Embracing the Light: Divorce Awakens an Inner Goddess
Two and a half years ago I decided to go back to school to become a certified holistic health coach. As part of the program, we were supposed to pick and meet weekly with one of our peers and practice coaching each other. When Kami waltzed in the room, I cringed. She had her head held high, and offered me a firm, confident handshake and a brilliant smile. As we talked, the image began to crumble. Yes, Kami was the proud mother of a seven-year-old son.
Yes, she lived in a mountain resort town.
- Awaken Your Inner Goddess Program.
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- Michelle L. Casto.
Yes, her husband earned a six-figure income and she wanted for nothing, materially speaking. Yet, on the inside, she was wilting. She suffered from depression, anxiety, and digestive issues. To top it all off, her marriage was on the fritz and she and her spouse frequently argued.
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As she spoke, I saw myself. I too was in a failing marriage that within a year would end in divorce. I too coped by starving myself and exercising obsessively. I too frequently fought with my then-husband. That someone would see past the masks I had created. We both failed miserably.
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In April of , I had a rude awakening: I realized I was living my life for someone else. Just as Kami was living her life for her son and her husband — and to a greater extent — societal expectations, I too was living my life for my then-husband and my job. Over the past two years I realized my main problem: I was defining my worth through what I did rather than who I was, but then found myself resentful of the constant do-ing for everyone else. I had had enough.
Law of Attraction Audiobook | Michelle Casto | www.newyorkethnicfood.com
By the end of the year, I had gotten a divorce, broken my heel twice in one year, turned 40, moved, and dove headfirst into my eating disorder as I withdrew from everyone and I everything I knew. But in the midst of the chaos of my life, I found myself. I found my peace and solace. I healed my heart.

I healed my eating disorder. I healed my relationship with myself. I too still make mistakes, have lessons to learn, and have bad days. As chances for me to get to know and truly embrace the woman in the mirror, the real, honest-to-God authentic me. I know because I was one of them.
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That was me two-and-a-half years ago. When I met with Mary she put me at ease right away. She is kind, thoughtful and astoundingly insightful. She explained everything clearly and helped me develop a plan that was easy to follow, attainable, and coupled with logical, common-sense advice that, a year later, is still relevant and applicable. By working with me, you will: How did I do it?
I had my best friend and peer health coach.
I had my therapist, my dietician, my psychiatrist. Michelle Casto Narrated by: Add to Cart failed. Please try again later. Add to Wish List failed.
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Breakthrough to Greatness
Casto , Patrick Jones Jr. Michelle Lynn Casto Length: Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography.
- Two and a half years ago, this was me:.
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- Awaken Your Inner Goddess Program - Awakening the Goddess Within.