The Transforming Power of Forgiveness (Understanding Christianity)
The church has two ordinances: Baptism does not save anyone, but instead shows visually and verbally that God has saved him or her by His free grace alone. Baptism is a sign of the believer's death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus. Clean The Legacy of Jonathan Edwards. Sean Cole continues this series on famous pastors and theologians who have shaped his life and ministry.
Jonathan Edwards, the father of America's First Great Awakening, was a prolific writer, pastor, missionary, and seminary president. Pastor Sean gives a brief history of Edward's life and then interacts with a Treatise Concerning Religious Affections and the marks of genuine conversion. The Galatians had been bewitched by a demonic seduction to forget the gospel.
They needed a renewed vision of Christ and his glorious finished work. Sean Cole addresses a highly misunderstood topic--spiritual warfare.
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He demonstrates how Genesis 3 serves as not only the essence of spiritual warfare but as a paradigm for all expressions of spiritual warfare. He then explores Revelation 12 to show how Satan and his demons have been cast down to earth and their time is short. He then shows how God sovereignly uses or ordains Satan to carry out His purposes in both believers and unbelievers. Philadelphia—was the beloved church that held fast and was the godly example and witness Laodicea—the blind, arrogant, self-sufficient, nauseating church.
Understanding Christianity
Three foundations of a faithful church: You have died to sin, now live for Christ! In this passage, Paul give us five truths related to our union with Christ. Justification by faith alone is not separated from sanctification or the pursuit of holiness. They discuss the sermons, the break out sessions, the singing, and what they came away with. How can you as a guilty sinner be right with a holy God? Not by works of the law, but through faith in Christ alone.
Pastor Sean preaches from Luke We want to control our lives and be in charge our destinies. This self-salvation or control of our future can come in two ways live: Moral improvement by being religious Number Two: Self-expression by being non-religious. There is a third way to live. There is a third way to orient your life and that is the way of Jesus and the gospel.
Understanding Christianity by Sean Cole on Apple Podcasts
How can you be free from the bondage of either moral improvement religious or self-discovery non-religious where you live for pleasure and yourself? The answer comes in who Jesus is and what He has done on the cross and His resurrection and how you can have hope because of the empty tomb. Pastor Sean discusses the persecuted church in Smyrna who endured great tribulation and the compromised church in Pergamum who put up with false teaching and sexual immorality. Both churches teach us to be a faithful witness to Christ as we endure to the end by His grace alone.
Clean Peer Pressure Galatians 2: Peer pressure can sometimes lead you to compromise on the truth of the gospel. You may have gospel convictions, but not gospel conduct. Pastor Sean begins a new series on the seven churches in the book of Revelation. This first session provides an overview of the vision of Christ revealed to John and then he gives an exposition of the letter to Ephesus. We must never compromise the truth of the unchanging gospel. Paul brings the uncircumcised Gentile Titus to Jerusalem as a test case to show that salvation is by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone.
These false brothers were adding circumcision on top of the gospel and confusing the Galatians churches. There is always a danger for Christians to try to add something to the gospel--baptism, speaking in tongues, politics, schooling choices, particular programs, versions of the Bible, altar calls, etc. We must always defend the gospel. If not, the gospel becomes assumed and then it becomes confused and then it is abandoned altogether.
Leighton Flowers concerning the question: What is special revelation exclusivism? What is general revelation inclusivism? This is a friendly critique that asks some critical questions seeking clarification to this important issue.
The Transforming Power of Forgiveness
Clean What is True Conversion? True salvation is embracing Jesus Christ as He is freely offered to us in the gospel. A response to Inclusivism. What is the eternal destiny of those who have never heard the gospel or exercised conscious faith in Christ alone? There have been three major answers to this question: No one is saved without persona conscious faith in Christ alone which come through the special revelation of the gospel.
They may be saved without even knowing about Jesus. A person's faith in general revelation is enough to save them. If you are a sincere Buddhist, then you will go to heaven for being as good as you can with your religion. These appear to affirm an evangelical inclusivism which states that those who never hear the gospel through special revelation can be saved by grace through WHATEVER revelation they've been given. And that that if you "live up to the light given", then God will grace you with more light if you genuinely seek God. Sean deals with three major issues or questions that arise in this dialogue and expresses how he believes exclusivism is the only Biblical warrant for explaining this question.
