. Scrub out as much blood as you can. Rinse out the bleach water, and wash with bleach in the machine. Not Helpful 11 Helpful I recommend plain cold water, hand scrub it with a dab of laundry detergent as mentioned, rinse thoroughly and repeat. Not Helpful 6 Helpful Blot up as much blood as you can from the stain using a paper towel. Work from the outside of the stain towards the center.