Trono de Cristal (Trono de Cristal 1) (Spanish Edition)
Dorian I didn't enjoy either of them. I think there are much better books out there. The second book only really serves to make Celaena even more "special …more I didn't enjoy either of them. The second book only really serves to make Celaena even more "special snowflake". Celaena is too over-the-top powerful and special, her skills are mentioned but barely ever shown, the narration boasts and boasts that "she's awesome, really!
That and she constantly puts down other women because she's "not like them" and shames them for daring to fancy the people she likes. If a woman isn't Celaena or her friend, they're basically depicted as an idiot, liar or otherwise corrupt. I honestly think this series is among the worst I've ever read.
Do you think this book is appropriate for 6th graders Chelsey Westergard The first book was pretty clean, although "dark". I couldn't finish the 5th book though. It took a big turn and had some pretty descriptive sex …more The first book was pretty clean, although "dark".
It took a big turn and had some pretty descriptive sex scenes. It didn't need all that garbage, so I didn't finish the series. This book also makes light of lying, stealing, killing, and cheating. It almost promotes them as good qualities. The story was interesting so I kept reading but shouldn't have. Definitely not a feel good book. See all questions about Trono de cristal….
Lists with This Book. But I saw the whole series in spiffy hardcover on sale at Costco and so, of course, I responsibly bought only the first one to make sure I liked it before buying more bought the whole damn series in one go because, well, no impulse control. I look forward to the next one. Since, as I said, I already have the next one, and the one after that View all 57 comments. This is a very popular series. Listen to me here, if I were a fantasy fan when I was a teenager, I would have definitely read this book.
But you know, my relationship with fantasy hasn't been lit for the last years , so I hadn't picked it up. I started loving fantasy again this year because of A Court of Thorns and Roses , a book I bought because I needed it for my uni thesis, not because I was interested in reading fantasy again.
I haven't read fantasy since I have a million fantasy series to catch up to. After serving out a year of hard labor in the salt mines of Endovier for her crimes, year-old assassin Celaena Sardothien is dragged before the Crown Prince. Prince Dorian offers her her freedom on one condition: Her opponents are men-thieves and assassins and warriors from across the empire, each sponsored by a member of the king's council. If she beats her opponents in a series of eliminations, she'll serve the kingdom for four years and then be granted her freedom.
Celaena finds her training sessions with the captain of the guard, Westfall, challenging and exhilarating. But she's bored stiff by court life. Things get a little more interesting when the prince starts to show interest in her Then one of the other contestants turns up dead Can Celaena figure out who the killer is before she becomes a victim? As the young assassin investigates, her search leads her to discover a greater destiny than she could possibly have imagined.
I had very high expectations for this book which were partially met. As I said before, my first Sarah J. Maas book is A Court of Thorns and Roses , which is the her latest series. Most of you have read Throne of Glass first and then A Court of Thorns and Roses , and you have experienced her writing flourish. I read her better book first.
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I can see now that she has improved so much, her writing is so much better now. Some things in the writing of this book weren't my thing, like repetitions of some phrases, "assassin" being referred to Celaena the whole entire time which bugged me a bit , poor choice of words at some parts. But I recognized Sarah in this book. I can recognize her writing style now, and I truly love it. From the badass main character with the hard to pronounce name which reminded me of Daenerys Targaryen to the championship which was like the Triwizard Tournament in Goblet of Fire , the vibes were fucking lit yo!
The world Sarah J. Maas has created in this book was so immersive, I was so into it when I was reading the book. I wasn't even confused with all the names and places and words, it all came natural to me. I can see how after this book, the world will expand to an enormous extend with magic and Fae and so many new characters appearing, and I'm here for it! The multiple character perspectives was a surprise to me. Celaena owns the most chapters, but we can see things told from mostly all the characters, even the fucking King which is something I was surprised about as it does not happen in her other series.
The multiple character POVs. And I relish in the fact that we can explore things from numerous viewpoints. I didn't expect her character to be like this, to be honest. The book description suggested a ruthless, cold-hearted killer, and I expected as much. But her compassion and her kindness and her passion for multiple things showed from the very first pages. She is a merciless assassin who can end you with a snap of her finger but she has also kept her personality.
Her humor, her quirkiness. I can relate to them so much easier. I immensely appreciated her friendship with Nehemia and that it wasn't ruined at the end. I was so scared about this. I loathe when they make female characters hate each other in books, especially about a love interest! Girls need to stick together! I want to see more of her in the future books. I'm sure we will, but it was left kind of wonky in this book. I suspected her too, in the middle of the book, and I was certain it was her, orchestrating everything.