This provides a helpful template or model in helping us share our testimony. Is your life a powerful witness to God's transforming grace? Sean Cole led an expository preaching conference called "Feed the Flock" for pastors in Colorado and Nebraska. In this second session, he discusses "The MAN" which focuses on the calling, character, and commission of the preacher. In this first session, he discusses "The Message" which focuses on a theology and definition of expository preaching. Pastor Sean starts a new series in the book of Galatians.
In Paul's introduction we see the gospel in a nutshell. The gospel is God's plan to glorify Himself by sending Jesus to die for our sins and rise again to deliver us from this present evil age. You desperately need rescuing from your bondage to sin. Clean Common Objections to Unconditional Election. Pastor Sean gives three common objections to unconditional election. He then urges those who hold to the doctrines of grace to be humble and gracious. Calvinism should cultivate contrition.
Election should elicit exultation. Predestination should produce praise. This doctrine should NOT result in pride, arrogance, or gracelessness. We see in Peter's restoration that no true believer who has failed Jesus is beyond the reach of His amazing grace. From this passage, we see three distinct features of what it means to truly love Jesus. This concludes the sermon series on the Gospel of John. Clean Judges Chapter 9. In Abimelech's conspiracy and downfall, we see that when God's people forget the Lord and are willing to accept unqualified leadership, God may bring painful discipline.
Clean Judges 10, 11, and Jephthah was a self-centered brutal man who did not put the nation of Israel first. In essence, he represents the lowest point of the judges up to this point. His identity as the son of a prostitute mirrors the spiritual prostitution of Israel who whored after foreign gods. Here is the fundamental question: Here's the bottom line: When men abdicate their roles as spiritual leaders both in the home and in the church, the people spiral into idolatry, sin, and disunity. You can find their podcast at www. The disciples spend the night trying to catch fish and come up empty.
They needed the miraculous provision of Jesus to remind them that without Him they can do nothing. Jesus graciously meets your absolute inadequacy with his absolute sufficiency. Thomas goes from a stubborn unbeliever who demands proof from Jesus to a submissive believer who declares faith in Jesus. Pastor Sean continues his series on pastors and theologians who have greatly influenced his life and ministry. Listen as he gives a brief biography as well as quotes from Lloyd-Jones' sermons and books.
You can access Lloyd-Jones' sermons at: Clean Judges 4 and 5 Deborah and Barak. In the account of Deborah and Barak, we see many themes. What is gospel repentance? How do we handle God judging His enemies? How do we read difficult Old Testament narrative passages?
And many other topics. Listen as Pastor Sean goes in depth into Judges Chapters 4 and 5. Clean Judges Gideon. From the story of Gideon, we learn four major truths: As a result, they test God and try to manipulate Him in order to avoid obedience. Jesus has sent us on an impossible mission of declaring God's gospel and discipling for God's Great Commission. There are two main reasons this mission is "impossible": We must realize that we have no power of persuasion or cleverness or gimmicks or ability to cause the new birth in a sinner. Only God in His sovereign grace can do this work.
By Sean Cole
From Mary Magdalene, we see that those who have been forgiven much, love much, and then from that overflow, share much. The risen Christ commissions Mary to be an "apostle" to the apostles. Clean Judges Chapter 3. We also ask two theological questions: What was the role of the Holy Spirit in Old Testament believers? Jesus is the Ultimate Savior who releases us from the bondage to our sin and daily we need to cry to Him for help. We need to daily repent and cast ourselves at His mercy. Clean The Influence of John Owen.
In this podcast, he gives a brief biography of Owen and then interacts with many of his books. He spends the last half of the podcast giving 6 principles for fighting temptation from Owen's book "Temptation. Cole will share theologians or preachers who have impacted him both personally and pastorally.
Here is a list of the John Owen books discussed: Its Necessity and Nature; www. Clean Welcome to ! In 2 Corinthians 3 and 4, Paul alludes to Moses' shining face and veil on Mt. Sinai in Exodus As you look at Jesus and gaze upon His beauty, just like Moses on the mountain, you began to reflect that glory like a mirror.
