Jungle Tales: Celtic Memories of an Epic Stand (Mainstream Sport)
Go directly to the list of described PBS programs available from Amazon. Several movie studios are now releasing DVD and Blu-rays discs of mainstream films with the descriptive narration track created for theaterical release. We continue to work with additional PBS series producers, commercial network producers and movie studios' home entertainment divisions to encourage them to make their releases fully accessible through the inclusion of descriptive narration as well as captioning.
Includes 4 great adventures: When Binky discovers that he's allergic to peanuts, he has so many questions: Will he be forced to live without Chinese food? Will he ever again be able to eat with his friends? And most importantly, will his Mom ever calm down? Binky learns that the best way not to go nuts is to be well informed and to understand his allergy. Much to his horror, Brain gets a "B-" on a test. That's only one grade above a C!
What caused this disaster? Brain is determined to get to the bottom of this before he loses what's left of his IQ. When Arthur doesn't fit into his costume for the play, he's shocked to learn that he's gotten "husky-sized. Will he turn to an all-protein diet? Eat only herbs and berries? Or will he try something really radical The Law of the Jungle Gym: Muffy found the perfect place to take pictures with her new digital camera: Unfortunately, it's Tough Customer territory, and Molly wants to bully Muffy right out of her new studio.
But Crosswires do not compromise! Based on the best-selling children's books by Marc Brown, Arthur chronicles the adventures of the world's most famous aardvark, eight-year-old Arthur Read, and his family and friends. In episodes that never moralize or talk down to kids, Arthur and his friends encounter the joys and difficulties that all kids experience. From telling the truth to wetting the bed, Arthur manages to handle each situation with imagination, kindness, and humor. The series also models the joys and rewards of literacy by presenting the many ways kids--and adults--incorporate reading and writing into their lives.
Arthur's best buddy Binky Barnes is about to go through a serious life change-He's going to become a big brother! No, his parents aren't having another child, they're adopting one. But this is no ordinary adoption, since Binky's new kid sister is coming all the way from China!
This is the story of Binky and his family going to China to meet their new family member and how they learn about a different culture as well. It is also a humorous and entertaining TV show that has charmed public television audiences for years. Hooray for Health includes: Based on the best-selling children's books by Marc Brown and a Daytime Emmy Award-Winner for Outstanding Children's Animated Program, Arthur chronicles the adventures of the world's most famous aardvark, eight-year-old Arthur Read, and his family and friends.
From keeping secrets to going to the hospital, Arthur manages to handle each situation with imagination, kindness, and humor. WGBH has announced the first season set for Arthur; season This 5 disc set includes 10 episodes mins , plus bonus material. This DVD set includes: Do You Speak George? Includes all 10 Episodes of Season Box set includes 18 great adventures on 5 Discs: Prunella Sees The Light 2. The World of Tomorrow 3. Elwood City Turns ! Ants In Arthur's Pants 5. Arthur's Music Jamboree includes Then Arthur meets Dr. Fugue- who's as strict as he is odd- and begins to doubt his own abilities.
Will Arthur be fired from playing the piano? When Buster signs up to sell candy for the band, he figures it's easy money-who doesn't love chocolate? Buster soon wishes that somebody loved it more than he does, because he eats it all himself. Will the band be doomed to wear tattered uniforms and play old instruments forever? Whose music will rule after the greats duke it out in the battle of classical versus jazz?
In the second story, will Arthur be exposed as a a baby show lover? When he gets hooked on "Love Ducks" he tries to hide it from his friends--not an easy feat since it's on at the same time as the new Bionic Bunny spin-off everyone's talking about! Will he be able to get through his recital without any mistakes? In the second story, can Francine and the Brain put aside their differences for the good of the soccer team? Probably not -- so Arthur and Buster decide to "write" some wrongs. Even if Muffy survives playing goalie in the big game against Mighty Mountain, will the team survive her dad?
