FACE READING - Stories the Face Can Tell
For Marthie, helping and understanding people is a passion. I always see something positive on a face and do not believe that people are inherently bad, but rather that all of us have experiences in our lives that sometimes cause us to display our less positive personality traits.
Most people tend to focus on the negative. After a face profiling session, I often get asked the question: This is mainly because I can tell so much about people just by looking at their faces. However, there is no funny business about it and does not involve any fortune telling in any way. Anyone can learn the principles of physiognomy and learn how to analyse facial features. It is important to remember that people are vulnerable beings and a profile should be done with the greatest empathy. Marthie also highlights the fact that there is a link between the inner personality traits and the outer facial features.
Chinese Face Reading
Our personalities change over the years and so do our faces. Everything on the face has a meaning, even those dreaded wrinkles. Even Botox users cannot fool her observations. People should cherish their wrinkles, it shows that you are passionate about life and you have learned some valuable lessons. But how does one get involved and carve a career from something so uniquely unknown? According to Marthie, it all started with her inquisitive nature.
We are all interested in understanding the people around you better. She offers face profiling consultations for individuals, as well as compatibility consultations for couples and business partners.
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Marthie says most individuals and partners who book a consultation want to discover more about themselves or their partners. The left ear reveals seven to thirteen, also starting from the top and ending at the lobe. For men it is the left ear from conception to age six and the right ear for age seven to thirteen.
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The nose is another place where we carry our power. Think of past presidents and other leaders and the size of their noses. Former President Bill Clinton is a good example of this. A large nose does not only represent power and leadership but also ambition and self-centeredness. A fleshy nose, on the other hand, shows that a person loves life and what it has to offer. There is a certain joie de vie about them. They are wonderful people to be around. A person with a turned up nose is someone who is generous with their time, money and affection, but must be careful not to overdo it.
A down turned nose says that the person is a good business and finance person.
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Strong lines that run from the nose to the outside of the mouth tells you this person is following their life purpose. The mouth shows us how happy we are in life. When we are negative or feel disappointed in life and we start saying or thinking negative thoughts more often than happy ones our mouth shows it. Our mouths will start to turn down in the corners.
Plus, when we are stressed our lips start to thin out. Negative people tend to have turned down and thin lips, making them hard to work with. A prominent chin shows willpower, stubbornness and stick-to-it-ness. On the other hand, a weak or receding chin is a sign of oppression early in life.
Every face tells a story
As an adult, they may feel they have no power because they were never able to stand up for yourself. Luckily, this can easily be resolved by physically just lifting the chin to make it more prominent which, in turn, will bring back some power. Be careful, because it is easy to overcompensate and become too domineering. The jaw is the "root" of the face.

People that have a strong jaw, can't be easily pushed over. A large jaw tends to tell someone that they can be too controlling this person would make a good sergeant.
A narrow jaw means being more spontaneous and easily swayed. If you are looking for an investor look at the size of their jowls. These are their money bags! Finally, each wrinkle and every mole means something and tells a story.
Face Reading: How to Know Anyone at a Glance: Barbara Roberts: www.newyorkethnicfood.com: Books
In Chinese face-reading, moles are considered extra lucky, so as long as the mole is healthy, it never is a good idea to remove your luck! The location of the mole will tell you what area you will have the most strength in. Jean warns how society views wrinkles and encourages us to see them differently.