The Spirit causes us to undergo a transformation where we begin to look more and more like Jesus. WE are being transformed into the same image as Christ. Clean Judges Chapters 1 and 2. Israel preferred their slavery to pagan idolatry instead of trusting in the LORD. Instead of truly repenting, they continued in a downward spiral of sin and rebellion. Even in the midst of gross idolatry, God still remains steadfast to His covenant people and will never leave nor forsake them.
He will discipline them as a jealous Husband who has every right to passionately protect His bride from being defiled by the nations around Israel. As believers in Jesus, we have been saved by grace alone and delivered from bondage to sin. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can experience a lifestyle of repentance.
See a Problem?
When we do fall back into rebellion and sin patterns, we must remember that Jesus is our Savior and we find assurance by faith in Him and the gospel. The grace of God in Christ is never an excuse to continue to live a life of rebellion and sin, but should move us to repentance and find assurance in His steadfast love for us in His covenant faithfulness.
Clean It is Finished! Through the cross, King Jesus has accomplished absolutely everything necessary for your salvation! Flowers recently interacted with a post from Drew on the Soteriology podcast called "Moral Inability? This is a friendly discussion that seeks to understand Leighton's view, while at the same time evaluating it in light of the Scriptures. You can find Drew's blog at: In 1 Timothy 2: There are two different ways to interpret these texts.
The Arminian synergists see it as God's universal desire for all people without exception to be saved. Contextually and exegetically what do these two verses teach about God's will for ALL to be saved? In this message from John Sean Cole demonstrates how Jesus is the perfect Savior and powerful Lord who demands from you a response. We must not be led astray by false teachers, but instead we should always be growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus. Clean Two Dangerous Sins John The Jewish leaders committed the sin of religious hypocrisy which value self-preservation, while Pilate committed the sin of moral relativism which values self-expression.
Both sins fail to bow to Jesus as the King of truth. Andrew was formally a Molinist, but over time came to embrace Reformed theology. It represents an honorable attempt to protect both the absolute sovereignty of God with libertarian free will. In other words, it takes the main tenets of Calvinism and Arminianism and attempts a happy medium. Here is how Molinists explain their position: God is omniscient and never learns things but has exhaustive foreknowledge. Leading Southern Baptist Molinist Kenneth Keathley says, "From the repertoire of available options provided by His middle knowledge, God freely and sovereignly chooses which one He will bring to pass.
Clean 2 Peter Chapter Two. Pastor Sean teaches from 2 Peter Chapter Two which explains the dangers of false teachers who introduce heresies into the church. What are the characteristics of false teachers and how can believers grow in discerning truth from error? Clean How to Fight Temptation John In this sermon, Pastor Sean focuses on Peter's denial of Christ. A prideful overconfidence opens you up to the dangers of temptation. He gives six biblical principles for fighting temptation.
You can visit Pastor Sean's website at: Clean 2 Peter Chapter One. Pastor Sean teaches the first chapter of 2 Peter. The more we saturate ourselves in the Scriptures the more we will come to fully know how God has granted us everything we need for life and godliness. As a result, we will grow in eight virtues or qualities of holiness and thus prove that we are truly chosen and called by God. Clean Reformation Conference Message. He demonstrated how all five points of the doctrines of grace are present in John 6.
Clean An Unwavering Sovereignty John Jesus faced the cross with an unwavering sovereignty as the powerful "I AM," the protective Shepherd, and the perfect Sacrifice. Clean Jesus Prayed Specifically for You! What do you truly long for? In the conclusion of His High Priestly prayer, Jesus prayed for us to experience two requests: He concludes with a promise to continually make known to us the love of the Father.
In this final session on the Ten Commandments, Pastor Sean shows how it is impossible to keep God's law without Jesus as our Mediator of the New Covenant as well as the regenerating power of the Holy Spirit who works in us to will and to work according to God's good pleasure. Clean The Tenth Commandment Coveting. The Tenth Commandment is unique from the others as it focuses on the internal issues of the heart. What does it mean to covet? What is the antidote to coveting? Pastor Sean addresses these issues and more in this teaching. Clean What is Your Mission? Christ has sent you into the world on a mission to declare His gospel.
