The Demon Version
Curse editions appear on this disc, and we'll be comparing them before we're through. Stephen King, in his nonfiction book on horror fiction, Danse Macabre , places Demon on his list of films that contributed something of value to the genre, and gives it a special asterisk as one of his personal favorites. Dark shadows Here's a deceptively simple story exceptionally well told, its pulse beating beneath its skin with Tourneur keeping its lub-dub beat in your head from start to finish. American psychologist and die-hard skeptic John Holden Dana Andrews arrives in rural England not far from Stonehenge, which figures in the proceedings to disprove the alleged black magic of "witch cult" leader Dr.
Julian Karswell, played with smooth affability by Niall MacGinnis. However, Holden's local colleague, Professor Harrington Maurice Denham , has realized that their investigations into Karswell's group have uncovered demonological truths too terrible to dismiss, and Harrington begs Karswell to "stop what has begun. The urbane and polite sorcerer reminds Harrington that "You said, 'Do your worst,' and that's precisely what I did. Karswell had passed to Harrington an ancient strip of parchment inscribed with occult runes.
The runes can invoke a demon that kills any person possessing the parchment. Much of Demon 's tension arises from our watching Holden pull the runes from his pocket and place them back again, the paper fluttering as if alive, while he refuses to recognize the terror stalking him. Holden is our anchor, our point of view that must be convinced of the dark forces on the loose in the dark, and his ghostly encounters in dark hallways, alone in the woods, in a lonely farmhouse, and other scenes where the overriding question is "Who's there?
Peggy Cummins also stars as Harrington's attractive niece, kindergarten teacher Joanna.
- Curse of the Demon () - Alternate Versions - IMDb.
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- Lintelligence du stress (Mieux vivre avec les neurosciences) (French Edition).
- The deMon2k Home Page.
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She occupies the middle ground between Holden's obstinate skepticism and Karswell's witchcraft beliefs. Joanna is as level-headed as any educated modern woman, but unlike Holden she's willing to acknowledge the evidence that's before her eyes.
Demon takes full advantage from this collision of realities: It's a theme seen again and again in British genre films of the '50s and '60s, and a duality well suited for a British setting, where the isles' stiff-upper-lip pragmatism occupies the same space as Stonehenge and haunted castles. Karswell understands these dueling dogmas far better than Holden could ever hope to.
Tobit 8 GNT - The Demon Is Expelled - When they had - Bible Gateway
The cold light of reason, Holden is told, casts very deep shadows, yet it's Joanna who at the very end, after witnessing the horrific climax of Karswell's demonic conjurings, first declares that perhaps it's better not to know some things. Famous Monsters Although considered a classic today, Demon 's reputation took time to build. Regarded only as so much filler during its initial distribution, in the U.
Over the decades it has accrued an admirable level of respect among genre devotees. That was helped by Forrest Ackerman's monthly necronomicon, Famous Monsters of Filmland , which carried tantalizing images and descriptions of the movie throughout the '60s and '70s. It's been only spottily shown on TV, but more and more it has appeared on the bill at international film festivals and university campuses. Today it's recognized as one of the few first-rate specimens of its form, a textbook model of how to make an unsettling and scary movie.
And no doubt some of the film's appreciators discovered it thanks to a line from Rocky Horror Picture Show 's famous title song: So it's safe to say that this DVD release is being greeted with thankful hossanas throughout horror film fandom. While it can't substitute for a good big-screen experience, home video may be the perfect place for Tourneur's spooky gothic number.
Program description   
This is a creeper, if ever there was one, that benefits from multiple viewings The devil is in the details Jacques Tourneur was a master craftsman who was himself the son of director Maurice Tourneur whose gangster opus Alias Jimmy Valentine holds pride of place on the Origins of Film DVD set. Their partnership led to some of the most lauded films of the genre: Cat People '42 , I Walked with a Zombie '43 , and The Leopard Man '43 , all displaying Tourneur's Kubrick-like command of visually rich composition and precision-targeted atmosphere, with Cat People in particular being an artistic and commercial success.
Tourneur went on to helm other fine work as diverse as westerns, comedies, and the film noir classic Out of the Past , and directed one of the earliest episodes of TV's The Twilight Zone. Like Lewton before him and Kubrick after, he employed every tool in his kit to control the goings-on and catch us off our guard.
In they merged to become the deMon-KS3 [15] series of programs. Over the years, many important method developments in DFT can be attributed to work originating with deMon and related programs.
This includes, but is not limited to, NMR chemical shifts [16] and time-dependent density functional theory [17]. Several different versions of deMon developed. The AllChem [18] project started in Hannover in independently of the deMon project. The aim of this project was to write a well structured DFT code from scratch. The first AllChem version appeared in The structured programming of AllChem proved very useful for the development and testing of new DFT approaches and algorithms. The deMon and AllChem developers agreed at the first deMon Developers meeting in Ottawa to merge their codes in order to keep a Tower of Babel from arising.

As a result the new code couples the deMon functionality with the stable and efficient integral part from AllChem , including for example f , g and higher angular momentum type hermite Gaussian auxiliary functions. The merged code was presented for the first time at the third deMon Developers meeting in Geneva. The present version of the code is now known as deMon2k [19] to distinguish it from the earlier premerge codes. Please, see the following links for details and more information about functionality and reference to a deMon2k version number: The game of the name The first widely available version of deMon [7] appeared in In Turkish culture, incubus is known as Karabasan.
It is an evil being that descends upon some sleepers at night. These beings are thought to be spirits or jinns. It can be seen or heard in the nightmare and a heavy weight is felt on the chest. Yet, people cannot wake up from that state.
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- Curse of the Demon / Night of the Demon.
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Some of the causes are sleeping without adequately covering the body especially women and eating in bed. Victims may have been experiencing waking dreams or sleep paralysis. The phenomenon of sleep paralysis is well-established. During the first phase of sleep also known as REM sleep , motor centers in the brain are inhibited, producing paralysis. The reason for this is ultimately unknown but the most common explanation is that this prevents one from acting out one's dreams.
Malfunctions of this process can either result in somnambulism sleepwalking or, conversely, sleep paralysis—where one remains partially or wholly paralysed for a short time after waking. Additional to sleep paralysis is hypnagogia. In a near-dream state, it is common to experience auditory and visual hallucinations. Mostly these are forgotten upon fully waking or soon afterwards, in the same manner as dreams. However, most people remember the phenomenon of hearing music or seeing things in near-sleep states at some point in their lives.
Typical examples include a feeling of being crushed or suffocated, electric "tingles" or "vibrations", imagined speech and other noises, the imagined presence of a visible or invisible entity, and sometimes intense emotions of fear or euphoria and orgasmic feelings. These often appear quite real and vivid; especially auditory hallucinations of music which can be quite loud, indistinguishable from music being played in the same room.
Humanoid and animal figures, often shadowy or blurry, are often present in hypnagogic hallucinations, more so than other hallucinogenic states. This may be a relic of an ancient instinct to detect predatory animals. The combination of sleep paralysis and hypnagogic hallucination could easily cause someone to believe that a "demon was holding them down".
Add to this the common phenomena of nocturnal arousal and nocturnal emission , and all the elements required to believe in an incubus are present. On the other hand, some victims of incubi could well have been the victims of real sexual assault. Rapists may have attributed the rapes of sleeping women to demons in order to escape punishment. A friend or relative is at the top of the list in such cases and would be kept secret by the intervention of "spirits". From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article is about the legendary demon.