The try-outs for the Young Person's Orchestra are coming to Lakewood Elementary and everyone agrees that Binky is a shoe-in, since he's the best musician in school. So why is Binky suddenly refusing to play in band practice? Has Binky turned against the clarinet or against music itself? Lionel won't let Leona play a computer game for ages seven and up because she's four and down. The Fox and the Crow: Walter and Clay Pigeon want The Fox and the Crow banned from the library because they think the book makes birds look like birdbrains.
Leona thinks scary giants are coming into the library to clobber lion cubs. Everyone except Lionel is thrilled when Fuzzy Wuzzy comes out of the Fuzzy Fuzzy Wuzzy Book to form a conga line with his fans in the library. The Boy Who Cried Wolf: Lionel and Leona show a shepherd boy from a storybook how to cry "Wolf! The Chap with Caps: The Lion family helps a writer fix a story about a chap, a cap, and lots of chattering monkeys.
Pecos Bill Cleans Up the West: A storybook tornado blows into the library and makes a terrible mess.
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Lionel's Great Escape Trick: Lionel ties himself up with ropes and tries to escape without magic words. Leoona keeps the whole family awake because she wants a queen to touch the moon. Swing open the doors to reveal a wonderful, quirky family of lions in their It's a magical place where characters pop out of the pages of books, vowels sing, and words take on a life of their own. Special DVD features includes downloadable materials in English and Spanish, kindergarten Teachers' Guide, reading tips, and practice sheets. The very sleepy Lion family tries to stay up very late at night, so they won't miss the most spectacular meteor shower of the year.
There's a Fly in My Soup: Everyone reads jokes to Click the Mouse to try to make her laugh. Lionel and Leona persuade Click the Mouse to take a magic popcorn popper out of a book and then can't make it stop popping! Leona helps a sculptor who falls in love with his statue. Leona decides to ride piggyback on her dad's back forever and ever. To the Ship, To the Ship!: Lionel and Walter Pigeon think all pirates were men, so they won't let Leona and Clay Pigeon join their pirate game. Everyone in the library goes crazy after Lionel puts up signs about new rules.
When cool, jazzy shoes come out of a book and dance all over the library, everybody gets in the groove. Martha Goes to School: TD thinks it would be funny to put Martha's name on the list for substitute teachers. TD and the Light Bulb of Doom: TD panics after he leaves his school project to the last minute. Where has Truman been hiding and why is he acting so weird? Skits loves Malcolm TV's blue monkey so much he wants to be Malcolm.
Ain't Nothin' but a Pound Dog, part 1: Martha loses her collar and winds up in the animal shelter. Ain't Nothin' but a Pound Dog, part 2: Martha decides she can't leave her shelter friends behind. What's gotten into Bob? He's off his chain and chasing Truman all over town. Martha Spins a Tale: Martha Says It with Flowers: Martha decides to do something really special for Grandma's birthday.
Raiders of the Lost Art: TD passes in the wrong drawing in art class a rather unflattering caricature of his art teacher. Someone, or some ghost, is fixing up the haunted house! Martha Changes Her Luck: Martha walks under a ladder and breaks a mirror so now she thinks she s jinxed. Martha wakes up singing and she can't stop! TD Makes the Band: TD recruits the gang to join his band and then sets out to write a hit song There Goes the Neighborhood: Martha can't believe that Helen and Alice are making such a fuss about a kitten.
Alice is shocked to discover that Truman has never actually tried ice cream. This is a story of competing paths to social change, American identity, and the nature of religion itself. Working in Pakistan, former reporter Asra Nomani found herself pregnant and abandoned by the Pakistani man she thought would be her husband, then her friend Daniel Pearl was murdered. She and her son returned to her hometown in West Virginia to find that the mosque had been taken over by men she saw as extremists. More than 5, sailors live onboard the USS Nimitz, a nuclear aircraft carrier.

All have been forced to leave friends, family and loved ones behind for a six-month deployment to the Persian Gulf, during which they'll face confining quarters, harsh temperatures, extreme work conditions and conflicts over faith and duty. The Building of America, now comes Building Alaska, a century-long journey with the dedicated and visionary men and women who built Alaska's great engineering projects in the coldest, most remote and forbidding part of the United States.