Effectiveness in our mission is directly proportional to how immersed, impacted, and set apart we are by God's Word of truth. The danger in being sent into the world is either to compromise and become like the culture or isolate and not engage the culture.
Jesus set Himself apart for the mission of dying on the cross which serves as the foundation for our success as ambassadors to the world. Clean Foreknowledge and Free Will? Calvinists are accused of committing a modal fallacy by equating certainty with necessity in understanding how God's foreknowledge relates to His eternal decree and free will.
By certainty, God knows what free creatures are going to do because He foresees it although they could have chosen otherwise. God knows what they will do without decreeing what they will do. By necessity, God knows what free creatures are going to do because He has inexhaustible foreknowledge and decreed what they were going to do before He foresees it thus rendering it infallibly to occur in that they could not do otherwise. How does God's omniscience and foreknowledge relate to human freedom and His eternal decree?
Jesus teaches God's sovereign grace alone in John Happy th Anniversary of the Protestant Reformation! He provides five truths concerning Scripture Alone from 2 Timothy 3: Clean The Eighth Commandment. We will explore all the ways we can steal--not only from others but from God Himself. Breaking the 8th Commandment is fundamentally breaking the 1st Commandment. We are not worshipping or resting in Christ alone as our satisfaction. Clean The Seventh Commandment. Clean Faith Alone Sola Fide. Andrew gives a brief biography and Martin Luther.
We also interact with N. Wright and his errant views of justification in the New Perspective on Paul. Clean The Sixth Commandment. Most Christians will probably never commit murder, but how often do we "murder" someone with a heart of anger or bitterness.
Pastor Sean explores the story of Cain and Abel as well as addresses many ethical issues related to murder. Clean Is Church Membership Biblical? A faithful listener sent in an email asking if church membership is biblical. Clean The Fifth Commandment. You get to hear from Sean all the time, so we thought we would bless our women listeners with a gospel centered talk from 1 Timothy on growing in godliness. Clean What is Eternal Life? You can experience eternal life through a saving knowledge of the one true God.
Does the parable of the wedding banquet in Matthew Sean Cole addresses this issue and how a Reformed understanding of this passage differs from the Traditionalist SBC or Arminian position. Clean The Fourth Commandment. The Fourth Commandment addresses the Sabbath. How do we understand and prepare for honoring the Lord's Day as holy? Clean The Third Commandment. The Third Commandment addresses three issues. Sean Cole addresses these issues as well as gives contemporary examples of how the Third Commandment is broken today.
Jesus as our high priest makes intercession for us right before He makes a definite atonement for us. Here's the link to the video: This podcasts interacts with statements made by Dr. Richard Land at the Connect luncheon this past summer. He gives some straw men against Calvinism and paints with a broad brush on some issues such as the decline of evangelism and baptisms in the SBC as a result of the rise of Calvinism. Clean The Second Commandment Exodus In this session, Dr. Sean Cole begins by giving some practical implications of the First Commandment and then transitions into the Second Commandment from Exodus The First Commandment forbids worshipping a false god; the Second Commandment forbids worshipping the true God in a false manner.
You can watch the Facebook Live Video here: The Bible teaches that because of Adam's sin all people are born totally depraved and unable to come to Christ without sovereign regeneration. Traditional Southern Baptists argue that Calvinists affirm that people are born judicially hardened. In this podcast, Dr. Sean Cole addresses the distinction from a Reformed perspective and clears up some of the confusion. Clean The First Commandment.
Exodus 20 starts with gospel before law. The Lord has also delivered us from spiritual bondage through the blood of Christ. With God's identity and redemption as the preface to the Ten Commandments, Dr. Sean Cole explores the First Commandment to love, fear, and trust God above all so called false gods. Do you have a category in your mind where God actually expresses a hot hatred toward sin? Proverbs 6 lists seven sins the Lord hates. Yet, in the gospel, God loved us so much to send Jesus to take the wrath of that sin HE hates so much.
Clean Introduction to the Ten Commandments. In this introductory session, Dr. He also explains the three types of law: He discusses that the motivation to obey is our love for Jesus. You can experience a solid assurance in Christ because of His death, burial and resurrection. Jesus assures us in three ways. He gives us indestructible joy, intimate access, and immeasurable peace because He has overcome the world. One of the most frequent questions I get asked is "What happens when someone dies? Clean What is the Gospel. What is the Gospel? Walter Marshall gives this wisdom: Sean Cole addresses the beauty of the gospel in this podcast.
