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Ma il Pd li attacca troppo". Porta a Roma il guru della blue economy e incontra il ministro Costa di G. Testimone oculare smentisce deputata M5s sull'aggressione.
Italian word of the day: 'Intrattenersi'
Gli sono grata per nostro figlio, ma non ci sentiamo da 20 anni". Il sovrintendente smentisce le parole a lui attribuite. Di Battista tra ammissione e reazione: Alla disperata ricerca di coperture di G. Il monologo di Luca Zingaretti commuove tutti. Mario Monti difende Giovanni Tria: Carabiniere aggredito dai tifosi dopo Lazio-Eintracht. Lui estrae la pistola. Alessandra Mussolini da Strasburgo: Piero Angela incanta anche al pianoforte con il brano simbolo di 'Casablanca'. Porta il cane a passeggio e assiste al crollo di un'enorme scogliera in Cornovaglia.
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Scoppia la polemica, il prete si scusa: Italians are famous for finding leisurely ways to pass the time — whether that's a three-hour Sunday lunch or an afternoon spent people-watching on the piazza. However you spend it, free time is an important topic here. So if you've got a moment to spare, let's talk about keeping ourselves entertained in Italian. For beginners, this is a fairly easy way to up your Italian game with an impressive bit of grammar, while still talking about a simple subject. Don't click away in horror just yet — that basically just means we add a different ending to the verb depending on who we're speaking to or about.
Whatever level your Italian is at, we're sure you'll agree that learning a new language is a great way to keep yourself entertained. Do you have a favourite Italian word, phrase or expression you'd like us to feature?
Iceland may have a population of just over , people all with equally unpronounceable names but that doesn't stop it churning out a stream of globally-renowned people. Take our quiz to discover your Icelandic spirit animal. Search Italy's news in English. News categories Milan Naples Turin More…. Membership My account Gift voucher Corporate Help center. Jobs in Italy Browse jobs Post a vacancy. Email newsletters Newsletter sign-up Edit my subscriptions. Other pages Apartment rentals Noticeboard. Italian word of the day: Entertain yourself for a minute by learning how to use this Italian word.
Per far passare il tempo To pass the time Or alternatively, we can use the verb intrattenersi — to be entertained.
QUIZ: Which influential Icelander are you?
People watch films to be entertained, that's all. This is the intransitive reflexive version of intrattenere - to entertain. Devo trovare altri modi per intrattenermi. I have to find other ways to entertain myself. Cosa fai per intrattenerti tutto il giorno? What do you do to keep yourself entertained all day?
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QUIZ: Which influential Icelander are you?
Join The Local's new travel group on Facebook Thousands march against Italy's new anti-migrant law Italian word of the day: From our sponsors QUIZ: Which influential Icelander are you? This small Mediterranean capital is the perfect winter city break. Latest headlines Good curry in Italy?
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It exists, and it's in Florence.