But it was Cain. It was anticlimactic, to be totally honest. I wanted it to be someone else. We all expected Cain, and it was Cain.
Sarah J. Maas
I didn't believe it would be him, I was certain there would be a plot twist, at the end, or something. I love both Dorian and Chaol, both for different reasons. I'm so fond of the relationships Celaena holds with both of them. They're so different, and yet they both mean so much to her. Their scenes were cuter, and I think they have more things in common. They made me feels so many things! And then we have scenes with Chaol and I was back in that train again. I will choose for you, but for myself. The one moment she found Dorian extremely attractive and she wanted to kiss him, and the next she found Chaol handsome and she wanted to spend more and more time with him.
I was as much confused as she is. But I'm delighted that the author didn't make the romance the main part of the book. She didn't portray Celaena as a character who depends on a man to save her, or to make her feels special or anything alike. She would have been fine without them as love interests in her life. Furthermore, I have to talk about Nox. What a wasted opportunity on a character. We basically saw nothing of him. But I kept thinking about his character. I hope we see him again. It dragged more than it should, to be honest, but it was breathtaking. Sarah knows how to write a good jaw-dropping ending.
There was so much information throughout this whole battle, that I had to reread some parts to totally grasp what was going on. It was so intense and magical and out of this world. I was so proud of my GIRL for still being strong and trying to fight even though she was drugged.
She made me believe, at some parts, that she would win. May we never see this bitch again. I know we will see her again, but fuck her. I don't want to see her lying ass point of view again. To sum it all up, this was a pretty strong beginning to a series. I only gave it 4 stars because it didn't overwhelm me. I keep comparing it to A Court of Thorns and Roses, which is like my favorite series, at the moment.
I can't stop comparing these two series, damn it. But I loved it nonetheless and I'm waiting for the next book, Crown of Midnight , to arrive. I'm actually pretty excited, cause I have heard these books get so much better. So till the next one View all 14 comments. Fandoms have never been my thing.
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Well, since Harry Potter. Then I came across her books because of the hype and I am grateful to have found people as loony over it as I am. And this book in particular as it was my least Reread x 4! And this book in particular as it was my least favourite. But it helped reading The Assassin's Blade before Throne of Glass as it delved deeper into Celaena's character and one is able to form a connection with her.
Her skills as an assassin aren't really explored in Throne of Glass, it's all talk and no action. But reading the prequel novellas, you are able to see how hardcore and badass she actually is, thus accepting the all talk and no action that happens in Throne of Glass. I love the characters, the world and Maas's writing. I always feel so wrapped in it! So many hints were dropped in this book that are explored in the other books. I loved being able to pick up on them this time round and appreciate that Maas cleverly plants those points in her books and later builds up upon them so thoroughly.
View all 21 comments. But this first book just isn't as strong for me. The sheer scope of the worldbuilding in this series is phenomenal, so check it out if you like fantasy! The Crown Prince Dorian, Chaol the Captain of the Guard , and a couple other characters who will matter later all arrive at Endovier to retrieve Celaena for a competition to be the King's Champion. It has a Hunger Games feel to it as all of the assassins train with various weapons and slowly get eliminated. But then tons of awesome stuff with Wyrdmarks and portals and fae history gets woven in and the competition becomes even more threatening The "evil" plot in this book is just a shadow of the amazing tangled mess it turns into eventually.
The writing style in this book was a bit hard for me to get into with all of the exclamations When I first read Throne of Glass a few years ago I gave it 2 stars because I was expecting some badass assassin but then thought I got a snarky immature mean girl who's obsessed with dresses and boys. But that also kind of shows how amazing these books become if I could eventually come to connect so much with the same character. The reader is mostly told over and over that Celaena is an amazing assassin who could skin someone without a blade.
But all I really saw was some arrogant girl whose main focus was how much she wanted to kiss the prince. And if she's the "world's greatest assassin," would she seriously eat several pounds of candy someone just left anonymously in her room?! I initially ended up skimming most of the first book and didn't pick up the sequel for another few years worst choice ever. BUT I took everything in this book waaaay differently after I read The Assassin's Blade and the rest of the series and saw everything Celaena went through before she went to Endovier.
Now when I read this book I mostly want to hug her instead of punch her. Things I've liked every time I've read this book: I know some people recommend reading the The Assassin's Blade first I don't think I would've cared as much about the characters in those novellas if I hadn't read the main books first. But I also think the novellas might help with understanding Celaena in this book!