How does God convert a sinner? Is there a preparatory work that needs to be done in order for a lost person to come to Christ? What role does the Holy Spirit play in effectual calling? Are repentance and faith actual gifts that God grants us in order to come to faith? What is total inability? Sean Cole answers these questions and more in this episode. Clean The "Unpopular" Gospel. This is an excellent 29 minute presentation of the gospel.
One of the best I've heard in a long time. If you're not a believer in Jesus, please take the time to consider listening to this. It will explain Christianity, the gospel, and how you can have a right relationship with God in a very clear and compelling way. Clean Predestined or Predisposed? Were the God-fearing Gentiles somehow predisposed to believe or did God unconditionally choose them to eternal life and the fruit of that election was their belief?
Sean Cole explores this topic in detail. The Holy Spirit convicts a lost world of its overwhelming sin in three areas: He convicts lost people that they are guilty sinners by nature, 2. He convicts lost people that they cannot trust in their own righteousness to save them and 3. He convicts lost people that there is certain judgment to come. Clean Did Jesus Descend into Hell? There is a line in the Apostle's Creed that says that Jesus descended into hell.
Is this idea Biblical? Sean Cole explores two passages of Scripture that may "appear" to teach this doctrine, but yet he asserts the Jesus did not descend into hell. Listen for more insight into this controversial subject. We must testify faithfully to Jesus through the power o the Holy Spirit in the midst of a hostile world. Often times when discussing God's sovereignty, Calvinists and non-Calvinists operate from differing definitions. Does God "limit" His sovereignty by "relunctantly allowing" people to make free choices?
Or does God absolutely and meticulously govern everything that happens in the universe? Sean Cole discusses the stark differences in how we define God's sovereignty.
Followers of Christ need to use our spiritual gifts to serve Christ faithfully. Sean Cole explains the list of 7 gifts in Romans The full transcript is available at www. His main point is this: As an act of fidelity to all the SBC stands for, we must constantly advocate for Traditionalism as a strategy of loyal opposition to the rise of Calvinism in the SBC and call upon all non-Calvinist pastors and laypeople to do the same.
Sean Cole interacts with his statements and gives some concerns about potential division in the future of the SBC. Followers of Christ need to understand the important role of spiritual gifts within the church. Sean Cole explores three aspects of spiritual gifts: Clean Video Romans 9: Sean Cole provides an overview of the many ways in which the book of Romans has been interpreted throughout church history.
He then provides a positive exegesis of Romans 9 while interacting specifically with the Traditionalist SBC understanding of the chapter-- namely, the corporate view of election and Jacob chosen for the "noble cause" of carrying the Word to the world. Does Paul argue for 1 unconditional sovereign election of individuals for either salvation or reprobation, or 2 the conditional election of individuals for either salvation or reprobation based upon foreseen faith or 3 the corporate election of nations emerging from Jacob and Esau for temporary, national privileges of bringing the Messiah to bless the world?
Followers of Christ display a lifestyle of worship by using our spiritual gifts to serve one another. Sean Cole shares his journey into his call into ministry as well as how he came to embrace Reformed theology. He offers his list of top ten books that influenced him in this journey as suggested summer reading.
Clean Video John Enemies of the World. True friends of Jesus will be archenemies of the world.
- The Life and Death of an Unknown Celebrity.
- Gastroenterology: PEPTIC ULCER DISEASE (Audio-Digest Foundation Gastroenterology Continuing Medical Education (CME). Book 23).
- by Philip Nunn!
- International Law.
A follower of Christ bears fruit by obedience to the Great Commission. Sean Cole explores five aspects from this text that shows how "friends" of Jesus go and bear fruit that will last. Senator Sanders hatred and misunderstanding of basic Biblical Christianity could be a harbinger of difficult days ahead for authentic professing believers. Sean Cole preached a sermon in from 1 Peter 4: Sean Cole answers a question from a listener concerning the differences between what Traditional Southern Baptist believe about man's moral inability and regeneration in comparison to the Calvinistic view.
