XIII - Volume 14 - Release the Hounds!
Thorgal english version - Tome 18 - The Kingdom beneath the sand. Thorgal - Volume 1 - Child of the Stars. Thorgal - Volume 14 - Giants.
Thorgal - Volume 11 - The Invisible Fortress. Wayne Shelton - Volume 1 - The Mission. Thorgal - Volume 10 - The Sun Sword. Thorgal - Volume 5 - The Land of Qa. Thorgal - Volume 8 - Wolf Cub.
Thorgal - Volume 3 - Beyond the Shadows. Thorgal - Volume 12 - The brand of the exiles. Thorgal - Volume 4 - The Archers. Thorgal - Volume 17 - The Blue Plague. Wayne Shelton - Volume 3 - The Contract. Thorgal - Volume 13 - Ogotai's crown.
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- XIII: Release the Hounds!.
Thorgal - Volume 16 - Arachnea. Thorgal - Volume 9 - The Guardian of the Keys. Largo Winch - Volume 16 - 20 seconds.
XIII - Volume 14 - Release the Hounds!
The series begins with a man washing up on a shore in the eastern United States , suffering from amnesia. The only links to his past are a tattoo "XIII" on his collarbone and a photo of himself with a woman identified as Kim Rowland, widow of U. Army captain Steve Rowland. Volumes 1 through 5 deal with "XIII" searching for his identity and past.

She disappears as XIII is arrested by the police. XIII is found guilty for the murder of the Rowlands and sentenced to maximum security prison.
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The third volume finds XIII in a facility for the criminally insane. Amos requests Carrington's help to identify people having been trained as top-level special operators and fitting XIII's physique, with the aim of finding out XIII's real identity. Carrington provides the papers of about twenty people; one of them, Ross Tanner, has been missing for two years. Amos decides to leave XIII in prison to have his amnesia treated. Carrington helps XIII break out of prison. Volume four begins with Amos finding that Carrington invented the Tanner identity, and suspects him to be part of the conspiracy to kill the President.
Pursuing his check of files, Amos finds Steve Rowland was murdered shortly after the assassination. Assuming now that Rowland was the real assassin, Amos is confused about XIII's real role but exposes Judge Allenby, the head of the investigation, as one of the conspirators. Amos interrogates Allenby, who is killed by Mongoose's assassin; Amos himself is rescued by Kim Rowland. Kim Rowland takes Amos to intelligence chief Carl Heideger and General Carrington who reveal that after faking his death in the helicopter crash, Steve Rowland contacted his wife Kim and forced her to be a member of the conspiracy.
Kim, not sharing the conspiracy's ideology and herself a former secret agent, secretly alerted her former boss Heideger, who was nevertheless unable to prevent the assassination of President Sheridan. Steve Rowland was shot by the Mongoose, but he escaped badly wounded and died shortly after telling Kim what happened.
Heideger and Carrington then came up with a plan to make the conspiracy of the XX believe that Steve Rowland had survived to attract the Mongoose's killers in the hope to arrest them and follow their trail to the conspirators. They had a man named Jason Fly turned into Steve Rowland's double, but soon after he disappeared he was shot and lost his memory, the point where the story begins. Kim Rowland is also revealed to be Carrington's daughter.
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Meanwhile Carrington and Heideger have been arrested by the conspirators, as they prepare to take over the country during a large-scale military exercise. XIII and the women meet with Colonel Amos, who brings them into contact with Walter Sheridan, brother of the assassinated President William Sheridan and himself candidate for presidency. Sheridan helps XIII infiltrate the military center of operations, and together with President Galbrain they manage to stop the conspiracy at the last moment.
The entire conspiracy, with the exception of the illustrious Number I, has been killed or captured. They allow us to improve our site and detect problems using Crashlytics. They allow us to gather anonymous information related to visits through Google Analytics.
They are never used for commercial purposes. They allow us to provide you with offers related to your interests, through social networks and ads, using the Facebook, Google and Rakuten advertising agencies. Wishes Cart Gift card Use a gift code Login with your account to use your code. Summary Still with Annika, Jason McLane has the documents his godfather left for him to find in the Netherlands deciphered. Contributors Yves Sente storyline.