This feature-length documentary tells the stories of the great railroads and highways of the late 19th and early 20th century and how they opened the region up to gold and copper mining and made Alaska habitable; of the invasion of Alaska by the Japanese in World War II; and of the biggest earthquake ever in North America all of which helped shape America's 49th state. Looking to the wider immigrant experience, Professor Gates unravels the American tapestry, following the threads of his guests lives back to their origins around the globe.
Along the way, the many stories he uncovers of displacement and homecoming, of material success and dispossession, of assimilation and discrimination illuminate the American experience. For close to two weeks, an Afghan video journalist gained access and traveled a region of Afghanistan that he found was now largely under control of the Taliban "shadow" government.
As the new U. The business of higher education is booming. But what are students getting out of the deal? Critics say a worthless degree and a mountain of debt. Investors insist they re innovators, widening access to education. But only one DNA match. Why would four innocent men confess to a brutal crime they didn't commit? Navy -- for the rape and murder of a Norfolk, Va. In the first television interviews with the "Norfolk Four" since their release, Bikel learns of some of the high-pressure police interrogation techniques -- the threat of the death penalty, sleep deprivation, intimidation -- that led each of the men to confess, despite the lack of any evidence linking them to the crime.
In Afghanistan today an ancient tradition has re-emerged, it's called Bacha Bazi, translated literally as, boy play. Boys, some as young as eleven, are dressed in woman's clothes, taught to sing and dance for the entertainment of male audiences, and then sold to the highest bidder or traded among the men for sex. The Afghan authorities responsible for stopping these crimes are sometimes themselves complicit in the practice. Did Texas execute an innocent man? Several controversial death penalty cases are currently under examination in Texas and in other states, but it's the execution of Cameron Todd Willingham -- convicted for the arson deaths of his three young children -- that's now at the center of the national debate.
In Death by Fire, FRONTLINE gains unique access to those closest to the Willingham case -- meticulously examining the evidence used to convict Willingham, offering an in-depth portrait of those most impacted by the case, and exploring the explosive implications of the execution of a possibly innocent man. Over a single generation, the Web and digital media have remade nearly every aspect of modern culture, transforming the way we work, learn, and connect in ways that we re only beginning to understand.
The film is the product of a unique collaboration with visitors to the Digital Nation Web site, who for the past year have been able to react to the work in progress and post their own stories online. Dretzin and her team report from the front lines of digital culture from love affairs blossoming in virtual worlds, to the thoroughly wired classrooms of the future, to military bases where the Air Force is fighting a new form of digital warfare.
Along the way, they begin to map the critical ways that technology is transforming us, and what we may be learning about ourselves in the process. How far would you go to sustain the life of someone you love, or your own? When the moment comes, and you're confronted with the prospect of "pulling the plug," do you know how you'll respond? Unfounded rumors of federal "death panels" grabbed headlines last summer, but the real decisions of how we die--the questions that most of us prefer to put off - are being made quietly behind closed doors, increasingly on the floors of America's intensive care units.
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Here, we find doctors and nurses struggling to guide families through the maze of end-of-life choices they now confront: The film also offers an unusually intimate portrait of patients facing the prospect of dying in ways that they might never have wanted or imagined. One year after the deadliest domestic airline accident in seven years, FRONTLINE investigates the crash of Continental in Buffalo, NY, and discovers a dramatically changed airline industry, where regional carriers now account for half of the nation's daily departures.
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The rise of the regionals and arrival of low-cost carriers have been a huge boon to consumers, and the industry insists that the skies remain safe. But many insiders are worried that now, thirty years after airline deregulation, the aviation system is being stretched beyond its capacity to deliver service that is both cheap and safe. Health care reform was the first big policy deal taken on by the Obama administration.