There seems to be a confusion or conflation between regeneration and illumination in Traditional SBC theology. We have a non-negotiable obligation to consistently and sacrificially love one another. Authentic believers glorify God by constantly abiding in Christ. Jesus gives us three ways to do this: Sean Cole shows from John Jesus contrasts two types of people: Sean Cole provides a critical review of six major areas in Dr. David Allen's new book refuting limited atonement entitled "The Extent of the Atonement.
- Felizes juntos (Bianca) (Portuguese Edition).
- Mademoiselle Fifi (Classiques t. 583) (French Edition).
- German Christmas Traditions.
- The Transforming Power of Forgiveness (Understanding Christianity).
Allen denies unconditional election and the golden chain of redemption in Romans 9. The major weakness of the book is that he does not provide any positive and extended exegesis of his own of key texts on the atonement. Jesus promises us three distinct blessings that will supply us with everything we need for true life in Him.
Clean Video Malachi Chapter One. Sean Cole teaches on the first Chapter of Malachi which emphasizes the importance of giving God the proper worship due His name. Clean Video Assurance of Salvation. How do you know you're truly saved? Many Christians struggle with assurance of their salvation. Sean Cole provides some encouragement for the struggling Christian by examining Romans 5: Sean Cole preaches from John These truths help us to understand 1 that you don't ever have to fear being lonely or abandoned, 2 every thing you need for life and godliness is available to you in Christ, and 3 the more you grow in obedient love the more you will see the glories of Christ.
Clean Video The Book of Jude. Sean Cole teaches the entire book of Jude which focuses on contending for the faith in light of false teachers and apostasy. Clean Video Ruth Chapter Four. Clean Video The Covenant of Redemption. What is the covenant of redemption? Louis Berkhof defines it this way: Does the Bible give evidence of such a covenant and how does it relate to the doctrine of election and the atonement?
Sean Cole attempts to explain this doctrine biblically. Clean Video What is Genuine Repentance. What is genuine repentance. Sean Cole explores three areas of this very important theological topic. First, a look at the Greek words used in the New Testament for repentance to help us understand what repentance means. Second, he gives some great definitions by godly men in the past who have thought deeply about these issues.
Third, he providees seven marks of genuine repentance where we look at this subject from many passages that will gives us a comprehensive picture. Clean Video Ruth Chapter 3. Easter Message from Luke Pastor Sean preaches a reflection on the cross of Christ in Isaiah Sean Cole preached this sermon in after breaking his ankle that morning on the way to church slipping on the ice.
This message focuses on 2 Corinthians 5: May this bless you on Good Friday as you prepare for Resurrection Sunday. Clean Video Ruth 2: The LORD begins to bring restoration to the bitter Naomi through the kinsman redeemer Boaz which is a picture of the gospel. In this teaching, Pastor Sean addresses the sin of bitterness. The second half of the teaching after Ruth focuses on Revelation 5 and Jesus as the Lion-Lamb who redeemed His people for eternal life in heaven. Sean Cole is joined by his youth pastor Andrew Hayes.
Within the past few decades, a mystical non-Reformed approach to understanding how God speaks has crept within Baptistic and non-charismatic evangelical churches. Is God continually speaking to His people outside of the written Scriptures? Are we instructed to believe that God still communicates to us today through dreams and visions?
We believe in the Sola Scriptura which defends the inspiration, authority, inerrancy, sufficiency, and finality of the written Scriptures. The closed canon of Scripture is the only objective treasury of infallible truth. As such, the Holy Spirit no longer gives new revelation, but does continue to give fresh insights and illumination of the written text.
God does sovereignly work in the lives of believers to guide them and grant wisdom through providential blessings. These may be through circumstances, the wisdom from other believers, or through times of prayer and fasting. This may be a difference in semantics, but we must protect the historic and biblical truth of Sola Scriptura in where God does not speak outside of His written Word. Don't miss today's opportunity to receive Jesus as King who can bring you true peace with God. In Ruth Chapter Two, we see two profiles of godliness in Ruth and Boaz that give us a positive example in today's sinful culture that does not understand Biblical manhood and womanhood.
