The Group as an Object of Desire: Exploring Sexuality in Group Therapy
The erotic connection The dissociation of desire The group as witness Erotic transference and counter-transference Psychotherapists and all those interested in sexual development and diversity will value the challenging approach to sexuality this book offers.
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This emphasis on consummated behavior largely sidestepped the issues of attraction, desire, and other underlying processes that could be deemed erotic. First, Yalom highlighted that sexual themes can arise in leaderless environments. He noted, It is common for groups to assume a more playful often sexually tinged character in the absence of the leader. The transformation is startlingly abrupt; no sooner does the teacher leave the room than the class erupts unrestrained, mirthful play. It is something that occurs outside of proper supervision. Acting out is a form of resistance to therapy because it discharges impulses that should be addressed verbally within the group.
Acting, though, is a process of trying out new behavior and experiences after it has been verbally processed. Second, Yalom discussed eroticism in groups as a particularly anti- therapeutic form of subgrouping. Yalom espoused the opinion that sexual relationships between group members are incompatible with the formation of a cohesive psychotherapy group.
Members of dyads limit their ability to be helpmates with each other. Due to a tendency to keep confidences, they withhold valuable information about themselves, as well as their perceptions of peers, from the larger group discussion. They also create affected and charming facades with each other, and that lends an air of inauthenticity to the group. Yalom believed that even secret dyads instill a pre-consciously noticed process within groups that ultimately inhibit overall cohesion and growth.
While Yalom took an overly pessimistic view of eroticism within groups, he emphasized that therapists cannot unilaterally prevent the formation of sexual relationships, although they should never encourage it.
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He believed that members who would be inclined to do this would simply ignore prohibitions against it anyway. Also, these prohibitions would complicate the open discussion of the relationship by introducing elements of guilt and shame. If this style can eventually be discussed within group, it can be therapeutic. The Contextual Salience of Eroticism Given the above discussion, eroticism appears to have an ambivalent effect on the cohesiveness of psychotherapy groups, and the meaning of it can be as varied as the meaning of eroticism for an individual.

Ultimately, the situation and timing of eroticism will be important for understanding its meaning and effect within the group. Eroticism in a psychotherapy process groups might be different than its expression in self-help, psychoeducation, or other types of groups.
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For instance, a self-help group may not have as strong a boundary against sexual relationships as a psychodynamically-oriented process group. This difference in boundaries and goals will lead to different expressions of sexual desire and the potential for enactment.
Also, eroticism in an early stage of group development might be an anti-cohesion force, as it could highlight subgrouping and touch upon issues of shame. However, it might be a testimony to the level of attained cohesion for psychotherapy groups in later stages of development. Ultimately, all authors valued the benefit of naming erotic desire. Its verbalization can enrich the group by acknowledging unconscious processes, and even the risk of creating an erotic process through verbalization can lead to worthwhile discussions and foster greater intimacy.
As with any group psychotherapy process, though, verbalization is preferable to acting out. The acting out of desire can allow it to remain dissociated from consciousness. However, there are drawbacks to this valorization of verbalization. Second, verbalization favors the public side of the previously mentioned paradox of eroticism, and as such might result in a loss of the idiosyncratic, private aspect of erotic desire. Some of its uniqueness, the sense that this erotic desire is my erotic desire, can be dispelled.
Ultimately, addressing eroticism within a psychotherapy group will require mindfulness of the risks and benefits, for individuals and the group, of naming desire. The shadow of the object. Sex, death, and the superego: The issue of sexuality in group psychotherapy. Group 8 3 , Erotic narratives in psychoanalytic practice: The hysterical group and the hysterical analyst.
Group Analysis 32, The group as an object of desire: Exploring sexuality in group therapy. Culture, politics and group therapy: Group Analysis 34 4 , Eroticism in group psychotherapy: Psychoanalytic reflections on desire, agony, and ecstasy. International Journal of Group Psychotherapy 53 4 , Erotic transference as a social defence.