Many say the young president has bet the mid-term elections, possibly his presidency, on the outcome. From early positive efforts, through the bitter battles with the Tea Party, the elation of apparent success at Christmas, to the crushing failure in the Massachusetts Senatorial election, FRONTLINE follows the story and reveals the first in-depth look at how the Obama administration operates. On January 12, , Haiti was leveled by one of the most devastating earthquakes in recorded history. Those responsible for handling the catastrophe were crippled by the magnitude of the disaster and struggled to respond, as survivors were left without food, water or shelter.
Drawing on interviews with key officials and humanitarian experts from Port-au-Prince to New York, The Quake asks, can the world do better? The true story of Bransk, a small Polish shtetl that died overnight when all its Jewish residents were transported to Treblinka's gas chambers. A haunting story with tragic consequences emerges through interviews, photographs and personal stories. Over the past decade, BP vaulted from an energy "also-ran" to one of the biggest companies in the world, gobbling up competitors in a series of mergers that delivered handsome profits for shareholders.
As BP took increasingly big risks to find oil and extract it, the company left behind a trail of mounting problems: Each time, BP acknowledged the wider flaws in its culture and promised to do better. From the refineries to the oil fields to the Gulf of Mexico, BP workers understood that profits came first. As darkness fell on May 10, , a fast moving storm of unimaginable ferocity trapped three climbing teams high on the slopes of Mount Everest.
The climbers, exhausted from their summit climb, were soon lost in darkness, in a fierce blizzard, far from the safety of High Camp at 26, feet. World-renowned climber and filmmaker David Breashears, who aided the rescue efforts back in , now returns to Everest to tell the fuller story of what really happened on that legendary climb.
Through remarkably intimate interviews with the climbers and Sherpas, many who have never spoken before on American television, Breashears sheds new light on the worst climbing tragedy in Mount Everest's history. Do we have the right to end our lives if life itself becomes unbearable, or we are terminally ill? With unique access to Dignitas, the Swiss non-profit that has helped over one thousand people die, filmmaker John Zaritsky offers a revealing look at two couples facing the most difficult decision of their lives--and lets us see as one Chicago native makes the trip to Switzerland for what will become the last day of his life.
Controversy surrounds vaccines for many ordinary Americans. On one side sits scientific medicine, and the public health establishment; on the other a populist coalition of parents, celebrities, politicians and activists. It's a war that increasingly takes place on the Internet with both sides using the latest social media tools, including Facebook and twitter, to win the hearts and minds of the public.
Since the Iraq War began, soldier arrests in the city of Colorado Springs have tripled. At least thirty-six servicemen based at the nearby Army post of Fort Carson have committed suicide. And fourteen Fort Carson soldiers have been charged or convicted in at least eleven killings.
Many of the most violent crimes involved men who had served in the same battalion in Iraq. Three of them came from a single platoon of infantrymen. It is a story of heroism, grief, vicious combat, depression, drugs, alcohol and brutal murder; an investigation into the Army's mental health services; and a powerful portrait of what multiple tours and post-traumatic stress are doing to a generation of young American soldiers. A woman risks everything to follow her heart in this stunning adaptation of Leo Tolstoy's powerful tale of love, marriage, and betrayal in imperial Russia.
Theirs was the rarest of royal marriages-a true love match-but their expected life of genteel obscurity vanished with his brother's abdication in Follow the remarkable story of Britain's King George VI, known to friends simply as Bertie, and his fun-loving wife, Elizabeth, later enshrined in British hearts as the Queen Mum during her daughter's reign. In search of peace and solitude, wealthy Dona St.
Columb retreats to her country estate in Cornwall and discovers the exact opposite. Martin Chipping is a young and earnest, if unremarkable, teacher of Latin. But he has potential, and the counsel of a wise, loving wife. How he grows to become the venerated icon of Brookfield School is a year story of a good man and a better future. Martin Clunes stars as the beloved Mr. Chips in this acclaimed new adaptation of the classic book and film.
Adela Bradley in these sophisticated s whodunits filled with blackmail, a shooting and plenty of devious twists and turns. In this set of five scintillating mysteries based on the novels by Gladys Mitchell, she gets the lowdown on the upper crust. In this extraordinary production, storyteller Alan Bleasdale broadens the scope of Charles Dickens' classic tale of an orphan in 19th century England-- and the characters who influence his destiny. Oliver's mother, Agnes, struggles against the tragic circumstances that ultimately leave Oliver a penniless orphan.