So either way works. Oh, and I totally love the parallels between Maas characters and worlds. Quotes like "Lady Lillian belongs to herself and no one else," "the stars who gazed back," and "if they tried to take her from him, he'd rip the world apart with his bare hands" always make me smile. Basically this first book is a fun story, but it absolutely pales in comparison with the sequels! This is a series people either love or hate I really haven't seen any neutral opinions. Everyone seems to make up their mind at the end of the second book, so maybe give that a chance if you're on the fence.
For a year, those words had meant the difference between breaking and bending; they had kept her from shattering in the darkness of the mines. This time however I only gave the book four stars. XD Well anyway, never mind my biased and completely subjective opinion! To read what she had to endure in Endovier always breaks my heart and even after reading the book for the second time it still gave me the chills when she talked about what happened in the salt mines.
I guess Dorian does too. Mine just happen to be more visible than most. Yet there was something in his eyes, strikingly blue — the color of the waters of the southern countries —and the way they contrasted with his raven-black hair that made her pause. I just love Dorian Havilliard!!! I mean seriously, who could resist such a cutiepie?! There were so many awesome and tender moments between those two and then she decides for Chaol?!
I mean how could she not fall for him? I love that he prefers books over fighting and that he stands by his convictions!! It was so much fun when Celaena kind of called him a whoremonger and all he did was to be amused by it. I want more of this fierce Dorian and I hope to see a lot of him in the second book! It would mean the death of my soul. Not in this world. This is the world where I only picked you to be my Champion because I knew it would annoy my father.
He loved her, and no empire, no king, and no earthly fear would keep him away from her. Chaol Westfall, the captain of the royal guard. After all, his easy banter with Celaena was at least as adorable as the interactions between Dorian and the assassin. Still, Chaol has a soldiers mind and always seems to think about his duty first. He seems to be calculating and he still sees Celaena as a threat. XD Oh well, I guess I just said something negative about him after all. I know what you went through in Endovier.
I know what my people endure there, day after day. But you did not let the mines harden you; you did not let it shame your soul into cruelty. XD I think Nehemia is an awesome character and I hope that Celaena and her will stay friends forever! You could basically say that Nehemia is everything I want in a friend.
What more can you ask for? Also this was a buddy read with my precious Gem! Just in case you wondered: Yes, this was me keeping it short and simple! View all 37 comments. This book was awesome! The main character Celaena is smart, funny, and totally kick-ass. The romantic interests are both great in their own ways--the kind of love triangle I can definitely get on board with.
The story ended up surprising me in all the best ways and the world is shaping up to be very cool. There was quite a bit of set-up and world building in this first book, but mostly it just made me super excited to get to the second book and see how this is all going to come into play! If you This book was awesome! View all 18 comments. View all 42 comments. And deep down, you know it, too. I must say, This was a pleasant surprise: I wasn't sure what to expect going into this and I'm thrilled to say I was not disappointed.
This was the first time reading an Sarah J. Maas book and I thoroughly enjoyed her writing and her world building and her characters very very much! The characters were well formed and I'm looking forward to more development. Throne of Glass held me captive and I couldn't put it down. Though I will admit the first half was a bit slow but about the midpoint, it picked up and got really interesting. There were a few parts in which I did roll my eyes but nothing I couldn't live with. This first book had a lot of likable characters, and fun dialogue. It was filled with mystery, action, a competition, political intrigue, deception, and a hint of magic, fae, destiny, and romance blended in.
There is a lot jammed into this first book. Something is always happening, it's engaging and fast-paced for the most part. The plot twists were Throne of Glass also has a hint at a love triangle to keep me guessing on the romance. I personally don't mind this trope. The women seem to be the main focus and I loved that. Speaking of which our heroine is Celaena Sarothien, the greatest assassin of Adarlan and she's one truly kick-ass heroine: D Celaena is passionate, rude, teasing at times, witty, carefree and she seems to have a short fuse and is quick to anger.
She is also meticulous in her appearance so, in other words, she's a bit vain but she's a badass and could kill anyone at any time, So I'll overlook that.
Trono De Cristal Saga Sarah Mass- Spanish
Celaena also befriends Princess Nehemia. I love her so much and I pray she's in the rest of this series! She also befriends Nox, he's in the competition as well and I really like him a lot. I don't know which way the love interests will unfold but as of right now I Love Chaol way more than Prince Dorian So at this very moment, I am TeamChaol!! It's definitely a great start and this series has so many possibilities for future books: All in all, I'd say this book deserves a solid 4 stars! Elizabeth Evans Narrator did an excellent job.
