
The Right Guy For Me

If there is a problem, he wants to find a way to solve it. He wants to work harder, to be better, to be his best self. The important thing to keep in mind is that people have different ideas about what it means to put effort into a relationship. He might believe that working hard and being good at his job is putting in effort because he wants to provide for you and give you nice things and a comfortable lifestyle.

10 Ways To Know He's Not Right For You

I remember the exact moment I knew my husband was the one. After about a month of everything being perfect as they usually are in the beginning , we had our first conflict. It was nothing major; we just started experiencing areas where our personalities clashed and seeing how we process things differently. I would get impatient with this, and my impatience was hurtful to him. I have seen countless variations of this kind of scenario: The girl racks her brain trying to figure out what she did wrong, what she could have done differently.

That sounds reasonable, right? If a guy leaves when things get a little rocky, it means he is lacking in the most important quality you need in a partner, and that is a man who is committed not only to you, but to making it work. The truth comes out after time goes on, when you let your guard down, when you can be more of yourselves instead of the absolute best version of yourselves.

There is always a certain degree of work involved in order to create that deep and meaningful connection, and it has to come from both people. When a guy is ready to settle down and sees you as a good potential partner, he wants to make it work. He wants to overcome the differences, to get to a place of better understanding. My husband and I are so different.

The way we think and feel is different, and the way we communicate is different. In the beginning of our relationship this definitely caused problems, but now, after really committing to working on it, we have hit this amazing place of understanding and are so much more in sync.

Everything You Need To Know About Choosing The Right Guy | Thought Catalog

The differences still exist, but we were able to meet in the middle. A big mistake I see women making is blaming themselves when a relationship falls apart. They torture themselves with could haves and should haves. I should have been less needy, I should have been more agreeable, I could have been more supportive, etc. There will always be differences, there will always be problems, you will not always behave exactly how he wants a partner to behave same for him. Notice the word form. Every relationship is different and comes with a unique set of circumstances.

Without trust, there is no relationship.

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In a good, strong, healthy relationship you feel at ease. You do not feel constantly panicked and on edge, always anticipating the proverbial other shoe to drop. Sometimes a lack of trust develops because of something substantial.

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Maybe he cheated, maybe you caught him in a few too many lies. Relationships are supposed to bring out your best, not your worst. Our gut instincts can be incredibly powerful.

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For a relationship to last, you need to have depth of connection. You need to know your partner intimately, and this goes way beyond his bedroom skills. You need to know who he is, what he wants out of life, and what his hopes, dreams, and fears are. You need to connect to each other in an honest, unguarded way. Each person is composed of many layers.

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In our lives, some people see the surface layer, a select few see what lies beneath the exterior, and very few see straight to the core. Your life partner should be in the last group. Fortunately, this issue is one that can be fixed. Try to make an effort to connect to him in a real way. Attraction and sexual chemistry are never enough to sustain a relationship. Respect is huge for guys. Just as most women need to feel loved and adored, men need to feel respected and admired.

A man needs to feel like the man; he needs to feel respected. At the same time, you need to be with a partner who respects you. This means he respects you as a person: Sometimes you might not even recognize the person that your relationship has turned you into. That was definitely the case for me many years back before I knew any better. I made the same mistake countless women make.

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  3. Everything You Need To Know About Choosing The Right Guy.
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  7. More than a month. More than a year. The guy who answers all the questions in class. Right, all kinds of things go wrong. One reason why so many girls get their hearts broken is because they date the wrong guys. Often, they jump in without any idea as to who this guy really is. Sadly, most of the time they do not. The odds are stacked against them. I know it sounds corny but I made a list of the things that a guy would have to do or be to date me.