At the Parish Workhouse, he is forced by other boys to ask for more food, and as a result, is sold as an apprentice to a miserly undertaker. He runs away and is taken in by master thief Fagin, who is in league with a murderous pair determined to see that Oliver never inherits the fortune he deserves.
Life twists and turns again and again for Oliver, landing him in alternately dangerous and hopeful circumstances. Oliver Twist is a drama of dark comedy, astonishing vivacity and soaring imagination, but ultimately, it is a story that celebrates the resilience and triumph of a little boy's spirit. Behind the shutters of a Victorian family's home lies a lethal potion of lust, corruption and greed.
At first glance, the two toymaking families who share a spacious villa in the leafy London suburb of Blackheath appear to be the era's picture-perfect examples. But looks can be murderously deceiving. The Collards and Vandervents are not alone in their houseendash they are also living with wicked secrets. Thrown together for the sake of the family business, they each harbor dangerous emotionsemdash and equally dangerous habits. Led by the frosty hand of a diabolic matriarch, the extended family also includes a selfish, debauched son; a bitter spinster; an adulterous wife; and a sharp young man who suspects his father's sudden death wasn't caused by the hand of God, but by poison.
A police investigation reveals unseemly secrets and an illicit affair that leads to a shockingemdash and rivetingemdash conclusion. Simpson , boldly and brilliantly redefines the Victorian era. The Celtic queen who shook the Roman Empire. Wife of a king. Mother of two daughters. Leader of her tribe in first century Briton. But oppressively high taxes impoverish the tribe and soon the Romans want something more—slaves. Refusing to submit, the Romans, led by the greedy and psychotic Emperor Nero, move to crush the Iceni and control their lands.
When the king dies mysteriously, his wife, Boudica, is left alone to face the rapacious Romans and save her people. Taken from the pages of Roman history books, the spine-tingling tale of the fearsome Queen Boudica, who dared to take on the most powerful army on earth, bursts into life as a story of love, treachery, and unquenchable thirst for revenge.
Love, life and murder. Just a few of Inspector Lynley's mysteries. The Inspector Lynley Mysteries feature the most celebrated British detective duo in years: Over the course of more than 10 intriguing Elizabeth George novels, beginning with A Great Deliverance, Lynley and Havers have won millions of loyal fans.
It's no mystery why. Decidedly uppercrust detective Lynley and his partner Havers endure a marriage made at police headquarters. Lynley is suave, sophisticated, and the eighth Earl of Asherton. Havers is rumpled, resentful, and working class, with an inborn dislike of the highborn.
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Despite their differences, the sleuths evolve into a potent team, employing their cunning, intuition, and street smarts to unravel some of the most heinouse and suspenseful crimes. When a student from prestigious Bredgar Hall is found dead under bizarre circumstances, Lynley receives a call from an old school chum asking for help. The Inspector and Havers soon discover hints of impropriety among both masters and students and race to crack the case before more students come into harm's way.
A playwright is murdered in her sleep on the eve of her new play's debut, forcing Lynley and Havers to select from an entire cast of suspects. The mysterious drama is further complicated by Lynley's deepening feelings for a woman involved with the play's director, who is himself a prime suspect. For The Sake Of Elena: The fog lifts over the green hills of Cambridge, revealing the lifeless body of a prominent professor's daughter, a young woman admired for being fun-loving, popular, daring and deaf.
The mystery is far from academic as Lynley and Havers discover fatal twists that sealed the fate of one dysfunctional family. A rural vicar is the victim of hemlock poisoning. Lynley and Havers discover that everyone from the local herbalist and her troubled teenage daughter to the local constable has a motive. The duo combs the countryside sifting for clues, and finally uncovers the secrets behind the murder. Talk about a puzzling case. Detective Inspector Thomas Lynley of Scotland Yard Nathaniel Parker, Far from the Maddding Crowd is assigned to investigate the gruesome murder of a farmer in a seemingly peaceful country village, but it's his new partner, Sgt.