If you love listening to audios you don't want to miss this one: D I absolutely love this cover too btw! But it makes no difference if my name's Celaena or Lillian or Bitch because I'd still beat you, no matter what you call me. View all 11 comments. I have been looking for a decent fantasy series since finishing a song of ice and fire and I have found one! The characters, the story, the world building were all brilliant and really made this book stand out. At times the fantasy element was hard to follow but that kind of made it that bit more intriguing! You know that it's going to be a good fantasy book when there's a map!
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I will definitely be reading the rest of this series asap! View all 8 comments. I initially wanted to give 5 stars, because this novel is filled to the brim with suspense and mystery. Especially the dialouges had me laughing all the time. The thing that bothered me, though, was the ending. It just felt like too much was happening at the same time and the well plotted story suddenly became a mess.
Also, I am really tired of love triangles. Anyway, I enjoyed it lots and can only recommend it to everyone who loved Graceling by Kristin Cashore, or the other way around. Find more of my books on Instagram That said, so many people warned me about the writing 0. That said, so many people warned me about the writing in this book not matching up to the level that SJM is at right now, that I half expected it to read quite poorly in Thankfully, while it certainly is my least favorite of her books, I still found it to be a solidly enjoyable read!
I definitely think it helps that I read the novellas first, which depict her in a much better light than this book does. Still, the image haunted his dreams throughout the night: While I absolutely adore the way she writes romance now, and I even loved what existed in the novellas, the love triangle in this book is awkward, clumsy, and downright laughable at times—it was easily the biggest contribution to my lowering the book to a 4-star rating.
There is a lot of solid banter between Celaena and both men, however, and I definitely prized the friendship she created with them both. She was surprised that her hands had not forgotten, that somewhere in her mind, after a year of darkness and slavery, music was still alive and breathing. That somewhere, between the notes, was Sam. She forgot about time as she drifted between pieces, voicing the unspeakable, opening old wounds, playing and playing as the sound forgave and saved her.
SJM just has this manner to her stories that captivates me from the start, and this was no exception. SJM is one of my favorite authors of all time, and she definitely did not let me down with Throne of Glass! View all 10 comments. It's always interesting to revisit books years after you've read them in a different format. The first time I read Throne of Glass, I wasn't really impressed with the writing, though I was relatively drawn into the story as a whole. However, this time around, with the audio I actually connected with the romance between Dorian and Celaena so much better.
Which It's always interesting to revisit books years after you've read them in a different format. Which is why I think "reading objectively" is a steaming pile of horse shit. Anyway, I'm looking for Crown of Midnight now! Rereading this in prep for Empire of Storms. Can we just appreciate how clever Maas is? I'm seeing so many little hints about things to come. This flows so much better the second time around now that I know where the story is really headed. It has been a long time coming. This book and I got off to a very rocky start.
I almost quit this for good This series has become a favorite of mine Update This series has become a favorite of mine. I wasn't completely sold. It took me nearly 2 years to convince myself to finish this book. I started with the audiobook The narrator made this series sound like a soap opera.. So what made me decide to pick this book back up again after nearly 2 years? I'm not even kidding. Basically pinterest is littered with it. All book fan art eventually leads back to ToG fan art- I kid you not.
So after all the freakishly awesome art There has to be something to this series if its that popular.
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I quickly found that this book was right up my alley. So dadadada I read the book So let me break it down a little bit first, then tell you what you can look forward to. What I didn't love to start, and why I'm totally fine with it now. Celaena's starting point While I really enjoyed the settings and the general vibe, I had a hard time getting on board with Celaena..
It wasn't because she was sassy or strong willed I love that about her. I think it was the constant "batting eyelashes" and childish gestures that SJM kept writing into her. Don't worry, that fades pretty quickly. SJM was young when she wrote this one.. The love triangle I adored both Chaol and Dorian for different reasons still do but just know The triangle is resolved and does NOT make a reappearance in the rest of the series. It worries me at first but don't let this be a deterrent!

The evil dudes just being evil for the sake of being evil There wasn't ton of depth involved in some of the villainous characters. But I'll say this Set up, baby, set up. What can you look forward to then for the next books? Did you know that since , Biblio has used its profits to build 12 public libraries in rural villages of South America?
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