Intimacy Prayer Journal
Lee , Helen H. Marshak , and Leslie R.

Author information Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Karen Holland. The publisher's final edited version of this article is available at Psycholog Relig Spiritual. Abstract Objective Intimacy is an essential part of marital relationships, spiritual relationships, and is also a factor in well-being, but there is little research simultaneously examining the links among spiritual intimacy, marital intimacy, and well-being. Results In the original structural model, all direct associations between the three latent variables of spiritual intimacy, marital intimacy, and well-being were significantly positive indicating that there was a significant relationship among spiritual intimacy, marital intimacy, and well-being.
Conclusions These findings suggest the central place of spiritual meaning in understanding the relationship of spiritual intimacy to marital intimacy and to well-being. Marital Intimacy Intimacy within relationships is multi-faceted and depends on several factors. Communication Communication is a vital factor in determining the tenor and perceived closeness of intimate relationships.
Spiritual Intimacy For the Christian, the idea of intimate oneness is a key aspect of spirituality because it characterizes the perceived relationship to God as stated in Acts Communication through prayer As with marital intimacy, communication is key to spiritual intimacy. Open in a separate window. Well-Being Well-being is a broad concept with varying definitions and measurement tools. Study Objectives There is limited research that simultaneously addresses how spiritual intimacy and marital intimacy are related to well-being, and how spiritual meaning might relate to all three.
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Table 1 Sample Demographics. Measures Control variables Age and length of relationship were selected as control variables since both appear to be strongly related to spiritual intimacy, marital intimacy, and well-being in our preliminary correlation analyses and in the literature. Latent constructs Three initial primary latent constructs were formed: Perceived relationship to God Perceived relationship to God consisted of four manifest variables: Well-being The latent construct of well-being was assessed using measures of physical health, psychological health, and life satisfaction.
Analyses To test the relationships between spiritual intimacy, marital intimacy, and well-being, structural equation modeling SEM, Amos 22; Arbuckle, was used, as well as SPSS 22 to run descriptive statistics and to manage data. Effects of Adding Spiritual Meaning Into the Model Figure 3 shows the final structural equation model with spiritual meaning included as a mediating variable. Connections Among Latent Variables Direct, indirect, and total effects among all latent variables are shown in Table 2 along with their confidence limits and p values.
Direct effects While all the direct paths among latent variables were significant, those pathways from spiritual intimacy to well-being and to marital intimacy were both relatively weak and negative. Indirect effects The indirect effects were mediated by spiritual meaning. Total effects As shown in Table 2 , the total effects of spiritual intimacy to spiritual meaning, and of spiritual meaning to well-being were both strong relative to the other effects.
Potential Moderating Factors Using the methods outlined in the analysis section, potential interactions were tested across the following groups: Spiritual intimacy without meaning A finding we did not initially anticipate was that spiritual intimacy would be associated with poorer marital intimacy and poorer well-being once spiritual meaning was accounted for. Extrinsic religiosity One must also consider extrinsic religiosity outward religious observance , not included in this conceptualization of spiritual intimacy but which might help explain its direct negative associations with well-being and marital intimacy.
Study Strengths Some of the strengths of this study include the large nationwide sample of Christians who believe in a personal God, and the increased uniformity in understanding of study questions because participants share the same conservative Christian faith Seventh-day Adventism. Study Limitations Using archival data is not without challenges. Contributor Information Karen J.
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