Havers is as gritty, rumpled, and working-class as the Inspector is refined, well-heeled, and sophisticated. Is the murderer the farmer's shy daughter who was found next to her father's decapitated corpse? The nephew who stands to inherit the farm? The estranged wife who's protecting her new family from an unsightly past?
Or is it a suspicious village resident with a shady past and a weak alibi?
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Based on the best-selling mystery by Elizabeth George, A Great Deliverance introduces Inspector Lynley with first-rate performances and abundant amounts of nail-biting suspense. From award-winning film-maker David Grubin, this miniseries weaves together the troubled lives of a dirt-farmer's son and a wealthy Southern slave-owner's daughter. Together, Abraham and Mary Lincoln ascended to the pinnacle of power at the most difficult time in the nation's history, the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln's legacy as the Great Emancipator reshaped the nation while his tragic death left Mary reclusive and forgotten. Between Chicago stood at the center of, and symbolized America's rise from a rural republic to an industrial giant. The first modern city of the United States and, much as Manchester was to England's Industrial Revolution, the "shock city" of American capitalism.
Visionary yet enigmatic, brilliant yet manipulative, Marcus Garvey is one of the most controversial figures in American history. Both a powerful orator and a pompous autocrat, Garvey inspired the loyalty of millions of African-Americans while infuriating many black leaders. He was a strong advocate of black self-help, yet was willing to collaborate with the Ku Klux Klan. He inspired African-Americans to support his economic enterprises, then lost their hard-earned money through mismanagement.
This film uses a wealth of archival footage, photographs and documents to uncover the story of this Jamaican immigrant who between and built what was the largest black mass movement in world history. In , two men at Johns Hopkins University Hospital pioneered a groundbreaking procedure that would save thousands of so-called blue babies' lives.
One of them, Alfred Blalock, was a prominent white surgeon. The other, Vivien Thomas, was an African American with a high school education. Partners of the Heart tells the inspiring, little-known story of their collaboration. Blalock recognized Thomas' talents when the younger man came inquiring after a hospital janitor's job. But though Blalock came to treat Thomas with tremendous respect in the lab, the two men were rarely treated as equals in the outside world. Over time, Thomas would go on to train two generations of the country's premier heart surgeons. In , more than three decades after the first blue baby's life had been saved, Johns Hopkins finally formally recognized Thomas' extraordinary achievements, awarding him an honorary doctorate.
In mid, it looked as if the war in Europe was coming to an end. Hitler was on the run, and the Allies had triumphantly regained Paris, as well as Casablanca and Tripoli, Naples, and Rome. After five hard years of war, Allied soldiers were breathing easieremdash even stopping to enjoy dances and parties. Hitler, however, had one final card to play. In December , he struck back with a brutal counterattack. The Battle of the Bulge was the single biggest and bloodiest battle U. Almost 80, Americans were killed, injured, or captured in an infernal test of courage and endurance that ultimately ended with a hard-won victory for the Allies.
Racing autobiographies tended to be like their football equivalents prior to the millennium — bland, safe, predictable — but in that would change, with the Belfast-born Dunwoody and Kilkenny-born Walsh doing for the genre what Tony Cascarino and Paul Kimmage would do for football.
Her father naturally confronts him but what does Dunwoody do? But you can tell his heart was fully in this project, a magnificent memoir of his childhood, football career and first decade and a bit in journalism, taking us right up to a personal and national watershed, the World Cup. At the start of he decides to postpone his studies in Canada after the death of his father to cancer and essentially become a full-time athlete.
The reward is an All Star but in he returns to Canada to not just finish his degree but cycle the country coast-to-coast to honour his father. This island has hardly produced a more outrageous sporting talent than George Best, and no Irish sports figure has probably inspired or written more books either. You would think the subject of Best would have been thoroughly exhausted by the time Duncan Hamilton embarked on this project but the man who had already written a classic profile of Brian Clough would work his magic again here.
