The Near East, The Cradle of Western Civilization
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Description This book is an elegant account of the development of the great ancient civilizations of the Near East and how did the knowledge of the people of the Orient spread over the surrounding regions. Salem , Sema'an I. Paper Back Publishing Date: Between and BC, the population in the eastern half of the Olmec heartland dropped precipitously. These changes may have been triggered by tectonic upheavals or subsidence, or the silting up of rivers due to agricultural practices.
The Tres Zapotes site, on the western edge of the Olmec heartland, continued to be occupied well past BC, but without the hallmarks of the Olmec culture. The Olmecs are sometimes referred to as the mother culture of Mesoamerica, as they were the first Mesoamerican civilization and laid many of the foundations for the civilizations that followed. The following timeline shows the approximate dates of the emergence of civilization in the featured areas and the primary Neolithic cultures preceding them.
It is important to note that the timeline is not indicative of the beginning of human habitation, or the start of a specific ethnic group; which often occurred significantly earlier than the emergence of civilization proper. There is academic consensus that Classical Greece is the seminal culture which provided the foundation of modern Western culture , democracy, theatre, historiography, philosophy, mathematics and science. For this reason it is known as the cradle of Western Civilization.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Near East Europe India China. Neolithic Revolution , Urban revolution , and Chalcolithic. History of Mesopotamia , History of Sumer , and Sumer. History of China , Xia dynasty , and Erlitou culture. Ancient Peru and Norte Chico civilization. Mesoamerican chronology and Olmec civilization. The Colosseum and the Acropolis , symbols of the Graeco-Roman world. Via the Roman Empire , Greek culture spread throughout Europe.
Using U-Pb dating of zircon sand grains they found that sediments typical of the Beas, Sutlej and Yamuna rivers Himalayan tributaries of the Indus are actually present in former Ghaggar-Hakra channels. However, sediment contributions from these glacial-fed rivers stopped at least by 10, years ago, well before the development of the Indus civilisation.
They also concluded that this contradicted the idea of a Harappan-time mighty "Sarasvati" river. The Bronze Age village and urban societies of the Indus Valley are some-thing of an anomaly, in that archaeologists have found little indication of local defense and regional warfare.

It would seem that the bountiful monsoon rainfall of the Early to Mid-Holocene had forged a condition of plenty for all, and that competitive energies were channeled into commerce rather than conflict. Scholars have long argued that these rains shaped the origins of the urban Harappan societies, which emerged from Neolithic villages around BC. It now appears that this rainfall began to slowly taper off in the third millennium, at just the point that the Harappan cities began to develop. Thus it seems that this "first urbanisation" in South Asia was the initial response of the Indus Valley peoples to the beginning of Late Holocene aridification.
These cities were maintained for to years and then gradually abandoned as the Harappan peoples resettled in scattered villages in the eastern range of their territories, into the Punjab and the Ganges Valley A Reconsideration," Quaternary Science Reviews 25 , — Compare with the very different interpretations in Possehl, Gregory L.
The Ancient Near East, an introduction
A Contemporary Perspective , Rowman Altamira, pp. The figure may have been carved by a later civilization onto an ancient gourd, as it was found in strata dating between and AD. Archaeology in the "Cradle of Civilization. A History of Ancient and Early medieval India: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus.
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A Primary Source Cultural Guide. The Rosen Publishing Group. Archived from the original on April 22, Archived from the original PDF on Archived from the original on Behavioral Ecology and the Transition to Agriculture.
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University of California Press. Retrieved 27 December The Origins of Agricultural Societies. Retrieved 18 April The Eden that Never Was. Egypt, Canaan, and Israel in Ancient Times. Russell; Manolis, Sotiris K.
The Cradles of Western Civilization Mesopotamia & The Ancient Hebrews.
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Cradle of civilization
Syntactic Change in Akkadian: The Evolution of Sentential Complementation. Oxford University Press US. Sanders ed Margins of Writing, Origins of Culture: Their History, Culture, and Character. University of Chicago Press. Mark William Chavalas, ed. The ancient Near East: The Roots of Hinduism: The Early Aryans and the Indus Civilisation. Encyclopedia of Ancient Asian Civilizations. From the third millennium to the seventh century B. The World's Writing Systems. Deciphering the Indus Script. Retrieved 7 November Prehistory and Harappan Civilization. Lal , pp.
History of Urban Form: Before the Industrial Revolutions Third ed. Retrieved 20 May In Search of the Cradle of Civilization: New Light on Ancient India. The End or the Beginning of an Asian Culture? Archived from the original PDF on 25 December Retrieved 29 May Retrieved 18 May Maugh II 28 May The Quest for the Origins of Vedic Culture. Kiss of the Yogini. The Cambridge Illustrated History of China.
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Archived from the original on 26 January Retrieved 26 January Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. National Academy of Sciences. Archeological Papers of the American Anthropological Association. The Hall of Ma'at. The Maritime Foundations of Andean Civilization. The named reference Caral was invoked but never defined see the help page. The named reference Shady was invoked but never defined see the help page. Archived from the original on February 9, The Oxford Handbook of Mesoamerican Archaeology.
American Association For the Advancement of Science. Washburn, and Richard E. Retrieved 3 March Steven; Schnell, Raymond J. Naylor, Dahia Ibo Shabaka, Olmec Archaeology and Early Mesoamerica. Cambridge and New York: Alternatively, the mutilation of these monuments may be unrelated to the decline and abandonment of San Lorenzo.
Some researchers believe that the mutilation had ritualistic aspects, particularly since most mutilated monuments were reburied in a row. Settlement Patterns in the Ancient Gulf Lowlands. University of Arizona Press. London and New York: Encyclopedia of the Modern Olympic Movement. History of Philosophy Volume 1: Art and History of Greece: Archaeological Tourism in Post-Modern Society.
Cradle of Western Culture Series , disc. Current Issues and the Study of Ancient History. Greece has long been considered the seedbed or cradle of Western civilization. Ancient Greece is often called the cradle of western civilization. Ideas from literature and science also have their roots in ancient Greece.
The Birth of Western Civilization: Geographicus Rare Antique Maps".