Naughty: Twos Enough, Threes a Crowd
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They're playing game and not loyal to each other. I like all them characters but each characters made me laugh and smh. I will start to rereading on Naughty 2 on this Friday. Jan 21, Teaguem rated it liked it.
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Jaylin wasn't the absolute worst in this book as he evolves in the series. I have a unique perspective since I read the series in reverse. The main issue I have is the lack of consistency in the amount of time Jaylin spent in the orphanage. I peeped it in book 3 but thought I incorrectly recalled but I just went back to book2 and there it was again.
I suppose continuity isn't easy to maintain when writing a series but if the crux of who this man has become is because of that mitigating factor th Jaylin wasn't the absolute worst in this book as he evolves in the series. I suppose continuity isn't easy to maintain when writing a series but if the crux of who this man has become is because of that mitigating factor then it should be preserved at all cost! Jul 05, J. Sapphire rated it it was amazing.
Naughty : two's enough, three's a crowd - Jericho Public Library
Where do I start He's young, successful, and sexy, but also a whore, a womanizer, and woman beater. He's already stringing two naive women along when he meets Scorpio.. And being the idiot that he is, Jaylin thinks he's in love with her, and kicks his other two women to the curb Being the arrogant jerk that he is, he manages to juggle all three, unt Where do I start Being the arrogant jerk that he is, he manages to juggle all three, until Nokea- the one he truly has feelings for- leaves him and ends up with his best friend, Stephon.
I was rooting for Nokea and Stephon, but he proved to be a bigger man whore than Jaylin. With all the lying, two-timing, and creeping going on, I see why so many single people choose to stay single. These characters threw out the word love, like it was going out of style Jaylin seems to get his act together by the end of the book, but it still wasn't enough to make me like him. With all that being said, this was a great story, and I will definitely be reading this series to find out what happens with these crazy people.
Jun 26, Gina Pierre-paul rated it it was amazing. Jalen is so selfish I'm just so annoyed with him all through this book. Stephon needs good beating his betrayal was deep. Nokea was just blinded by her love for jalen , I hope she didn't do what I think she did.
Brenda Hampton
I'm surprised it took me so long to read this and I will! Continue to read the whole series. Dec 21, UrbanHooks rated it liked it. A little unbelievable I was entertained and finished the entire story.
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- Two's Enough Three's A Crowd!
- Sharia & The Gays?
- Reward Yourself;
- Ready to Trust.
At many points throughout the story, I found myself rolling my eyes hard. Some of the things that went on seemed unrealistic for people at their level.
Maybe if the characters were younger or not professional it would have sold me. This book is crazy. How these women just allow one man to continue to do as he please is beyond me. Dec 23, Shay Babb rated it really liked it. You know a storyline is good when you wanna throat punch everyone for being the biggest dummies ever! Lol a few errors but it doesn't take away from the story. I hate Jaylin and I hate that I was beginning to feel sorry for him! Jan 03, Kedma Guillory rated it liked it. First of all the premise of having these three women at your beck and call was degrading to women.
I can't with this book in the end it got better. Kimber rated it it was amazing Dec 28, LaTes Phillips rated it it was amazing Mar 02, Shaconda Warren rated it it was amazing Feb 26, Trina Ladybug rated it it was amazing Apr 05, Johnny O Flenory rated it it was amazing May 20, Regina Sanders rated it it was amazing Jan 15, Renita rated it really liked it Apr 22, Tamica rated it liked it Feb 23, S rated it really liked it Feb 23, Brianna rated it it was amazing Apr 16, Catterin Echeverry rated it did not like it Mar 13, Gail Dunnings rated it liked it Jan 03, Tameaka Looney rated it it was amazing Jan 04, Sherry rated it it was amazing Sep 19, Tameca Boyce rated it it was amazing Jan 25, Natalie Carter rated it it was amazing Dec 24, Keela rated it really liked it Jul 19, Kay rated it really liked it Apr 08, She's his guardian angel and is there for Jaylin through the tough times he's bound to face.
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Naughty: Two's Enough, Three's a Crowd
When she is not writing, Hampton manages her own insurance business in the St. Book ratings by Goodreads. Goodreads is the world's largest site for readers with over 50 million reviews. We're featuring millions of their reader ratings on our book pages to help you find your new favourite book.