You prove that you are a genuine believer by loving Jesus through your obedience to Jesus. Sean Cole shares insights from his doctoral disseration surrounding the topic of Jesus' preaching ministry. He argues that Jesus was in fact an expository preacher and shows a 7-stage blueprint for pastors today from Luke 4 in His sermon at the synagogue of Nazareth.
Clean Video Ruth 1: We see in this passage a wonderful picture of conversion and repentance when Ruth forsakes her pagan roots as a Moabitess and embraces the God of Israel. What is the mission of the church? To do the greater works--that is to proclaim the gospel and see God save sinners. How will we accomplish this mission as weak, sinful people? Through answered prayer in Jesus' name. Traditionalist SBC proponents deny both effectual calling and that regeneration precedes faith.
What is the role of the Holy Spirit in evangelism and conversion in Traditionalist theology? He gives three Biblical examples of how both the Word and Spirit work together to bring about the sovereign regeneration of the elect. Sean Cole introduces the book of Ruth and focuses on the 1: This is the story of God's invisible hand of grace in the midst of extreme tragedy. He explores four false ways people try to approach God: There was a problem with the audio around the 24 minute mark with static that is intermittent through the end. Clean Video The Hands of the Potter.
Sean Cole shows the transcendent majesty of the Sovereign Lord from Jeremiah Clean Video John 4: Sean Cole preaches a very important passage of Scripture for our pluralistic age that denies the exclusivity of Christ. Faith in Christ is the antidote for a troubled heart. Jesus gives three reasons why we can not fear: Pastor Sean also gives a warning about the heresy in The Shack. Clean Video Philippians 4: Sean Cole finishes up the book of Philippians.
A cross-centered love portrays a compelling testimony to a watching world. Jesus prepares the disciples for His departure by focusing on two key truths: They will argue for total depravity in that we are born sinful, but no so sinful that we cannot ADMIT our need for a Savior when presented with the gospel. Is admitting our need for salvation the same as genuine saving faith? Cole interacts with the Traditionalist view by addressing three key areas: He compares the London Baptist Confession with the Traditional Statement as he unpacks the Scriptures to reveal the key differences between Traditionalists and Calvinists Southern Baptists.
Clean Video Philippians 3: When you diligently pursue Christ through prayer, thinking deeply about gospel truths, and consistent obedience, He fills your heart with unspeakable joy and peace. We see in Judas that you cannot hide hypocrisy from the sovereign Christ.
Paul contrasts his former life as a legalistic Pharisee with his new new life in Christ. Sean Cole''s Sunday morning sermon from John Those who have been cleansed by the saving cross of Christ are empowered to serve others with humility. Clean Video Philippians 2: We are called to work out our salvation with fear and trembling while God powerfully works in us to accomplsih this. What does it look like to work out our salvation?
Sean Cole interacts with a post from SBC Today by Ronnie Rogers which argues that Calvinists are not forthright in our gospel presentations because we cannot in good conscious give a person who may be reprobate the hope of the gospel. This argument assumes that we know the identity of the elect and the reprobate when sharing the gospel. Cole also interacts with some comments from Rick Patrick that clearly show the vast difference between SBC Traditionalism and Calvinism. Patrick's gracious yet unambiguous comments deny unconditiional election, total inablity, particular redemption, and irresistible grace.
Here is the link to the article: Sean Cole examines the doctrine of compatibilism which states that God's absolute sovereignty is concurrent with human responsibility. He interacts with an essay by Dr. Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. During this period he was regularly engaged with the important topic of forgiveness. While counselling men and women he observed lives being changed as they chose to obey the Lord Jesus and forgive.
Now back in Europe, he continues to help Christians forgive those wh Philip Nunn served the Lord as a missionary and Bible teacher for fifteen years in Colombia, South America. Now back in Europe, he continues to help Christians forgive those who have hurt them, and so remove the hindrances to their spiritual growth.
In this book, the author explores forgiveness from a Biblical perspective. In doing so, he corrects a number of common misunderstandings that hinder authentic forgiveness. He carefully leads his readers step by step away from the chains of bondage to experience the wonderful freedom which Christ has purchased for them. There is a transforming power in forgiveness!
It spreads like a poison in our communities. Kindle Edition , 69 pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.