Michael Jordan And The World He Made, Hamilton through the stories and backstories of others broadens his horizons to explain the phenomenon that was Best and the world that destroyed him. Offering up new material and new perspective, Hamilton, as one reviewer would opined, mastered biography. Gillespie here is straight up, no secret footballer, just a millionaire one — or at least he used to be, before he went bankrupt. You might not have heard of him but thanks to him you may have heard about Jack Doyle, the boxer, singer, charmer and carouser from Cobh who had it all and lost it all.
There is nothing forced about this book or his affection for Sligo Rovers; he is a diehard, albeit a hugely observant and well-read one. No idiosyncrasy of Irish life or its League of Ireland is lost on him, with his depiction of s Ireland on the money. The cynics got it right when they got this book wrong: The gripes and the flaws first so. Yes, the definitive Keane autobiography has yet to be written, he is extremely reluctant to talk about how he came to stop drinking, and he is extremely protective of his family to the point he barely mentions Theresa and the kids.
His first book, Keane: Yet The Second Half is even better. Keane goes here where very few others have gone before: Even Keane can laugh at how on an Ipswich pre-season commando training camp he resembled Mike Bassett. Bogue follows a player or manager from each Ulster county for the season. A work sui generis: Years ago when one of us was embarking on another book project, Foley insightfully remarked in conversation that the best American and indeed Irish sports books invariably tell you something about that country.
Well, rarely has a sports book told you more about an Ireland at one moment in time than Foley has himself with his just-released account of the years and days leading up to Bloody Sunday. The detail here is astonishing on Mick Hogan alone. How he grew up, how he died and how a teammate kept his shoelaces until the day he died himself. Probably the most exhaustively and best researched mainstream Irish sports book ever, yet reads like the best of historical novels.
Never has one book better captured the GAA, the championship, the Irish summer and Ireland itself all in one as Sweeney has here. No manager of an Irish sports team had been quite as candid as this before for a book, certainly not a Kerry one anyway. A book that created quite the fuss when published. As it happened, the Jack Charlton portrayed was the real Charlton: Sums it up perfectly.
We get a full picture of the man and where he comes from: But it is in the dressing room that Dalo, like Daly, really comes alive. Close to half the book is an account of the season in which his Dublin hurlers struggle and ultimately fail to attain the heights of the previous season. A masterful, insightful book on a career, professional football, and of course Saipan — and oh yeah, the World Cup that followed it.
By the time this came out in , you would have thought there was little more that could be told about or harped from the most celebrated but hackneyed Irish sports rivalry of them all; it took us two years to muster up the energy to give it a try. Yet Humphries managed to extract further gold from those mines, making something stale into something fresh. A personal favourite is his wonderful account of a middle-aged man walking into Croke Park for a All Ireland quarter-final between Dublin and Tyrone and taking up for the first time a spot on Hill 16, a terrace more accustomed to seeing only his back.
We were there too: Thomond, Halloween , Munster and the All Blacks. Or at least it feels that way after reading Alan English magnificently convey the lead-up, atmosphere and drama of that game so many wish and claim they were at. But as much as that win was something of a once-off, there was nothing overnight about it. English brings us through the genesis of a Munster rivalry and fascination with the All Blacks, how rugby captured the heart and imagination of the city and people of Limerick, and the education of a coach in Tom Kiernan, all which culminate in a day of days.
Thankfully it is now suitably chronicled in the rugby book of rugby books. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. To get the free app, enter your mobile phone number. Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Read more Read less. Enabled Similar books to Jungle Tales: Kindle Cloud Reader Read instantly in your browser. Editorial Reviews Review "The Jungle made a major contribution to success at Celtic Park before, during and after my days there.
The volume of support and the understanding of knowledge shown by the fans there is legendary" -- Billy McNeill "When it came to my turn to run out and face the Jungle for the first time I found it a truly incredible experience Product details File Size: September 14, Sold by: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. There's a problem loading this menu right now. Learn more about Amazon Prime.